23 September 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- 23SEP09

Found: 62 meteor showers new to science

New Scientist
Now, researchers in Canada report finding an incredible 62 new meteor showers, displays of 'shooting stars' that recur every year when Earth passes through ...

The Market Oracle
Climate Change, The Environmentalists Have it All Wrong!

The Market Oracle
... events such as meteorite strikes has resulted in an evolutionary jump where existing dominant species have been wiped out to make way for new species. ...

Meteorite Tracked & Spotted On Vast Nullabor Plain

In a major breakthrough in planetary science, the astronomers have tracked and spotted a tiny meteorite on the vast Nullabor Plain. ...

Nullarbor fireball cameras lead scientists to location of rare ...

Not only that, the group also traced the meteorite's roots back to its orbit and the asteroid from where it came. Using cameras and sophisticated ...

Top Stories 'Meteorite' rocks Bruno's world

STARGAZING student Bruno Bertullo had a wish come true when what he believes to be a meteorite landed in his grandmother's back garden. ... (NOTE: HOAX)

Burton Mail
Security guard spotted 'fireball'

Burton Mail
... when I spoke to them had it down as an unidentified flying object and that's what I put in my report but they said it could also have been a meteorite. ...

Brisbane Times
Scientists track meteor from sky to Aussie desert

Brisbane Times
Inset: the meteorite found in the Nullarbor. West Australian scientists have used photos of 'fireballs' in the night sky to track down a rare meteorite ...

Aparece un "extraño" meteorito en el desierto australiano

La Gaceta de los Negocios - Madrid,Madrid,Spain
El nuevo meteorito, que tiene un tamaño cercano al de una pelota de cricket, es el primero que se ha recogido con las cámaras instaladas en el desierto ...

Rare meteorite found in Australian desert
New Kerala Mon, 21 Sep 2009 02:26 AM PDT
Sydney, Sep 21 : Researchers have discovered an unusual kind of meteorite in the Western Australian desert and have uncovered where in the solar system it came from, a new finding suggests.

Astronomers 'spot' meteorite on vast Nullabor Plain
The Times of India Sun, 20 Sep 2009 23:13 PM PDT
LONDON: Astronomers have discovered a specific piece of meteorite on Nullabor Plain, after tracking it from orbit, a rare finding which they claim is a major breakthrough for planetary science.

Books: "The Fallen Sky"
The New Yorker Sun, 20 Sep 2009 21:09 PM PDT
In 1894, fifteen years before his storied expedition to the North Pole, Robert Peary crossed a treacherous expanse of ice in Greenland in search of another prize: a massive meteorite laden with rare metals from outer space. In this hefty, industrious book, Cokinos retraces Pearyâs steps, and those...

Nullarbor Fireball Cameras Find Rare Meteorite
SpaceDaily Sun, 20 Sep 2009 18:09 PM PDT
by Staff Writers Canberra, Australia (SPX) Sep 21, 2009 Using cameras which capture fireballs streaking across the night sky and sophisticated mathematics, a world-wide team of scientists have managed to find not only a tiny meteorite on the vast Nullarbor Plain, but also its orbit and the asteroid it came from.

22 September 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- 22SEP09

Seven meteorites from Tenerife's collection to appear in an ...

Fortnightly Tenerife News
Spanish scientist have incorporated seven meteorites from the Museum of Natural Sciences of Tenerife's collection into its Meteoritical Society's ...

Still Spirit; Nullarbor Meteorite

Meanwhile, the Spirit Martian Rover team continues to struggle to remove the rover from its sand trap, while a rare meteorite has been found in Australia. ...

Descubren un 'extraño' meteorito en el desierto australiano

Orange España - Madrid,España,Spain
Científicos británicos han descubierto un "extraño" meteorito en el desierto australiano y de momento desconocen de qué parte del Sistema Solar procede. ...

