22 November 2020

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22NOV2020

Stunning! Watch As A Meteor Flies Across The Sky In Texas Leaving Onlookers Amazed
India Times
Also Read: Indonesian Man Earns A Fortune Overnight, After Meteorite Worth Rs 9.8 Crore Crashes Through His House. The NWS said on Twitter no ...

Meteorite fora il TETTO di una CASA, e lui diventa MILIONARIO
Meteo Giornale
Meteorite vale milioni di euro.In una calda e afosa giornata, un giovane imprenditore dopo aver lavorato nel suo laboratorio, dove costruisce casse da ...

বাড়ির ছাদে ছিটকে পড়ল ১০ কোটি টাকার উল্কাপিণ্ড ...
ABP Ananda
Indonesian Man Earns A Fortune Overnight, After Meteorite Worth Rs 9.8 Crore Crashes Through His. জাকার্তা:ভগবান যখন দেন, ...

Indonesian man becomes instant millionaire after meteorite falls through his roof
United News of Bangladesh
A coffin maker in Indonesia became an overnight millionaire after a £1.4 million meteorite crashed through his roof. The 33-year-old Josua Hutagalung ...

Cade un meteorite davanti casa e lo rivende per cifre milionarie: è accaduto in Indonesia
Everyeye Tech
È la storia di Joshua Hutaga, costruttore di bare ed esperto intagliatore del legno della cittadina di Kolang, nel nord di Sumatra: ha venduto un meteorite ...

Une météorite traverse sa maison et le rend… millionnaire
Josua Hutagalung peut remercier le destin qui a fait tomber une météorite sur sa maison. L'homme de 33 ans, fabricant de cercueils en Indonésie a ...

Indonezijski proizvođač lijesova osjeća se prevarenim nakon prodaje meteorita koji mu je probio ...
Hutagalung je rekao da je američkom stručnjaku za meteorite Jaredu Collinsu prodao 1,8 kilograma kamena od 2,2 kilograma, za koji se procjenjuje ...

Un meteorite gli cade davanti casa, lui lo vende e diventa milionario: la storia di un uomo ...
Centro Meteo Italiano
Non capita tutti i giorni di ritrovarsi un meteorite a pochi passi da casa. Ancora più rara è la possibilità che grazie a quello stesso meteorite la nostra ...

EH, ŠTO NIJE NAMA PALO… Pa koje su šanse za ovo? Tip preko noći postao milijunaš zbog onog ...
Jared Collins, američki stručnjak za meteorite koji je kupio dio kamena, ispričao je kako se sve odvilo. “Mobitel mi je neprestano zvonio s ponudama o ...

L'uomo più fortunato del mondo ha venduto per un milione di euro il meteorite precipitato nel suo ...
Business Insider Italia
Fino a oggi Josua Hutagalung produceva e vendeva bare nel villaggio di Kolang sull'isola di Sumatra. Poi, lo scorso agosto, la sua fortuna è cascata ...

Misteri Pusaka-pusaka Kerajaan Mataram yang Dibuat dari Batu Meteor
Dalam Catalogue of Meteorites dijelaskan, pernah jatuh meteorit Jatipengilon di Alastoewa, Madiun pada 19 Maret 1884. Berat meteor Jatipengilon ...

DNA ANALYSIS: अंतरिक्ष के कीमती पत्थर ने इस शख्स को ऐसे ...
Zee News Hindi
English Title (For URL):. DNA ANALYSIS meteorite made an Indonesian man a millionaire overnight. News Source: ज़ी न्यूज़ डेस्क.

Pour la première fois, des diamants ont été synthétisés en laboratoire à température ambiante
Trust My Science
... la nature, sur le site du cratère de météorite Canyon Diablo en Arizona. ... des diamants, y compris lors de l'impact violent des météorites sur Terre, ...

Mega-floods raged through Mars' equatorial region 4 billion years ago, study finds
Jagran English
The megafloods may have been the result of the melting of ice from the heat generated by a meteorite impact. Earlier, Curiosity rover science team ...

2020 The SEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22NOV2020

Meteor Lights Up The Skies of Texas – Watch Video
News Break
... capable of illuminating the entire sky above our heads. A recent meteor qualifies very well for the description, as it caused a major flare for the Texas ...

Meteor streaks across Brownsville in Texas. Video wows people
Hindustan Times
“Here's a video of tonight's meteor streaking across Brownsville from one of our meteorologists,” National Weather Service Brownsville tweeted. Updated .

WATCH: Meteor streaks across Texas sky in viral video
Skygazers in Texas' Rio Grande Valley were treated to a stunning sight on Nov. 19 as an apparent meteor brightened the sky. Read the full story:...

The Indonesian meteorite which didn't sell for $1.8m
BBC News
Meteorites are essentially ancient rocks that have hurtled through space and - by pure chance - crash landed on earth. Unsurprisingly, there is scientific ...

10 Batu Meteor Termahal di Dunia
CNN Indonesia
Meteorit yang saat dilelang di toko online hingga Rp26 miliar itu diklasifikasikan sebagai Kondrit berkarbon (CM1/2). Jay Piatek adalah warga Amerika ...

Meteor sighting: CSIRO research vessel spots meteor during live-stream
Times of India
A live-stream camera installed on the ship captured footage of the bright meteor. The incident took place off the coast of Tasmania, as reported by CSIRO ...

VIDEO: Stunning images of a meteor breaking up over Tasmania
Mehr News Agency - English Version
... meteor streaked across the southern coast of Tasmania, Australia, and researchers caught the fireball on camera as it broke up over the ocean.

