~9:00 pm EST 29MAY2011 MA,NH,ME RI Event v.10
Meteor ~9:00 pm EST 29MAY2011 (click to enlarge)
v.3(c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth |
Natick, MA ~9:00 pm 29MAY2011
I was sitting out last night as it was getting dark around 9ish and all of the sudden I saw a green shooting star! I saw it in Natick, MA and I believe that I was facing North and it was shooting East to West. There was a long trail behind it with a kind of pulsing yellow flash behind it. It was really bright and green, and seemed rather large and slow for a shooting star, and somewhat low. At first I thought it was a firework. I attached a quick drawing to describe what I mean. Can you tell me what it was that I saw?! Best, -Samantha Hankey
Peabody, MA Large Green Fireball ~9:00 pm
I was sitting on my deck in my back yard in Peabody, MA. I saw large green fireball. Looked like a firework type of flare being set off in the neighborhood, until I realized it was moving in the wrong direction, downward. It was in the sky long enough that I was able to point it out to my wife although she had been looking the other way. It was in the North East sky, moving downward and westerly across the sky. -
Bob Treacy, Peabody, MA
Worcester, MA. on 495 north about 9pm, May 29th 2011
We were travelling from Worcester, MA. on 495 north about 9pm, May 29th 2011. Watching through the windshield we saw what appeared to be a large shooting star that resembled a bright green firework crossing in front of us traveling East to west lasting approx. 3 seconds. Seemed to burn out with sparks at the head and disintegrate. No sound, no smoke. -Anon.
Providence, RI Green with white fireball Date: Between 8:45 to 9:00 pm May 29, 2011
Time: Between 8:45 to 9:00 pmLocation: Providence, RI
Color: Green with white
Direction: Not sure
Brightness: Very Bright
Duration: Approx. less than 5 sec.
It happened so fast, I thought it was a UFO. - K. Phan
York, ME
Last night about 9 pm we had a sighting, of what we thought was a meteor, that was at a low altitude, and traveling west,to the north of us at a high rate of speed. Today we noted a black rock looking object in our yard in York ME.
Having never paid that much attention to the subject before, I am certainly not sure, but I strongly susp[ect the object in our yard is a meteroite.
IT was definitely not there yesterday before dark, and there is no activity going on around our house that would account for a stray rock ending up here. It landed in a gravel walkway, and hard enough to push in a plastic drain pipe that is installed under the rockway
Attacched find some photos I just toook of the object. Rough dimensions are 6'x9'x3".
Does anyone have any interest in investigating such object, and how would I contact them?
-J. O.
Danvers, MA.
May 29, 2011 a little before 9PM until a little after 9PM in Danvers, MA...5 people watched orange balls...first one, then two closer together, then perhaps 4 to 5 more travelling from the lower southeast, about 20 degees above the horizon, in an arc to about 35 degrees above the horizon in a northerly direction before they disappeared from sight below the treeline about 30 feet from the east-facing porch we were sitting on...they were larger than Venus is when I've seen it at it's largest low on the horizon and bright and silent and moved smoothlly at a moderate constant speed...not like anything I've ever seen before!...what were they??? - Cathy R.
Greenfield, MA at approx 9pm EST
My son and I spotted what looked like a huge fireball/meteorite on 5/29/11 over Western MA near Greenfield, MA at approx 9pm EST.
It was big and fast-- I actually thought it was a helicopter on fire falling from the sky! It was traveling from East to NE and we saw it go down within 2 - 3 seconds. The sky was overcast which made the sudden bright light even more dramatic. - Susan D.
Randolph, MA, USA.
I am writing you from Randolph, MA, USA.
On Sunday night May 29th just before 9PM approximately 8:55 PM local time I noticed a brilliant fireball in the eastern sky it was moving from south to north and started in the east and ending in the east north east. The meteor was dropping at about a 30 deg angle to horizontal. It was brilliant white and quite large, probably at least -4 or brighter. As the meteor got lower in the sky you could see "smaller" pieces coming off it. Lasted perhaps 2-3 seconds
Regards, Peter McGurk
Phillipston, Mass 8:40pm
May 29, 2011 at 8:40pm in Phillipston, Mass . It was the end of dusk. I went to close the kitchen window and saw an immense bright lite behind some trees in the northeast. It was heading to the north and went straight down into the north horizon. It was so bright, at first I Thought there must be a plane in trouble it was so low. Then it passed out of the tree line and I realized it was a fireball. It was as bright as a white moon may be brighter and had green on the outside circumference and a tail very long, as long as the event, 3 seconds? AWESOME. -LUCKY
Stoughton/Canton Massachusetts
Was on 95N in the Stoughton/Canton area at about 9pm Sunday when a huge ball of light went across the sky. At first I thought it was a plane crashing since I was not too far from Norwood Airport. It was much brighter and larger than any other "shooting star" I have ever seen. It lasted several seconds and then seemed to break up. Any other reports of this tonight?
