25 October 2011

More NEO Close Encounters Found to Pass 24OCT2011

More NEOs Found!  Expect Continued High Meteor Activity Into November (at least until 10NOV). -LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo
(2011 UC64) (2011 UH10) (2011 UN91) 

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

(2003 FH) 2011-Oct-240.065325.4450 m - 1.0 km18.922.79
(2011 SP70) 2011-Oct-240.142255.375 m - 170 m22.712.45
(2011 UC64) 2011-Oct-240.00341.37.4 m - 17 m27.814.02
(2011 UE10) 2011-Oct-240.032412.617 m - 38 m25.95.25
(2011 UH10) 2011-Oct-240.02479.610 m - 23 m27.04.92
(2011 UJ21) 2011-Oct-250.039815.546 m - 100 m23.816.14
(2006 SP19) 2011-Oct-260.090635.333 m - 74 m24.510.06
(1993 VD) 2011-Oct-260.090235.1120 m - 280 m21.719.58
(2005 CJ) 2011-Oct-270.081831.9240 m - 540 m20.29.88
(2011 UN91) 2011-Oct-280.028110.920 m - 46 m25.614.95
(2011 LC19) 2011-Oct-290.058022.6540 m - 1.2 km18.514.54
(2011 UU63) 2011-Oct-300.032612.739 m - 88 m24.114.65
(2010 VU98) 2011-Oct-310.046218.030 m - 68 m24.710.22

Source: NASA/JPL

Breaking News- Reports of Red and Green Sky -- May be from CME Impact 24OCT2011

MBIQ Indicates Red and Green Night Sky -- May be from Today`s CME Impact (Coronal Mass Ejection24OCT2011  MBIQ has indicated large "Event", Northern Lights from Ontario to Texas? over North America 24OCT2011

Rock, Ks. Red Glow ~20:35 CST 24OCT2011
We saw a bright red glow to the northeast. Lasted 5-8 minutes. Stars were visible. Glow started at horizon and illuminated outbuildings and trees. Beautiful. Approx. 8:35 cst. Rock, Ks.
Deanna  Thank you Deanna!

Germantown, MD Massive Red Glow ~9:45 PM Eastern
Glancing up while standing on my deck at about 9:45pm in Germantown, MD, stretching across almost 50% of my view of the sky was a massive, streaking, almost completely deep red glowing light coming from the North. There were about a dozen illuminated street lights and the lights of neighbors' patios on as well and was by no means very dark outside. The sky was very clear with no clouds, but I live in a city-suburb that puts off light and doesn't often provide for ideal views of the night sky. Absolutely and incredibly stunning to have such a show as tonight from my own patio here in Maryland. Faded away almost as quickly as I saw it, long enough to only phone only one family member 20 miles away who caught a glimpse as it disappeared.-Rob Lynn
Thank you Rob!

Columbia, South Carolina ~9:30 PM
Hey quick question what could explain a reddish fog like haze in the sky just notice this five minutes ago and now it is gone, could this be related to the fireball from earlier?
I wasn`t in the same path area as the meteor but off in the same diretion saw it around 930 and it was visible for a little over a minute and seemed to grow larger then go away. -Adam G. 
Thank you Adam!

Dallastown PA between 9:30 - 9:45 EST
Witnessed vivid red sky in Dallastown PA between 9:30 - 9:45 EST. Sky was a vivid red in two separate areas, one area had streaks of white light (almost like evaporation lines), vivid red faded to light pink and disappeared within 10-15 minutes. Appeared in eastern sky -Denise  
Thank you Denise!