Caught on camera: Australian research vessel captures a meteor breaking up off Tasmanian coast
Watch this stunning footage of a meteor breakup captured by @CSIRO's research vessel 'Investigator' off the southern coast of Tasmania. The vision ...

Observations October 17/18, 2020 from Norway
Meteor News
One of them was caught on video by the Norwegian Meteor Network, the other one was photographed with my DSLR camera. Observations: 22:25 – 23: ...

Meteor Infrasound A Meteor That Explodes In The At...
One Such Meteor Produced Infrasound Waves With A Wavelength Of 6.3 Km That Propagated 8890 Km In 8.45 H. What Was The Frequency Of These ...

Is this a meteor?
Cloudy Nights
Is this a meteor? - posted in General Observing and Astronomy: Hi folks, I jumped into astrophotography a few months ago and caught something the ...

Mars' Equatorial Region Endured Raging Floods 4 Billion Years Ago, New Study Finds
The Weather Channel
According to this new research, the raging megafloods were created when a meteor came crashing down on Mars. The meteoritic collision and its ...

2020 The SEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

21 November 2020

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21NOV2020

Man who sold space rock 'felt cheated'
The Star Online
A COFFIN MAKER in North Sumatra who sold a meteorite that smashed through his roof for 200 million rupiah (RM57,960) found out later that he ...

Indonesia's 'millionaire' meteorite man ducks limelight after going viral
South China Morning Post
Indonesia's 'millionaire' meteorite man ducks limelight after going viral. Josua Hutagalung has gone into hiding after multiple global media outlets ...

Deretan Harga Batu Meteor Dunia, Bisa Lebih dari Rp 200 Juta
Dikutip dari Geology, ilmuwan meteorit Harvey H Nininger asal Amerika Serikat membuka Meteorite Museum di Arizona pada 1946. Dia merupakan ...

Un meteorite piomba sulla sua casa, se lo rivende e diventa milionario
Ma un giorno un meteorite piomba sulla sua casa. E non era una roccia qualunque ma un materiale preziosissimo risalente a miliardi di anni fa.

En Indonésie il construit une église grâce à une météorite !
Aleteia : un regard chrétien sur l’actualité, la spiritualité et le lifestyle
En Indonésie il construit une église grâce à une météorite ! ...

DNA: Man becomes millionaire overnight after meteorite crashes in his house
Zee News
Selling the meteorite has made him immensely rich literally overnight to the extent that he can easily live his life without having to pursue his current line ...

N. Sumatra man 'disappointed' after selling million-dollar space rock for Rp 200m
Jakarta Post
A 34-year-old man in North Sumatra who sold a meteorite that smashed through his roof for Rp 200 million (US$14,000) found out later that he could ...

Treasure from the sky: Man becomes overnight millionaire after meteorite hits his roof
Greater Kashmir
The meteorite is carbonaceous chondrite - an extremely rare variety estimated to be 4.5 billion years old. GK Web Desk. Srinagar, November 19, 2020, ...

Indonesian Man Reveals He Only Sold Meteorite For RM57,660, Feels He's Been Cheated By Buyer
It was said that he had set to receive RM7.60 million, but it turns out, his arrangement with meteorite specialist, Jared Collins, was very different. As ...

Indonésie : une météorite qui valait quelques dollars de plus
Courrier International
Un fabricant de cercueils dans le nord de Sumatra a vendu à un expert américain, pour 200 millions de roupies (12 000 euros), une météorite qui a ...

Indonésie. Une météorite estimée à 1,5 million d'euros finit dans le jardin d'un fabricant de cercueils
L'homme aurait vendu la météorite à un Américain et compte désormais construire une église avec l'argent gagné.

A meteorite fell on an Indonesian house. Its owner became a millionaire
A meteorite fell on the house of a resident of Indonesia. Later it turned out that the celestial body consists of very expensive space material, which ...

Une météorite tombe sur sa maison... Il devient millionnaire
20 Minutes
La météorite qui pesait environ 2,1 kg, a laissé un grand trou dans son toit et a fini par être enterrée à 15 cm de profondeur dans le sol à côté de la ...

Meteorite: letteralmente un milione di dollari caduti dal cielo
Meteorite: la storia di Josua Hutagalung. La storia è ambientata in indonresa; Josua, 33 anni, mentre si trovava in casa ha rischiato la vita proprio a ...

DNA ANALYSIS: अंतरिक्ष के कीमती पत्थर ने इस शख्स को ऐसे ...
Zee News Hindi
नई दिल्ली: कोरोना वायरस की खबरों ने आपको थोड़ा डरा दिया होगा और आपको लग रहा होगा ...

১০ কোটি টাকার পাথর ! | Meteorite in Indonesia | Bangla News | Mytv News
Meteorite in Indonesia | Bangla News | Mytv News. এনবিএস | Saturday, November 21st, 2020 | প্রকাশের সময়: 4:17 pm.

Uomo indonesiano diventa ricco vendendo i pezzi di un meteorite caduto nel giardino di casa
Centro Meteo Italiano
Il meteorite era caduto sul tetto in lamiera ed era fatto di condrite carboniosa: alcuni resti venduti su Ebay. A volte la fortuna può davvero cadere dal ...

Une météorite transperce le toit de la maison d'un Indonésien et renfloue son portefeuille
Une météorite qui vaut de l'or : voilà un cadeau de Noël en avance qui va changer la vie de Josua Hutagalung, un Indonésien qui a vu le toit de sa ...

