08 February 2011

NEOs Worldwide Standby for Meteors, Green Fireballs and Bolides 7FEB-10FEB

Worldwide Standby for Meteors, Green Fireballs and Bolides
NEOs Green Fireballs photo credit:Takashi Shinohara, Kyoto University/PNAS
by LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, Japan 15:39 8FEB2011 revised 20:51revised 9FEB201108:15 10FEB2011 23:42
Once again Earth will encounter an increase in meteor activity from passing yet undetected NEOs (Near-Earth Objects) asteroids or their debris.  Originally for February 2011 there were 20 known NEOs with scheduled approaches near Earth.  Since January 1, 2011 there have been at least 28 new discoveries of NEOs to pass near Earth in February; this is an increase of over 100% in number for the month.  There are as of today 48 NEOs discovered for February 2011 and it appears that there may be another 5 or more added by the end of the month.
 This increase in discoveries indicates to me that we will see a marked increase in meteor activity for February.  I also expect that we will have a new meteorite this month.
  Have your cameras ready and if possible get outside to watch.  Expect to see worldwide several green meteor fireballs and bolides during, just prior to, and just after 7FEB-11FEB.  If more findings come in about other newly found NEOs I will post.  For the most current information see the NASA NEOs site: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/
 If anyone captures video, a photo or has a sighting please email me at: lunarmeteoritehunter@gmail.com

48* NEOs with scheduled approaches for FEB2011

28* FEB2011 NEOs Discovered JUST in 2011 revised 9FEB2011 10FEB2011 13FEB2011 14FEB2011

AU = ~150 million kilometers1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers:
NEWLY found closer NEOs for 9-10FEB201114FEB2011
(2011 CZ3) 2011-Feb-100.00622.4  LD13 m - 28 m 26.613.56
(2011 CA7) 2011-Feb-09 0.00070.3 LD2.3 m - 5.1 m30.49.64

(2011 CL33) 2011-Feb-090.032812.8 LD18 m - 40 m25.94.18

(2011 CV46) 2011-Feb-120.051920.228 m - 64 m24.814.52

(2011 CF50) 2011-Feb-190.045617.711 m - 25 m26.98.33
(2011 CM50) 2011-Feb-190.178569.573 m - 160 m22.810.50
(2011 CL50) 2011-Feb-190.01606.2 LD8.0 m - 18 m27.63.07
(2011 CE50) 2011-Feb-200.163563.660 m - 130 m23.28.86

(2011 CK50) 2011-Feb-240.145256.539 m - 88 m24.27.39

*subject to change

(2011 BL45) 2011-Feb-080.067826.49.0 m - 20 m27.42.14
(2011 CV4) 2011-Feb-090.028411.118 m - 40 m25.910.15
(2011 BF40) 2011-Feb-090.046117.929 m - 65 m24.818.77
(2011 CA7) 2011-Feb-090.00070.32.3 m - 5.1 m30.39.34
(2011 CZ3) 2011-Feb-100.00642.514 m - 31 m26.413.38
(2011 BV11) 2011-Feb-100.078830.755 m - 120 m23.417.12
(2011 CZ6) 2011-Feb-100.027710.819 m - 43 m25.76.04
(2011 BV10) 2011-Feb-110.040915.933 m - 75 m24.58.94
(2008 CQ116) 2011-Feb-110.086133.550 m - 110 m23.613.43
(2011 BZ18) 2011-Feb-120.114144.4120 m - 270 m21.715.70
(2011 AM16) 2011-Feb-120.198677.395 m - 210 m22.213.49
(2010 CK19) 2011-Feb-130.119946.67.0 m - 16 m27.98.59
(2000 EF104) 2011-Feb-140.183471.4450 m - 1.0 km18.813.23
(2009 QH6) 2011-Feb-160.041116.077 m - 170 m22.79.83
(2008 AH33) 2011-Feb-170.123247.9370 m - 820 m19.322.97
(2008 BP16) 2011-Feb-170.110743.1130 m - 290 m21.621.28
(2010 CN19) 2011-Feb-180.186972.715 m - 33 m26.316.41
253841 (2003 YG118) 2011-Feb-200.173967.71.1 km - 2.4 km17.020.83
(2003 FC5) 2011-Feb-220.144056.0600 m - 1.3 km18.211.83
(2011 BQ50) 2011-Feb-230.028010.96.0 m - 14 m28.22.45
(2007 MR) 2011-Feb-230.182671.1110 m - 250 m21.95.99
(2011 AG5) 2011-Feb-260.095737.2110 m - 240 m21.97.52
(2004 EK1) 2011-Feb-260.055521.6110 m - 250 m21.97.45
(2006 KV89) 2011-Feb-270.163963.8150 m - 350 m21.26.67
(2009 PQ1) 2011-Feb-270.120546.983 m - 190 m22.517.40
(2009 FY4) 2011-Feb-280.065925.7160 m - 370 m21.015.17
(c) NASA/JPL/CalTech 2011 website for the most up-to-date NEOs information: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