Espyville, PA  ~9:20-9:50 PM 
Hello, My name is Rachell I witnessed something tonight with my children as we were driving in the car home. We live in Espyville pa just on the ohio border, about 40 min from lake erie. While traveling north on Lynn Rd in espyville my daughters and I saw this thick green band across the lower part of the sky, my daughter said maybe its the milky way and I said maybe it was thick fog rolling in, s we drove about 100 yards all of a sudden we the sky lite up with what looked like blood read beams of light across the sky this lasted for about 30 min eventually it disapeared over lake erie way.This was about 9:20 eastern standard time and lasted till about ten mins to ten. I googled this on the internet as soon as I got home and found your site, and it said youd like to hear from anyone who saw this and what they saw. So I am emailing what we saw. I even went and picked up my friend and drove her back the same way we had seen it and she could see the faint red color that was disappearing . My older daughter and I were amazed by this, but at the same time it freaked my youngest out and she explained she was scared and wanted us to get back in the car. I have to admit, alot of things went through our minds as we tried to rashionalize what we were seeing. I have never in my life saw something like this! It was amazing but scary at the same time. Then just after the blood color sky faded I witnessed two shooting stars in the same area the color had faded over. So by now you can imagine we are freaked out thinking to myself " is the sky on fire and ready to fall" I know that sounds crazy but all of that was crazy to witness. Thank you for your time, I hope our encounter of what we saaw and the time we saw it helps your research.Sincerly, Rachell  Thank you Rachell!

SpaceWeather.Com reports:
CME IMPACT: A coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field on Oct. 24th around 1800 UT (2 pm EDT). The impact strongly compressed our planet's magnetosphere and may have exposed geosynchronous satellites to solar wind plasma. Mild to moderate geomagnetic storms are possible in the hours ahead as Earth's magnetic field continues to reverberate from the hit. Sky watchers in Scandinavia, Canada, and northern-tier US States should be alert for auroras, especially during the hours around local midnight. Check http://spaceweather.com for updates.

Please report what you saw, when, where, and how long: LunarMeteorHunter@gmail.com

Owen Sound, Ontario arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for red sky at night in ontario october 24 2011.

Jefferson City, Missouri arrived from ask.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for october 24 2011 red sky missouri.
10:43:46 -- 8 minutes ago

United States arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for red lights in the sky kansas october 24 2011.
10:44:30 -- 7 minutes ago

Troutville, Virginia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for red glow in the sky 10-24-2011.
10:44:31 -- 7 minutes ago

Dover, Pennsylvania arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for october 24th, 2011, red night sky.
10:44:47 -- 7 minutes ago

Grand Rapids, Michigan arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for red streaks in the sky october 24 2011.
10:45:39 -- 6 minutes ago

State Center, Iowa arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for colorful night sky october 24 2011.
10:46:03 -- 6 minutes ago

Seneca, Missouri arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for red sky missouri oct. 24 2011.
10:46:57 -- 6 minutes ago

Norfolk, Nebraska arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for red dust cloud in northern night sky above nebraska october 23,2011.
10:47:06 -- 6 minutes ago

Tyler, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for October 24 2011 night sky red glow northeast.
10:47:06 -- 6 minutes ago

Hamilton, Ontario arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for nasa oct 24 2011 red lights in the sky .
10:49:15 -- 4 minutes ago

Plainfield, Illinois arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for red and green lights in the sky oct 24,2011.
10:49:27 -- 4 minutes ago

Fort Wayne, Indiana arrived from search.mywebsearch.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for red glow in the sky november 2011.
10:49:28 -- 4 minutes ago

Waynesburg, Pennsylvania arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for oct 24 2011 reddish sky southern pa.
10:49:38 -- 4 minutes ago

Franklin Park, Illinois arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for red color in sky oct.24 2011.
10:49:47 -- 4 minutes ago

Oak Creek, Wisconsin arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for red streaks milwaukee sky.
10:50:14 -- 4 minutes ago

Columbia, Missouri arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for august 24, red atmospheric glow in night sky over missouri.
10:50:31 -- 4 minutes ago

Hampstead, Maryland arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for october 24, 2011 red light in md.
10:50:32 -- 4 minutes ago

Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

MBIQ Indicates Large South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia Meteor Event 24OCT2011

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot Indicates  Large South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia Fireball Meteor Event 24OCT2011 with video

On YouTube Uploaded by  on 25 Oct 2011 0 views
We need YOUR witness reports to post details; thank you:

Athens, Georgia ~7:22 PM 24OCT2011
I just saw a bright object (similar to a shooting star but much bigger and brighter) fly through the sky for about 3 seconds then disappear behind the trees. Similar to a post from Athens two days ago, the object was also going NE. -Ilaina B.  Thank you Ilaina!

