Showing posts with label La Rioja. Show all posts
Showing posts with label La Rioja. Show all posts

22 April 2013

Argentina Bolide Meteor Fireball 21APR2013

Meteor in Argentina (21/4/2013) the lights along several provinces at about 03'30 am
Bola de Fuego Y Luz en el Norte -  
Meteorites on the Ground!!! Now just to find them!
"Click on image to enlarge."
Argentina Bolide Seen in SIX Northern Provinces including Santiago del Estro Province,Tucuman, Cordoba, La Rioja, Santa Fe, Chaco. Argentina Bolide Meteor 21APR2013
V.1 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
IF you saw this bolide meteor event please file a meteor sighting report; Spanish is ok!; thank you!

Please also get the word out about this website on Facebook. Twitter, YouTube or your favorite forum.
There should be meteorites found from this event and we need the local peoples to assist.  Thank you! 

 IF you find more original videos OR information about a meteorite being found please email me at

Video of the actual bolide and not just the flash!
Skip to time mark 2'53 to see the bolide!!!
Posted on YouTube by tuteloko 301 views
Skip to time mark 2'53 to see the bolide!!!
Weight of body at least 1 ton; there are meteorites on the ground! If anyone knows the coordinates LAT/LON of the concert please email me.  LunarMeteoriteHunter AT gmail DOT com    Thank you!

Meteor in Argentina (21/4/2013) the lights along five provinces
Posted to YouTube by ToniAmazing7 67 views
The event is said to have been seen in at least five northern provinces and to have been followed by a roar and shaking as it passed.  The witness, Gustavo Carabajal, on the TV being interviewed is from Santiago del Estro, Argentina.
Note that some of the video shown on the TV report is NOT from the Argentina event, but that of the 22MAR2013 meteor event in Maryland, USA.

BEST videos YET Actual REAL videos!
Meteorito iluminó el cielo de Santiago del Estero, Argentina.
Meteorito iluminó el cielo de Santiago del Estero, Argentina.
Posted on YouTube by dinobutcher66 301 views

REAL Videos of the event!
Meteorito Argentina hace que la noche se vuelva en día por unos segundos Meteorito Argentina hace que la noche se vuelva en día por unos segundos
Posted to YouTube by maxanimeweeblycom 5 views
Two REAL videos of the event, along with one fake from a different meteor event, shown in this TV report-
Conmoción en el norte del país por un extraño fenómeno en el cielo
Commotion in the north of the country by a strange phenomenon in the sky
...witnesses to the event, around 3:30 in the morning Today.
Santiagueños Thousands claim to have seen a fireball across the sky, illuminating and making the night into day for a few seconds.... More SEE-

Fireball caused fear in northern Argentina
Inhabitants of Catamarca, Tucumán and Santiago del Estero were surprised this morning after a suspected meteor crossed the sky and completely illuminated at night
Sunday, April 21, 2013 9:21
"The light was very intense, first green, then took a white, and finally became a fireball. Seconds after it happened, he felt a tremor and a buzz similar to that of the shock wave that happens to an explosion, "assured neighbors north of the city to the portal El Nuevo Diario.
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Thank you to Carolina Paolucci for the news tip!

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!