Showing posts with label Michael Boschat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Boschat. Show all posts

02 November 2010

Not Canadian Geese- Wipe Off Your Lens 3NOV2010

Canadian Goose is a Swan- Hartley 2
Comet Hartley 2- Droppings from Cygnus the Swan 
(photo source: Wikipedia ca.1825, England)
  If Comet Hartley 2 is going to produce a meteor shower, tonight is the night.
  According to experts, there is a slim chance that dust from the comet could hit Earth's atmosphere on Nov. 2nd and 3rd, producing a slow flurry of meteors streaming from the constellation Cygnus. If you're out after sunset,
Clear skies
Michael Boschat
Halifax Center- Royal Astronomical Society of Canada"
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