Athens, Ga at approximately 7:25 pm.
Bright very fast moving meteor over Athens, Ga at approximately 7:25 pm. Very cool!

- Christy Norton  Thank you Christy!

Columbia, South Carolina FIREBALL IN SKY 19:15 Eastern 24OCT2011
Hey I am located in Northeast columbia/ Pontiac area in what is call The Summit, around 19:15 tonight what looked to be a fireball entered the sky to the southwest and burned out to the northeast and lasted about 4 to 5 seconds, It was fiery red in color and got the brightest 2 seconds in, I wish I could have got a picture or video but i have never seen anything like this and was awestruck let me know if you need any more info and keep me updated. -Adam Gilliland
Thank you Adam!

Clarkesville, GA Meteor ~7:20-7:30 PM
hi I spotted a fireball over north GA near clarkesville . i think it was the one reported to have landed in S.C. the road i was on faces in that direction. it caught our attention and lasted for around 6 to 10 seconds it also had pieces coming off as it came down. the color was a very bright white some of the pieces burned a pink to red color. the time was around 7:20 to 7:30 pm eastern time. -Christina P

Cruso, North Carolina, 19:20 (7:20 PM). Yellow in color
Viewed from Cruso, North Carolina, 19:20 (7:20 PM). Yellow in color, roughly 20 degrees above the SSE horizon. No sound. Fragments seen falling away from main body. Magnitude greater the Jupiter, less than Luna (sorry so vague). Went out for a cigarette and there it was! -Jay DeKingThank you Jay!

Midland, North Carolina at approximately 7:15 PM eastern time
In Midland North Carolina at approximately 7:15 PM eastern time I witnessed a fireball traveling from southwest and burned out to the southeast and lasted about 5 seconds.-Slokey1 Thank you!

Lexington, South Carolina 7:35PM 10-24-11
I was walking around my neighborhood with my friend, and we saw a light coming from behind us. We looked up, and a massive fireball was passing right over us! I could see pieces of it chip off and burn! It was amazing!-Cameron C  Thank you Cameron!

Edisto Beach, SC  Meteor ~7:20 PM 24OCT2011
Around 7:20pm Oct 24, 2011 I saw a bright orange ball slowly moving across the sky. It had a long orange tail with flecks of orange coming out from the tail all around it. I was on Edisto Beach, SC with my back to the Atlantic Ocean walking back to the main road and it was moving from the left to the right and then disappeared. It was oddly slow moving compared to ones I have seen before.
Thanks, -A. R.  Thank you Anna.!

Meteor in S,C,
Approximately 7:23 PM on October 24, 2011 - While parking my car at home, I witnessed an apparent meteor moving from SW to ENE. The object was significantly lower in the sky that most meteor sightings I've had. It was bright orange/red in color. Brightest object in the sky without question. Lasted close to 2 seconds from my sightline. -Kevin Thank you Kevin!

Watkinsville, Georgia
Tonight, around 7:20 PM, as we were leaving the Dairy Queen in Watkinsville, Georgia, we saw a bright object falling slowly from the northeast to the east. It lasted about 3 to 4 seconds. It was white for the most part, with a faint orange/red around the edges. It then started to go green as it fell behind the trees. It was gone by the time we cleared the trees on Highway 53. We were in an SUV so if it made any sound, I didn't hear it. It was as bright as maybe negative 2 magnitude or so. This is the second one I have spotted this year. I also saw the one back on May 29th of this year. -Ira Thank you Ira!

