Showing posts with label Idaho Meteor 6NOV2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Idaho Meteor 6NOV2011. Show all posts

07 November 2011

Post Falls, Idaho Meteor 6NOV2011

Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls, ID 83814 Meteor 9:25 PM Pacific Time 6NOV2011
I just happened to be looking in the right place.  My vehicle was just outside the entrance to the shop facing West Northwest.  The object was traveling North to South but the shop was in the way for the first part of the travel so I only saw it for about 3 seconds as it passed over the house and over the tree line 500 feet or more ?  Bright white like moon or Venus No sound. No tail.  Just a furry ball in shape.  Still had pretty good speed but arc was falling as it raced over the mtn ridgeline and trees  Hard to say how far it could go – but it is in the neighborhood so to speak.. -Bruce W. Thank you Bruce!
Sighting Reports?
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!