A camera captures the exact moment when a meteorite sinks in the Pacific
It was a meteorite. A ship's camera captured when the fireball fell on the sea at 9:30 p.m. local time, according to the Daily ...

Il video incredibile del meteorite esploso mercoledì sopra il mare della Tasmania
Il meteorite, a contatto con l'atmosfera, per via dell'attrito ha preso fuoco e illuminato completamente la superficie dell'Oceano. La telecamera che ha ...

Meteorites might have kick-started life on early Earth
Mirage News
Schreibersite is common in iron-nickel meteorites and could have contributed as much as 10 percent of the phosphorus likely present in the Earth's ...

«Black Beauty», la météorite découverte au Maroc prouve que Mars avait de l'eau en surface
Le Desk
Des scientifiques français ont examiné une météorite rare découverte au Maroc en 2011 contenant des fragments de la croûte martienne datant de ...

V Česku spadol meteorit: Odtajnili jeho polohu, do pátrania sa zapájajú aj ľudia a nálezca môže ...
Dobré noviny
V Česku sa rozbehla veľká pátracia akcia po meteorite. Na nálezcu čaká dokonca aj možná odmena. Ilustračná fotka — Foto: Instagram/nachrichten.at.

2020 The SEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21NOV2020

Bright meteor lights up the night sky over Texas
20 (UPI) -- A bright meteor illuminated the night sky over southern Texas as part of the anticipated Leonids meteor shower, experts said.

Bright meteor lights up the night sky over Texas
98.5-X WXPM Retro Radio Phoenixville PA
The Leonid meteor shower occurs every 33.3 years and is caused by Comet Tempel-Tuttle sweeping through the inner solar system. Post Views: 2

WATCH: Meteor streaks across sky in Rio Grande Valley
FOX 46 Charlotte
The Leonid meteor shower peaked on Monday and continued throughout the week. “The annual Leonids [meteor shower], caused by Earth passing ...

Watch a fireball explode in the Texas sky
A National Weather Service meteorologist, Rick Hallman, captured an incredible fireball appearing to explode Thursday night in the Brownsville, ...

Meteor streaks across the sky in Manitoba
Yahoo News Canada
A doorbell camera records a meteor streak across the sky in Portage la Prairie, MB.

A Rare Opportunity Missed By LAPAN, After The Sale Of Josua's Meteor Stone
It cannot be explained whether the chunks of meteorite that fell at the house, Josua, came from the Perseid meteor shower some time ago. This is ...Indonesia Meteorite Fall

Indonesian man sells meteorite that fell through his roof for $1 million
Boing Boing
A meteor recently crashed through Josua Hutagalung's tin roof in Sumatra, ... The meteorite is carbonaceous chondrite, an extremely rare variety ...Indonesia Meteorite Fall

This guy became an instant millionaire when a meteor crashed into his room worth around 1.4 ...
23.2k votes, 413 comments. 1.7m members in the nevertellmetheodds community. Nearly impossible feats of achievement, those with great degree of ...Indonesia Meteorite Fall

Meteor sighting: CSIRO research vessel spots meteor during live-stream
Times of India
A research vessel of the Australian national science agency, CSIRO spotted a meteor entering the earth's atmosphere then disintegrating over the ...Tasmania

Wandering where ANOTHER meteor struck the dinosaurs. Upheaval Dome
Daily Kos
Wandering where ANOTHER meteor struck the dinosaurs. Upheaval Dome: Canyonlands NP (Video). Nov 20, 2020 8:42am PST by Username4242, ...Upheaval Dome, Utah

'Incredible': Meteor Flashes Brightly Before Breaking Up In Sky Off Tasmania Coast | WATCH
Republic World
A research ship travelling in the coast of Tasmania captured footage of a meteor as it entered Earth's atmosphere. As per the release, it was green in ...Tasmania

Events in 2020 6819-2020 KML
Fireball event
We received 34 reports about a fireball seen over Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Oberösterreich, Sachsen, Salzburg, Saxony, ...

Stunning images show 'meteors' across the sky over Plymouth
Inside Wales Sport
It is an annual event and it got its name from Leo, the constellation Leo, where its meteorite appears to have originated. Another caught the meteor in a ...* Appears to be aircraft contrail-LMH

2020 The SEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

20 November 2020

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 20NOV2020

Meteor re-enters the Earth's atmosphere before breaking up off the coast of Tasmania
The Senior
A CSIRO research vessel has captured footage of a meteor breaking up over the Southern Ocean.

Watch a bright fireball explode over the Tasman Sea (video)
A bright green meteor streaked across the southern coast of Tasmania, Australia, and researchers caught the fireball on camera as it broke up over the ...

VIDEO insolite : Chute de météorite filmée en direct en Australie !
Science et Vie
Météorite: une captation insolite. Pendant la nuit du 18 novembre, le vaisseau de recherche scientifique RV Investigator poursuivait sa tâche ...

CSIRO research ship captures the moment a meteor breaks up over Tasmania's south coast
The New Daily
Just before 9.30pm on Wednesday, crew on board the vessel about 100 kilometres south of Tasmania were treated to the sight of a meteor breaking .

Huge fireball's spectacular explosion over the ocean captured on film
NY Pilot
“What we saw on reviewing the livestream footage astounded us, the size and brightness of the meteor was incredible,” John Hooper, voyage ...

