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"Click on image to enlarge" OH PA TN Meteor Sightings 15APR2013 v.1 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth |
Please post a link and bookmark- http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/
If you witnessed a meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
15APR2013 Michelle Shaffer New Stanton Pa USA 20:25:00 6 seconds South to West A bright green Around the same as the sun no Never saw one so bright
15APR2013 R Fig Kingsport, TN. USA 20:16:00 12 sec SE to NW, facing East White, BRIGHT, Sizzling, half moon size Moon No Had a tail, Super bright
15APR2013 Steve Columbus, Ohio USA 2014 EST 1 - 2 sec Southern sky, heading due West White, flaming w/ trail Brighter than the moon No visible fragmentation None
15APR2013 Chris Massillon, Ohio 8:40 eastern time USA 6 sec East to west Very bright light Sun very bright No Could not get picture fast enough
15APR2013 Cheryl Ledford In southwest sky; Orrville, Oh USA 8:14 pm EST estimating 3 seconds Driving south; right to left ball of fire with smoke trail; then burned out maybe as moon; orange none noted ball of fire; then gone!
All Meteor Sighting Reports can be seen at-
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!