09 November 2010

隕石 ニュース US & Canada Meteor Reports Continue- Meteor/Meteorite News 9NOV2010

Meteor Reports Continue from 7NOV2010- 8NOV2010 Night (USA and Canada) `til Now
  For 7NOV2010 we had at least 10 reports of meteor sightings including Monroe, Ohio (8NOV2010); Georgia (Georgia/Carolina border); Sault Ste Marie, Ontario; Stevens Point, WI; Phoenix, AZ; LaVergne, TN; Georgia; Knoxville, TN; Missiauga, Ontario; and Kingman AZ.  For the details see the meteor/meteorite news for 8NOV2010.

New Meteor Reports from Readers Today:

  ****If you wish to leave a comment please do; comments with name, time, location and information about what you saw are important.  Please leave your contact info; I will not post your contact info. OR
email drtanuki@gmail.com  Thank YOU!

To officially register your meteor report please fill out the report form at: http://www.amsmeteors

Hamilton Ontario 5:42pm 7OCT2010
Guest746 (guest):"Sunday Nov 7 - Large meteor sighting in Hamilton Ontario lasting approximately 10 seconds across the Northern sky travelling east to west at exactly 5:42 p.m."  anon.

Willis, Texas 3-4UT 9NOV2010
"In the space of about an hour last night (3-4UT Nov 9), from our back yard north of Houston, my wife and I noticed four magnitude 2ish slow meteors that appeared to track back to an area near Nu Andromedae. At Meteor Showers Online I read that the current radiant of the Andromidids is RA=26 deg, DEC=+37 deg which is inside a 10 degree radius of my estimate. I do not even see them listed at the AMS Showers page. Could the 4 we saw be fragments from the late comet Biela?" - Kenneth Drake (contact info)

Lizella, Georgia 8:15pm EST 8NOV2010
We saw a fireball streak across the sky last night about 8:15 pm. I have seen shooting stars before but they are tiny compared to the size of this. I assume it was a meteor. Lizella is in the middle of the state. (contact info)

Garden Grove,California 9:34 PST 8NOV2010
Guest6769 (guest): "At exactly 9:34 tonight I live in Garden Grove,California, I saw the biggest and brightest meteor, falling from the North heading south. Head was Extra Bright Silver,with orange on it's back end with a long glowing tail, Only saw it 2-4 seconds as it dropped below the roof top..." Anon

Dana Point, California about 9:45 pm PST Nov 8 2010
Guest296 (guest): "Big Shooting star in western sky off Dana Point California about 9.45 pm Nov 8 2010 going from NW to SW slightly orange in color and multiple segments as it burned up." Anon

Plymouth, MN 8NOV2010
Guest62 (guest): "I just saw a meteor, not ten minutes ago" Anon

Tucson, Az 1832MST 8NOV2010
Guest589 (guest):"1832MST near Tucson,AZ. Meteor on 280 radial from Oro Valley almost straight down but tending south." Anon

Fireball over Northern Kentucky 5:40PM EST 8NOV2010
"I was riding on the bus from Cincinnati to my home in Fort Wright, Kentucky about 5:40 PM EST on 11/08/2010m when I noticed a vapor trail lit up by the setting sun to the west of me.  I could still see it when I got off the bus and was walking down my street.  It had the appearance of a comet but I could tell it was somethng in the atmosphere.  The vapor trail was lengthening and shortening while I was watching.  I saw this for about six (6) minutes before it burned up or disappeared. Was this a meteorite of some space junk burning up? Regards, Michael Sheehy" (contact details)

Evansville Indiana 5:30 7NOV2010
"I saw the 11/7 fireball. I live in Evansville, Indiana. I believe it was around 5:30 pm daylight savings time. Looked like it was just falling straight down to the north. Had small trail behind it and looked emerald green. It seemed extremely close, in fact, i thought it was fireworks for a split second.   It seemed to burn out in the sky on the way down with what appeared to be an explosion, although i didnt hear anything. Lasted about 3-5 seconds." - Trista (contact info)

Prattville, Alabama 6:40 CST 7NOV2010
"I also saw the meteor that everyone is reporting on Sunday  evening of Nov 7, 2010.   I am an environmental scientist and have spent a lifetime in the outdoors but I have never seen any meteor that appeared so large.   At approximately 6:40 or so central time  I was traveling east near Prattville, Alabama (North of Montgomery).  The fireball appeared at about 30 degrees in the Southeast night sky.   It appeared to being traveling  to the southsouth west of prattville Alabama.   The angle of fall seemed "steep" perhaps at 70 degrees or so.   I saw the meteor traveling this path for about  2 seconds or so. 
   Currently I am looking out a window and I see a standard telephone pole with a light attached about 150 yards away.   The meteor seemed to be approximately the same size as the telephone  pole light but at a distance of what appeared to be 30 miles or so away.    I did not see a impact flash but there did appear to be a fire trail.  To be honest I was kind of scared or made uneasy, due to what appeared to be a very large meteor nearing impact.   I felt like it was very possible that the meteor made impact  southwest of montgomery alabama." - Allen C (contact info, tele) - Good observations!

