04 April 2011

Italy Meteor Fireball 2011.04.02 18.30.32 ± 1 U.T. The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Italy Fireball 18.30.32 ± 1 U.T. 2APR2011

Station Name: IMTN-Ferrara1-SE- 
Observer: Ferruccio Zanotti
Location: Ferrara N 44.8181, 11.6167 E, alt. 9 m
Direction: AZ: 139 ° v 47 ° 
Camera: EX-12V6H Mintron MTV-integration 2x (1/25s) Computar 2.6mm F/1.0 Lens FOV: 122.8 ° * 97.1 ° (diagonal: 148 °)
Field blocked: 10%
Fireball 2011.04.02_18.30.32 ± 1 UT
Full track (J2000)
RA: 183,352
Decl i: -9,431
AR f: 181,351
Decl f: -20,954
Transit Duration: 4.68
Duration wake: 0.00
No fragmentation
Flares Number: 1
Apparent magnitude max: -4.4 ± 0.5
Zenithal magnitude: -8.9 ± 0.5
Meteor shower: J3_Cam (Camelopardalids)
Spectrum to first order: NO
Color camera: NO
SE from Ferrara Train Station (still in the twilight)
(c) 2011 Ferruccio Zanotti
IMTN-Italian Meteor and TLE Network

Taken from the station and stations in Abruzzo.
(c) 2011 Ferruccio Zanotti
IMTN-Italian Meteor and TLE Network

Fireball 2011.04.02_18.30.32 ± 1 UT
Full track (J2000)
RA (degrees): 206,247
Decl i (°): 40,765
AR f (°): 222,848
Decl f (°): 38,342
Transit duration (s): 7.0
Wake duration (s): 0.5
No fragmentation
Flares Number: 1
Apparent magnitude max: -6.1 ± 0.5
Zenithal magnitude max: -8.2 ± 0.4
Meteor shower: SPOR
Notes: slow fireball, the apparent magnitude -6, with dominant colors green and blue trail (visual observation).
Spectrum to first order: NO
Color camera: NO

Original Post in Italian:

Italy long meteor 2011-03-30 23:05:12 UT The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Italy long meteor 2011-03-30 23:05:12 UT
From the station Ferrara TLE Tracker (az: 33 ° North-East)
Ferruccio Zanotti
IMTN-Italian Meteor and TLE Network

(c) 2011 Ferruccio Zanotti, IMTN-Italian Meteor and TLE Network / All Rights Reserved http://meteore.forumattivo.com/

Original post in Italian:

Station Name: IMTN-Ferrara3-TLEtracker-(C) F. Zanotti
Observer: Ferruccio Zanotti
Location: Ferrara N 44.8181, 11.6167 E, alt. 9 m
Camera: EX-Mintron Colour 62V6HP integration 2x (1/25s) Computar 6mm F/0.8 
Fireball 2011.03.30_23.05.12 ± 1 UT
Partial trace (J2000)
RA: 310,633
Decl i: 47,014
AR f: 290,714
F decl: 27,223
Transit Duration: 8.80
Duration wake: 0.00
No fragmentation
Number of flares: 3
Apparent magnitude max: -2.6 ± 0.60
Zenithal magnitude: -6.2 ± 1.5
Meteor shower: SPO
Spectrum to first order: NO
Color camera: NO

Ferruccio !

Ferruccio Zanotti
IMTN-Italian Meteor and TLE Network

Brushy Creek Impact Crater, Louisiana - Comet hit like an atom blast - The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

 Paul Heinrich, the geologist who has been studying the likelihood that an ancient meteor formed an impact crater in what is now St. Helena Parish, shows an image of the crater’s center portion made by using LIDAR.
Comet hit like an atom blast
Story by Roberts, F. A.
Shattered citronelle formations, which give the earth a mottled look, are evidence of the impact of a meteor, said Paul Heinrich, a scientist with the Louisiana Geological Survey. The formations run along La. 37 and were created when a meteor or comet crashed into St. Helena Parish as long as 11,000 years ago, Heinrich said. ... (more)
Roberts, F. A., 2011, Comet hit like an atom blast.
Baton Rouge Morning Advocate, March 28, 2011

Brushy Creek Impact Crater Relief Map (c) Paul V. Heinrich

For more of Paul Heinrich`s writings see: 
The e-Pistles of Paul © 2010 A.D.
The e-Pistles of Paul © 2010 A.D.~
Meteorites, impact craters, impact geology, impact research, and many related references!!! Just Ask ALICE!

