Showing posts with label Dr. Lunar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Lunar. Show all posts

04 March 2014

Lunar Meteorite Quiz - How big an object with velocity to get a new Lunar Meteoroid to Earth?

Lunar Meteorite Quiz - How big an object with velocity to get a new Lunar Meteoroid to Earth?

Any impact on the Moon that can accelerate a rock of any size to
lunar escape velocity, ~ 2.38 km/s, will result in a lunar
meteoroid. The papers below argue that much of that stuff will
eventually land on Earth. Known transit times range from less than a
few hundred years for Kalahari 008/009 to almost 20 million years for
Dhofar 025. The ones that take a long time were in heliocentric orbit.

Other important resource about Lunar Meteorites-
For those that are interested in transit times and lunar impacts that result in Lunar Meteorites here on Earth, Dr. Randy Korotev has written a very good summary on this topic and his website answers the basic questions posed-

Some of the questions answered are-
How Did Lunar Meteorites Get Here?
Do All Lunar Meteorites Come from One Big Impact on the Moon?
Does It Take a Big Impact to Launch
a Lunar Meteoroid?
and many more. 
Take a read of his website written for the Washington University in St. Louis.
Thank you Dr. Korotev!

Dirk Ross...Tokyo

P.S. The reason I posed the question in the first place was because of the recent announcement about a large lunar impact recorded on the Moon-

It would be so cool if something was launched from this most recent large Moon impact that was witnessed from Earth and it makes it here to the Earth in the coming years!

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!