Astronomers 'spot' meteorite on vast Nullabor Plain

Times of India
PTI 21 September 2009, 11:24am IST LONDON: Astronomers have discovered a specific piece of meteorite on Nullabor Plain, after tracking it from orbit, ...
See all stories on this topic
Space Daily
Opportunity Departs Block Island

Space Daily
by Staff Writers Opportunity completed the circumnavigation and full-circle imaging of the large meteorite "Block Island" and has resumed the long drive to ...

21 September 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News 21SEP09

Meteor startled city's founder

The Olympian
I called on Colonel (Michael T.) Simmons, who said that it was a meteor; that two Indians in his employ saw it fly and burst. They came to his house very ...

Camera Tracks Meteorite To Home In Space
OfficialWire Sun, 20 Sep 2009 01:42 AM PDT
Cameras set up in the western Australia desert have helped trace a fallen meteorite to its original place in the solar system, scientists said.

Rare Meteorite Found Using New Camera Network In Australian Desert
Science Daily Sun, 20 Sep 2009 00:19 AM PDT
Researchers have discovered an unusual kind of meteorite in the Western Australian desert and have uncovered where in the Solar System it came from, in a very rare finding.

Descubren extraño meteorito en el desierto australiano

latercera.com - santiago,Ñuñoa,Chile
El meteorito, de composición basáltica, habría seguido una inusual órbita alrededor del Sol, antes de caer en la Tierra en julio de 2007. ...

20 September 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- 20SEP09

Treat for sky gazers as asteroid Juno set for a cameo

Press Trust of India
On September 21, Juno, one of the first discovered asteroids and the parent of many meteorite showers on the Earth, will enjoy a cameo in the night sky ...

Where have all the green stars gone?

Sierra Vista Herald
Although the best meteor season of the year is in the fall, the last half of September only has one moderate shower to observe. The Delta Aurigid shower ...

Fireball cameras find meteorite

Using cameras to capture fireballs streaking across the night sky, scientists have tracked a tiny meteorite that crashed into Australia's Nullarbor Plain. ...

Descoberta pode explicar origens de meteoritos e Sistema Solar

Terra Brasil - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
Um raro meteorito que pode ter nascido em local próximo à Terra foi encontrado por um novo observatório australiano e poderia trazer novas pistas sobre as ...

Times of Malta
Pope Benedict visits the Vatican observatory

Times of Malta
The Vatican Meteorite collection has grown from the initial donation of 1000 samples given in 1905 to more than 1200 pieces representing 484 different ...

New Meteorological Satellite and Microsatellite Orbited Successfully

Russia now has its own meteorological satellite “Meteor-M”, as well as microsatellite “Blitz”, which is an autonomous laser reflecting sphere, on the orbit. ...

Christian Science Monitor
Missiles in Iran that still worry Obama and the West

Christian Science Monitor
"Shahab" means "meteor" or "shooting star," in Farsi. A series of Iranian missile variants carry the Shahab designation. The Shahab-3 is a single-stage, ...

Finding fallen stars -- and himself

When a shooting star, or meteor, blazes through the Earth's atmosphere without incinerating entirely, what's left at the point of impact is called a ...

19 September 2009

Australia Meteor/Meteorite News- Bunburra Rockhole meteorite announced 19SEP09

Photo of Bunburra Rockhole Meteorite (Eucrite)
Photo credit: Imperial College London

Camera tracks meteorite to home in space
UPI Fri, 18 Sep 2009 10:13 AM PDT
PERTH, Australia, Sept. 18 (UPI) -- Cameras set up in the western Australia desert have helped trace a fallen meteorite to its original place in the solar system, scientists said.

Rare snapshot of solar system's dawn
Sydney Morning Herald Fri, 18 Sep 2009 07:22 AM PDT
CAMERAS set up in outback Australia to track fireballs across the night sky have led scientists to a rare meteorite formed at the dawn of the solar system.

Need to find a meteorite? Call your fireball astronomers!

by William Atkins An international team of scientists found a small meteorite on the giant Nullarbor Plain, but even more amazing was the fact that they ...

