Showing posts with label Barcelona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barcelona. Show all posts

11 September 2014

Spain Super Bolide 08SEP2014

Barcelona, Spain Super Bolide 0655 am 08SEP2014
Meteorites likely produced!

video 1
WATCH: Meteor Disintegrates As It Enters Earth's Atmosphere Above Spain | Burning Meteorite
Posted to YouTube by WorldNewsDaily 108 views

video 2

Stunning Superbolide- Meteor lights night sky over Spain
Posted to YouTube by RT  74,140 views
video 3 - compilation of three videos

Meteor Filmed Streaking Through Spain
Posted to YouTube by currentspider 344 views

Press Reports-
Great balls of fire: Meteor illuminates Spanish skyline (VIDEO)
Published time: September 08, 2014 16:18 - Edited time: September 09, 2014 07:01
Early risers got an unexpected treat on Sunday in Spain, as a fireball
whistled across the country - lighting up the morning sky. It passed through
eight regions, traveling the length of the country, leaving a trail of
smoke in its wake. ...

Un bólido de origen indeterminado cruza el cielo de la Península Ibérica antes de desintegrarse
La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) en Cataluña también ha informado del posible meteorito, que ha iluminado el cielo de Barcelona con un fogonazo hacia las 06.55 ...

Un posible meteorito se deja ver en diferentes partes de España
La Aemet Catalunya confirma en Twitter el avistamiento de una gran bola de fuego a las 7:00 horas que también se ha visto desde diferentes puntos de la península ...

WATCH: Meteor disintegrates as enters Earth's atmosphere above Spain
New York Daily News
A flaming fireball has been caught on camera flashing across the Spanish sky. Astonishing footage shows the meteor disintegrating as it enters the ...

same above video with timestamps-
WATCH: Huge Fireball Over Spain, Meteor Strikes Earth | Spain Meteorite Burns In Sky And ...
YouTube ⋅ 00:28
VIDEO: Spain UFO Mystery Solved As Meteor Explosion In The Sky | 'UFO' Blazes a Trail Across Spain | Huge Fireball Over Spain, MeteorStrikes ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!