15 February 2011

Missouri / Oklahoma Bright Green Meteor 5 am 15FEB2011/ Meteor/Meteorite News 15FEB2011

Southwest Missouri Bright green metoerite at almost 5 am 15FEB2011
Feb 15 2011, 8:34 PM
Mj Vanderbush: Hey, MJ in Southwest Missouri. Saw Bright green meteor at almost 5 am. Was heading east but it was -definitely- heading south. It lit up the whole horizon for a brief moment and actually lasted fairly long. Was spectacular, brightest and biggest I've ever seen!

Oklahoma City, OK Green Meteor 4:51am 15FEB2011
Feb 19 2011, 9:08 AM
Guest416 (guest):Kedron F wrote: I saw the Shooting star as I pulled in to work on the west side of Oklahoma City. The time was 4:51am Feb.15 2011.The biggest I have ever seen. White tipped,green body,dim red tail traveling from the West to East with a slight south component approximately 30 degrees above southern horizon. I was so excited. I watched in shock for about 5 seconds before is obscured by the building I was driving toward. Way COOL!

Meteor on the east coast Monday afternnon, we missed this one
Discussion about Meteor on the east coast Monday afternnon, we missed this one at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Our topics include Conspiracy ...

Silver Streaks in the Sky Likely a Meteor
NBC New York
Scientists say it most certainly was a large meteor, a piece of an asteroid or a comet that falls through the earth's atmosphere. This latest meteor ...

Possible meteor spotted over Philadelphia
Pocono Record
By NewsCore PHILADELPHIA — Several people reported seeing an object that resembled a meteorin the sky over Philadelphia's Navy Yard on Monday. ...

Did anyone see the huge shooting star on 12/27/08 at 1:55am pst? I ...
By admin
Hey Mike (from Paso Robles)- if you should (re)read this, we need you to email Andrew B (the Question asker) or you can email me at bolidechaser@yahoo.com We are trying to interview all of the eye-witnesses to this bolide (fireball). ... California

Strange Sight Over Connecticut
NBC Connecticut Mon, 14 Feb 2011 12:18 PM PST
Was it a bird? A plane? Just what went streaking across the skies of Connecticut Monday afternoon? Several people reported seeing what appeared to be a meteorite just after 12:30 p.m.

Meteor sighting this afternoon over Phillipsburg confirmed
The Express Times - LehighValleyLive.com
"This was indeed a meteor," said Robert Lunsford, the society's operations manager. "This object was most likely the size of a small car before striking the ...

Breaking News for sky aficionados: Closest non-impacting object in ...
By Daniel Fischer
A paper on human perception may be of relevance for visual meteor observers. • A nice fireball over Italy, also discussed here. • Debate over the first impact crater in China and the meaning of the Kamil structure for impact physics. ...
Breaking News for sky aficionados - http://cosmos4u.blogspot.com/

Society for Popular Astronomy - SPA Meteor Section
The SPA Meteor Section webpages describe what meteors are and how to observe them, and gives some information about the Section, its personnel, ...

Record-setting 'near miss' of Earth dramatically shifted tiny asteroid's orbit
Scientific American (blog)
When a piece of debris encounters the friction of Earth's atmosphere, it flares up as ameteor, or shooting star, and pieces of the object may survive the ...

Moon rocks, meteorite samples a hit at Trinity Academy
The Pottsville Republican & Herald Wed, 09 Feb 2011 20:30 PM PST
SHENANDOAH - A large crowd gathered Wednesday evening to get a view of NASA history at Trinity Academy.The school opened its doors to offer the public a chance to see samples of lunar rocks and soil on loan from NASA. Originally scheduled last week for

Loud booms reported in southwestern Ohio and Indiana
Rumors range from an earthquake to a meteor strike, a sonic boom to something ice-related. Was it simply falling ice? That's what many, including NBC4's Jym ...

Journalists solve Bjelovar fireball mystery
Croatian Times
Many racked their brains trying to figure out where the strange fireball could have come from - some suggested that it was a comet, but others did not rule ...

Fragments of Famous Meteorites Go to Irkutsk
The Institute of Geochemistry (Russian academy of sciences) has sent remains of two famous meteorites to Irkutsk to become part of an exposition in a local ...

