The shock wave from an asteroid that burned up over Russia in February was so powerful that it ...
China News - June 25, 2013
White, black, dumbbell-shaped, teardrop-shaped, and the head-shaped meteorite did not you seen? To Conghua museum, the public can Yidufangrong - first " meteorite cultural exhibition "recently opened museum in Conghua.
Russian Meteor Produced A Shockwave That Traveled The Globe Twice
The Chelyabinsk meteor that blazed a trail across the morning sky in Russia this past February left a shocking impact on not just the Ural Mountains region, but the entire world. A new report published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters states ...
Russian Scientists Says Meteor Shockwave Circled Globe Twice
The researchers report the explosive energy was equivalent to 460 kilotons of TNT, making it the most energetic event reported since the 1908 Tunguska meteor in Siberia, which flattened trees across 2,000 square kilometers of forest. The atomic bomb ...
Russian meteor shock wave went 'round the world twice'
Russian meteor shock wave went 'round the world twice'. Scientists studying the shock wave from ameteor that passed over Russia in February say it was so powerful that it travelled twice around the earth. 560. 315. TelegraphPlayer_10148084 ...
Shockwave from Russian meteor that left 1000 people injured 'went twice ...
The Independent
The shockwave from a meteor which exploded over Russia earlier this year travelled twice around the earth, scientists have said. More than 1,000 people were injured when the 10,000-tonne, 17m rock exploded over the town of Chelyabinsk. Tremors from ...
Russian meteor's shock wave encircled the globe - TWICE! Colorado Springs and Pueblo News
You may remember the meteor that burned up in the sky over Russia in February this year. It's the one that produced a shock wave that shattered windows nearby. Now a report from the BBC in the United Kingdom says scientists used a global network of ...
Meteor shockwave circled globe twice
More than 1,000 people were injured when a 17m, 10,000-tonne space rock burned up above Chelyabinsk. The study appears in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. The researchers studied data from the International Monitoring System (IMS) network ...
Russia Meteor Shock 'Went Twice Around Earth'
Sky News
The shockwaves from the meteor which exploded over Russia in February travelled twice around the Earth, according to scientists. More than 1,000 people were injured when the 10,000 ton object - larger than a double-decker bus - burnt up in the skies ...
Russian meteor shockwave circles world twice
CBBC Newsround
Russian meteor shockwave circles world twice. Meteor. A meteorite strike that hit Russia in February was so powerful that scientists say it created a shockwave that travelled twice round the globe. They used a system of sensors normally set up to ...
Russian Meteor Shock Rippled Around Earth , Twice
Discovery News
When a meteor slammed into the atmosphere over the Russian Urals region on Feb. 15, 2013, the huge quantity of energy released was encapsulated in a powerful shock wave that blasted the city of Chelyabinsk, causing property damage and inflicting over ...
Study: Chelyabinsk meteor shockwave was heard around the world twice
The Chelyabinsk meteor last year was the first natural event to cause shockwaves heard all around the world -- twice -- by the International Monitoring System (IMS), designed to pick up the sounds of nuclear weapons exploding in the atmosphere ...
Shockwave from the 10000 tonne Russian meteor was so powerful it 'travelled ...
Daily Mail
The shockwave from a meteor that exploded over Russia's Ural Mountains was so powerful that it travelled twice around the earth, scientists have said. The 10,000 tonne rock, measuring around 55 feet in diameter, created a huge hole in a frozen lake ...
Morning Planets, Meteor Shower Grace July Sky | Video
Malaysia Sun
Morning Planets, Meteor Shower Grace July Sky | Video. Friday 28th June, 2013. Mars and Jupiter will shine bright in the predawn morning skies of July 2013. Learn how to see the planets and the annual Delta Aquarid meteor shower in late July.
The shockwave from the Chelyabinsk meteor circled the Earth -- twice!
You know an explosion is powerful when an explosion requires a team of researchers who normally look for illicit nuclear bomb tests shift to study it. And yes, the group's results show that the Russian meteor created a big boom indeed. Looking to ...
Mystery of the Devastating Russian “Tunguska Event” Finally Solved (VIDEO)
Slate Magazine
Russian Meteor's Shock Wave Circled Earth ... Twice (Newser). Starship Working on New Album, 'Loveless Fascination' (Rolling Stone). Indian journalist fired for reporting from on top of a flood victim's shoulders (VIDEO) (Social Reader). Watching ...
Irish meteorite could sell for $41,000
Fri, 28 Jun, 2013 11:48 AM PDT
The meteorite that landed somewhere over the northern part of Ireland could be worth in excess of $41,000. The last time a meteoritehit Ireland was in 1989, and a gram of that meteor rock sold for $500.
Continue reading
With video: Fireball across Ireland asmeteorite crashes to earth
Fri, 28 Jun, 2013 11:46 AM PDT
A meteorite traveling with the force of a small nuclear weapon blazed across the sky in Ireland Wednesday and crashed inland. Astronomy Ireland says the fireball, which was traveling at 100,000 miles per hour, was spotted at about 6 p.m. Continue reading
Wolfram|Alpha Blog : Meteor Day: Celebrate Nature's Fireworks
June 30 is Meteor Day—probably because in 1908, an asteroid or comet exploded above the Tunguska River in Siberia. Let's talk meteor showers.
Meteor Activity Outlook for June 29-July 5, 2013 | American Meteor ...
Meteor season finally gets going in July for the northern hemisphere. The first half of the month will be much like June. After the 15th though, both sporadic and ...
Morning Planets, Meteor Shower Grace July Sky | Video |
Mars and Jupiter will shine bright in the predawn morning skies of July 2013. Learn how to see the planets and the annual Delta Aquarid meteor shower in late ...
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 26JUN2013
What's remarkable about the Russian mega-meteor is how little of it has been found. According to Buhl and Wimmer, the combined mass of the submitted finds is ...
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
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