Showing posts with label Northern Sweden Meteor Fireball 19APR2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Northern Sweden Meteor Fireball 19APR2011. Show all posts

19 April 2011

Northern Sweden Giant Meteor Fireball 19APR2011

Northern Sweden Giant Meteor Fireball  02,35-02,40 CET 19APR2011
Apr 19 2011, 4:01 PM Tokyo Timestamp
Swede (guest) wrote:: Hello! Did see a giant fireball burning for as long as i could see it during 02,35-02,40 CET Northern Sweden. It moved from west to east Real GIANT!!! The tail was about two fingers thick when you hold your arm out. I presume that it hit somewhere in Finland, or even Russia... or in the sea. If it didn`t burn up of course. But this one was SUPER HUGE! Normally I see meteors from my truck. but this was really exceptional! Anyone know where I can search for info about it?  Swede if you read this please email me; thank you!
You are searching in the correct place on this site.  Thank you Swede for your report!

Anyone else see this event?  Email