Showing posts with label Cretaceous Turtle Survives Extinction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cretaceous Turtle Survives Extinction. Show all posts

12 July 2011

Meteor/Meteorite News 12JUL2011

meteorobs : Message: (meteorobs) Meteor Activity Outlook for July ...
meteorobs: Amateur meteor astronomy. ... in watching meteor activity. Evening rates are reduced slightly this week due to moonlight. ...

Tough Turtle Survived What Dinosaurs Couldn't
Discovery News
By Jennifer Viegas A tough river turtle, Boremys, not only survived the meteorite impact that likely wiped out the dinosaurs, but it also seemed completely unfazed by the catastrophic event, according to a new Society of Vertebrate Paleontology paper. ...

How tough turtles survived a deadly meteor Technology & science ...
What does it take to survive a catastrophic meteor impact? The tough turtles of the Cretaceous know a bit about that; they seem to have survived the mass ...

The Greatest Mysteries of the Asteroid Belt
[What's the Difference Between an Asteroid and a Comet?] From there, Dawn will go on to orbit the belt's biggest object, Ceres, in 2015. Ceres accounts for nearly a third of the ...

Richland Man Finds Meteorite
Richland Man Finds Meteorite-like Object In Driveway