Meteor Detection by Radar for the Amateur Observer, by Steve ...
Meteor Detection by Radar for the Amateur Observer, by Steve Carter. The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is a project that is publishing one podcast per day, ..

Alberta Canada Green Meteor Fireball 14FEB2011

Grande Cache, Alberta, Canada 6.48 a.m. Large green meteor fireball 14FEB2011
Feb 15 2011, 3:40 AM
Guest528 (guest): Grande cache alberta 6.48 a.m. Large green meteor ? came from east to south east lost sight in moutains

Calgary, Alberta Canada greenish meteor heading West-South West 6:55am MST  February 14, 2011
Anonymous wrote, February 14, 2011. I saw a greenish meteor heading West-South West at approximately 6:55am MST west of Calgary, Alberta Canada.

Another spectacular Fireball over Italy 22:34:56 UT 12FEB2011

Italy Superbolide Fireball Meteor Ripreso 12FEB2011
spectacular fireball over Italy

Alessandro Severi  
(c) 2011 ALL Rights RESERVED- Illegal to COPY
video only double "flash" ( fireball outside FOV )
copyright: Alessandro Severi - videostation IMTN -  Valcanneto (Roma)
Camera Supercircuits PC-164 B/W - Computar Lens 2.7/8mm f/1  set: 3.5 mm  exp:1/50s
Long: 12.29N  Lat. 41.53E

Daniele Cataldi
(C) 2011  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -Illegal to Copy
Daniele Cataldi - LTPA Observer Project - Lariano ( Roma ) - 
IMTN ( Italian Meteor and TLE Network )
camera with integration  frame ( 32x ) lens 3.5mm f:1.2

Best Regards, Dirk!

Ferruccio Zanotti
IMTN ( Italian Meteor and TLE Network )

link: http://meteore.forumattivo.com/t1645-superbolide-ripreso-il-12-febbraio-2011-lariano-rm

14 February 2011

Meteor Reports 10FEB2011, 11FEB2011, 12FEB2011, 13FEB2011

Evansville, Indiana green fireball 7:20 p.m. Central Time 10FEB2011
I saw a large green fireball streaking across the sky just south of Evansville, Indiana last night around 7:20 p.m. Central Time. The most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. It was really large, flying generally Southeast to Northwest. Until I saw your website, I had never heard of such a thing.
Jeffrey C. Kovalski, Attorney

Kelowna, British Columbia meteor 11 pm feb 10 2011
Feb 12 2011, 10:07 AM
Guest362 (guest): saw a meteor the evening of feb 10 2011 moving north to south near kelowna british columbia.  sorry, the time would have been about 11 p.m.

Kelowna, BC meteor 11:00 pm 10FEB2011
I was sitting in the hot tub about 11:00 p.m. PST near Kelowna, BC, when a meteor blazed through the sky in a southerly direction. It disappeared so assumed it burned up in the upper atmosphere. It lasted quite a few seconds. - Cliff

Central Michigan meteor 4:50 am 2-10-11
Feb 11 2011, 7:08 AM
Guest286 (guest): 4:50 am I seen a green meteor from Mid Michigan to the south lasted only 10 sec. Anyone else see it? 2-10-11 4:50 am I am in central Michigan and seen a green ball fall to the south. Anyone else see it?

Millville, NJ meteor 10:30 pm 11FEB2011
Seen biggest longest metor ever last night 2/11/11 about 10:30 pm i live nj millville. It was south of me towards cape may. 

Bar Harbor, ME. 6:30AM 1/13/11
Feb 13 2011, 11:34 PM
Guest718 (guest): Fireball. 1/13/11 6:30AM local. Bar Harbor, ME. Visible to the east. 3-4 seconds. Long distance thunk noise-impact? 30-60 seconds after visible portion. Somewhat like a plane reflecting sunlight with flaring tail off the back.

Danvers/Peabody, Massachusetts meteor/fireball 6:35AM on 2/13/2011
Feb 14 2011, 5:18 AM
Guest626 (guest): Saw a meteor/fireball in Massachusetts at approximately 6:35AM on 2/13/2011 in the east/northeast sky. Very bright and long trail until breaking apart into various directions. Also, regarding previous post... we were in the Danvers/Peabody area (northeastern Ma.). Any one else see or know of this?

