03 May 2011

Meteor/Meteorite News 3MAY2011

Green fireball reported over Lafayette, Indiana
On the same date, we also covered: Green fireball reported over Jacksonville, Florida. The greenfireball sighting has been seen in many parts of the US over the past few years - and may be Mother Nature. We also personally watched one of these: UFO ...

Meteor hunter finds something more
KXO Radio
They say a man was Meteor Hunting when he found the bones. He reported his find to law enforcement officials. Chief Deputy Coroner Garcia says the remains will be turned over to anthropologists. They will determine the sex of the deceased and possible ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23APR2011 | Portal to ...
Huffington PostAccording to EarthSky, April's annual meteor shower brings bright streaks trailing across the sky at around 10-20 meteors per minute when at ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for April 30 – May 6, 2011 « The Transient ...
The following is a slightly edited version of Bob Lunsford's excellent weekly summary of meteoractivity. The original version can be found at the American ...

Meteors from Halley's Comet - NASA Science
eta Aquarids (meteor, 550px). A NASA fireball camera at the Marshall Space ... On May 5, NASAmeteor experts will host an afternoon live Web chat from 2-3 ...

Watch this week: Well see meteors from Halleys Comet
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
A “mild but beautiful meteor shower” called the eta Aquarids. If you want to witness the show, NASA's advice is to be awake in the early morning hours this Friday. You'll also want to get as far away from city lights as you can. ...

Fireball confirmed Friday night with more trails of fire in the sky this week ...
Florida Times-Union (blog)
The bluish-white streak of light with a green tail and red fragments was a fireball or bolide which raced east in about 8 seconds. Here is a file picture of what a bolide actually looks like. It lit the sky up and was much brighter than last month's ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: 美国 隕石 Breaking News ...
By LunarMeteorite*Hunter
美国 隕石 Breaking News- MA NY NJ CT PA ME VT MD Large Meteor Fireball 30APR2011 . 美国 隕石 Breaking News- Seen in at least EIGHT US states and probably Canada! MA NY NJ CT PA ME VT MD Large Meteor Fireball ~9:01 pm 30APR2011 ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/

UFO.Guayaramerin.Bolivie.Meteor Shower.28.04.2011.
3 min
UFO.Guayaramerin.Bolivie.Meteor Shower.28.04.2011.
dailymotion.com (Appears to be faked footage)

MetEor crashes over Guayaramerin Bolivia April 28, 2011 ...
By realufos
MetEor crashes over Guayaramerin Bolivia April 28, 2011 ? Meteor Shower over Guayaramerin April 28 Bolivia sparked ufo concerns from locals as the debris broke up into the atmosphere. Some people believe it may be comet 2011 HJ passing ... (faked footage and story)

More Nonsense about Sodom and Gomorrah « New at LacusCurtius & Livius
By Jona Lendering
They have written a book called A Sumerian Observation of the Köfels' Impact Event, in which they argue that a cuneiform tablet now in the British Museum contains a description of a Sumerian observation of a very large meteor – actually ...

美国 隕石 Breaking News MA NY CT PA ME Large Meteor Fireball ...
Your one stop news portal for all things astronomy. Portal To The Universe provides a global portal for online astronomy content, serving as an index and ...

Huge Fireball Rises Up From Farmer's Field
Four Illinois witnesses report watching "a huge fireball" rise up from nearby farm land, climb into the sky, and head northwest into a dark and cloudy sky on April 29, 2011, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting ...

The Early Morning Show – Eta Aquarid Meteor Showers While The ...
By Tammy Plotner
Are you ready for the Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower? While the peak activity will be on the night of May 5/6, the offspring of Comet Halley are already beginning to make their appearance known. No matter where you live or.

Universe Today - http://www.universetoday.com/

Green fireball reported over Jacksonville, Florida
A Jacksonville, FL, witness reports watching a "green fireball fall down to Earth" at 10:05 pm on April 29, 2011, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. "I was jogging toward the north when, in the corner ...

Book Review: The Ice Trilogy, by Vladimir Sorokin
National Post (blog)
By Vladimir Sorokin In the early morning of June 30, 1908, a meteor or comet exploded in the skies above the Podkamennaya Tunguska River, knocking over some 80 million trees in a blast whose size was akin to that of the Castle Bravo nuclear bomb, ...

Meteor Pieces For Sale On eBay
WISN Milwaukee
People can now own a piece of the meteorite that landed in southern Wisconsin last year. Scientists John Valley and Noriko Kita of the University of Wisconsin Atmospheric and Oceanic Services said the meteorite dates back about 470 million years. ...

Asteroid impacts in Antarctica
As far back as 1976, Weihaupt found a large region of low gravity in Antarctica's Victoria Land that he believes to be a meteor impact crater, at least 243 km across - about three times as wide as America's Chesapeake Bay, also believed to have been

Bacteria seen surviving 'hypergravity'
Scientists at the Japan Agency of Marine-Earth Science say their findings suggest alien life could survive extreme conditions such as the high G-forces created during meteorite impacts and ejections, making the transfer of primitive life from meteors ...

02 May 2011

Michigan Meteor 1MAY2011

Michigan Meteor ~2:00 am 1MAY2011
May 1st at 2:00 a.m.
2:21 a.m. Orange Light flashes across the sky at 30degree angle. Over Michigan united states. Meteor? Ha anyone else seen this?  - Cody

Anyone else witness this event? Have photos or video? Find a meteorite? If so please email your details of the meteor to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com
Thank you!
2011 is the "Year of Green Fireballs"!