Meteorite blazes through Earth's atmosphere and lights up night sky in dramatic footage
The largest recent meteorite impact was in Chelyabinsk in Russia in 2013 – and Nasa says fireballs that large are only expected two or three times a ...

Australian Research Ship Films Meteor Breakup Over the Ocean
American Astronomical Society
Donate · Contributions · Outright Gifts · Deferred Gifts · AmazonSmile · Search. Australian Research Ship Films Meteor Breakup Over the Ocean ...

Moment a meteor enters Earth's atmosphere as a blazing ball of fire and breaks up over the ocean ...
Daily Mail
Reports of the sighting flooded the media, but the only cameras to capture it were those aboard the CSIRO RV Investigator. A meteor lit up the night sky ...

There Might Be Water On All Rocky Planets
Universe Today
Eventually, scientists determined that it represented a new classification of Martian meteorites they named “Martian (basaltic breccia)”. Mars Meteorite -

Fireball shines as bright as the Moon as it hits Earth at 60000km per hour - video
Daily Express
The International Meteor Organisation (IMO) said: "On November 7, 2020, around 21h 27min UT, a very bright fireball was observed and caught on ...

Explosive Fireball captured from Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico by avid TLE observer Frankie Lucena
Meteor News
In the early hours of November 13th 2020 at 01:23 AST (local time) = 05:23 UT, Frankie Lucena captured this explosive wonder in the skies over Cabo ...

NWS Brownsville on Twitter: "Here's a video of tonight's meteor streaking across Brownsville from ...
Here's a video of tonight's meteor streaking across Brownsville from one of our meteorologists... #meteor #fireball #leonidmeteorshower #rgvwx ..

WATCH: Meteor streaks across Texas sky in viral video
BROWNSVILLE, Texas — Skygazers in Texas' Rio Grande Valley were treated to a stunning sight Thursday as an apparent meteor brightened the sky ...

Meteor Streaks Across Skies in Texas as Leonid Meteor Shower Entertains Stargazers
Herald Sun

WATCH: Meteor streaks across Texas sky in viral video
960 The Ref
BROWNSVILLE, Texas — Skygazers in Texas' Rio Grande Valley were treated to a stunning sight Thursday as an apparent meteor brightened the sky, ...

WATCH: Meteor seen across the Rio Grande Valley Thursday night
The Leonid meteor shower peaked on Monday and continued throughout the week. The meteors are caused by Comet Tempel-Tuttle, which sweeps ...

Индонезиец продаде за 1 млн. долара метеорит, пробил покрива на къщата му (СНИМКИ)
A man in Indonesia just sold this rare meteorite that crashed through his roof last August for $1.85 million. pic.twitter.com/sJ8awG6aky. — Latest in ...

Мужчина быстро стал миллионером — на его дом упал метеорит. Видео
Sputnik Кыргызстан
Josua Hutagalung, a coffin maker in Indonesia became a millionaire after a meteorite crashed in his home! The meteorite is carbonaceous chondrite, ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for 21-27 November 2020
Meteor News
The estimated total hourly meteor rates for evening observers this week is near 3 as seen from mid-northern latitudes and 2 as seen from tropical ...

ഉൽക്കശില വീടിന് മുകളിൽ പതിച്ചതോടെ യുവാവ് ...
Samayam Malayalam
... ജോഷ്വാ ഹുത്തഗാലുഗ് ഉൽക്കശില Sumatra meteorite worth meteor crashed josua hutagalung Indonesian man. Web Title ...

Man sells meteorite that crashed through his roof for over $1 million
Josua Hutagalung, 33, said he was working outside his home in Sumatra when the meteorite crashed through the roof of the house and landed outside.

Meteorite makes man an instant millionaire
Euro Weekly News
Indonesian man Josua Hutagalung, 33, became an instant millionaire after a £1.4million meteorite crashed through the roof of his house in Kolang, ...

Meteorite lo sfiora dopo avergli bucato il tetto. Dopo la paura la sopresa: riesce a venderlo a un ...
Il Messaggero
Sfiorato da un meteorite che gli ha bucato il tetto della veranda. Dopo la paura, la sorpresa milionaria. Per lui quell'incidente, è proprio il caso di dirlo, ...

Indonesia: gli cade meteorite in casa, lo vende e diventa milionario
Corriere della Sera
Un dono piovuto dal cielo, dal valore di 1,5 milioni di euro. Un 33enne indonesiano, artigiano di bare, è diventato milionario grazie a un meteorite che ...

Indonesian man becomes a millionaire after meteor falls through his roof
Deccan Herald
33-year-old Josua Hutagalung is a coffin maker from Sumatra. Back in August, when he was working outside his home, a 2.1 kg meteor smashed ...

Une météorite tombe sur une maison et fait de son propriétaire un millionnaire
Tom's Guide
La météorite s'est révélée être d'une constitution extrêmement rare, et très onéreuse. Elle a donc fait de Joshua Hutagalung un homme riche, sans effort.

How a meteorite made an Indonesian man a millionaire overnight
The Indian Express
A coffin maker in Indonesia became a millionaire overnight after a meteorite worth an estimated £1.4 million crashed through the roof of his home.

ताबूत बनाने वाले इस शख्स के घर आसमान से गिरी ऐसी ...
Patrika News
-जोसुआ को उल्का पिंड के टुकड़े (meteorite) के बदले में मिले 10 करोड़ रुपए। -जोसुआ (Josua)

Media Asing Ramai Beritakan Josua Jual "Batu Meteor" Senilai Rp 26 Miliar
New York Post pada Rabu (18/11/2020) mengangkat kisahnya di artikel berjudul "Rare meteorite worth $2 million crashes through man's roof". Mengutip ...

