Showing posts with label MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot Triggers on Large Bolide Meteor Fireball Alberta Saskatchewan 21FEB2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot Triggers on Large Bolide Meteor Fireball Alberta Saskatchewan 21FEB2012. Show all posts

22 February 2012

Breaking News - MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot Triggers on Large Bolide Meteor Over Alberta, Saskatchewan Seconds ago! 21FEB2012

Breaking News - MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot Triggers on Large Bolide Meteor Over Alberta,  Saskatchewan Seconds ago! ~20:40 MST/ ~21:40 CST 21FEB2012
Several hundreds of MBIQ Bot Strikes and about 85 reports some with sonics reported! Updates to continue....check back ...  Meteorites possibly produced!!!
Alberta/Saskatchewan, Canada Bolide Meteor~20:40 MST 21FEB2012
Neon Markers= Sighting Reports
Red Circle Markers= Sandia Sentinel Allsky Cameras
(click on image to enlarge)
v.1 (c) 2012 LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross...Tokyo / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - May be used for Media publication IF BOTH Citatation and Link to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News  . 
Alberta/Saskatchewan, Canada Bolide Meteor~20:40 MST Sonics Map 21FEB2012
Neon Markers= Sighting Reports
Red Circle w/ Signal Mark= Sonics Reports
Red Circle Marker= Sandia Sentinel Allsky Cameras
(click on image to enlarge)
v.1 (c) 2012 LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross...Tokyo / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - May be used for Media publication IF BOTH Citatation and Link to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News  . 
IF anyone captured this meteor on dashcam, security camera, or hard pix please email me and share a copy. Your video will be shared with other researchers; thank you.  I will post it if suitable and cite your credit. 
LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Dirk Ross...Tokyo

We need your sighting reports to confirm this event; please submit a sighting report.  Thank you!
Report your meteor sighting
Meteor/Fireball Report Form

(click here to report a meteor / fireball)

Two Security Cameras Capture Saskatchewan Bolide
A store security camera in Wilke, SK and a home security camera capture in North Battleford, SK capture bolide as it passes nearby 21FEB2012.
Video courtesy of Jack Dales, North Battleford, SK. 
(c) 2012 All Rights Reserved 

First video of large fireball spotted over 
Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada - Feb. 21, 2012
South Calgary, Alberta Sandia Sentinel Allsky Camera Capture

On YouTube -Uploaded by Sheilaaliens on 22 Feb 2012 265 views

Uploaded to YouTube by Sheilaaliens on 22 Feb 2012 301 views

Sighting Reports:
2/21/2012 DANIEL BOUDREAU EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA 2041HRS MST 2-3 SECONDS WEST TO EAST BLUE WITH FIRE AROUND IT, BLUE-WHITE TRAIL BEHIND VERY BRIGHT BLUE-WHITE, SIMILAR IN BRIGHTNESS TO THE MOON MEDIUM LENGTH TRAIL, MAY HAVE BROKEN UP COMPLETELY BEFORE TOUCHING DOWN I was indoors, there may have been sound. Video may be available from any GLOBAL NEWS camera on top of their skyscraper downtown if it was pointing towards the southern skyline.

2/21/2012 Shelley Ryan Edmonton, AB, CAN 20:37:00 3 seconds N-s White blazing front with red flame appearance in tail Same as moon No In eastern sky by regulus

21/2/2012 Jonathan Winters Calgary, Alberta, Canada 20:55 Mountain standard time Estimated 4-7 seconds due West heading east Object Very Bright white light, ominious green color portraid on surrounding clouds Very Bright object glowing white would almost compare closer to the sun just a little cooler. could look at the object with no eye irritation one solid object Was at about the same altitude as the clouds. was too quick to get any pictures the object bearings as i sighted was from about the north west heading south east

21FEB 2011 Dezz St.Paul , ab Apron 8:50 pm 7 seconds Start N end S blue white light up the sky firetail Moon flecks of fire type stuff Light up sky like a camera glad, fast and stunning !