California large meteor fireball at 0442 1MAY2011

California large meteor fireball  at 0442 on 5-1-11
Guest469 (guest): Centeral; California at 0442 on 5-1-11 large fire ball headed south west

Italy Meteor Fireball 29APR2011

Italy fireball 20110429_0157551 Fri April 29, 2011 8:54 am
Beautiful fireball tangent! 
Observer: copyright - Diego Valeri (IMTN)
And from Abruzzo, but there was no NTP synchronization, the server down for the reference (± 10 s):
Observer: copyright - Diego Valeri (IMTN)

Original Post in Italian and for more discussion:http://meteore.forumattivo.com/t1786-fireball-20110429_0157551_tu

Best Regards
Ferruccio Zanotti

Whitehorse, Yukon Canada Meteor 30APR2011

Whitehorse, Yukon Canada April 30 1:00 a.m Meteor seen in Northern Canada
I just wanted to let you know this meteor was seen in Whitehorse, Yukon. We are located beside Alaska. My son was out with his friends late that night on a sand dune and they described it as a large, flourescent bluish whiteish ball with a lot of debris trailing behind it. I can't believe something like this was large enough to be seen from such far distances! They did not hear any sonic boom, but a swooshing static noise.
Marie Langenhan  Thank you Marie!

Whitehorse,Yukon at app 1-1:30 a.m. early morn on April 30/11
This Meteor was also seen in Whitehorse,Yukon at app 1-1:30 a.m. early morn on April 30/11. It was very large and a bright flourescent white and blueish color, with a trail of debris falling behind it. It also changed colors as it fell. There was a quiet static noise heard like a swoosh. My son was with his friends high on a sand dune when he saw it. I can't believe this was seen from such far distances as we are just beside Alaska in Canada. -Anon.

Anyone else witness this meteor event?  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Arizona Nevada Colorado Utah Meteor 30APR2011

Maricopa, Arizona Meteor ~8:00 pm 30APR2011
I am on vacation in Maricopa Arizona. Last night my friend and I were headed north on the 347 highway and we saw a large fireball coming from east to west. (It was after 8:00 pm) It appeared to be about 10 miles northwest of Maricopa. I was wondering if anyone else saw it?
Barbara R

Clarkdale AZ. approximately 8pm
Guest213 (guest): Not sure what I saw last but here goes. it was approximately 8pm in Clarkdale AZ. I saw a large blueish and redish streak across the night sky long tail very bright a large.

Cortez, Colorado 
yeah my dad saw it too. he said it was moving pretty slow and looked like a huge fireball. we saw it from our house in Cortez, Colorado though, which is a ways away from where you saw it.

Mesquite Nv Just after 8pm 
Guest243 (guest):Last night, 30 Apr.2011, I was driving northeast on I-15 near Mesquite Nv..Just after 8pm I saw a very bright white steak comming from east to west. There was a very bright white flash followed by a white ball with red flame trailing, of course this is from my perspective. It was all over in 2 seconds. Wayne Handsaker-Smith

I-40 in Arizona
i was driving I-40 in Arizona heading East and saw crazy big fireball in the sky today few hours ago. i wonder what it was... if you guys know please let me know. -sunrisecycles 

Flagstaff, AZ
I was in Flagstaff, AZ in the woods outside my cabin, at about 8:30 pm on April 30. It was quite cold and clear. The entire landscape suddenly lit up as if there were a very bright search light illuminating everything around me. It seemed the brilliance of ten full moons on a clear night. I turned to the northeast and saw the bightest blue-white-green meteorite I have ever seen. It was intially a large ball of light as it moved to the north/northeast, dissipating as it traveled and then faded out. It was truly spectacular. I shouted out loud in spite of myself for the magnificence of it. A real wonderment.
Tom Phalen

different event-

Utah 9:15 PM MST
I saw it in Utah at 9:15 PM MST. It came from the Northeast heading Southwest. It abruptly turned South and then burned out. It was clearly on fire and gradually burned out to nothing.

St. George, Ut 9:25 pm MST 30APR2011
Hi I live in St. George, Ut on the Southwest corner of Utah. At about 9:25 pm MST I was heading east and saw a very bright fireball come from the south to the north. It lasted about 8 sec.
Has anyone else repoted this?

different event?
North of Phoenix,AZ ~10:00 pm 30APR2011
Guest707 (guest): Di anyone see a very bright falling star April 30th,about 10:00p.m.? It was seen North of Phoenix,AZ-went almost the full length of the sky,very bright,maybe a red glow before it disappeared.

SW Scotland Several Meteors 1MAY2011

Maybole, Scotland Several Meteors 11:15 pm 1MAY2011
I am in South West Scotland, 8 miles SE of Maybole. Between 11.15pm on 01/05/2011 and 00.10 02/05/2011 my partner and I saw several meteors in the South West sky moving from south east towards north west. One travelled in the opposite direction. Our time zone is GMT +1. 
-Billy Halliday

01 May 2011

Omaha, Nebraska Meteor 1MAY2011

Omaha, Nebraska Meteor 1MAY2011
omaha ne saw a large ball of fire shooting across the sky right below the big dipper...unsure what it was but bigger than a shooting star. Any info would be great 

Omaha, Nebraska arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor sighted over Vancouver B.C. at 17:55 PST 26JAN2011" by searching for comet sited over nebraska may 1 2011.

Need the time of the event please.  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com