03 April 2011

Denmark and Nebraska Meteor? 3APR2011

Internet Queries Indicate Possible Meteor in Denmark and Nebraska

Denmark Meteor? 3APR2011
Denmark arrived from google.dk on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Leicester, UK Meteor 1:56am 3APR2011 Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor 3 april.
18:42:46 -- 6 minutes ago

Kors�r arrived from google.dk on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for last meteor impact april 2011.
17:40:29 -- 1 hour 9 mins ago

Kearney, Nebraska Meteor? 3APR2011
Kearney, Nebraska arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for april 3 2011 meteor.
16:00:04 -- 3 hours 3 mins ago

United States arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor shower over nebraska april 3 2011.
16:20:59 -- 2 hours 40 mins ago

If you saw one of these meteor events or another event please kindly email me with the details as below; thank you! -Tokio


(please cut and paste the below into you email and answer the following questions)

Date/Time –
your location when viewed (city, country) –
location in sky for the start and end of the meteor with angle from the horizon for the start and end) – 
direction you were facing and meteor was moving right or left? – 
color(s) – 
meteor direction of travel – 
duration (secs) – 
brightness (bright as Venus, Moon, Sun?) –
any sounds (sizzle or booms) –
fragmentation were pieces falling off ? –
and other comments that you think are important –
Your Name and contact information (contact information will remain confidential; if you wish to have your name not published please let me know; thank you!) -

Leicester, UK Meteor 1:56am 3APR2011 Meteor/Meteorite News

Leicester, UK Meteor 1:56am 3APR2011
I saw a shooting star outside at 1.56am 3rd april 2011. My postcode is le9 4gn and leicester, uk
- E.K. Thank you E.K!

If anyone else saw this or another meteor please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you! -Tokyo

02 April 2011

Rochester, NY Meteor Fireball 2APR2011 Meteor/Meteorite News

Rochester, NY Meteor Fireball 12:15 am. 2APR2011
Guest918 wrote:Saw a fireball about 12:15 am. I work by Rochester, NY. It lasted a few seconds.It's the first time in my life I've ever seen anything like it!Thought at first something had blown up in the sky but realized what it was! I was so shaken I went back into work to sit down. lol
Thank you very much for your kind report!

If anyone else saw this meteor event please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  

It is YOUR reports that help make this site possible for all to read.  Thank YOU! 
- Tokyo

Quebec City, Canada Meteor? 2APR2011 Meteor/Meteorite News

Quebec City, Canada Meteor? 1:30am 2APR2011
Apr 2 2011, 2:45 PM
Steve wrote: I just saw a fling object just over my head in quebec city. 1:30 am i was talking with someone outside and we saw it.. it was really fast about 1 sec over my head and it's was bright white; sorry for my english i speak French. 02 april 2011 at 1:30.
Thank you Steve!

If anyone else in Quebec, Canada saw this please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Français OK! Merci

01 April 2011

Major Meteor Fireball 3 of 4 23/24MAR2011 Hawley TX / OK City Video 1APR2011

More Green Meteor Fireballs!

This is from the night of 23/24MAR2011. OK, TX 0:243 am CDT Meteor Fireball Event 3 of 4!!!
(c) 2011 Kevin Palevic-Hawley TX/ James Beauchamp/ Sandia Sentinel All Sky Meteor Camera Network
 May NOT be used without written permission.

 (c) 2011 Kevin Palivec Direct View Camera
Composite photo of Event 2 and Event 3 
May NOT be used without written permission.

(c) 2011 Kevin Palivec Direct View Camera, Hawley. TX
Video of Event 3 
May NOT be used without written permission.
(c) 2011 Sandia Sentinel All Sky Meteor Camera Network-OKC, OK
Video of Event 3 
May NOT be used without written permission.

(c) 2011 Kevin Palivec Direct View Camera, Hawley, TX
Video of Event 2
May NOT be used without written permission.

Original Related Posts:

For the complete story by Jim Gamble,
El Paso Allsky:

31 March 2011

Fort Collins, Colorado Meteor 31MAR2011

Fort Collins, Colorado Meteor 06:20 am 31MAR2011
Date/Time – 31MAR2011 0620 Mountain Time
your location when viewed (city, country) – Fort Collins, Colorado
location in sky for the start and end of the meteor with angle from the horizon for the start and end) – up approx. 30 degrees from horizon when first seen; went behind cloud cover approx 5 degrees above horizon at end – it was basically almost directly north from me
direction you were facing and meteor was moving right or left? – approx north; meteor was moving slightly right – almost straight down
color(s) – very bright yellow with some orange – little to no trail that I could see; daylight was getting strong – I couldn’t see any stars
meteor direction of travel – almost straight down, but a little to the east
duration (secs) – approx 2 seconds before it went behind clouds on horizon
brightness (bright as Venus, Moon, Sun?) – the brightest falling object I have ever seen, especially considering the light conditions brightening so much – brighter than the moon; more like a streetlight (one of the more orange ones)
any sounds (sizzle or booms) – I was in my car – did not hear any sounds
fragmentation were pieces falling off ? – I did not see any, or any trail behind it
and other comments that you think are important – it was a larger signature than any other falling object I have seen … it looked about as big as a pencil eraser diameter from my perspective
Robert Burns
Thank you Robert for the perfect sighting report!!! -LunarMeteorite*Hunter- Tokyo

Arvada, Colorado 6:19 am
I saw the same exact thing in Arvada, CO at the same time (my clock said 6:19am). It looked like it had to have landed on a house or something. Seemed closer to Arvada than Ft. Collins.  -Anon.  Thank you, Arvada!