Sandwich, MA meteor 6:45 AM, Sept 13??
Feb 14 2011, 5:55 AM
Guest351 (guest) Ron wrote: Sandwich,MA Sept 13 6:45 AM, (email address on file) Ron Green meteor, 5 seconds or so, the head broke up into 5-7 pieces, saw object against the blue sky.

Feb 14 2011, 10:08 AM
Guest626 (guest): toydoctor, did you mean Feb 13th, not Sept? Very similar description and time to our sighting.

Brome Lake,Quebec Meteor/Fireball 06:35AM 13Feb.2011
Feb 14 2011, 10:28 AM
Guest46 (guest): Meteor/Fireball,13Feb.2011 Brome Lake,Quebec(60miles east of Montreal)@ around 06:35AM local time In the SSE sky heading south.Greenish color.

Wortham, TX. meteor 9:20p Feb. 12, 2011
Feb 14 2011, 1:21 PM
Guest346 (guest): wbowen wrote, (email address on file), bright (-7 to -9) meteor Feb. 12, 2011 9:20p CST, N-NW sky, 2-5 seconds duration, travelling northbound on I-45 near Wortham, TX. Meteor path was approx. 80 degrees from upper left to lower right, starting about 68 degrees high and ending just above horizon. by the way, we couldn't hear any thump or boom as we were in vehicle @ highway speeds and no video for obvious reasons

Tuftonboro, NH green meteor 6:30am EST February 13, 2011
February 13, 2011 6:30am EST. Seen in eastern sky from Tuftonboro, NH. Bright green meteor traveling horizontally (north to south), then exploding.

Neola, Utah meteor February 13, 2011
My husband and I just saw a bright green meteor in Neola, Utah on February 13, 2011.
Sonnet Hullinger

If you saw a meteor please file an official meteor report with the AMS: http://www.amsmeteors.org/fireball2/form2.php  Thank You!

12 February 2011

Another Italy Fireball Meteor 10FEB2011 12FEB2011

SPECTACULAR!!! Earthgrazer Asteroid
Italy Fireball Meteor 2011.02.10_20.06.40 ± 1 U.T.

Italy 10FEB2011Bolide
(c) Maurizio Eltri

Italy 10FEB2011Bolide
(c) Maurizio Eltri 
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Illegal to Copy 
This is the video that I made from Lido of Venice, Italy.
Sincerely, Maurizio Eltri
Meteors Section of
Italian Amateur Astronomers Union

website: http://meteore.uai.it/

Also captured and reported by Ferruccio Zanotti, Italy
"Bolide captured almost overhead from all 3 video stations of Ferrara ..."

Thank you Maurizio Eltri and Ferruccio Zanotti for contacting and for providing the video and photographs for me to post on this site!
Best Regards,
LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo

Please bookmark my website http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/
And tell your friends by placing links in facebook, twitter, youtube, and other forums; thank you!

10 February 2011

Italia Super Bolide Fireball Meteor 8FEB2011

Italy Superbolide Fireball Meteor 23:24:00UT 8FEB2011
Meteorites Produced But They Landed Where?
Italy Superbolide Fireball 8FEB2011
Illegal to Copy
Great Fireball with fragmentation,  from  ( Italy )
 video station: IMTN ( Italian Meteor and TLE Network )

(c) 2011 Mattia Vivarelli - Osservatorio Pian dei Termini OPDT ( PT ) - 
Gruppo Astrofili Montagna Pistoiese G.A.M.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED- Illegal to Copy
Colour Video:
Observer: Mattia Vivarelli -
Osservatorio Pian dei Termini OPDT ( PT ) -
Gruppo Astrofili Montagna Pistoiese G.A.M.P
Long: 10.8009  Lat: 44.0631

(c) 2011Paolo Demaria - Associazione Astrofili Bisalta ( AAB ) 

Monochrome Video:
Observer: Paolo Demaria - 
Associazione Astrofili Bisalta ( AAB ) --  long: 7.5174 Lat:44.3955

for more images and videos:

Best Regards, Dirk!
Ferruccio Zanotti
Italian Meteor and TLE Network

Thank you Ferruccio for contacting me and for providing the video and photographs for me to post on this site!
Best Regards,
LunarMeteorite*Hunter,  Tokyo

Please bookmark my website  http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/
And tell your friends by placing links in facebook, twitter, youtube, and other forums; thank you!

