Showing posts with label Black Hat Gnomes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Hat Gnomes. Show all posts

01 February 2011

Gnomes of 10 Meteor/Meteorite News 1FEB2011

Black Hat Gnomes Take a Break for 10

Posted on YouTube by EamesOffice | 2010年08月26日   379,646 views
How different does the universe look on small, medium, and large scales? The most famous short science film of its generation gives breathtaking comparisons. ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day 1FEB2011 
Please visit the APOD site for a full desption:

24 March 2010

ALICE- White Rabbit, Black Hat Gnomes Gone MAD on 3.5 Trillion Electronvolts

By Paul Rincon
Science reporter, BBC News
On Tuesday 30 March, engineers at Cern will make their first attempt to collide beams at an energy of 3.5 trillion electronvolts (TeV) per beam. ...

Follow the White Rabbit down the HOLE with ALICE ...

ALICE in Switzerland (CERN homepage):

ALICE - Voyage Inside the Core of Matter narrated by Yves Schultz:

The White Rabbit
by Jefferson Airplane (1967)
more info:

Black Hat Gnomes:

Looper-Gnome Hergiswil LU

Breaking NEWs- 15 YouTube Videos made available!

'Golden Orbit' Unlikely as Full Moon Madness Hits Gnomes in
Tokyo- MARCH 26, 2010
As CERN makes final checks before the firing of the duel beams to achieve the hoped for Big O approaches on the Full Moon of March 30, 2010, madness has already struck amongst many of the Gnomes in Luzern, Switzerland according to YouTube postings in 2009 FEB.
This has led to speculation that the Strong Interaction may not be succeed and the O from the Mini Big Bang may not be reached leaving only a golden shower, or a best, another white unicorn released.
Bad outcomes might be the recurrence of the massive GAS loss, the MESS on Isle THREE or another soft QUARK, Gluons with the UP, DOWN and Electon or THE STRANGE, CHARM, BEAUTY.
Across the Atlantic, the Gnomes in South Park, Colorado in the US also seem reluctant to let go of any gold for even a shower according to their reluctant spokesman.
Reports of Gnomes in Argentina have not yet been reported, but if prior sightings are an indication we can expect to see much activity.

... stay tuned for updates as they come in!