Charlotte, North Carolilna 28262 Meteor ~7:30 p.m. Monday October 24
I was sitting on the porch last night and witness this huge red ball of fire with a short but broad white tail streaking across the sky. It was not quite dark and the sky was still light and cloudless. This thing was huge - bigger and closer than any other meteor that I have ever seen. And it actually seemed very low in the sky. I would say that it was going in a eastwardly direction - maybe east/northeast. It passed by very quickly maybe a matter of seconds. I ran out in the yard to see if I could still see it beyond the trees but by that time it was gone. Did anyone else report this and do you know what it was? I would like to hear back from somebody.
Thanks, Lynda C.  Thank you Lynda!

Charleston, SC
I saw a pretty cool fire ball last night around 7:15 EST. I live On James Island in Charleston,SC. It was moving from southwest to northeast and was about 20 degrees in elevation + or - 5 degrees. I saw it for about 4 seconds. It had pieces falling off and fizzing out and was at times red and/or yellow. One of the best I have seen. -Steve L  Thank you Steve!

Clemson, SC
Saw a very large, slower moving object travel across the southern sky. From Clemson, SC it appeared at an elevation of ~45 degrees and traveled west to east. This object was the only object visible against a darkening sky. It glowed bright yellow. Three smaller pieces broke off of the main object and trailed it until it dropped below the treeline. This is the brightest meteor I've ever seen! My son and I were outside with his Cub Scout group when the meteor passed over. 
-Samuel Gray  Thank you Samuel!

Waynesboro, GA (30 miles S of Augusta) at approx. 7:25
I saw a very large bright object going ENE in the N sky around 50 degrees above the horizon. I assume it was a meteor--it seemed low, but not moving as fast as some meteors I have seen. It lasted several seconds; I saw it from the position of 11 o'clock to 2 o'clock. Four of us were in the yard; it caught my eye and disappeared behind the trees. The brightest and longest-lasting one I have ever seen. Thanks to all who have validated what we saw by posting. -Tim M  Thanks Tim!

Charlotte NC: 7:15 pm EST:10/24/2011
Looking towards the south west horizon at 7:15 pm 10/24/2011 a very large and bright fireball that was comet looking with a long tail coming from the North and traveling Southeast. It was the brightest event I have ever seen and it was also the lowest fireball I have seen. It looked to be on fire and at normal airplane height. It was traveling very slow and burning bright. It lasted so long that I told my wife to look at that and she turned around and saw the whole thing. I’d say about 5 seconds. -John P  Thank you John!

Charleston, SC -  24OCT2011 - 7:21 p.m.
Started in the NW part of the sky, very bright with grayish tail, heading eastward. 30 degrees above horizon, lasted 3-4 seconds, much brighter than any planet, not as bright as the moon, brighter than approach lights from aircraft. Color was white leading fireball with grayish tail.- Jamie J. Thank you Jamie!

Elko, GA Time Here:7:20 Date Here10/24/11
My wife and I saw the same meteor as posted by others in Georgia for October 24, 2011; bright object entered atmosphere headed easterly at approximately 35 degrees above the horizon. We visually saw it for about 3 seconds; I could still see it traveling through tree limbs as it moved to the east finally losing sight of it because of the trees. At first we suspected a satellite then we read the German satellite had entered Sunday. Moving much slower than a shooting star, it was a bright ball, seen just after the sun set but still had a blue sky. Thanks, Mike.  Thanks Mike!

Fort Mill, SC.
Saw very bright light last night around 7:30 as my wife and I were walking, in Fort Mill, SC
She saw it first and said “Look at that airplane … or is that a shooting star.”
I looked up and saw it and said “that’s exactly what it is”, as the light extinguished.
Traveling from west to east across the southern sky, last for about 4 or 5 secs, very bright light with long tail, moving very fast, and appeared to be just beyond the overhead trees. Really neat –
Charles Sides  Thank you Charles!