LAPAN Speaks About Tapanuli Meteorite Crash
English Tempo.co
However, this story gained traction after the collector who bought the space rock sold it for Rp1.4 million per gram. The authenticity of the meteorite was ...

Kisah Josua Hutagalung, penemu batu meteor asal Sumatera Utara: 'Jumlah yang dibayar bukan ...
BBC News Indonesia
Dia tidak memiliki meteorit ini dan juga tidak menjual meteorit tersebut kepada pihak lain yang memiliki meteorit tersebut saat ini. " "Tujuan akhir dari ...

Rare Meteorite Worth £1.4M Crashes Through Indonesian Man's Roof, Makes Him Millionaire ...
The meteorite is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old and is classified as CM1/2 carbonaceous Chondrite, an extremely rare variety. Meteorites are ...

ఉల్క కోటీశ్వరుడిని చేసింది
A meteorite fell on this coffin maker's house : శవ పేటికలు తయారు చేసే వ్యక్తికి అదృష్టం తలుపు 

Asteroid the size of a London bus missed the Earth by just 240 miles on Friday 13 in closest pass ...
Daily Mail
Meanwhile, the Chelyabinsk meteor that exploded above Russia in 2013 — shattering windows of thousands of buildings over a large area and ...

Asteroid 'size of double-decker bus' came within 240 miles of Earth on Friday 13
Daily Star
The potential meteor, named 2020 VT4 by astronomers, is roughly the size of a double-decker bus. At that size it is unlikely to have reached the Earth's ...

Asteroide trovato: attacco alla Terra spaventa NASA ed ESA
Il tempo stringe per un meteorite che promette di cingere l'atmosfera terrestre entro il 2024. Data la ristrettezza dei tempi e la concreta rilevata ...

Asteroid the size of a bus misses Earth by just 240 miles
International Business Times UK
This is not the case with the Chelyabinsk meteor that exploded over Russia in 2013. The meteor shattered windows of buildings over a large area, ...

Researchers Create Two Types of Diamond at Room Temperature
... a diamond-like phase called lonsdaleite, which is found in nature at the sites of meteorite impacts — in minutes in a laboratory at room temperature, ...

Lo zircone di Marte svela alcuni dei segreti della sua superficie
Il meteorite NWA 7533, ricco di zirconi, contenente frammenti dell'antica crosta di Marte.

Zircon in a meteorite opens the door on Mars' past
Big Think
"We were quite surprised and excited when we found so many zircons in this Martian meteorite," says Bizzarro. "Zircon are incredible durable crystals ...

French researchers find clues to Mars' history in rare meteorite
French scientists have examined a rare meteorite that contains fragments of the Martian crust dating back more than 4 billion years and found clues ...

Were Dinosaurs Dying Out Before The Asteroid Hit? New Study Adds to The Debate
If it wasn't for the 10 kilometre-wide meteorite that hurtled into Earth some 66 million years ago, dinosaurs might have continued to dominate the land, ...

'Fireball' Is A Result Of Werner Herzog's Fascination With Meteorites
New Hampshire Public Radio
Film director Werner Herzog founded in meteorites, specifically the ones that have crashed into our planet, changing the landscape and the people.

2020 The SEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

19 November 2020

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 19NOV2020

Caught on camera: Meteor lights up the morning sky over Ottawa
CTV Edmonton
Meteorite can be seen on the left hand side of the video," said Kauker. Western University's Department of Physics and Astronomy confirms to CTV News ...

Caught on camera: Meteor lights up the morning sky over Ottawa
Newstalk 1010 (iHeartRadio)
Meteorite can be seen on the left hand side of the video," said Kauker. Western University's Department of Physics and Astronomy confirms to CTV News

“Fire ball” lights up southern Portuguese skies (with video)
Portugal Resident
... Spain were lit up for just a second at around 2.49am on Monday due to a meteor which exploded in the atmosphere at an altitude of around 60kms.

Near miss: House-sized asteroid skimmed Earth at 250 miles on Friday the 13th
New York Daily News
... it wouldn't have done anything more than disintegrate — though it would have been an impressive meteor even in broad daylight, EarthSky noted.

Huge fireball meteor explodes over the ocean!
CBBC Newsround
What is a meteor? A meteor is when a chunk of rock from space falls through the atmosphere, or layer of gases, surrounding the Earth and burns up in ...

CSIRO research vessel Investigator films bright green meteor breaking up off the southern coast of ...
A bright green meteor was spotted by the crew of the research vessel Investigator, operated by Australia's national science agency -- CSIRO -- at ...

Meteor re-enters the Earth's atmosphere before breaking up off the coast of Tasmania
Tasmania Examiner
A research vessel off the coast of Tasmania has captured footage of a meteor shooting through the sky before breaking up over the ocean.

Kisah Josua Hutagalung, penemu batu meteor asal Sumatera Utara: 'Saya jual Rp200 juta ...
BBC News Indonesia
Josua Hutagalung terkejut ketika media Inggris menyebutnya sebagai orang kaya baru setelah batu meteor yang menimpa rumahnya pada bulan ...

4.5 Billion-Year-Old Meteorite Crashes Through Man's Roof, Is Worth $1.8 Million
It was still hot to the touch and the fact that it had come through the roof could only mean one thing: it was a meteorite. He was right. The Lunar and ...