Concord, Massachusetts - May 29, 2011 - in the east between 8:50 pm and 9:00 pm.
I was indoors, but the great brightness got my attention. It seemed to
be moving very rapidly downward, away from me, and to the north -
though I may remember incorrectly! - and it quickly passed below the
tree line. Also, it may have been green.
Dedham, MA Green streak 9pm May 29thDriving on 95 past exit 18 in Dedham Massachusetts at about 9pm on Sunday May 29th. Green-white streak, from south east to norhtwest, broke and formed two streaks following same line. lasted 3-5 seconds.
Wow! -Kate D
West Stockbridge, MA
We were sitting on our deck last night around 8:30 (May 29, 2011) and I noticed a bright "star" to the north. The sky was still not very dark. It appeared to be a planet about the brightness of Venus or Jupiter, but of course no planet sits high (maybe about 50 degrees up from the horizon) and north. We watched it for a few minutes, and then I went and got binoculars. It looked white and disk-like, did not appear to be moving, and as we passed binoculars it changed to an orange color, and got much fainter. When I got the binocs back it had split into two little yellowish clouds at 2 and 7 o'clock orientation to each other, the lower of them still had a bright point. Within a few more seconds nothing could be seen. The entire event seemed to last at least a few minutes!
Joe Rose
Conway, MA 01341
4 of us saw a bright fire ball last night (on May 29)
Location: Conway, MA 01341
Time: guessing 8:30ish?? It happened just after true dark
had fallen.
We saw the fireball for a few seconds, very low in the sky,
through a low spot in the hills
It was very bright--much brighter and larger than a planet,
almost as large as the moon
Color: Greenish, big fiery head and a wavy tail. Overall
shape and proportion of a tadpole.
Direction: It moved very slowly downward. We're guessing it
was to the northeast of us It was totally silent -Janet
Northborough, MA
near Marlborough while heading East on Route 290 around approximately 9 pm. Spotted by both myself and my passenger.
Start and Stop location in sky, it was traveling from south to north, almost parallel to the earth, seemed so close as if it was going to hit the nearby Best Buy
It was bright, with green and yellow colors, seemed to last at least 5 seconds. Never seen anything like it!!! Any reports on where it landed and how far away from Earth is actually was?
Thanks! -Rachel Rego
Boston, MA at slightly before 9PM
Looking to the east, the meteor moved from south to north, starting at about 40 degrees above the horizon and ending above 35 degrees above the horizon
The event lasted approximately 4-6 seconds and covered a 6-8 degree arc across the sky
The brightness was significantly brighter than Venus and comparable to the moon on a bright night The main meteor was a bright white shine with a white corona with a white tail before it broke apart into seven pieces, 2 large, 5 small, with the small pieces moving more downward while the larger two continued on the original trajectory. -Maxwell D.L.
Warwick, Rhode Island (USA)
While travelling North on Rte.95 in Warwick, Rhode (USA) at approximately 8:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, I saw a remarkably clear blue/green light streak across the eastern horizon at roughly 15 degrees to the horizon, heading from South to North. My observation lasted only 2 or 3 seconds and near the end of the observation ( to my left and northward) there was a flash and what appeared to be a large fragment break off and fall. What I found most startling was how clear and close this phenomenon appeared. This thing appeared large to me and yet was most likely very far away. Amazing !
At first I thought maybe something had happened at the airport in Warwick, RI which was very much in the direction I was looking; but upon reflection that made little sense because of the speed at which the object seemed to be traveling. There were fireworks that night (Memorial Day holiday) but I've never seen any type of fireworks have a trajectory as flat (dead flat) and so close to the horizon. Also, there was no other event(s) in the vicinity anywhere near that time.
Sincerely, -Bill Walsh
Salem, NH USA
I saw a bright green (flourescent) type color ball with a tail of glowing white small balls, a cloudy looking stream behind it that did not seem to dissipate like you would expect smoke to, streaking very quickly thru the sky toward earth, this was around 9:00pm, a bit after I believe, as my husband and I were walking our dog, in Salem NH USA. I am not sure what it was, so bright and looked very low in the sky to me. -Audrey Lang
Gilmanton, NH
Date and time: May 29th 2011, at 9:00 pm
Town: Gilmanton NH
Direction of movement: West to East
Duration: 4-6 seconds
Brightness: moderate
Color and sounds: A light to medium green with a white tail - Anon
Melrose, MA. USA.