NASA Stardust-NExT mission's close encounter with comet Tempel 1 14FEB2011 10FEB2011

PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA will host several live media activities for 
the Stardust-NExT mission's close encounter with comet Tempel 1. The 
closest approach is expected at approximately 8:37 p.m. PST, with 
confirmation received on Earth at about 8:56 p.m. PST on Monday, Feb. 

Live coverage of the Tempel 1 encounter will begin at 8:30 p.m. Feb. 
14 on NASA Television and the agency's website. The coverage will 
include live commentary from mission control at NASA's Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif., and video from Lockheed Martin 
Space System's mission support area in Denver. 

A news briefing is planned for 10 a.m. on Feb. 15. Scheduled 
participants are: 
-Ed Weiler, NASA's associate administrator, Science Mission 
-Joe Veverka, Stardust-NExT principal investigator, Cornell University 

-Tim Larson, Stardust-NExT project manager, JPL 
-Don Brownlee, Stardust-NExT co-investigator, University of 
Washington, Seattle 

To cover the Tempel 1 flyby at JPL, journalists must contact the JPL 
Media Relations Office at 818-354-5011. Valid media credentials are 
required. Non-U.S. citizens must bring passports. 

Starting Feb. 14 at 8 p.m., news media representatives can watch live 
coverage of the control room via a feed to JPL's von Karman 
Auditorium. The auditorium will remain open through the evening for 
media. Reporters who will not travel to JPL may call the Media 
Relations Office to make arrangements to ask questions during the 
Feb. 15 briefing. 

Mission coverage schedule (all times PST and subject to change): 

8:30 to 10 p.m., Feb. 14: Live NASA TV commentary begins from mission 
control; includes coverage of closest approach and the 
re-establishment of contact with the spacecraft following the 

Midnight to 1:30 a.m., Feb. 15: NASA TV commentary will chronicle the 
arrival and processing of the first five of 72 close-approach images 
expected to be down linked after the encounter. The images are 
expected to include a close-up view of the comet's surface. 

10 a.m., Feb. 15: News briefing 

Starting on Feb. 9, NASA TV will air Stardust-NExT mission animation 
and b-roll during its Video File segments. For NASA TV streaming 
video, scheduling and downlink information, visit: 


Live commentary and the news conference also will be carried live on 
one of JPL's Ustream channels. Viewers during events can engage in a 
real-time chat and submit questions to the Stardust-NExT team at: 


The public can watch a real-time animation of the Stardust-NExT comet 
flyby using NASA's new "Eyes on the Solar System" Web tool. JPL 
created this 3-D environment, which allows people to explore the 
solar system directly from their computers. It is available at: 


This flyby of Tempel 1 will give scientists an opportunity to look for 
changes on the comet's surface since it was visited by NASA's Deep 
Impact spacecraft in July 2005. Since then, Tempel 1 has completed 
one orbit of the sun, and scientists are looking forward to 
monitoring any differences in the comet. 

During its 12 years in space, Stardust became the first spacecraft to 
collect samples of a comet (Wild 2) in 2004, which were sent in 2006 
to Earth for study. The mission is managed by JPL for NASA's Science 
Mission Directorate in Washington. Lockheed Martin Space Systems in 
Denver built the spacecraft and manages day-to-day mission 

A press kit and other detailed information about Stardust-NExT is 
available at: 


Tennessee Meteor Fireball 6FEB2011

Bright meteor fireball event over southern Tennessee - February 6, 7:25 pm CST

A bright meteor fireball event was captured, by the ASGARD Allsky Camera Network, over southern Tennessee - February 6, 7:25 pm CST.

