Showing posts with label Hengchun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hengchun. Show all posts

27 June 2015

Taiwan Star Scream Star Party 2015 Continues

Taiwan Star Scream Star Party 2015 Continues

Pingtung, Hengchun, Taiwan Star Scream Star Party 2015
Posted to Youtube by 鄭廉穎 2 views
Thank you Tommy for the video!

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

22 June 2015

Pingtung, Hengchun 2015 Southern Cross Star Party Finale 13JUN2015 w/video

Pingtung, Hengchun, Taiwan 2015 Southern Cross Star Party Finale 13JUN2015 w/video

click image to enlarge
The Southern Cross as seen from Pingtung, Hengchun 13JUN2015

2015 06 13 恆春星吶
Posted on Youtube by 陳慶鴻 7 views

Paiwan elementary school students performance -
Kao Shih Elementry School website link 高士國小
Posted to YouTube by 陳慶鴻 51 views

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

16 June 2015

Ping Tung, Hengchun, Taiwan CRUX Star Scream Star Party 2015 w/ video

Ping Tung, Hengchun, Taiwan Southern Cross-CRUX Star Scream Star Party 2015 w/ video
Click Image
2015 Ping Tung, Taiwan Star Scream Party
c 2015 數位站長
2015 Hengchun CRUX Star Scream Party activities were held June 13 at the Kenting National Park. Thousands of astronomy enthusiasts and professional astronomy groups from Ping Tung and all of Taiwan shared the night sky, telescopes and numerous educational exhibits and cultural performances; famous meteorite collector Smith Chiu, Taipei, displayed his collection of meteorites, including a 100 kg iron meteorite.

2015恆春南十字星吶活動 6月13日將在墾丁國家公園貓鼻頭舉行,國內上百位天文愛好者,將帶著專業的天文器材 和民眾分享天文之美,知名隕石收藏家邱世宗展出各類隕石,其中還包括一顆重達100公斤的隕石,縣長潘孟安邀請民眾 暫時別當低頭族,一塊來恆春抬頭追星星!


Earlier in June 2015- Taiwan!

高雄市天文學會 via 國家太空中心 NSPO【看見台灣,夢想升空】
Posted to YouTube by cwgv 1,397 views

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!