आसमान से छप्पर फाड़ कर गिरा खजाना, एक झटके में ...
दैनिक जागरण
जोसुआ के घर पर आसमान से एक बड़ा सा उल्‍कापिंड (Meteorite) गिरा था। यह करीब साढ़े 4 अरब ...

OMG! বাড়ির ছাদে উল্কা পড়ে রাতারাতি কোটিপতি দরিদ্র ...
Sangbad Pratidin
অর্থাৎ এই উল্কাপিণ্ড (meteorite)টি বিক্রি করে ১০ কোটির বেশি টাকা রোজগার হবে ...

Man becomes rich overnight after meteorite worth $1.9 million crashes through his roof [WATCH]
Times Now
The second kind, however, needs talent and a bit of perseverance. SHOW FULL STORY. Meteorite worth $1.9 million crashes through man's house.

Coffin maker becomes millionaire overnight after selling meteorite that fell on his house
Mashable SE Asia
"The sound was so loud that parts of the house were shaking, too," he said. It turns out the rock was a meteorite which Hutagulung expected as it didn't ...

'வானத்திலிருந்து விழுந்த விண்கல்' ஒரே இரவில் ...
Asiaville Tamil
தூய்மையான பாறை வகைகள் ஒரு கிராமுக்கு 0.50 முதல் 5.00 டாலர் வரை பெறுகின்றன.

Filmska priča u Indoneziji: Meteorit mu je pao kroz krov, a na kraju je zbog toga postao bogataš
Večernji list
Američki stručnjak za meteorite Jared Collins koji je kupio meteorit ispričao je kako se sve odvijalo. - Dobio sam lude ponude samo da odem na avion ...

Meteorite, Laku Dijual ke Bule Rp200 Juta, Setelah Rumah dihantam benda langit
Indeks News Banten
JAKARTA, banten.indeksnews.com Meteorite hantam rumah warga Dusun Sitambarat, Kolang, Tapanuli Tengah (Tapeng), Sumatera Utara, mengaku ...

Man Becomes Overnight Millionaire After Meteorite Crashes Through His Roof
Josua Hutagalung has sold the meteorite for over a million pounds. An Indonesian man became a millionaire overnight after a meteor crashed through ...

Un meteorite gli cade in casa e gli sfonda il tetto, ma gli fa guadagnare 1,5 milioni di euro
Chissà cosa avrà pensato Josua Hutagalung quando, mentre lavorava in giardino, un meteorite di 2,1 kg è piombato sulla sua casa di Kolang, ...

Photos AMS event #6365-2020
Photos : American Meteor Society
The American Meteor Society, Ltd. is a non-profit scientific organization founded in 1911 and established to inform, encourage, and support the ...

Sans l'impact d'une météorite, les dinosaures se seraient-ils éteints ?
Que seraient devenus les dinosaures si un événement aussi massif qu'un impact de météorite n'était pas venu causer leur extinction ? Pour une ...

Astronomers finally solve a 16-year-old stellar mystery
Zircon crystals found in Martian meteorite could unlock its volcanic past ... You need to watch the mesmerizing Leonid meteor shower before it ...

Gli zirconi marziani rivelano la struttura interna del pianeta
Global Science
Secondo gli autori dello studio il meteorite Black Beauty proviene dal sud della zona vulcanica di Tharsis, situata nell'emisfero settentrionale del ...

How old is the oldest stuff in the solar system?
Astronomy Magazine
This Murchinson meteorite takes us back even before the solar system may have formed! Looking at how isotopes of certain elements like neon formed ...

Scientists believe our solar system was whipped together in just 200000 years
Micrometer to centimeter-sized meteorite inclusions developed in an ... of a selection of CAIs obtained from carbonaceous chondrite meteorites.

News from the meteor library: Velocity distribution of larger meteoroids
Meteor News
Abstract: Various meteor and fireball networks exist worldwide. Most data sets which include ground-based observational data of meteors are affected ..

'Fireball' Is A Result Of Werner Herzog's Fascination With Meteorites
... Herzog about his new documentary — Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds — which explores our cosmic visitors from deep space: meteorites.

2020 The SEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

18 November 2020

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 18NOV2020

Meteorite caught on camera in Worcester
Yahoo News
A meteorite striking across the ski was caught on camera in Worcester. Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over ...

Fireball explodes over Portugal at dawn
Somag News
In May this year, a similar meteorite scared residents of the city of Tiros, ... After searching around the city looking for fragments of the meteor, one of ...

Asteroid alert: Fireball spotted over mid-northeast US
Residents who have witnessed the phenomena reported what they saw to the International Meteor Organization. Some witnesses claimed that they ...

Fireball shoots over Andalucia
Euro Weekly News
The detectors which caught the images are part of the Southwest Europe Fireball and Meteor Network which continuously monitors the sky to record ...

Asteroide: la minaccia terrorizza NASA ed ESA dopo i rischi
Asteroide: nuovo ALLARME, un altro meteorite minaccerà la Terra a breve Un asteroide è stato ben identificato da NASA ed ESA dopo la valutazione ...

Unseen space rock cruised by Earth at just 240 miles
... a new record for close passes by asteroids, coming close than any space rock that didn't actually enter Earth's atmosphere and become a meteor.

An asteroid just came ridiculously close to Earth
... coming close than any space rock that didn't actually enter Earth's atmosphere and become a meteor. As you might expect, the rock's close pass of ...