Meteor/Meteorite News 9NOV2010

PASSINGDean Miera a meteorite hunter and a good man was killed in a car accident in New Mexico while on duty.He will truly be missed by all. RIP

Meteor Showers will Brighten November Sky

AccuWeather.com (blog)
By Gina Cherundolo, AccuWeather.com Staff Writer The Leonids meteor shower provided an exciting eastern sky over Montpelier and Barre, Vt., ...

Building an asteroid early impact warning system on the cheap

SmartPlanet.com (blog)
But it is one data point in a worrying trend of minor to midsize impacts and explosions–a house-sizedmeteor that vaporized in a 50-kiloton explosion over ...

 A comet discovered just a few 
days ago by amateur astronomers in Japan is gliding by 
Saturn in the pre-dawn sky.  Comet Ikeya-Murakami 
(C/2010 V1) is not visible to the unaided eye, but 
observers say it is a fairly easy target for backyard 
telescopes.  Images obtained over the weekend reveal 
what appears to be an outburst in progress.  The comet's 
coma (atmosphere) bears a striking resemblance to the 
coma of Comet Holmes, which famously exploded in 2007.
Space Weather News for Nov. 8, 2010

St. Louis sees a cosmic shower

What it was was a meteor shower with conditions just about right Saturday night hours around sunset. Astronomers say they believe Saturday night's meteor ...

AccuWeather.com - Astronomy | Comet Outbursts and Meteor Showers

A newly discovered comet could be getting brighter, and there are a couple of meteor showers to watch for over the next couple of weeks.

The Leonid meteor shower fast approaches

Astronomy Magazine
By Bill Andrews — Published: November 9, 2010 Leonid meteors rain down in mid-November, although a waxing gibbous Moon makes conditions less than ideal. ...

N.C. booms: Methane? Meteor? Cause still unclear
The Virginian-Pilot Mon, 08 Nov 2010 15:49 PM PST
WILMINGTON, N.C. It's not clear what caused those booms that rattled North Carolina's south coast last week. But methane escaping from the ocean or even a small meteorite have been suggested as culprits. John Huntsman is an associate professor of geology at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington. He heard a boom on Friday but isn't sure of the cause. There was a second Saturday.

NC booms: Methane? Meteor? Cause unclear
The Daily Reflector Mon, 08 Nov 2010 12:54 PM PST
WILMINGTON, N.C. (AP) â It's not clear what caused those booms that rattled North Carolina's south coast last week. But methane escaping from the ocean or even a small meteorite have been suggested as culprits.

Mysterious booms rock N.C. coast
Greensboro News & Record Mon, 08 Nov 2010 09:09 AM PST
WILMINGTON (AP) â It's not clear what caused those booms that rattled south coast last week. But methane escaping from the ocean or even a small meteorite have been suggested as culprits. John Huntsman is an associate professor of geology at UNC-Wilmington. He heard a boom on Friday but isn't sure of the cause. There was a second Saturday. read more ...

NC booms: Methane? Meteor? Cause unclear

But methane escaping from the ocean or even a small meteorite have been suggested as culprits. John Huntsman is an associate professor of geology at the ...

Planets, Meteors, Comets and more

WHYY (blog)
Keep an eye out for the Taurid meteor shower happening this week, although it's not very impressive. Only about 5 meteors per hour come from the shower, ...

08 November 2010

METCOMLINE Meteors? 7NOV2010 Meteor/Meteorite News 8NOV2010

*If you wish to leave a comment please do; comments with name, time, location and information about what you saw are important.  Please leave your contact info; I will not post your contact info. 
email drtanuki@gmail.com  Thank YOU!

To officially register your meteor report please go to: http://www.amsmeteors

Monroe, Ohio 8NOV2010
"I cannot believe the Bolide that I saw this morning at 4:20 or 4:25AM, I was outside 
sitting on my daughters deck drinking coffee in the cold,(waiting to go hunting) when looking south. The bigest, brighest  "slow moving" meteor I have ever seen came out of the western 
sky and headed south east. I was in Monroe Ohio, which is between Cincinnati and Dayton. It came in very low in the sky! with sparks trailing.  As it was 10 to 15 degrees above the Horizon there was a Very Bright Flash that lit up the sky and it looked like the front or bottom blew out as it fragmented.
  At this Time it entered the city sky light of west Chester, Ohio which is directly south of Monroe, and I lost sight of it complety. This is the 1st one like this I have ever seen and will never forget it. It was far enough away that I heard no sound.
  There must be alot people traveling south on I-75 and I-71 who saw this, so we 
should hear more reports today.
  Also, I now see why some people think there seeing a jet on fire, It was moving 
at the speed you would think a jet would. MY 1ST, WAY TOO COOL!" - DAVE M. (contact info)

Georgia 7NOV2010 (georgia/ south carolina border)