Suwanee, GA
I was at my horse farm with my daughters and some friends, located on Old Atlanta Road, Suwanee, GA 30024.  We were petting the horses talking and my friend looks over me and screams what is that!!?? we all saw it!  Looking east * projector line of view would be north of the north Carolina and South Carolina border* we saw a very bright light coming towards or away from us and headed down to earth to a fade.. Lasted about 5 seconds.. Very bright greenish with somewhat of a trial... Gorgeous we were all amazed! :) -Helen  Thank you Helen!

Observed a spectacular fireball as I was leaving my deerstand around 720 PM EDT 24OCT2011
Much brighter than any other object in the sky. Travelled roughly SE for 3-4 seconds fairly low in the sky and began to break apart before disappearing. Bright white in color.
Much larger and closer than any shooting star I've ever seen. -David N. Thank you David!

Greenville, SC
We were setting on our patio and saw large fireball/meteor shoot over from West to East.
Biggest one either of us has ever seen. What a sight! It was low and big and looked like it would make it to the ground eventually.-Terry Mcglone  Thank you  Terry!

MBIQ Data:
Aiken, South Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor+falling+2011.
08:33:49 -- 17 minutes ago

Hollywood, South Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: April 2011" by searching for just saw a meteor ball in sky in sc 2011.
08:35:27 -- 20 minutes ago

Charlotte, North Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball+in+the+sky+october+24+2011.
08:35:55 -- 20 minutes ago

Concord, North Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor october 24 2011.
08:36:22 -- 20 minutes ago

Matthews, North Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor over midland nc.
08:37:18 -- 19 minutes ago

Simpsonville, South Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball in greenville sc 10-24-11.
08:38:02 -- 18 minutes ago

Greer, South Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for ball of fire in sky 2011.
08:38:48 -- 18 minutes ago

Landrum, South Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: 美国 隕石 Breaking News--- Major SE USA Meteor Seen SEVEN States 29APR2011" by searching for fireball over sc.
08:39:11 -- 18 minutes ago

Lexington, South Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor over lexington south carolina october 24 2011.
08:41:17 -- 16 minutes ago

Columbus, North Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fire in the sky oct 24 2011.
08:41:17 -- 16 minutes ago

Edgemoor, South Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: East Coast USA Meteor Sightings 2NOV2010 from Readers JUST IN!!! 3NOV2010" by searching for shooting star sighting.
08:41:42 -- 16 minutes ago

Simpsonville, South Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for comet+flying+over+the+usa+october.
08:42:47 -- 15 minutes ago

Evans, Georgia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for falling star in ga.
08:44:26 -- 14 minutes ago

Williamston, South Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: 美国 隕石 Breaking News--- Major SE USA Meteor Seen SEVEN States 29APR2011" by searching for asteroid over south carolina.
08:44:45 -- 13 minutes ago

Hendersonville, North Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fire in the sky october 24 2011.
08:46:02 -- 12 minutes ago

Waxhaw, North Carolina arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for asteroid october 24 2011 at 7 pm.
09:04:09 -- 1 minute ago

We need YOUR report; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

24 October 2011

Binstead, Isle of Wight, UK Fireball Meteor 23OCT2011

Binstead, Isle of Wight, UK Fireball Meteor ~19:45 BST 23OCT2011
Approx 19.45, BST, Seen from Binstead, Isle of Wight, UK from East to West elevation approximately 70 degrees east tracked across, disappeared about 85 degrees West, must have been large object, extremely bright illuminated clouds from above and lasted for four to five seconds, before bursting and dissipating. -Phil Young   Thank you Phil.

We need YOUR sighting report; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24OCT2011

Fireball Recorded Japan -- another one Oct. 19, 2011
Another Fireball Recorded from Japan on Oct. 19, 2011.

Falling Meteorite Sparks Panic in Britain After Pilot Mistakes It for a Plane
Fox News
WHITSTABLE, England – A meteorite in southern England sparked a rescue mission after shocked onlookers thought they were seeing a plane crashing into the sea. Firefighters were called out after a pilot and a fisherman both reported that an aircraft had ...

