Showing posts with label 中國. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 中國. Show all posts

12 August 2012

中國, 台灣-11/12/132012年8月英仙座流星雨高峰

中國, 台灣-11/12/132012年8月英仙座流星雨高峰

  已觀察到的英仙座流星雨至少有2000年和斯威夫特 - 塔特爾彗星,它繞太陽每隔133年。每年的8月份,地球穿過彗星的碎片雲。 - 最超過1000歲 - 冰和塵埃,這些位在地球大氣層中燃燒創造今年最好的流星雨之一。可以看到漫天的英仙座流星雨,但最佳觀賞機會,將是整個北半球。那些眼睛是雪亮的,會看到,從英仙座方向的流星雨輻射。

  “不管你的時區,英仙座流星雨應成為可見當地時間晚上10時左右,與率上升到天亮。查看的最佳時間將是3-5之間的峰值速率從午夜到天亮,您的本地時間,上午觀察員明確的黑暗的天空,可以預期每分鐘或左右的利率標準流星觀看適用躺在你的背部(毛毯,睡袋,草坪的椅子)直線上升,並期待不要用望遠鏡或天文望遠鏡 - 。他們太小視野 - 不看在英仙座,對輻射方向的流星雨將有短期的火車,是那麼引人注目,避免在逐漸減弱,如果可能的新月“。
比爾 - 庫克,國家航空和航天局(NASA)


LunarMeteorite*獵人德克·羅斯 - 東京,日本


2012 THE Year of Meteors!

23 November 2009

Chinese Meteor/Meteorite News- Prior 23NOV09

太空探索/美國猶他州隕石墜落 黑夜變白晝

NOWnews - ‎2009年11月18日‎
這兩天壯觀的獅子座流星雨登場,在美國猶他州就有一顆巨大的隕石從天而降,瞬間把黑夜變成了白晝。 這顆隕石掉落的時間,約是當地時間19日凌晨剛過午夜,從監視畫面上可以看到,猶他州的夜空一瞬間亮得宛如白晝。 天文學家表示,這顆隕石的大小像是一個烤箱,它在160公里 ...
Space Exploration / night change Utah meteorite fall day
NOWnews - 2009 Nian 11 Yue 18 date by two days of spectacular Leonid meteor shower the stage, in the United States, Utah, there is a huge meteorite fell from the sky, and instantly the night into day. Meteorite fall time is about midnight local time on the 19th just after midnight, from the monitor screen can see the sky, Utah, the moment was like a bright day. Astronomers said that like a meteorite the size of the oven, it is 160 km ...

美國下月將發射太空望遠鏡 觀測更遙遠的天體

中國經濟網 - ‎2009年11月18日‎
據新加坡《聯合早報》19日報道,美國這臺稱為“廣域紅外線觀測探險家”(WISE)的望遠鏡,料將揭露太陽系中此前未知的數以萬計的“近地天體”——晦暗隕石和彗星以及遙遠天空的無數星辰和星系。 將由德爾塔2型火箭運送到環球軌道的這臺望遠鏡,訂星期五拖往加州范登堡空軍基地的 ...
United States Space Telescope will be launched next month, more distant objects Christian Science Monitor - November 18, 2009,

According to Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao," 19 NOV reported that the United States that Taiwan is called "Wide-area infrared observations explorer" (WISE ) telescope, the solar system is expected to reveal previously unknown tens of thousands of "near-Earth objects" - dark and gloomy sky, meteorites and comets, as well as the countless distant stars and galaxies. Delta 2 rocket will be transported to the global orbit telescope set hauled Friday from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California ...

俄首位非共黨籍太空人逝世 享年83歲

雅虎香港 - ‎2 時間前‎
俄羅斯聯邦太空總署表示,那一次的任務讓費奧蒂斯托夫成為「第一位可以在實際情況下測試作品的太空船設計師」。 他一直擔任太空船設計師到1990年為止,參與過的計畫包括「聯合號」(Soyuz)火箭及「和平號」(Mir)太空站。 俄羅斯聯邦太空總署指出,月球上有一個隕石坑以 ...
Russian astronauts on the first non-communist party who died at the age of 83
Yahoo Hong Kong - 2 hours ago The Russian Federal Space Agency said that it was a task so that Feiao Di Kostov become "the first one can be tested under actual conditions of works spacecraft designers. " He has served as spacecraft designers to 1990, participated in the plan include the "United" (Soyuz) rockets and the "Mir" (Mir) space station. The Russian Federal Space Agency said there is a crater on the moon in order to ...


