Showing posts with label Oregon Washington Large Bolide 21SEP2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oregon Washington Large Bolide 21SEP2010. Show all posts

23 September 2010

Fireball event over Oregon and Washington Thursday, September 23, 2010 5:46 AM

Fireball event over Oregon and Washington
At 6:00 a.m., yesterday, Tuesday September 21st, fishermen
along the Deschutes river near the Columbia river witness a
large fireball traveling from the South to the North. It
broke into multiple pieces with numerous bursts and disruptions. They saw glowing pieces moving beyond the fireballs. The light from the fireball cast shadows and illuminated the ground as dawn was approaching. Several photographs were taken of the fireball and the contrail that remained in the sky after the event. Bob Toman a river guide sitting in his jet sled at the mouth of the Deschutes where it flows into the Columbia river said that it was close to dark there on the river but the contrail was illuminated by the rising sunlight.
E.T. posted on Meteorite List