... 到美國,由一位美籍收藏家買下,並送到亞利桑那大學隕石研究中心(the Centre for Meteorite Studies at Arizona State University),存放在液態氮中。

... 位美国收藏家买走了它,并将储存在液氮中,存放在亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)的陨石研究中心(Centre for Meteorite Studies)。

不用花百萬年,新研究:太陽系不到20 萬年就成形
科技新報 TechNews
... 於是測量了各種鈣鋁富含物樣品中的鉬(Mo)同位素與痕量元素,包括地球上最大的碳質球粒隕石「阿顏德隕石(Allende meteorite)」,發現隕石中 ...

Man becomes instant millionaire when £1400000 meteorite crashes through his roof
An Indonesian man became an instant millionaire when a meteorite worth £1.4 million crashed through the roof of his house. Coffin maker Josua ...

Humble Carpenter Becomes Instant Millionaire By Selling Meteorite That Fell On His House
According to Tribun Medan, 33-year-old Josua Hutagalung made headlines in August when he found a meteorite at his home. The man from Kolang in ...

Mars meteorite reveals Red Planet's elusive internal structure - 'A great surprise'
Daily Express
MARS' desolate surface has been exposed as having a surprising chemical composition thanks to expert analysis of a Martian meteor. By Tom Fish.

Mars discovery: Analysis of meteorite from Red Planet reveals an abundance of zircon
Over the years, there is still a lot about Mars that we do not know until today. An analysis of the composition of a Martian meteorite was able to shed ...

Unser Sonnensystem war eine Blitzgeburt
... Astronomical context of Solar System formation from molybdenum isotopes in meteorite inclusions, Science, 13 Nov 2020: Vol. 370, Issue 6518, pp.

Leading geologist selling meteorites and fossils worth more than $100000
Leading geologist selling meteorites and fossils worth more than $100,000. Tom Kapitany is one of Australia's most respected geologists is selling ...

2020 The SEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

17 November 2020

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 17NOV2020

Asteroid alert: Fireball spotted over mid-northeast US
Recently, one fireball was spotted over the skies of the United States by many ... Fireballs are meteors and asteroids that slip through the atmosphere.

Meteor spotted burning through Clover skies
KAMR - MyHighPlains.com
Kind House Ukraine Bakery enters contest to win 10k for those in war zones in Ukraine. / 2 hours ago. Video. ...

This asteroid just skimmed Earth's atmosphere
... would have been a good probability of fragments from the asteroid reaching Earth's surface as meteorites, in this case most likely over the ocean.

Isotopes suggest solar system formed in under 200000 years
New Atlas
Based on isotope analysis of meteorites, a team of scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has determined that about 4.5 ...

[LOOK] Images From Mars Reveal Unusual Triple Craters Overlapping Each Other
Science Times
One theory suggests that a meteor could have broken down into three parts before hitting the surface of Mars. Craters such as this are also seen in ...

Famed meteorite reveals early water on Mars—and an early outer space bombardment
Science Magazine
Mars suffered an early bombardment before settling in to a prolonged calm, a new meteorite record indicates. Detlev van Ravenswaay/Science Source ...

Des zircons dans une météorite livrent des secrets sur la composition interne de Mars
Yahoo Actualités
Une météorite exceptionnelle. La Black Beauty ou Northwest Africa 7533/7034 est une météorite composée de plusieurs pièces qui a été découverte en ...

Zircon crystals found in Martian meteorite could unlock its volcanic past
The meteorite is believed to be the one of the oldest discovered on Earth, and it could unlock the mysteries of Mars' past. Now, a team of scientists say ...

L'eau sur Mars? Des chercheurs auraient trouvé la raison de sa disparition
Sputnik France
La présence d'eau confirmée par une météorite. Une autre étude publiée fin octobre dans Science Advances suggère que l'eau ait pu apparaître sur ...

Dual frequency measurements of meteor head echoes simultaneously detected with the MAARSY ...
Simultaneous MAARSY-EISCAT meteor head echo observations at frequencies of 53.5 MHz and 930 MHz are presented. •. A comparison of the radar ...

Migration of IMO-News mailing list - act now!
We made the process as simple as possible for you: Pls. go to https://www.imo.net/members/imo_news/, fill in the form, and accept our updated data privacy policy. Typically a few hours later you will received an invitation to the new mailing list, which you need to accept. Then you can continue to use our service as before.

2020 The SEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

16 November 2020

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 16NOV2020

Huge fireball meteor over Alaska triggers volcano warning system 360 miles away.
The Washington Newsday
“I don't usually work on meteorites, but they are often really nice infrasound sources ... If a rock survives, it falls to the earth and becomes a meteorite.

Huge Fireball Spotted Over US Scares Residents
International Business Times, Singapore Edition
Another eyewitness named Ben claimed that the meteor that burned up in the atmosphere could be the biggest shooting star that he has ever seen in ..

This asteroid just skimmed Earth's atmosphere
In fact, had it penetrated Earth's atmosphere, the space rock would cause an impressive meteor, visible even in broad daylight. Was Earth in danger?

Videos show fiery meteor streak across... - NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt
Videos show fiery meteor streak across skies in the Northeast U.S. https://nbcnews.to/3pxcbVZ.

NASA Meteor Watch
The meteor was also detected by 4 all sky meteor cameras in the region, enabling us to establish the object's trajectory and orbit. A tiny fragment of an ...