中時電子報 - ‎2009年11月21日‎
大陸極地考察船「雪龍」號目前在南極進行第廿六次考察任務,這次行動除執行既定的科研項目,還將首次在南極內陸海拔最高的冰穹A地區鑽探冰芯,並在南極內陸格羅夫山區採集隕石,這兩項行動將為中國對重建地球的歷史演化、預測全球氣候和環境變化,以及對中國深空探測計畫 ...
Yun-_ ice drilling mining research for millions of years of climate change
International Herald Tribune - November 21, 2009
Continental polar research ship "Snow Dragon", is currently in the Antarctic for the first Nianliu second tour of duty, this action except to the established research project, will be the first time, the highest elevation in the Antarctic inland ice Dome A ice core drilling in the region and the Grove Mountains in Antarctica collecting meteorites inland, these two actions will provide China the reconstruction of the history of the Earth's evolution, predicting global climate and environmental change, as well as China's deep space exploration program ...


臺灣新浪網 - ‎2009年11月19日‎
位於『里奇』(Ritchey)大隕石坑底部的一個小隕石坑,小隕石坑被噴射物所包圍,裡面滿是沙子。 塔爾西斯山群(Tharsis Montes)附近看上去很模糊的地貌。乍看上去,你或許以為此圖的某些部分焦點沒對准。但是,正如我們看到的像隕石坑那樣更加清晰的地形,圖像模糊不是 ...
Mars fantasy landscape: the formation of dust storms raging interlaced texture (Photos) (6)
Sydney Morning Herald - November 19, 2009 at
Ritchie (Ritchey) large crater at the bottom of a small craters, small craters have been surrounded by ejecta, which is full of sand. Tarsis Hills (Tharsis Montes) looks very fuzzy around the landscape. At first glance, you might to focus on certain parts of this plan did not align. But, as we have seen more clearly as the image of crater topography, the image blurring is not ...

美國太空總署撞擊月球 發現大量的水

eTaiwan News - ‎2009年11月19日‎
「月球隕石坑觀察與感衛星」太空總署的「月球隕石坑觀察與感測衛星」(LCROSS),上個月撞入月球南極附近一個永久陰暗的隕石坑,探測下面是否埋藏了冰。 The mission actually involved two moon shots. First, an empty rocket hull slammed into the Cabeus crater. ...
NASA found a large quantity of water hit the moon
eTaiwan News - 2009 Nian 11 Yue 19 day
"Lunar crater observation and a sense of satellites," NASA's "lunar crater observation and sensing satellite" (LCROSS), the last near the lunar south pole on crashed into a permanent dark crater, detecting whether or buried below the ice. The mission actually involved two moon shots. First, an empty rocket hull slammed into the Cabeus crater. ...


商業電台 - ‎2009年11月18日‎
【商台互動中國組】拉脫維亞隕石坑是偽造,是宣傳噱頭;四川冰川遺跡也是假的,是發現者的猜想,是部份地方官員受利益驅使捏造的? 早前曾報導《四川發現百萬年前冰川遺跡》一事,「地貌罕見」、「國內首次發現」等字眼振奮人心。然而四川地質及冰川專家發布宣言,表示 ...
Are glacial relics in Sichuan is a lie?

Commercial Radio - November 18, 2009
China Commercial Radio Interactive
Latvia crater was forged, is publicity gimmick; Sichuan glacial relics are false, the discoverer of the conjecture is that some local officials motivated by profit and fabrication it? Had earlier reported that the "Sichuan glacial relics found in millions of years ago," had "a rare landscape," "the first time found that" the words inspiring. However, geological and glacial experts in Sichuan Province issued a declaration that ...

兩岸科學家聯手挺進南極 郭富雯台灣第一人

NOWnews - ‎2009年11月20日‎
到南極探勘20多次的中國考察團「雪龍號」,今年將組成最龐大的科學隊伍,挺進南極鑽冰芯、採隕石,而船上也首度加入來自台灣的神秘嘉賓郭富雯。 今年4月,雪龍號首度造訪高雄港,從此開啟了兩岸南極合作契機。來自屏東海生館的研究員郭富雯,成為挺進南極的第一位台灣人, ...
Antarctic scientists advance the two sides together
GUO Fu-wen, Taiwan's first people NOWnews - 2009 Nian 11 Yue 20
Antarctic exploration mission in China 20 times, "Snow Dragon" and this will form the largest scientific community, advance the Antarctic ice core drilling, mining meteorites, while the ship is also the first time to join the mystery guests from Taiwan, GUO Fu-wen. In April of this year, Snow Dragon's first visit to Kaohsiung, from opening an opportunity to cross-strait cooperation in Antarctica. NMMBA from GUO Fu-wen, a researcher, becoming the first South Pole advance Taiwanese, ...