(c) Bill Cooke/NASA 2011

Speed of 27 km/s, made it to 51 km (32 miles). Graphic showing location (yellow arrow). 

Estimated magnitude of -8.

Bill Cooke
Meteoroid Environments Office
EV44, Marshall Space Flight Center

07 February 2011

Atlanta, Georgia Bright Green Meteor 6FEB2011

Atlanta GA Bright Green Meteor 8.35 pm EST 6FEB2011
Feb 7 2011, 1:17 PM
Guest465 (guest)Peter wrote:
 Feb 6 circa 8.35 pm saw bright green meteor due north west of intersection of I-75 and I-285, Atlanta GA (near airport)

If anyone has more information please leave it as a comment.  Also please file an official AMS meteor report: http://www.amsmeteors.org/fireball2/form2.php

Hodmezovasarhely, Hungary Six Seconds Bolide Meteor Fireball 6FEB2011

Hodmezovasarhely, Hungary Six Seconds Meteor 042110-16UT 6FEB2011 
During data processing I noticed a strange event on 06/Feb/2011. 
The event lasted about 6 seconds, during this period the body fragmented to 2 parts, later 4 parts are clearly visible.
I thought it is a space debris but experts vote for a
disintegrating fireball. The space debris group at aero.org
also does not confirm (event is too fast and there is no potential
candidate reentry object). Unfortunately other cameras in the region seen only clouds.

The event triggered my MetRec software 5 times due to its
brightness changes, so the video has some little bumps.


Still Image and report (First image on top):

Camera station page:

HUHOD station
Location: Hungary, Hodmezovasarhely, +20.3125 / +46.4187 / 90 m
Camera: Watec Ultimate 902H2 + Computar f0.8-f=3,8mm (horizontal FOV ~90degs)
Direction: Nord
Time is in UT and should be quite accurate: my PC synchronises to a time server .

Could someone please confirm or comment?

Best Regards,

06 February 2011

France Meteor Fireball 5JAN2011 Reported

France, Lespignan/Beziers 5:20 am Meteor Fireball 5FEB2011
Johnvo wrote:
5 Februari 2011 time 5.20 am,France, Lespignan/Beziers,seen an impact or fireball of a meteorite while travelling on the highway. Is there anybody who has any info? Thanks. (contact info)
I don`t have any information yet.  I will post if any becomes available.  Please file an official report with the AMS.

Anyone else in Europe see this?  Email or leave info in chat box.

Meteor/Meteorite News 6FEB2011

Meteor fall hoax: Real Time News and Latest Updates on Meteor fall ...

19 hours ago - Find the Real Time News and Latest Updates for Meteor fall hoax by Experts from Times of India. Read Latest stories Updates about Meteor fall hoax at The ...

隕石衝突の絶滅生き延びた70万年後にも恐竜 科学 YOMIURI ONLINE読売新聞
約6550万年前の白亜紀末に起きた巨大隕石(いんせき)の衝突による恐竜の大量絶滅の後も約70万年間生き延びた恐竜がいたとする研究成果を、カナダ・アルバータ大 ...

هريدى دوت نت: النيزك
By عبد الرحمن عويان
هو "الشهاب الساقط". أما إذا وصل النيزك إلى سطح الأرض، فإنه في هذه الحالة يعرف باسم الحجر النيزكي . وهناك العديد من الشهب التي. تعد جزءًا من الوابل الشهبي. وكلمة نيزك في الإنجليزية تعني "meteoroid" وأصلها "meteor" وهي ...
هريدى دوت نت - http://badabdo75.blogspot.com/

Photographer gets a rare shot in Harvard Square
Boston Globe
Brad Kelly, a photographer from Somerville, says he unintentionally captured a meteor on camera while strolling through Cambridge last Saturday night. ... (Story first posted on Meteor/Meteorite News)

Martian Meteorite Reveals Ancient Water Flows, Methane
Universe Today
by Nancy Atkinson on February 2, 2011 A view of the interior of a 
meteorite from Mars shows a vein through which water has flowed. ...