Meteorite avvistato nel cielo di Lavinio: ecco cosa è successo nel Lazio e quando
Centro Meteo Italiano
Clamoroso quanto avvenuto nelle scorse ore a Lavinio, sul litorale di Roma: come riportato da IlFaroOnline.it, un meteorite è stato avvistato oggi, ...

Observations October 16/17, 2020 from Norway
Meteor News
7 sporadic meteors were observed during this first period, and also the ORI, EGE and DAU showers showed up with one meteor each. Spo: 3(3), 4(2), 5, ...

If you had meteor on your 2020 bingo card. Earth just missed one by less than 400 miles
tony873004: Newly-discovered asteroid A10sHcN approached Earth yesterday, passing only a few hundred miles above the South Pacific Ocean.

Streaming | Leonids Meteor Shower, Lowell Observatory at Online/Virtual Space, Science
Flagstaff 365
Join Lowell Observatory at 8pm AZ/PT on Monday, November 16, 2020, for a live stream of the Leonid meteor shower, hosted by astronomer Dr. Nick ...

Leonids meteor shower to send shooting stars across the Philippine night sky
Manila Bulletin
After weeks of cloudy skies due to recent typhoons, the public will be treated to one of the most prolific meteor showers of the year as it dazzles the ...

RASC National Society: The Insider's Guide to the Galaxy - All About Meteor Showers and Meteorites
RASC, Toronto Centre
When better to talk about meteors and meteorites than on the peak of a meteor shower? Tonight is the peak of the Leonids Shower, and we'll be ...

Lonar lake gets prized tag of Ramsar site
The New Indian Express
“Lonar lake on the Deccan Plateau is an endorheic or closed basin, almost circular in shape, formed by a meteorite impact onto the basalt bedrock.

First studies of mesosphere and lower thermosphere dynamics using a multistatic specular meteor ...
SIMONe Argentina is a novel multistatic specular meteor radar system that implements a SIMONe (Spread Spectrum Interferometric Multistatic meteor ...

The Mass Of A Meteor With A Radius Of 1 Km Is Abou... | Chegg.com
Suppose A Meteor With A Radius Of 6.8 Km Is Moving At 6.5 X 104 M/s When It Collides Inelastically With The Earth. The Earth Has A Mass Of 5.97 X ...

Werner Herzog's New Film Is a Deep Dive Into the Power of Meteorites
AnOther Magazine
In his new film, Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds, Werner Herzog explores the raw beauty and cosmic power of meteorites. The science documentary, ...

Met Bull Update : 33 new approvals - planetaries, achondrites, obscure
Galactic Stone & Ironworks : www.galactic-stone.com
There is a new update to the Meteoritical Bulletin that includes 33 new approvals. There are a wide range of types, including numerous achondrites.
Link - https://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?sea=%2A&sfor=names&ants=&nwas=&falls=&valids=&stype=contains&lrec=50&map=ge&browse=&country=All&srt=name&categ=All&mblist=All&rect=&phot=&strewn=&snew=2&pnt=Normal%20table&dr=&page=0

2020 The SEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

15 November 2020

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 15NOV2020

HUGE fireball seen over US - 'Almost thought it was a plane crashing'
Daily Express
Tens of people swarmed to the International Meteor Organisation (IMO) to report their sighting. Eric wrote on the IMO: "I've seen shooting stars in the ...

Anzio, un meteorite sorvola il cielo: bolide avvistato a Lavinio
Il Faro Online
Anzio – La mattina di oggi 15 novembre si è rivelata sorprendente per alcuni cittadini di Anzio, che hanno avvistato il passaggio di un meteorite ...

Fireball' shows the awesome power of meteorites, asteroids hitting Earth: Top 5 danger moments
The Doghouse Meteorite was nearly bad news for Fido. Clive Oppenheimer holds the "Doghouse Meteorite" at the Center for Meteorite Studies as ...

Leonid meteor shower will shoot fireballs across the sky this week
MUST WATCH. Watch the most visible fireballs from earth 01:15. (CNN) In the early morning hours on Tuesday, the Leonid meteor shower will send ...

根據當地民眾拍攝的畫面,這顆隕石在夜空中形成比滿月還大的火球,並在墜地之前發生爆炸。 Huge 100kg (220lbs) meteorite lighting up the sky around ...

La pluie de météorites de Leonid culmine cette semaine
Les météores peuvent être plus difficiles à voir quand il y a une lune brillante, mais heureusement, la lune ne sera visible qu'à 5%, selon le American ...

Incredible images reveal three mysteriously formed abysses on Mars
In its 4.6 billion year history, Tuesday The meteor has taken a fair share of its punches from injuring and caring for comets. Today, the surface of the ...

About RMO
What is Radio Meteor Obseration ? This page provides contents of “What is Radio Meteor Observation ?” and information of Japanese Radio Meteor ...

Lonar Lake becomes Maha's 2nd Ramsar Site in 2020
2441), on the Deccan Plateau in Maharashtra State, is an endorheic or closed basin, almost circular in shape, formed by a meteorite impact onto the ...

This incredible animation shows how deep the ocean really is
Business Insider India
British volcanologist Clive Oppenheimer speaks with Professor Simon Schaffer about the Ensisheim meteorite in "Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds.

November issue of Meteorite Times is up
The November issue of Meteorite Times is now up.

What's beyond Pluto?
Herald Review
The occasional asteroid strike and near-misses of hundreds of 'space rocks' that pass by Earth and meteor 'showers' indicates Earth, too, is still ...

2020 The SEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!