Italy Superbolide Fireball Meteor 8FEB2011 Trajectory Calculations 10FEB2011

Italy Superbolide Fireball Meteor 8FEB2011
Triangulation and Provisional Data Calculations

Triangulation and Provisional Data (c) 2011 TLE/IMTN
traiettoria in atmosfera e orbita calcolata (provvisoria):

Elementi orbitali (2000):

Semiasse maggiore = 2.490 UA
Eccentricità = 0.694
Inclinazione = 48.3°
Longitudine al nodo = 320.7°
Argomento al perielio = 243.46°
Distanza al perielio=0.763 UA
Distanza all'afelio=4.217 UA

Traiettoria in atmosfera
Distanza iniziale dall'osservatore 208.9 ± 8.3 km
Distanza finale dall'osservatore 239.3 ± 9.6 km
Magnitudine apparente (m) dell'oggetto -10.9 ± 1.1 magn

Quota iniziale s.l.m. 99.2 ± 4.0 km
Quota finale s.l.m. 30.3 ± 1.2 km
Spazio percorso della traccia 88.1 ± 14.6 km
Tempo di transito dell'oggetto 2.6 ± 0.13 s
Tempo trascorso prima del flare principale 1.6 ± 0.08 s
Velocità atmosferica media 33.6 ± 5.4 km/s
Inclinazione della traccia, rispetto all'orizzonte 51.4 ± 1.8 °
Aziumut della traccia al suolo

triangulation and provisional data, we are waiting for data to a third  


Missouri Green Fireball Meteor? 9FEB2011

Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Large Green Fireball Meteor in Florida Indicated 25JAN2011 26JAN2011" by searching for green light fell from sky minutes ago feb 9 2011.
10:24:34 -- 10 minutes ago

Anyone with information please email me: lunarmeteoritehunter@gmail.com

Be sure to file an official AMS meteor report.  Thank you!

Belleville, Illinois meteor? 9FEB2011

Belleville, Illinois arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball over new athens tonight.
12:18:43 -- 12 minutes ago

El Paso Green Fireball Meteor with Sonic Booms! 9FEB2010 Breaking News!

El Paso, TX Green Fireball Meteor with Sonic Booms! 9FEB2010
Mr. Jim Gamble of El Paso Allsky has just notified me that he heard a loud booms in El Paso, Texas at 7:24pm MST.  He stepped out of his house, heard the multiple booms, and then saw a green fireball with a magnitude -1 and 1 sec. duration some 30 seconds later.  We are guessing that the booms were associated with a large fireball that Mr. Gamble did not see because he was still in his house when it passed.

Anyone else witness this or happen to capture on video please email:  lunarmeteoritehunter@gmail.com

Washington State Meteor 9FEB2011

Washington State Meteor ~10:45pm PST 9FEB2011

Large White Light Fell From Sky

Earlier this evening around 10:45pm, a friend and I were driving up the Wyoochee Valley Road toward the Wynoochee Dam(Washington State). Once we got about 10 miles south of the dam, we saw a very large and bright white light fall from the sky ahead of us. Shortly after, we noticed it left a trail in the sky resembling that of the after burners from a jet. As we got closer to the dam, we were also getting closer to the touch down point of whatever this object was. We reached the Dam and headed west from there to follow the trail. We took a few logging roads only to reach dead ends. It seems as though it hit somewhere a few miles west of the Wynoochee Reservoir. Maybe slightly north. After almost an hour of searching for it, the trail started to dissipate and we were low on fuel so decided to head home(Montesano, WA). 
If something comes up, please feel free to contact me for any reason. I'd love to know what this was. It was obviously very large.
Thanks, Branden (contact info on file)

Thank you Branden for the report!  Hope your wish comes to pass.  - Tokyo