"I saw a white fireball in the sky on Sun Nov 8, 2010.  It was approximately 7:35 pm eastern standard time. The light was at the georgia/ south carolina border. I was traveling south on I-95, at first  I thought it was a plane crashing, but there was no explosion. I guess it was a meteor. It lasted only about 10 seconds, It was a little scary though."
--Tzana (contact info on file)

Sault Ste Marie 7NOV2010
Guest513 (guest): "In Sault Ste Marie,Ontario I saw a bright object moving Quickly across the eastern sky at 6:40 PM,EST on Nov 7, 2010. It was travelling in a north to south direction." (no name or contact info)

Stevens Point, WI 7NOV2010
Guest938 (guest): "i saw a meteorite about 7 pm central sunday Nov 7 time right outside of stevens point wi heading what looked like north to south west" (no name or contact info)

Phoenix, AZ 7NOV2010
Guest8 (guest): "In Phoenix AZ my mom was sitting on her patio at 6:30 pm. She came running in the apartment and said she just saw the largest light fly across the sky. She said it came from the southwest and moved toward the northeast. It was so large and falling so fast she thought a plane was crashing. After it fell behind the trees, she was expecting to hear an explosion as she really thought it was a plane crashing. It is interesting there is so many sightings of this at around the same time from all over, from TN 2 az" (no name or contact info)

Georgia, USA 7NOV2010
"Anonymous said...
(no contact info or name)

LaVergne, TN 7NOV2010
"My wife texted me at work and said she saw either a meteor or a plane crash while plugging in our christmas lights also and she said she saw a ball of fire fall from the sky from about northwest to east at about 7:30 pm central time today (November 7, 2010). So I was on google for about 2 hours before I found your post. We live in LaVergne, TN about 15 minutes south of Nashville." -- Douglas (contact info)

Knoxville, TN 7NOV2010
hullaballoEarlier today, I heard a "pop" like a distant un shot. Was not in a part of the house where I could see outside.Moments later my wife asked if I saw the bright flash and heard the pop. She asked me if it could have been a meteor. This occured in Knoxville, TN. Any otehr reports of activity????

Missiauga, Ontario , Canada 7NOV2010
Guest314 (guest)we saw a meteor tonight, missiauga, ontario , canada in the northern sky at around 6:30 pm

Kingman AZ Meteor? 7NOV2010 
"I live in Kingman, AZ.  I went outside to look at my Husband`s christmas lights he was turning them on for the full impact.  I looked up in the sky and saw something like a falling star or meteor it was moving from the north falling down towards the east it was the largest thing I have seen and it seemed pretty slow although it was moving pretty fast.
  It was 11/07/10 at about 6:30 p.m. Sunday evening.  It wasn`t totally dark so it was pretty easy to see it."
Marie (contact info)

 To those that saw this event please go to the AMS website and fill out a fireball report form.

email me:

Meteor/Meteorite News:

Life on Mars might actually come from Earth

We usually think of meteor strikes as a one-way process, as giant rocks rain down from space and hit the Earth. But Earth itself can also produce meteors...


17: Leonid meteor shower peaks. Debris originates from Comet Tempel-Tuttle's passage in 1533. Expect about 25 to 30 meteors an hour under ideal observing ...

07 November 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News Polish Fireball 13OCT2010 7NOV2010

Kula ognia nad Polską - o włos od upadku meteorytu! - Wiadomości24

Wiadomosci 24 - ‎2010年10月15日‎
Dwa dni temu poranne niebo nad Mazowszem rozświetlił niezwykle jasny meteor - tak jasny, że podejrzewano nawet upadek meteorytu... (more in Polish)

Fireball over the Polish - a hair from falling meteorites! - Wiadomości24

News 1924 - 2010年10月15日
Two days ago the morning sky over the Mazovia extremely bright meteor lit up - so bright that even the collapse of suspected meteorite... (in Polish Poland fireball 13OCT2010)

Would You Survive If a Meteor Struck the Earth? - Environment - GOOD
Impact Earth is a site that allows you to set variables for the size, speed, and material of an object crashing into Earth, and then see the effects. ...

Представлены результаты изучения осадочных пород на дне чукотского озера Эльгыгытгын
Компьюлента - ‎2010年11月3日‎
Во время падения метеорита местный климат был примерно на 10–14 ˚C теплее, чем сегодня. Удар привёл к испарению большого количества камня, богатого кремнезёмом, что способствовало образованию смеси, известной как брекчия, с растрескавшимися зёрнами кварца и другими расплавленными частицами. ... (more in Russian)
The results of study of sedimentary rocks at the bottom of the Chukchi Lake El'gygytgyn
Kompyulenta - 2010年11月3日
During the fall of the meteorite local climate was about 10-14 ˚ C warmer than today. Strike led to the evaporation of a large number of stone, rich in silica, which contributed to the formation of the mixture, known as breccia, with cracked grains of quartz and other fused particles. ... (in Russian)