Showing posts with label Asteroid 2010 RX30. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asteroid 2010 RX30. Show all posts

09 September 2010

Texas Meteor/Meteorite News: El Paso, TX Meteor Fireball Event 9SEP2010

Bight Fireball Seen over El Paso
reported by El Paso Allsky Camera
Bright El Pas0 Event 09/09/10

Bright meteor event over El Paso...Southern New Mexico...Northern Mexico at 12:17:00am MDT (00:17 MDT; 01:17 CDT; 06:17 UTC) . The event was likely a -10+ lasting 2-3 seconds and likely traveling N to S or NE to SW. No sounds heard ...

Any witnesses or all sky camera detections should post to this site please: .

Video of 9SEP10 El Paso meteor from Thomas Ashcraft, Santa Fe, NM All Sky Camera Copyright 2010.

08 September 2010

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 8SEP2010

Cosmic Log: Share your UFO tales
Meteor fireballs have also sparked UFO reports. As a matter of fact, reports of a meteor-style impact in Colombia are currently stirring up a buzz on the ...

NASA Is Running Out of Money to Monitor Earth-Destroying Asteroids (Part 1 of 2)

Big Think
For example, the Meteor Crater in Arizona was formed about 50000 years ago and is about 4000 ft in diameter with some areas reaching 570 feet deep and is ...

El Paso TX All Sky Meteor Detection Camera Blog Site: Texas ...

By ElPasoAllSky
This blog is for the discussion of primarily Continental U.S. meteor/meteorite events. For a focus on West Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and North Central Mexico. ... For the latest on events ...

Father and son team may have uncovered rare find

Idaho Mountain Express and Guide
The father and son, who recently moved with their family from Colorado to the Woodside area of Hailey, are avid meteor hunters. But until Monday, they were ...

More on our meteorite

Bombala Times
INTEREST in our local meteor certainly hasn't waned, with plenty of talk still surrounding the fascinating occurrence of Tuesday afternoon, August 17, ...

Wonders of the night

The Hindu
If a meteor reaches the ground, it becomes a meteorite. You can tell a meteorite by the black burned coating on the outside; it may have pits or craters in ...

Hunt in Ireland for meteorite worth more than £80,000
Belfast Telegraph Mon, 06 Sep 2010 02:07 AM PDT
The search is on in Northern Ireland and the Republic for a meteorite that could be worth more than its weight in gold. Related Stories Sir Ronnie Flanagan parallels cricketing scandal with Ulster âIneffectiveâ Asbos should be scrapped, says justice chief Informer to return from exile âfor moneyâ Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams in talks call over ETA ceasefire 12 Northern Ireland children infected with ...

NASA Scientists Talk About Asteroids Passing Near Earth Wednesday

WASHINGTON -- Two asteroids will pass within the moon's distance from
Earth on Wednesday, Sept. 8. NASA scientists will be available for
satellite interviews Tuesday, Sept. 7, and Wednesday morning to
discuss these near- Earth objects.
The Catalina Sky Survey near Tucson, Ariz., discovered both objects on
Sunday, Sept. 5. The Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Mass.,
reviewed the observations and determined the preliminary orbits. The
center's personnel concluded both objects would pass within the
distance of the moon to Earth, approximately 240,000 miles. The
asteroids should be visible with moderate-sized amateur telescopes.
Neither asteroid will hit Earth. Asteroid 2010 RX30 is estimated to be
approximately 32 to 65 feet in size and will pass within
approximately 154,000 miles of Earth at 5:51 a.m. EDT Wednesday. The
second object, 2010 RF12, estimated to be 20 to 46 feet in size, will
pass within approximately 49,000 miles at 5:12 p.m. EDT.
NASA scientists are available for interviews about the asteroids via
NASA Television, Skype or telephone. TV producers can call
818-393-5467 to schedule afternoon interviews and 202-358-1726 to
schedule morning interviews. For NASA TV downlink, schedule and
streaming video information, visit:


Two and More to Pass By- NEOs Approach/ SEP-OCT 8SEP2010

Two and More to Pass By-
NEOs Approach/ SEP-OCT

Two Small Asteroids to Pass Close by Earth on September 8, 2010
NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office
September 7, 2010

Two asteroids, several meters in diameter and in unrelated orbits, will
pass within the Moon's distance of Earth on Wednesday, September 8th.
The Catalina Sky Survey near Tucson Arizona discovered both objects on
the morning of September 5 during their routine monitoring of the skies.
The Minor Planet Center in Cambridge Massachusetts first received the
observations Sunday morning, determined preliminary orbits and concluded
that both objects would pass within the distance of the Moon about three
days after their discovery. Near Earth asteroid 2010 RX30 is estimated
to be 10 to 20 meters in size and will pass within 0.6 lunar distances
of Earth (about 248,000 km) at 9:51 Greenwich standard time (5:51 am
EDT) Wednesday. The second object, 2010 RF12, estimated to be 6 to 14
meters in size will pass within 0.2 lunar distances (79,000 km) a few
hours later at 21:12 Greenwich standard time (5:12 pm EDT). Both objects
should be observable near closest approach with moderate sized amateur
telescopes. Although neither of these object has a chance of hitting
Earth, a ten meter-sized near-Earth asteroid from the undiscovered
population of about 50 million would be expected to pass almost daily
within a lunar distance, and one might strike Earth's atmosphere about
every ten years on average. -end-

(2010 RX30) 2010-Sep-080.00170.610.0 m - 22 m27.110.00
(2010 RF12) 2010-Sep-080.00050.25.8 m - 13 m28.36.00

These two are estimated to pass at 0.6 LD and 0.2 LD ; close, but not a cigar yet. Bodies of smaller sizes will accompany them and some just may visit the Earth as a meteor(s) in the coming days and weeks. See Table below.