Ft. Collins, CO
I also saw this meteor this morning. I live in the foothils above Fort Collins. It was as described. Very bright with almost no tail. - Gary Lyman, Fort Collins, CO Thank you Gary!

Ft. Collins, CO
Saw the same thing in Fort Collins.  Meteor was traveling west to east (right), in the lower north east quadrant in the horizon. Was very bright and from the vantage point I had, it did have a tail. No other fragments trailing falling object.  - Lisa  Thank you Lisa!

Boulder, CO
Looks like the same event the others are reporting. Approx. 6 20 am. I was driving north on highway 93 towards Boulder, approx. near highway 128 junction. Meteor was seen to the north east at approx 30 degrees east. Elevation approx 35 degrees above horizion. It was VERY bright and maybe the apparent size of 0.5 inches or my fingernail. It was bright and appeared burning. I actually looked up looking for a plane or something to see if it had fallen off something.  - Daniel
Thank you Daniel!

Golden CO. March 31, 2011
I saw the same meteor (?) this morning driving north on highway 93 just leaving Golden. It was in the northeast corner of the sky dropping at a slight angle to the east. It was a huge bright ball (much bigger than any planet or star in the sky) of light that took about 3 seconds to span the sky. I did not see a tail or any other debris. Cool way to start the work day!
-Brenda  Thank you Brenda!

Loveland, CO
I was Northbound on Taft Ave in Loveland about 6:20 AM.3-31-11, about a block north of 1st street. I Saw a bright ball of green light light about 30 deg. to my right falling at a slight angle from left to right. I saw it for only a second or two. No sound at all that I heard. I saw no fragments and I don't remember seeing much of a tail. It seemed to me to the size of a baseball. I thought it had came down in town. My 1st thought was that it was a flare. But one usually sees a flare go up and lasts a lot longer. - Joe.  Thank you Joe!

Broomfield CO March 31, 2011 6:20 AM
your location when viewed (city, country) – Broomfield CO
location in sky for the start and end of the meteor with angle from the horizon for the start and end) – started about 30 degrees above the horizon, almost straight down
direction you were facing and meteor was moving right or left? – I was facing almost due north, fell with a slight fade to the east.
color(s) – bright white
meteor direction of travel – Straight down.
duration (secs) – 3-5 secs
brightness (bright as Venus, Moon, Sun?) – Brightest and largest thing in the morning sky.
any sounds (sizzle or booms) – I was in a vehicle and heard nothing.
fragmentation were pieces falling off ? – Stayed the same size all the way down until it disappeared behind the ridge.
and other comments that you think are important – I have seen fireballs before, nothing like this. No tail, almost perfectly round and quite large. -NorthernWizard   
Thank You NorthernWizard!!!!!

NW Fort Collins, Colorado
We saw the same meteor this morning at 6:19. We were traveling north in our car in NW Fort Collins Colorado. We saw something that looked like a green flare or a firework at 20 degrees above the horizon. It fell all the way to the horizon, we were sure that it must have hit the ground. It is by far the brightest falling object we have ever seen. -Howard and Randi  
Thank you both!

Wellington, CO
My husband saw the same meteor at this time. He was driving/facing north on I-25 near Wellington. He saw it fall and disappear into a cloud. There were no fragments and there was no tail, just a very bright ball of light. - Anon.

Wyoming did you see this??? Please let me know.  Thank you.
If anyone else has seen this or other events please email me at 

Date/Time –
your location when viewed (city, country) –
location in sky for the start and end of the meteor with angle from the horizon for the start and end) – 
direction you were facing and meteor was moving right or left? – 
color(s) – 
meteor direction of travel – 
duration (secs) – 
brightness (bright as Venus, Moon, Sun?) –
any sounds (sizzle or booms) –
fragmentation were pieces falling off ? –
and other comments that you think are important –
Your Name and contact information (contact information will remain confidential; if you wish to have your name not published please let me know; thank you!) -

(Please cut and paste the questions onto an email; answer the questions the best that you can and kindly email the information to me; Thank you!!!)

Internet queries:
Greeley, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor this morning in colorado.
00:23:30 -- 5 minutes ago

Loveland, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sighting colorado.
23:58:00 -- 5 minutes ago

Englewood, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for colrado meteor siteing.
23:52:47 -- 11 minutes ago

Denver, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Fort Collins, Colorado Meteor 31MAR2011" by searching for meteor fort collins.
23:47:20 -- 17 minutes ago

Fort Collins, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Fort Collins, Colorado Meteor 31MAR2011" by searching for meteor fort collins.
23:43:43 -- 23 minutes ago

Boulder, Colorado arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Traffic suggests Colorado, Washington, Florida, Arizona, B.C. Green Fireball Meteors 26JAN2011" by searching for meteorite this morning in colorado.
23:11:26 -- 54 minutes ago