21FEB2012 Melissa Hovind Edmonton Alberta 8:30p.m. 4 sec. N-S Left to Right White, Orange, Red, Yellow Like the moon Not that i saw It had a red orange tail and there was a plane close by and the plane was tiny compared to the fireball. kind of like in the movie in "Transformers"

21FEB2012 Sandra Pezzente Calgary, AB Canada MST 8:40pm 5 - 10 sec straight down (close to landing) fast moving fireball (bluish trail) it was fast, almost missed seeing it! very bright couldn't tell really cool!

2/21/2012 Elvis Miquelon Lake 20:45:00 2-3 seconds North to south Bright blue to green Fire like the sun None Huge ball of fire prob tailed 2 miles long

21:40:00 Brent Crotenko NOrth Battleford 21:40:00 4 sec right to left... bright off blueish color sun don't know light up the sky for about 3 sec's

21Feb12 Ralph Bodor Half Moon Lake Alberta Canada 20:50:00 1-2 seconds North east to south east Green with a fire trail sun no none

21FEB2012 Joe R Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 22:06:00 5 seconds South West Green bright a flash and tail the sky flashed for a millisecond, the green meteor came fast with a green tail.

21Feb2011 Kelsey Kirkness Lloydminster, Ab, Canada 9:40pm mountain time maybe 3 seconds It went from my left to the right, i believe I seen the whole sky light up a light blue, just like it was daytime out, but it was night! sun Not that I had seen It was crazy, I thought It was a spaceship

21FEB2012 Darrell Patan country 8:35 PM MST 2 sec n/a bluewhite bright strobe light n/a We saw the bright stutter flashes from our living room, I ran outside tio see what it was but of course there was nothing more to see, was pretty sure it was a meteor because of my past experience with the Buzzard Coulee Meteor a while back, am positive it was a meteor.

21FEB2012 Doug Checkel Coronation, Alberta, Canada 20:40 MST 1 second Looking slightly N of straight E, fell from 45 deg to 30 deg traveling E, very slightly N White Bright as lighting bolt.  Lit up entire sky No Lit up entire sky for one second.  The meteor "streak" resembled lightning.  The streak appeared at once then disappeared at once.  I would have been convinced this was lightning, but not a cloud in the sky and it is February.  This is dark sky country, I see meteors all the time, never anything like this.

21feb2012 Shane Peters Lashburn, SK, Canada 10:00 Central time 1 second E-W Green Flash Lightning ?unknown Just like a lightning storm

2/21/2012 Jody Groenendyk Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 8:35 pm mst 3 seconds Top down - due East Orange and blue Like a fireball not as right as the sun None Teardrop shaped with the blue trailing behind

21FEB2012 T.L. Langdon Ab Can 2100 MST 5 sec N-S  straight down Bright white.  Tail yellowish Brighter than Venus then tapered off then disappeared No Almost looked like a comet Very bright head then it looked like it fell leaving a trail of light then completly disappeared.

21Feb2012 Deb  Edmonton Alberta Canada 20:40:00 2 seconds South, falling down, not across large yellow fireball moon it was like a large fireball with several "tails" of fire It fell downward rather than sideways, no photo available

21FEB2012 Lindsey Rockhaven, Saskatchewan, Canada 21:55:00 5 - 7 sec W to E blue/white light, low rumbling noise to the east several minutes after the light Brighter than the moon no Saw the ground start to light up beneath my feet and looked up to see an intense line of light almost directly overhead. The light quickly faded to black just like watching the last bit of electricity drain from the filament of a lightbulb.  The light did not appear to travel any further east from this point

21/02/2012 Elizabeth Saskatoon, Sask. Canada 21:47:00 2 seconds WNW to ESE Orange and Blue, little bit of White/ no sound bright lightning yeah it blew up! it was incredible!!!

12FEB2012 Jlynn Edmonton, Alberta Canasa 2110 5-10 seconds L-R white / green, no sound sun unsure n/a

21FEB2012 Melissa Hovind Edmonton 8:39p.m. 3-4 sec E-S Left-Right Red, Orange, Yellow, White same as the moon really bright Not that i saw It was huge and there was a plane close by and the plane ws tiny. It had a red orange tail.