UFO streaks across the sky in Nebraska, South Dakota
Open Minds UFO News
But according to the Argus Leader, the National Weather Service has offered their suggested identification for the UFO. Tim Masters, a technician with the National Weather Service in Sioux Falls asserts, “It wasn'ta UFO. It was a meteor.”

Fireball, Meteor , Rosat Satellite ? 22-october-2011 ... video
Fireball / Meteor / Comet / Rosat Satellite Recorded on 22 october 2011 . What do you think ? Bola de fuego / Meteorito / Cometa ...

Nice Fireball Recorded Last Night from Japan - Oct. 19, 2011 ... video
source: http://sonotaco.jp/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2620 While you're there, check out the "etc." section for what they have captured... VeRy ...

ABC News: Nebraska UFO Fireball caught on Airport Camera (10/19/2011)
Godlike Productions is a Conspiracy Forum. Discussion topics include UFOs, Conspiracy, Lunatic Fringe, Politics, Current Events, Secret Societies, Conspiracy ...

Telegraph.co.ukA meteorite crashing at great speed into the sea sparked a search and rescue mission after stunned onlookers believed it was a plane. Kent Fire and Rescue Service responded after a pilot was among several who reported what they thought was an aircraft ...

MBIQ Indicates Maryland, Rhode Island, Virginia, New Jersey Meteor 23OCT2011

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot Indicates Maryland, Rhode Island, Virginia, New Jersey Meteor 23OCT2011

Frederick, MD. USA Meteor ~8:00 PM Local 23OCT2011
Meteor or Shooting star. Possible tail or blur.
Travelling towards East Over Frederick, MD. USA 8:00 PM local
-Luanne H.  Thank you Luanne!

MBIQ Data:
Arlington, Virginia arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for something fell from the sky october 23, 2011.
09:16:22 -- 34 minutes ago

Greenville, Rhode Island arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for light in sky oct. 23 2011.
09:21:27 -- 29 minutes ago

Aberdeen, Maryland arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for 2011 oct 23 2011 meteor maryland.
09:26:39 -- 24 minutes ago

Short Hills, New Jersey arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for burning sky seen in pa oct 23 2011.
09:35:25 -- 16 minutes ago

Parkville, Maryland arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor/Meteorite News 22-23SEP2011" by searching for maryland meteor sighting 9/23/11.
09:38:04 -- 14 minutes ago

Suitland, Maryland arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News - NY, NJ, PA, VA, DC CT DE MD Meteor 1MAR2011" by searching for shooting star va .
09:39:36 -- 13 minutes ago

Bernardsville, New Jersey arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for streak of light in sky nj october 23, 2011.
09:47:31 -- 5 minutes ago

We need YOUR meteor sighting report; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

Texas / Louisiana Daytime Meteor 23OCT2011

Boerne, Texas Meteor 07:06 AM 23OCT2011
Sighted from Boerne, TX area (north of San Antonio) - 10-23-2011 at 0706 or 0707 in the NNE sky. My guess: started aprox 60 degrees above the horizon and trailed down to about 40 degrees above horizon, mostly on a downward track towards the horizon, lasting a few seconds. Brightest and most colorful I have ever seen, by far. It appeared to leave a "contrail", similar to aircraft, but the contrail dissipated into wisps much more quickly. - John Collins  Thank you John!

Plano, TX ~7:05 AM 23OCT2011
I was driving on US 75 in Plano, TX and to the west saw a large flash and streak of light at approximately 7:05 on 10/23/2011.-Rosemary Zinser RN  Thank you Rosemary!

Junction, Texas Long-Lived Fireball  7:06 AM 23OCT2011
I saw a brilliant, long-lived fireball in the eastern sky today at 7:06 a.m. while driving north on Texas highway 83 about ten miles south of Junction, TX. It left a smoke trail that lingered for over five minutes. It was bright enough to cause everyone in the car to turn their heads and stare at it. -sheartiste Thank you P!

