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Click on Image to Enlarge 18NOV2012 Meteor Reports Neon Aqua Markers= Sighting Report Red Markers= Camera Capture v.1 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth |
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Click on image to enlarge 18NOV2012 Meteor Captured by the ASGARD Allsky System at Huntsville, AL credit- Dr. Bille Cooke, NASA |
credit- Dr. Bille Cooke, NASA
Initial sighting reports:
18NOV2012 Tracey Chickamauga, GA USA 19:29 EST 4 secs E-W White Light then turned red as it burned up and disappeared Less than sun more than venus no I was headed due west on Lee Clarkson Rd. It appeared right above me traveling the same direction (toward lookout mountain)
18NOV2012 Christy Levet Brentwood, tn 18:32:00 1/2/2012 South Yellow red Moon Tail Looked like a falling firework
18NOV2012 Debbie Martin exit 102 Hwy 67 north, 2 miles going east on Hwy 226 Arkansas US 18.30,18.40 5-7 seconds east white, blue then orange/yellow largest meteor I have ever seen no no
All Meteor Sighting reports can be seen at:
If you witnessed this meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you.
Click HERE to file a report.
NASA Confirms
Confirmed fireball brighter than the Moon, seen in 5 cameras on November 19 at 00:29:24 UTC (November 18 18:29:24 CST). Trajectory solution in work.
Regards, Bill Cooke, NASA Meteoroid Environment office
MBIQ Data:
Trussville, Alabama arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor fell in ala.
10:08:39 -- 34 minutes ago
Memphis, Tennessee arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for something blue fell from the sky nov 18, 2012.
10:20:37 -- 23 minutes ago
Atlanta, Georgia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida Green Meteor Fireball 6OCT2011" by searching for what fell from the sky tonight georgia.
10:38:12 -- 6 minutes ago
Tuscaloosa, Alabama arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Portsmouth, New Hampshire Green streak in sky 12NOV2011" by searching for green streak in the sky.
10:40:13 -- 4 minutes ago
2012 THE Year of Meteors!