Internet Queries Indicate Possible Meteor/Meteorite in Romania / Hungary 5FEB2011:
Targu-mures, Mures, Romania arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite fall in 2011 february 05.
19:38:14 -- 17 minutes ago

Budapest, Hungary arrived from google.hu on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor+2011 feb 05.
20:19:23 -- 1 hour 1 min ago

Targu-mures, Mures, Romania 18:00 5FEB2011
Targu-mures, Mures, Romania arrived from google.ro on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor february 5th 18 o`clock.
02:20:07 -- 27 minutes ago

Meteors 4/5FEB2011 Meteor/Meteorite News

Meteor over Harvard Square - CH5 TV Video

posted on YouTube by getbak | 05 February 2011  19views
An extremely rare photograph taken by Brad Kelly of a low flying meteor over Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA near Boston on January 29th, 2011.

Meteor reports from Readers 4-5FEB2011:

Austin, Texas 11:25 pm 4FEB2011
Feb 5 2011, 2:51 PM
Naomi Elliott wrote:
Austin,Tx around 11:25pm Feb 4th 2011.... HUGE Blue Falling fire ball that seemed to light up in the middle of the sky and fall!!! So beautiful and bright and BIG
Thank you Naomi!  Please file an official report with the American Meteor Society. http://www.amsmeteors.org/fireball2/form2.php

Johnson City NY ??time 4JAN2011
Feb 5 2011, 12:30 PM
Guest624 (guest):
I googled online to see if there was a meteor shower tonight...saw two and after the second I figured I'd check on line...from Johnson City NY...  Please provide a time and confirm date.  Thanks!

Reading, PA 8:35 pm EST 4FEB2011
Feb 5 2011, 1:46 PM
Guest528 (guest):
Hi, I saw my first meteor! 8:35 PM in the western sky over Reading, PA. It moved from left to right in a bit of an arc. I thought at first it was the trail of a fireworks rocket, but who sets them off in February...  Great!  Congrats on your sighting!
Internet query for 4FEB2011:
Tórshavn, Faroe Islands arrived from google.dk on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for fireball 4. feb.
23:35:01 -- 1 hour 28 mins ago

Targu-mures, Mures, Romania 18:00 5FEB2011Targu-mures, Mures, Romania arrived from google.ro on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor february 5th 18 o`clock.02:20:07 -- 27 minutes ago

05 February 2011

Previously Undiscovered NEO Asteroid 2011 CQ1 Just Misses Earth! Meteor/Meteorite News 5FEB2011

Asteroid 2011 CQ1 4FEB2011 (c) 2011 NASA/JPL
Meteor/Meteorite News 5FEB2011
Cosmic NEO Asteroid "Sofa"- A "Near-Miss" Narrowly Misses      

Very Small Asteroid Makes Close Earth Approach on February 4, 2011
Don Yeomans and Paul Chodas
NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office
February 4, 2011
Asteroid 2011 CQ1 was discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey on February 4 and made a record close Earth approach 14 hours later on February 4 at 19:39 UT (14:39 EST). It passed to within 0.85 Earth radii (5480 km) of the Earth's surface over a region in the mid-Pacific. This object, only about one meter in diameter, is the closest non-impacting object in our asteroid catalog to date. Prior to the Earth close approach, this object was in a so-called Apollo-class orbit that was mostly outside the Earth's orbit. Following the close approach, the Earth's gravitational attraction modified the object's orbit to an Aten-class orbit where the asteroid spends almost all of it a time inside the Earth's orbit. ...

(2011 CQ1) 2011-Feb-040.00010.030.99 m - 2.2 m32.19.69
(c) NASA/JPL/CalTech 2011website for more information:

04 February 2011

Ohio Fireball 4JAN2011

Bellefontaine, Ohio Orange-Red Fireball 12:10 am EST 4FEB2011
Anonymous wrote:
i saw a big orangeish red fireball in the sky in ohio about an hour ago really big then went away its 12:10 am 2/4/11

Anonymous wrote:
i saw it in ohio

Internet Traffic:
Bellefontaine, Ohio arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: NY NJ Meteor 3JAN2011 Meteor/Meteorite News 4FEB2011" by searching for live meteor 2011 feb3.