Converse, Louisiana Blue-Green Ball ~7:00 AM 23OCT2011
At about 7:00 am cst over the western sky I observed a blue green ball with a long streak that lingered for about 2 to 5 seconds. It appeared to be about 100 to 150 miles away , but I am not a good judge at distance in the sky. I couldn't hear a sound due to the equipment I was operating. Thanks Justin Garison Thank you Justin!

Austin, Texas ~7:05 AM CDT 23OCT2011
I was finishing a run and was surprised by a flash that briefly illuminated the ground. In the north sky was a long streak streaming into several pieces in a wide swath. The streaking lights lasted about 3 seconds. It left a smoke trail that stayed for a few minutes. It was the most spectacular meteor that I’ve ever witnessed. Thanks, Dave  Thank you Dave!

Interstate 20 between Stanton and Big Spring TX about 0700
While driving to work on Interstate 20 between Stanton and Big Spring TX about 0700 I saw a meteor that was white leaving almost a blue green contrail. It was very bright and was moving from North to South across the mornig sky shortly before sunrise it and appeared to be very close. -Chanley Delk  Thank you Chanley!

East of Fort Worth, Texas
I was east of Fort Worth Texas around 7am 23Oct2011. In the south western sky over Fort Worth (60 degrees maybe - I'm guessing), I saw a long bright blue streak followed by an even brighter white/orange flash of light. At first I thought it might be a part of the German satellite that is supposed to crash this weekend, but I guess not. It was quite something to see! -Jeff B. 
Thanki you Jeff!

Leander, TX
My family saw a beautiful meteor trail at about 7:05am on Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011 over Leander, TX. We were reaching into the back of our car to unload a few thing for church when we all saw a bright white/blue flash on the ground outside. Looking up almost directly overhead - maybe a little to the NW - we saw a bright blue & grey 'con' trail that was as wide as your pinkey finger at arms length and a little over a handlength (at arms length) long. based on Google earth and where we were parked in the parking lot the trail was oriented WNW to ESE, unfortunately we didn't see the direction it was traveling, as we were under the hatchback of the car. The trail quickly distorted due to winds, but was visible for about 3-4 minutes.
Thanks - Jeff, Kathy & Barret N.  Thank you Jeff N.!

We need YOUR sighting reports; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

23 October 2011

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22-23OCT2011

Orionid Meteor Shower Wows Weekend Skywatchers
by Tariq Malik, SPACE.com Managing Editor A weekend meteor shower created by the leftover bits of the famed Halley's comet is thrilling skywatchers around the world, who captured amazing photos of cosmic light show. The dazzling "shooting star" display ...

The Meteor and the Nordlys
Universe Today
by Jason Major on October 22, 2011 A meteor slices through the glow of the northern lights (or “Nordlys”) in this photo by Adon Buckley, taken near the border of Norway and Finland on the night of October 19, 2011. “The weather was against us, ...

The Importance of Studying Meteorite Components
1 min video
Learn about the importance of studying extraterrestrial molecules andmeteorite components.

asahicom朝日新聞社世界最古の隕石輿で街巡る 福岡須賀神社で祭り 社会
1150年前に境内に落ちたと伝わる隕石(いんせき)を輿(こし)に乗せて地域を巡る福岡県直方市下境の須賀神社の御神幸大祭が22日、始まった。5年に一度開かれ、 ...

Meteorite crashes into sea
Kent Online
Air traffic controllers, reported they didn't have any planes missing, so eventually the search was called off, and put down to a meteorite falling to Earth. Hundreds ofmeteorites are expected to streak across the sky this weekend as the Earth passes...

School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology 11th biennial Open House
Hawaii News Now Fri, 21 Oct 2011 12:11 PM PDT
(HawaiiNewsNow) - Have you ever dreamed about becoming an oceanographer for a day? Have you wondered what a real meteoritefrom Mars looks like, or what the scientists see when they are in a submersible ...

Natural History Museum invites public to identification day event
49 ABC News Topeka Fri, 21 Oct 2011 05:00 AM PDT
The KU Natural History Museum is calling all amateur rock hounds, fossil hunters and meteorite enthusiasts for an identification event...