Showing posts with label Arkansas Meteor 8NOV2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arkansas Meteor 8NOV2011. Show all posts

10 November 2011

Spinghill, Arkansas Meteor 8NOV2011

Spinghill, Arkansas Meteor ~12:00 8NOV2011
I live in Springhill, just outside of Conway in central Arkansas. Last night, November 8th 2011, we had let our dog in the garage because it was a bit stormy and rainy earlier in the evening. So I let him out for a bit before going to bed. I was sitting on our front porch (which faces south) giving him time to do his thing before letting him back into the garage. Honestly cannot tell you the time but know it had to be somewhere towards midnight. As I sat there suddenly something caught my eye. Toward the west-south-west of our property, close to the horizon appeared what seemed to be a rather large bright burning object with what appeared to be a tail falling from the sky. Just as suddenly it disappeared. It only lasted a few seconds and to me seemed very close to the Earth. I was nearly certain it hit the ground somewhere not too far from where we live and even wondered ( in horror ) if it might be plane on fire crashing to the ground. I rather expected to see the glow of fire in the distance and perhaps even feel the explosion as it hit the ground. But nothing. I went to bed and watched the local news a while before falling to sleep. I had a restless night and so watched TV on and off all night and never heard any mention of the fireball falling from the sky. I told my husband and son about it this morning as we drove to our other property to work on the house we are building. I just this evening thought to look on line for any information as to what it may have been. But after watching CNN this morning and this evening and hearing not a word about this incident, I felt I had to. I found your site eventually by typing in the search bar something like.. what was that falling from the sky last night? I was encouraged to read the 2 reports from others on your site verifying that I wasn't the only one who saw this. I had already tried searching for meteorites and other such events. So this is my report on what I saw falling from the sky last night. Hope it helps!
Also I would like to add that many years ago in southern Calif. while driving on the freeway near the city of San Bernardino, I saw in the sky up above a bright object that as I remember it looked to be a bluish-green ball of light with a tail traveling across the sky above. This too only lasted a very short time. Moments... seconds? I had no way of knowing which direction it was heading at the time. I want to say for some reason that it was heading east toward the desert, but I cannot be at all sure. I believe this happened sometime in the 70s. Never heard a word about what it may have been and of course had no internet back then or so many sources of information to try to track it down. Just wondering if you may have any idea what it might have seen.
Much thanks, Sharon Keith, Springhill, Arkansas  Thank you Sharon!

Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!