Showing posts with label Canada Large GREEN Bolide Meteor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canada Large GREEN Bolide Meteor. Show all posts

07 November 2011

Breaking News - BC / Alberta, Canada Large GREEN Bolide Meteor 6NOV2011

Grovedale, Alberta, Canada Large GREEN Bolide Meteor 7:59 PM 6NOV2011
We have just witnessed a large, very bright (“sun=like”) green fireball travelling east to west across the sky over Grovedale, AB, Canada at 7:59 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 6, 11. It appeared to have multiple colours coming off the short t0 medium length tail and was very low, much closer than we’ve usually seen before. We did not see an impact, however. -Pat Seymour
Thank you Pat!

Calgary, Alberta, Canada Meteor 6NOV2011
I saw a meteor tonight(Nov 6 2011) in Calgary at 7:50 p.m. Spectacular fire tail! Very long tail. North horizon. -Anon.  Thank you Anon!

Kamlops, British Columbia, Canada Meteor 18:53 6NOV2011
-Jill K. Thank you Jill!

Calgary, AB 
We saw it while we were driving on Crowchild Trail, Calgary, AB close to 33rd Ave SW at 7.54pm right before it fell on earth, less than a second. The green tail and fiery ball was moving really fast, about 35 - 45 degrees towards the ground. It appeared to moving from east to west.
Walina Ramli and Andy Austin, From downtown Calgary, Canada.  Thank you Walina and Andy!

Vernon, BC
So just wanted to inform you I witnessed a bright green meteor enter the atmosphere last night around 7 pm pacific time it traveled from what seemed east to west in the north horizon and burned with intensity of what could be described as a bright green Roman candle ball, I live in a small city called Vernon in British Columbia, Canada... have a great day! -Matthew  Thank you Matthew!

Calgary Alberta, 19:53, November 6th 2011
My girlfriend and I were pulling into her Grandmother's house and saw a bright object falling from the sky with a great long tail on it. Bright yellow tail and like I said very long. Seen falling to the North Northwest of the City of Calgary. Object looked to be rather square. -Steven Cox  Thank you Steven!

Strathmore, Alberta
I spotted a shooting star last night in Strathmore Alberta at approx. 7:50 pm. Looking towards the north, heading east to west. Very bright. Looked close.-Chuck Rogers  Thank you Chuck!

Devon, Alberta
I was looking north east into the sky last night Nov6th 2011,when I saw a comet moving east to west through the sky. At first I thought I was watching a falling star since it started as a small white moving object with a thin white trailing light. With in seconds it turned into a large white ball with a glowing white, green thick, sparkling trail of light. It looked like it was burning! Then it just stopped. From my location, north of Devon, Alberta it looked Like it was in the sky heading towards Spruce Grove. Most amazing thing I have ever seen! -Steve  Thank you Steve!

Lethbridge AB
I think I saw a meteor approx 7:30 am MST south east sky above southern Alberta. It was an odd shape, bright and moving east. -Lori  Thank you Lori!

Calgary, Alberta
On the 6th of November at approximately 7:45-7:55pm from S.E Calgary, Canada I witnessed a very large and very bright white object in the sky. It had a vary long tail and was visible in the Northern sky. ---Thanks Angela.  Thank you Angela!

Calgary, Alberta
Hello. Last night, I was driving towards the northwest in Calgary. I noticed the streak light up in the sky – I was travelling on Sarcee Trail and was approx 1 km north of the Bow Trail intersection. I noticed a streak of light appear in the night sky heading towards the hill - ~ a 60 degree angle from the sky. It was bright orange and then turned bright green and then suddenly disappeared. It was spectacular. This was the first time I’ve witnessed a falling fireball. -Richard  Thank you Richard!

Edmonton, AB on Yellowhead Trail (Trans-Canada Highway 16) approaching Elk Island National Park  Meteor ~8:00 PM  6NOV2011
Thank you very much for your web site and re-posts. Other than the northern lights, this was my first time to see anything “astronomically projected” and your site confirmed that I wasn’t crazy and didn’t imagine it. Below is my story – feel free to share - & thanks again for your sharing.
Approx. 8pm MST on Sunday, November 6 My sister and I were heading west towards Edmonton, AB on Yellowhead Trail (Trans-Canada Highway 16) approaching Elk Island National Park when we witnessed a bright green light appear in the northern night sky. It dropped vertically leaving a long green trail and disappeared in a flash of orange light. The entire event lasted about 3 seconds – WOW, what a very spectacular sight! Unfortunately, we did not see any evidence of impact or trail of smoke/steam.- Penny  Thank you Penny!

Kelowna, BC, Canada Meteor 6:50 PST 6NOV2011
Was looking N.E. across Okanagan Lake as I drove into Kelowna from West Kelowna when I saw a fireball that was the largest and brightest I have ever seen. It appeared to be heading downwards to the north and lasted about two or three seconds and then disappeared like an object that burned out as it did not appear to drop below the skyline. There were likely a couple of other vehicles near me that would have seen it as it was very bright. Color: best I can do is that it was moon bright (but did not light up the sky except the object itself) and looked like a ball of fire with edges and no tail, not a smooth outer edge in other words. At first I thought it might be an airplane on fire, but then it just went black too fast. Hard to judge how far away it was but at first it looked like it would plunge into the lake or close to it, then I realized it was likely much larger and farther away. Very fascinating to observe. Never been to your site before, but needed to do a Google Search to see if others saw what I did. Doug G.  Thank you Doug!

Calgary November 6th just before 8:00 p.m.
Fairly large, looked like it landed right near the river, Glenmore Trail & Graves Bridge, southeast Calgary. Went right past, north of me (Lynnwood) and was quite spectacular. -Donna  
Thank you Donna!

South of Cochrane, Alberta ~8:00 pm
Hello. I just wanted to report a meteor sighting last night (Sunday November 6th) at around 8 p.m near Calgary, Alberta. Me and a friend were driving just south of Cochrane and had just turned off Crowchild Trail when we both saw a blue fireball heading toward the ground. It looked like it was going to hit the ground but then just dissapeared. It only lasted a second or two and was a very bright blue fireball with a tail behind it. It was really cool. -Scott  Thank you Scott!

We need YOUR sighting reports if you saw a meteor event; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!