21feb2012 Shannon battleford saskatchewan canada 21:45:00 flash sw35-42-18w3rd bright blueish light very about sun didnt see very bright blueish light so fast thought it could have been reflection off tv. But wasnt

21feb2012 Jaysun Beaumont, Alberta 21:00 mst 3-5 sec dissapeared behind houses and horizon east to east southeast yellow to orange to white sun no gradually lit up sky before horizon

21FEB2012 Sandra Bjerkness North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada 21:35:00 10sec West White Brighter than sun No No

2/21/2012 DJoyce Dodsland,Sasktatchewan Canada 21:45:00 maybe 10 seconds we were travelling west and the object i saw in the sky was to the north. lite up everything around us as if it was lightening.   very bright no we were driving west on highway 31, it was bright all around us of a sudden, i looked towards the  north and in the sky i could see something very bright and than it was gone.

21FEB2012 Tim Brewster Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 16:40 MTN Time 2 seconds N-S Orange-Red-Blue Brighter than Venus, close to moon bright Did not see fragments Appeared to fall straight down at an angle from North to South

2/21/2012 Artty Spruce Grove, Alberta Approx 20:00 MST caught my eye for only a couple of seconds SW Long orange tail with bright white light in front moon appeared to be one piece Difficult to tell distance, appeared to be very close to spruce grove but possibly over Edmonton, appeared to be very close to ground when burnt out

21/02/2012 Dan Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada 20:35/MST Less than 3 seconds Start: East-South East, Right to Left, Sharp Decent Orange/ Blue/ Purple Quite bright Yes, trailing behind and around it Insane!

2/21/2012 M lloydminster, SK  canada 8:42 p.m. mountain 10 se  left to right red, orange and yellow sun don/t know cool!

Sighting Reports as updated: 

MBIQ Data:
Surrey, British Columbia arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for just saw a meteorite.
12:43:23 -- 3 minutes ago

Edmonton, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Robinson, PA Green Meteor 25NOV2011" by searching for green shooting star.
12:44:22 -- 3 minutes ago

Red Deer, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteors falling in february 2012.
12:45:20 -- 2 minutes ago

Burnaby, British Columbia arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green falling star edmonton 2012.
12:45:39 -- 2 minutes ago

Edmonton, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for asteroid entering atmosphere february 21.
12:45:46 -- 2 minutes ago

High River, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for what just fell out of the sky south of calgary.
12:55:33 -- 2 minutes ago

Edmonton, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Meteor 12:29AM. 11APR2011" by searching for meteorite edmonton 2012.
12:46:01 -- 2 minutes ago

Paradise Valley, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Alberta / Saskatchewan Canada -Montana Meteor 22DEC2011" by searching for meteor alberta february 22.
12:46:34 -- 2 minutes ago

Edmonton, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Indicates Meteor Event Over South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Minnesota and Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Canada 23AUG2011" by searching for meteorite highway 21 saskatchewan.
12:47:32 -- 1 minute ago

Red Deer, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor? sighting over Fort St. John, B.C.,Canada 9MAR09" by searching for meteorite sitings canada.

Red Deer, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor? sighting over Fort St. John, B.C.,Canada 9MAR09" by searching for meteorite sitings canada.

North Battleford, Saskatchewan arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for weird explosion and boom in saskatchewan tonight.
12:52:08 -- 1 minute ago