Guest177 (guest): Last night I saw the fireball while sitting on my porch. At first I thought it might be a roman candle because of the green glow and what looked like a piece splitting off. It was moving too fast though and streaked straight across the sky.This is the fourth fireball I have seen.
The greatest was in the late 60's and looked like a flaming basketball. That one was also reported across the northeast to the mid atlantic region. I saw the fireball at dusk on 5/29 in Melrose MA. USA. Instead of 2 separate fire balls, I saw a large piece break away. That one looked quite green. I only saw these for a short section of the sky, between trees that blocked much of my view. I did see them cover a long enough section that I was pretty sure of what I had seen. I have just read the other reports. In Melrose, Ma it was definitely close to 9 (not 11) and was moving south to north -as seen in Boston.
North Attleboro, MA
(guest): Molly -Fireball/meteor sited May 29, 2011 @ 8:56pm in North Attleboro, MA 02763
May 30 2011, 10:12 AM
(guest): in Cambridge,MA -- walking on Kirkland Street in East direction.Looked up and saw white ball with a orange-red trail move across sky, oriented somewhat downward.I assume it was a meteor? Was quite large, or very close --but since there was so sounds I rule out fireworks. It appeared also quite large and moved fast. Whole sighting lasted about 1 sec. sorry *no sounds* The time of the sighting on Kirkland Street in Cambidge, MA was at 8:53pm.
Rochester NH
(guest): just saw a green fireball in the sky around 9 Just before 9pm Rochester NH
Bowdoinham, Maine
Guest180 (guest): just saw the largest meteor fireball I have ever seen, in Bowdoinham, Maine:it came at me like an airplane (or UFO),with a bright light --only when I realized it was silent, and began to change color, did I understand what I was seeing. went from blue to green to yellow and red,before sparkling out like a roman candle.about 9 pm in the southeastern sky (almost directly above, it seemed --hard to tell the direction since it was heading toward me).way brighter than venus and I believe I heard a faint sonic boom about a half minute later sorry, forgot the date:fireball on May 29th,2011, 9 pm, Central Maine
Greenfield, MA 9pm EST
(guest): My son and I saw what looked like a huge meteor/fireball last night around 9pm EST falling fast over Western Massachusetts. Near Greenfield, MA. It fell from up right to down left, and it took about 2 - 3 seconds. It was huge, much bigger than a falling star. Did anyone see this, too?
Correction: It was 9pm EST that my son and I saw this... not 8pm. It seems to be the same one the guy from York, ME saw it...
Guest225 (guest): We also saw a large green flash at about 9pm EST in Gloucester,MA in the northeastern sky
Nashua,NH 8:55 pm EDT +/- 3 min 29 May 2011
Start and Stop location in sky: I was facing approx due east; meteorite was approx 40 degrees above horizon and moved from approx 30 degrees south of due east to approx 20 degrees north of due east; Very colorful, red at head,green and some yellow, tail approx 25 degrees
Duration of event (seconds): at least 3 seconds, sounds? No -
Carlene S
Boston, MA
Saw meteor 29May2011 around 9pm from a roofdeck in Boston near Mass Ave facing east toward downtown. The object was bright blue-green with a tail and streaked from south to north for about 2 seconds.Was at a very low altitude, and from my vantage point, it appeared to me to be on a trajectory to land (or burn up) near the John Hancock tower. Heard no sound. -
Northborough,Marlborough MA
Hi, found your site through google.Saw one last night while heading east on Route 290 in the area of Northborough,Marlborough MA (also just emailed this to you). Never seen anything like it!! around 9 pm. -
Rachel Hyman Rego
Fitchburg, MA
I am in Fitchburg MA and I saw a fireball around 9:30 pm in the NE skies. It was moving fast and was huge,no sound though. It disappeared behind the trees. -
Anon. (guest)
Ipswich, MA
In Ipswich MA, May 29th around 9pm, a several of us witnessed a very large green fireball that appeared to break into several pieces in the sky traveling north- this is the largest such event I had ever seen. -
Rochester, NH USA
Time: approximately 8:50 pm EST
Place: Rochester, NH USA
Duration: approximately 6 seconds
Direction of Travel: North ... was seen in the Eastern sky
Color: Bright green with orange trailing behind
Sound: no sound
Brightness: Very bright
Other: After it had passed you could see a trail in the sky for quite some time...
leading us to believe it was not a falling star.
