Showing posts with label Georgia meteor 2DEC2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Georgia meteor 2DEC2010. Show all posts

03 December 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 3DEC2010

Meteor report from a reader of Meteor/Meteorite News:
Valdosta, Georgia (event time?) 2DEC2010 
Jenny wrote:  note to Jenny: time please; Thank you Jenny!
"Just saw one a little over an hour ago here in Valdosta, GA.

 It was big! Looked like a big fireball! It started off light, then 
got brighter, then turned a green tint, then back to an orangish
 color before it faded out fast. Disappeared basically. I called
 my friend who was driving a couple mins behind me to see if
 he saw it and he described it as a big fireball too. I believe I
 was heading south on the road I was driving on.... So, I THINK
 it was moving from west to east. I know it went from my 
right to left. It might have been a plane crashing, but I can't
 be sure. We live next to Moody AFB. But I didn't see a smoke
 trail or a big firey crash and burn and no loud bang sounds.
 And no sirens or anything like that... and we live 30 seconds
 away from a fire station."

Evidence Of Ancient Impact Preserved In Modern Sand
SpaceDaily Thu, 02 Dec 2010 15:42 PM PST
by Staff Writers San Juan, Puerto Rico (SPX) Dec 03, 2010 Through NAI's

 Minority Institution Research Support Program, scientists at the University
 of Puerto Rico and their collaborators have identified a unique record of 
an ancient meteorite impact event that is preserved in microstructures in
 detrital grains of quartz, zircon, and monazite in the Vaal River, South Africa. ...

Martian Meteorite Not Evidence of Extraterrestrials, Scientists Say Thu, 02 Dec 2010 06:41 AM PST
What some argue is evidence of ancient life in a meteorite from Mars 

could have a simple chemical explanation, scientists now suggest. ...

Rare meteor hits local property
Toowoomba Chronicle
... by people all over Queensland, and has recently concluded the fireball was a 

meteor fragment accompanied by the rare phenomenon “ball lightning”. ...

Great Space Balls of Fire! How to Explain Weird Sightings Over Australia?
Discover Magazine (blog)
Hughes believes that the strange color of the meteor shards might be due to

 electrically charged oxygen molecules around the debris, similar to how ...

December Starline: Mother nature offers celestial presents
Mankato Free Press
The year's second best meteor shower, the Geminids, peaks between late night 

December 13 and the early morning hours of December 14. ...