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan left via from "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Alberta / Saskatchewan Canada -Montana Meteor 22DEC2011"
13:04:12 -- 33 seconds ago
Richmond, British Columbia arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for edmonton meteor 2012.
13:04:04 -- 40 seconds ago
North Battleford, Saskatchewan arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor or comet over north battleford sask feb 21 2012.
13:04:00 -- 45 seconds ago
Calgary, Alberta left via from "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News - BC / Alberta, Canada Large GREEN Bolide Meteor 6NOV2011"
13:03:59 -- 45 seconds ago
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Alberta / Saskatchewan Canada -Montana Meteor 22DEC2011" by searching for green meteor saskatoon.
13:03:57 -- 48 seconds ago
Calgary, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for firer ball falling from the eastern sky calgary alberta.
13:03:34 -- 1 minute ago
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for comet enters atmosphere february 2012.
13:03:29 -- 1 minute ago
Calgary, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for ball of fire falls from sky calgary 2012.
13:03:24 -- 1 minute ago
Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for flash in sky tonight sask.
13:03:22 -- 1 minute ago
Edmonton, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meotrite news alberta.
13:03:21 -- 1 minute ago
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
13:03:16 -- 1 minute ago
Edmonton, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor seen near edmonton february 21, 2012.
13:02:46 -- 1 minute ago
Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for blue green lights?.
13:02:40 -- 2 minutes ago
Canada arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sighting lloydminster feb 21 2012.
13:02:23 -- 2 minutes ago
Canada arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor / Fireball Report Form".
13:02:14 -- 2 minutes ago
Edmonton, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
13:02:10 -- 2 minutes ago
Calgary, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sighting today.
13:02:09 -- 2 minutes ago  
Edmonton, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite february 21 alberta.
13:01:56 -- 2 minutes ago
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor feb 21 .
13:01:56 -- 2 minutes ago
Calgary, Alberta left via from "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor / Fireball Report Form"
13:01:37 -- 3 minutes ago
Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball saskatchewan february 21.
13:01:36 -- 3 minutes ago
Edmonton, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor shower edmonton 2012.
13:01:22 -- 3 minutes ago
Dodsland, Saskatchewan arrived on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
13:01:16 -- 3 minutes ago
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan left via from "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News"
13:01:13 -- 3 minutes ago
Calgary, Alberta left via from "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Texas / Oklahoma Meteor Fireball 1FEB2012"
13:00:59 -- 3 minutes ago
Toronto, Ontario arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite hits on feb 21 2012.
13:00:43 -- 4 minutes ago
Calgary, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor february 21 2012.
13:00:42 -- 4 minutes ago
Red Deer, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for latest worldwide meteor meteorite news.
13:00:34 -- 4 minutes ago
Regina, Saskatchewan arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor/Meteorite News 1AUG2010" by searching for Springwater meteorite map.
13:00:27 -- 4 minutes ago
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor feb 21 2012.
13:00:15 -- 4 minutes ago
Edmonton, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor falling edmonton alberta.
13:00:10 -- 4 minutes ago
Lac La Biche, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for flash in sky tonight feb 21 2012.
12:59:46 -- 4 minutes ago
North Battleford, Saskatchewan arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Indicates Meteor Event Over South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Minnesota and Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Canada 23AUG2011" by searching for Bright flash across sky in saskatchewan.
12:59:38 -- 5 minutes ago
Beaumont, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor falling to earth.
12:59:11 -- 5 minutes ago
Perdue, Saskatchewan arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for did a meteor just fly over saskatchwan.
12:58:49 -- 5 minutes ago
Beaumont, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor edmonton Alberta Feb 21st .
12:58:47 -- 5 minutes ago
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan left via from "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News"
12:58:24 -- 6 minutes ago
Red Deer, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for bright streak sky feb 21.
12:58:21 -- 6 minutes ago
Calgary, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for blue flash fell across sky.
12:58:20 -- 6 minutes ago
Danville, West Virginia arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for new meteorite falls.
12:58:18 -- 6 minutes ago
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sitings feb 21 2012 alberta.
12:58:12 -- 6 minutes ago
Edmonton, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite edmonton.
12:58:04 -- 6 minutes ago
Edmonton, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor shower.
12:57:36 -- 7 minutes ago
Toronto, Ontario arrived on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Canada / NE USA Bolide Meteor 12DEC2011".
12:57:34 -- 7 minutes ago
Edmonton, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for next meteor shower edmonton feb 2012.
12:57:09 -- 7 minutes ago

2012 THE Year of Meteors!