Showing posts with label New Brunswick / Nova Scotia Canada Meteor 22DEC2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Brunswick / Nova Scotia Canada Meteor 22DEC2011. Show all posts

23 December 2011

New Brunswick / Nova Scotia, Canada Meteor 22DEC2011

New Brunswick / Nova Scotia, Canada Meteor ~20:25 AST 22DEC2011

22DEC2011 Carl Moncton, NB, Canada 20:25 atlantic 5-6 sec W-L to R bright blue W/long orange tail very beight ,almost as the sun is can't tell for sure didn't expect to see a meteor in December

22DEC2011 Sheona Adams Miramichi, NB, Canada 20:25:00 8 seconds W-N Orange yellow sphere shape ball of fire with large fire tail Very bright Harvest moon shade Not that I saw Absolutely Amazing. I am a regular meteor shower observer but this was beyond any experience. I would never have seen it but forgot something in my vehicle and had turned around just at the right time.

22Dec2011 Dana Dares  Shelburne,N.S. Canada 20:26:00 2-3 seconds n to e steep rate of decline orange ball ,very bright moon not seen largest i've seen

22Dec2011 Guy Gautreau Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada 2025 3 sec left to right orange moon yes no pic

For all sighting reports for DEC2011 see:

Any other sighting reports? Please report: Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? See the Report Button at the top sidebar. Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2011 The Year of Meteors!