NY NJ Meteor 3JAN2011 Meteor/Meteorite News 4FEB2011

A rush-hour meteor ; did you see it?
Baltimore Sun (blog) Baltimore, Maryland
Did anyone else spot this rush-hour meteor Wednesday (FEB 2) evening? "Frank, I saw a rather bright meteor this evening as I neared home on the west side of ...

allstrungtogether: Meteor
By Polly
Meteor. I thought I saw a meteor on Saturday night. I did see a meteor! There is a photo of the one I saw at this site. -Polly. Posted by Polly at 3:38 PM. 0 comments: Post a Comment · Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) ...

Meteorites yield Mars water clues
2 (UPI) -- Rare fragments of martian meteorites have revealed evidence of how water once flowed near the surface of that planet, UK researchers say. ...

Corrections and clarifications
The Guardian
A photograph used to illustrate an article about stargazing was wrongly captioned as showing "ameteor storm over Stonehenge". In fact it was a photograph ...

Rare Meteorites Reveal Mars Collision Caused Water Flow
Mars Today Wed, 02 Feb 2011 10:04 AM PST
Rare fragments of Martian meteorites have been investigated at the University of Leicester revealing one of the ways water flowed near the surface of Mars. Scientists at the University's renowned Space Research Centre, in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, examined fivemeteorite samples -- including the very first nakhlite, found a century ago.

Martian Meteorite Reveals Ancient Water Flows, Methane
Universe Today Wed, 02 Feb 2011 08:17 AM PST
Scientists say a close-up look inside rare meteorite fragments from Mars shows evidence that impacts created flowing water near the surface of the Red Planet. At look at five different meteorite samples, including what is thought the be one of the very first Martian meteorite ever found on Earth, shows veins resulting from the impact [...]

Meteorite Magic
Daily Sparks Tribune Tue, 01 Feb 2011 19:24 PM PST
SPARKS â For hundreds of years, tourists from all over the world have kissed the fabled Blarney Stone of Ireland hoping it will to be bestowed upon them with its magic powers. (new NEVADA meteorite??? discovered-Appears to be only a rock!)

Readers Report NY NJ Meteor ~8:35 pm EST 3FEB2011:
Amsterdam, New York meteor 8:35 pm EST 3FEB2011

Feb 4 2011, 10:50 AM
Guest670 (guest) wrote2/3/11 Amsterdam New York saw what i think was a fire ball in the north west sky at about 835 pm any body els see it?  Yes,  maybe; see others from your area below.

Clinton, NJ ~8:35 pm EST 3FEB2010
Anonymous wrote:
Just saw tonight around 8:35 - Clinton, NJ - HUGE metor(ite?) in the low sky WSW with a fiery tail behind it. Behind the trees. Never saw anything like it. Any other reports? It was awesomely shocking and beautiful at the same time. Never saw anything like it.  Yes, reports like yours are coming in now.  Thank you!

Wayland, NY 8:30 pm EST 3FEB2011
garippajl wrote:
I saw what I think may have been a meteor in the southern sky. I live in Wayland, NY.It happened around 8:30 pm on Thursday 2/3/11. It was a large glowing ball which seemed to have fire and sparks trailing behind it. It zoomed through the sky then disappeared.

Internet Traffic Queries Indicating Possible NY NJ Meteor:
Albany, New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor ny Feb 3, 2011.
12:09:32 -- 5 minutes ago

Annandale, New Jersey arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor/Meteorite News 3FEB2011" by searching for meteor nj, Feb 3, 2011.
11:21:04 -- 57 minutes ago

Gloversville, New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor/Meteorite News 3FEB2011" by searching for meteor february 3.
10:44:37 -- 1 hour 34 mins ago

Valley Stream, New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor february 3 2011 new york.
13:25:44 -- 10 minutes ago

Perry, New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for february 3 2011 meteor.
12:40:09 -- 58 minutes ago


Saint Petersburg, Florida arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor/Meteorite News 3FEB2011" by searching for meteor in pennsylvania on feb 3, 2011.
11:10:24 -- 1 hour 8 mins ago

Lauf, Bayern Germany arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorit 2011 he 3.
04:06:47 -- 8 hours 9 mins ago

Seattle, Washington arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for loud bang renton WA feb 3.
01:38:52 -- 10 hours 38 mins ago

Stover, Missouri arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor northern michigan february 3, 2011.
10:18:14 -- 2 hours 1 min ago