Showing posts with label 隕石クレーター. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 隕石クレーター. Show all posts

04 June 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 5JUN2010

Australians surprised by a bright light
Radio Australia News - ‎2 時間前‎
Astronomer Simon O'Toole says there's no need for alarm and that it was not a UFO. He says the phenomenon was probably caused by a meteor or space junk...

隕石クレーター:きょう飯田でシンポ 発見者ら、わかりやすく解説 /長野
毎日新聞 - ‎50 分前‎
飯田市の南アルプスの御池山(1905メートル)の山頂付近で発見された国内初の隕石(いんせき)の衝 突跡(クレーター)について、専門家がわかりやすく解説するミニシンポジウム「世界から見た御池山隕石クレーター発見の意義」が5日、同市 美術博物館で開かれる。 ...
Meteor Crater: We discovered today Iida Symposium on, easy to understand
explanation / Nagano
Mainichi Shimbun - 50 minutes ago
Iida 御池山 Southern Alps (1905 m), the nation's first meteorite found near the summit (Inseki) opposition 突跡 (crater), by mini-symposium experts clearly explain "the significance of meteorite craters discovered 御池山 from the world" five days, the city Held in museums. ...

NASA's on hunt for bit of meteor

The Huntsville Times -
NASA thinks at least one meteorite hit the ground there last month. "Very rare," Dr. William Cook of Marshall Space Flight Center said Wednesday while ...

Meteorite man powered by KHQA
He's a meteorite hunter and collector. He has quite a collection. Some of them he's found, others he bought on E-bay. He even has a piece of the moon that ...

Hobbyist tracks 'cosmic collision,' collects large chunk of meteorite that lit up Midwest sky
Quincy Herald-Whig Fri, 04 Jun 2010 09:35 AM PDT
When Karl Aston saw a fireball in the sky, his first thought was of chasing it. The St. Louis research chemist, whose in-laws live in Quincy, hunts for and collects meteorites in his spare time. ...

Scientists identify meteor event in Walt Whitman poem

Seattle Times
The heavenly display is described in the poem "Year of Meteors (1859-1960)," in which Whitman writes of the tumultuous period leading up to the Civil War. ...

Noctilucent Clouds Sighted over Europe

The 2010 noctilucent cloud season has just begun in the northern hemisphere, with sightings over Russia, Scotland and Denmark. Although noctilucent clouds were once a phenomenon of high latitudes only, in recent years they have been sighted in the United States as far south as Colorado and Utah. Visit
for photos and observing tips. ...

Mars On Earth: Astrobiologists look for places here to practice for missions ... - ‎12 時間前‎
Other analogous sites scheduled for scrutiny are the Popigai meteorite crater in Siberia and Rio Tinto in Spain, which are thought to mimic other parts of ...

Terpecahkan, Misteri Badai Meteor 1859 - ‎3 時間前‎
COM, Jakarta- Lebih dari seabad gambaran Walt Whitmen mengenai badai meteor menjadi misteri yang tidak terungkap. Tapi peneliti kini sudah mendapat ...

Jupiter dostal ďalšiu ranu. Zachytil ju amatér - ‎20 時間前‎
Neprítomnosť pozorovateľnej stopy po náraze a krátky čas dopadu viedli vedcov k dohadu, že do Jupitera narazil meteor. "Nikdy sme ešte nevideli, ...

Rare rocks identified on Mars

Astronomy Now Online - ‎20 時間前‎
... of astronomy for the year ahead, with a complete 30-page guide to observing the planets, moon, meteor showers, two solar eclipses, and the deep sky in 2010...

Jupiter Kembali Dihantam Benda Asing

Vivanews - ‎11 時間前‎
"Kami belum pernah melihat suatu meteor menghantam Jupiter," kata peneliti dari Badan Antariksa Amerika Serikat (NASA), Glenn Orton. ...

Jupiter Kembali Dihantam Benda Asing

Vivanews - ‎11 時間前‎
"Kami belum pernah melihat suatu meteor menghantam Jupiter," kata peneliti dari Badan Antariksa Amerika Serikat (NASA), Glenn Orton. ...

Un astronom amator a observat cum Jupiter a fost lovita de un meteorit (Comunicat de Presă) - ‎17 時間前‎
Planeta Jupiter a fost lovita de un corp strain, care sa aprins in atmosfera, iar impactul a fost observat de un astronom amator. ...

Karbonatgestein auf dem Mars nachgewiesen: Warmes und feuchtes Klima war ...

Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (Pressemitteilung) - ‎17 時間前‎
Der Allan-Hills-Meteorit sorgte Ende der 90er Jahre für Aufsehen, nachdem Wissenschaftler bestimmte Strukturen als biologische Signaturen gedeutet hatten. ...

Museum of Natural History Celebrates its Reopening

Canada Views - ‎16 時間前‎
Téo the astronaut and his dog, Laïka, guide “space travelers” as they explore fragments of meteorites that fell in Canada in 1960, 1963 and 1994. There is a ...

Júpiter recibió un impacto que dejó una huella similar al océano Pacífico

Diario de Navarra - ‎12 時間前‎
No es por criticar, pero que coj... importará si cae un meteorito en Jupiter o si los anillos de Saturno han decidido instalar un peaje para los plutonianos ...

Kamienie prosto z nieba

Zycie Warszawy - ‎8 時間前‎
Każdy fragment małego ciała niebieskiego, którego orbita przecina się z orbitą Ziemi, i które przebije się przez naszą atmosferę to meteoryt. ...
The stones from heaven
Zycie Warszawy - 8 时间 前 Each fragment of a small celestial body whose orbit intersects the orbit of the Earth, and which penetrates through our atmosphere is a meteor. ...

कहां से आई थी वो रोशनी?

दैनिक भास्कर - ‎2010年6月1日‎
वहां की प्रेसीडेंशियल पेनल का सुझाव था कि उस समय कोई उल्का पिंड सैटेलाइट से टकराया होगा। उस समय सैटेलाइट ने रिपोर्ट दी थी कि उसने दो बार चमकीली रोशनी देखी है। पहली रोशनी बहुत ज्यादा चमकीली थी। वहीं दूसरी ज्यादा देर तक दिखी थी लेकिन इसकी चमक कम थी। ये दो से तीन किलोटन न्यूक्लियर एक्सप्लोशन के बराबर थी। इसे हिंद महासागर में बोउवेट आईलैंड और प्रिंस एडवर्ड आईलैंड के बीच देखा गया था। ये जानकारी मिलते ही एयरफोर्स के विमान इस ...
Where came the light?
Times of India - 2010 年 6 月 1 日 These events are detected by U.S. satellite had Aaila hotel. The U.S. satellite on September 22, 1979 Two shining lights in the sky saw. According to experts, it was like a light nuclear Ckasploshne. May be the result of this test a nuclear weapon. Yet this fact could not find out until today there is. There Preesideanshiyal panel suggested that the time would be a meteorite hit the satellite. ...

野 狸岛上发现陨石

长寿网 - ‎3 時間前‎
本报讯记者靳碧海报道:“我认为这些石头是陨石。”昨天,对石头颇有研究的市民曾女士,向记者展示了她在野狸岛上发现的两种特别的石头:一种为暗绿 色,外形与普通石头无 ... [not meteorite]