Showing posts with label Sidney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sidney. Show all posts

16 November 2011

Sidney, BC, Canada / Enumclaw, Washington Bolide Meteor Fireball 15NOV2011

Sidney, BC, Canada Meteor 19:50 15NOV2011
We saw a fireball speed across the sky in a S to S/E direction. In the direction of the ocean and Sidney Spit. It was bright orange and red and sped low across the sky. -Michael F. Thank you Michael!

Abbotsford, British Columbia Canada Meteor 7:40 pm PST 15NOV2011
I saw a big fireball fall to the earth at about 7:40pm it looked like it was a burning plane for a second it was so big!! Looked like it would have touched down just on the US border;it would have landed near Washington US border it was orange and white, i was in South Langley on 248th Street when i saw it ...robyn  Thank you Robyn!

Victoria, BC Canada Meteor 7:38 PST 15NOV2011
At 7:38 pm on Tuesday, November 15th, I watched a large whitish blue fireball cross the sky almost horizontally from north west to south east. It lasted about 5 seconds and then completely disappeared. At first it looked like a large shining satellite and then grew larger and brighter like a welder's torch. The size of the light before it disappeared was as big as a streetlight from about 300 feet. It was beautiful, astonishing and strange all at once. We thought it may have been space junk burning up.-Pauline James  Thank you Pauline!

Enumclaw, Washington Fireball Meteor ~7:55 pm PST 15NOV2011
Saw the fireball last night, Nov. 15, 2011 at about 7:55pm. It was huge and VERY close! The colors were greens, blues, oranges, white, reds and a purple color; and the tail was the same colors and was almost as wide as the fireball itself. It was headed in a southeasterly direction. I couldn't hear anything but every single dog around was barking - they must have been able to hear something. A friend Facebooked me and said she saw it over Richland, Washington as well.  We live in Enumclaw, Washington (just outside Seattle) and I saw a HUGE fireball with a long tail shooting across the sky in a southeasterly direction. It was awesome and a bit scary, way too close! I've never seen anything like it! I'm so excited about seeing it - glad I was outside at the right time! Does anyone know where it hit?
I saw something similar back in 1989 while living in Sun Valley, Idaho. It wasn't this big, or close though. AWESOME!!!!-Dee Ann  Thank you Dee Ann!

Meteor to report?
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!