Visit for the most current and accurate information.

1 AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers


(2010 LY63) 2010-Sep-070.143956.0740 m - 1.6 km17.88.22
(2010 RX30) 2010-Sep-080.00170.610.0 m - 22 m27.110.00
(2010 RF12) 2010-Sep-080.00050.25.8 m - 13 m28.36.00
(2010 PR10) 2010-Sep-100.090535.2110 m - 250 m21.95.00
(2007 VG189) 2010-Sep-130.172567.1360 m - 810 m19.310.09
(2010 RF31) 2010-Sep-140.049319.225 m - 55 m25.25.96
(2010 RJ4) 2010-Sep-150.061423.945 m - 100 m23.94.33
(2010 RW30) 2010-Sep-170.163563.652 m - 120 m23.58.75
(2010 RU30) 2010-Sep-170.104540.758 m - 130 m23.39.09
(2010 RA) 2010-Sep-190.083332.472 m - 160 m22.89.82
(2010 RV3) 2010-Sep-190.095737.362 m - 140 m23.228.73
(1997 GL3) 2010-Sep-200.041816.3350 m - 790 m19.424.87
(2010 EX11) 2010-Sep-260.128650.139 m - 88 m24.26.37
(2010 RT30) 2010-Sep-290.148257.760 m - 130 m23.26.39
(2009 SH2) 2010-Sep-300.01837.128 m - 62 m24.94.56
(2004 RQ252) 2010-Sep-300.127049.490 m - 200 m22.315.48
137032 (1998 UO1) 2010-Oct-010.082432.11.3 km - 2.9 km16.630.48
(2005 GE59) 2010-Oct-010.197977.0680 m - 1.5 km18.020.87
(2008 UC202) 2010-Oct-010.145956.86.0 m - 13 m28.24.12
(2006 TD) 2010-Oct-020.124048.388 m - 200 m22.411.58
(2007 SO6) 2010-Oct-030.198677.325 m - 55 m25.211.49
(2009 UY19) 2010-Oct-030.179669.955 m - 120 m23.46.04
(2005 CN) 2010-Oct-030.108942.472 m - 160 m22.89.14
(2010 MR87) 2010-Oct-040.149658.2350 m - 790 m19.419.83
(2009 CN5) 2010-Oct-070.173267.4270 m - 600 m20.010.57
85770 (1998 UP1) 2010-Oct-070.188273.2220 m - 500 m20.417.08
(2008 TF2) 2010-Oct-070.143055.626 m - 57 m25.116.69
153814 (2001 WN5) 2010-Oct-100.107341.8620 m - 1.4 km18.213.11
(2007 LL) 2010-Oct-100.152359.3220 m - 500 m20.47.15
(2007 TG1) 2010-Oct-110.164964.234 m - 76 m24.59.21
(2009 SM104) 2010-Oct-130.124148.351 m - 110 m23.614.34
(2006 UP) 2010-Oct-140.133952.164 m - 140 m23.13.02
162269 (1999 VO6) 2010-Oct-140.088234.31.1 km - 2.5 km16.931.39
(2004 FU4) 2010-Oct-160.151659.0560 m - 1.3 km18.415.85
66146 (1998 TU3) 2010-Oct-170.177469.13.3 km - 7.4 km14.59.85
103P/Hartley 2 2010-Oct-200.120947.01.6 km0.011.88
65679 (1989 UQ) 2010-Oct-210.153359.7370 m - 820 m19.36.01
(2006 KM103) 2010-Oct-220.174067.7250 m - 560 m20.110.26
(2000 TU28) 2010-Oct-230.067526.3220 m - 490 m20.49.10
100926 (1998 MQ) 2010-Oct-230.199777.71.2 km - 2.7 km16.713.36
(2009 FD) 2010-Oct-240.071127.798 m - 220 m22.213.85
(2009 UM1) 2010-Oct-250.175768.454 m - 120 m23.523.70
(2007 JB21) 2010-Oct-290.101239.422 m - 50 m25.48.93
(2007 RU17) 2010-Oct-290.104440.6630 m - 1.4 km18.125.42
(2003 UV11) 2010-Oct-300.01305.0370 m - 820 m19.325.35
(2005 TE45) 2010-Oct-300.138754.058 m - 130 m23.34.39
(2008 UB95) 2010-Oct-310.164864.131 m - 68 m24.75.60
Source: NASA/JPL 2010