Showing posts with label El Paso meteor 12NOV2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label El Paso meteor 12NOV2012. Show all posts

13 November 2012

Major fireball over far west Texas 12NOV2012

Major fireball over far west Texas- El Paso area- 6:35pm MST 12NOV2012

Just for a heads up there was a major fireball over far west Texas this event at 6:35pm MST seen for 4-5 seconds. This fireball was moving west to east covered at least 50 degrees.We have high clouds right now and it could been seen easily through the over cast.Green in color no acoustic events.The entry look very shallow to me no more than 25 to 30 degrees.My wife was driving home at the time and it lit up her windshield and she look up and saw it.
The all sky camera at the El Paso airport did not record the event being it was no more than 12 to to 14 dgrees above my south-south eastern horizon and I am about 15 mile south east of the tower.
Thomas Dorman
Horizon City, Texas

Thank you Thomas for your kind report!
Mr. Dorman is a seasoned astronomer and has ruled this event as unrelated to any ongoing meteor showers.

If anyone else witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report on this site.

MBIQ Data-

El Paso, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor in sky today.
10:59:53 -- 35 minutes ago

El Paso, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor in sky november 12 2012.
11:08:55 -- 26 minutes ago

2012 THE Year of Meteors!