22 April 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22APR2024

The 4.7-billion-year-old Limerick meteorite and the 200-year search for a lost fragment worth ...
The Irish Independent
A 4.7-billion-year-old meteorite and a geologist's efforts to piece together its history will feature in a new three-part series on RTÉ.

Panspermia: Could aliens be moving across the universe on meteorites? - Times of India
Times of India
“Martian meteorites have been found on Earth,” and life's robustness in such conditions supports the feasibility of panspermia. The study's authors ...

Accessory mineral microstructure and chronology reveals no evidence for late heavy ...
... meteorites, and asteroidal meteorites. However, it has been largely ... For example, baddeleyite grains in the lunar meteorite Northwest Africa ...

Deciphering India's Luna Crater - NASA Earth Observatory
NASA Earth Observatory
New analysis of a round depression in the salty plains of the Kutch Basin revealed telltale signs of a prehistoric meteorite impact.

Scientists have discovered 1000 new asteroids that the Hubble telescope could not detect
Uncovering the secrets of the Winchcombe meteorite: what the stone from space told. “[Of the discovered] 1031 asteroids are not cataloged. About ...

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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