It seemed quite low and was expecting to hear something when it made contact, but never did.Was it confirmed to be a meteor? Regards, ~
Beverly, MA meteor ~9:00 pm 29MAY2011
Jude Colangelo: meteor approx 9PM 5/29/11 Beverly MA sorry for the weird post! -
Jude C
Sunday,May 29th.I am in Sturbridge,MA.?fireball I think traveling east to west with just a slight decline,almost looked like it was just moving left to right.It went behind a house out of my site.@8:30pm ish,no one really believed me. Sorry, I meant it was traveling right to left,(long day at work) I am so glad I found this here.I want to tell the friends I was with that I was not crazy! -
Westford, MA
Hello LMH, Just wanted to report in about the bright green meteorite Sunday night May 29th 2011 at about 9 PM. I only caught a glimpse of it for about 2 seconds out the window while watching tv. I saw it from Westford MA with clear skies through an opening in the trees. It moved across the sky on a steep angle downward, as it looked from my location, ending at the northwest horizon. I’d say I lost sight of it behind the trees before it “finished”. Very bright soft green point – at first I thought it was a Roman Candle, but it was unmistakably a beautiful meteorite. It moved a bit on the slow side. I had time to jump to my feet. The tail was faint green to white. It looked like a very large meteorite at a great distance from me. If I extended the tail up and across the dome of the sky, I’d say it seemed to travel from the SW to the NE. All of the travel I saw took place very low in the sky – from 45deg downward.
This was a real nice one …. Glad so many folks saw it and reported back. Thank you for maintaining the site. -
Skip Doucette
Boston, MA
I saw it too! I was visiting Boston that weekend. I was in my vehicle approaching Boston from the west on the Massachusetts Turnpike. It appeared to be east from my location - almost directly over Boston. It was an incredible ball of fire. At first, I thought it was a rocket but quickly realized it was much too big for anything man-made. I've never seen anything like it. I just remembered it and Googled it. That's how I got here. -George from Pennsylvania
Exeter, New Hampshire TWO Green Meteors ~9:00 pm/ ~10:00pm 29MAY2011
I saw the first fire ball right around 9:00 p.m. EST It was visible for about a second and a half.
It was about 11 finger lengths above the trees.
Traveling from right to left at a downward angle almost horizontal to the tree line.
Don't know if this helps anything???
The second one was within an hour later, however I saw it through the trees while I was driving... so I can not give an accurate description of where I saw it in the sky.
Please let me know if someone sends you videos.
And please keep me posted about any more news covering this event. I am very interested!
Later wrote:
The color was as bright as a green firework. Brighter than Saturn or Venus seen with the naked eye.
No sounds. I saw it from my yard in Exeter New Hampshire right around 9:00p.m. To be more exact 9:07'ish. Looking East North East. I would say it was heading West South West.
The elevation was 11 fingers over the horizon. (I Don't know the scientific or nautical terms for location/movement in the sky. :( and I apologize.) I lasted about a second and half.
I would say the start and stop distance of which I saw the meteor was about an inch and a half holding a ruler at arms length away from my face.
Thanks for a response!
Good luck on your search!
Stephen Altieri
Two Fireball Meteor over NE USA/Canada May29
Uploaded by Is2012TheDate on May 30, 2011 152views
This compilation about the ~9:00 pm and ~11:00 29MAY2011 meteors was made by Pablo, a kind and thoughtful person; Thank you! - LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo
MetCom Traffic (Tokyo time/date stamps):
May 30 2011, 10:06 AM
(guest): Hi, we just saw a meteor or fireball going across the sky in Essex,Ma. 8 people saw it.
May 30 2011, 12:26 PM
Guest249 (guest): T ricer 11:05 SE Ohio massive meteorite SE skys
May 30 2011, 12:45 PM
Guest249 (guest): Did anyone else see the major major meteor 11:05 EDT SE US??
May 30 2011, 1:07 PM
Guest560 (guest):saw a meteor tonight! us va fire ball with cool colors!very fast! :saw meteor in roanoke,va 11:06!very cool colors it looked like it was so close to us ! with a fire trail that followed behind it!
May 30 2011, 1:35 PM
Guest906 (guest): 11 pm, May 29, 2011, Elkins, WV. Very large orange ball with a tail lighted everything up blue, for approx 1.5 seconds.Accompanied by a static sound.
May 30 2011, 1:39 PM
Guest195 (guest): Hi, we just saw a meteor or fireball going across the sky in Centreville,VA. 11:05pm
Guest700 (guest): Bob (name) green fireball seen from Upper Tract, WV. Bright enough to read by.11:02pm tracking East thru zenith, burned going thru Gemini.
MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Data:
New York arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for bright meteor northeast.