Rare Meteorite Found With New Camera Network In Australian Desert
redOrbit Fri, 18 Sep 2009 07:06 AM PDT
Image Caption: This is an all-sky image from the easternmost station in the Desert Fireball Network showing the track of the fireball on the left. Credit: Imperial College London

Space invader captured on the Nullarbor
Daily Telegraph Fri, 18 Sep 2009 07:00 AM PDT
USING cameras to capture fireballs streaking across the night sky, scientists have tracked a tiny meteorite that crashed into Australia's Nullarbor Plain.

Nullarbor fireball cameras find rare meteorite
EurekAlert! Fri, 18 Sep 2009 06:13 AM PDT
( CSIRO Australia ) Using cameras which capture fireballs streaking across the night sky and sophisticated mathematics, a world-wide team of scientists have managed to find not only a tiny meteorite on the vast Nullarbor Plain, but also its orbit and the asteroid it came from.

Scientists find meteorite that came from innermost asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
New Kerala Fri, 18 Sep 2009 01:23 AM PDT
Washington, September 18 : In a very rare finding, scientists have discovered an unusual kind of meteorite in the Western Australian desert and have uncovered that it came from the innermost main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Rare meteorite found in WA outback
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Thu, 17 Sep 2009 21:04 PM PDT
Scientists have discovered a rare kind of meteorite in outback Western Australia, which could hold clues about the origin of our solar system.

Australian scientists find meteorite
BigPond News Thu, 17 Sep 2009 20:56 PM PDT
Australian scientists have found a rare meteorite using cameras that capture images of fireballs.

Scientists track down desert meteorites
News.com.au Thu, 17 Sep 2009 20:48 PM PDT
THE Western Australian Museum today revealed a new golf ball-sized meteorite that was tracked falling onto the Nullarbor Plain by a network of cameras.

Scientists find rare meteorite (The West Australian)
The West Australian Thu, 17 Sep 2009 20:36 PM PDT
Using cameras to capture fireballs streaking across the night sky, scientists have tracked a tiny meteorite that crashed into Australia's Nullarbor Plain.

Montana Meteor Fireball Report 17SEP09- 19SEP09

Montana Fireball

Car Versus Moose and a Mysterious Fireball

by By Heather Jurva , 09-18-09
Thursday 9/17
...."9:22 p.m. Someone saw what was described as a “big fireball” in the sky on the north side of Hash Mountain. Although the reporting party believed it to be an aircraft, all planes in the area were fully accounted for and all was well. ...


Meteor/Meteorite News- 19SEP09

Spaceflight Now
Mars rover Spirit's fate weighed as options dwindle

Spaceflight Now
On the opposite side of Mars, the rover Opportunity is completing inspection and sensor data acquisition on an iron meteorite dubbed Block Island that ...

Camera tracks meteorite to home in space

Times of the Internet
Cameras set up in the western Australia desert have helped trace a fallen meteorite to its original place in the solar system, scientists said. ...
See all stories on this topic

Desert Fireball Network tracks first meteorite

THE Western Australian Museum today revealed a new golf ball-sized meteorite that was tracked falling onto the Nullarbor Plain by a network of cameras. ...

Rare snapshot of solar system's dawn

September 19, 2009

CAMERAS set up in outback Australia to track fireballs across the night sky have
led scientists to a rare meteorite formed at the dawn of the solar system.

The fiery streak it made on descent allowed them not only to pinpoint where it
would fall on the vast Nullarbor Plain, but also work out where it had come
from. ...

Pope Benedict XVI blesses new headquarters of Vatican Observatory

Catholic News Agency
During his hour-long visit to the building, the Holy Father viewed the large collection of meteorites housed by the Observatory and held a rock from Mars in ...

18 September 2009

Australia Meteor/Meteorite News- Basaltic Meteorite from Australian Fall 18SEP09

Science 18 September 2009:
Vol. 325. no. 5947, pp. 1525 - 1527
DOI: 10.1126/science.1174787


An Anomalous Basaltic Meteorite from the Innermost Main Belt

Philip A. Bland,1,* Pavel Spurny,2 Martin C. Towner,1 Alex W. R. Bevan,3 Andrew T. Singleton,4 William F. Bottke, Jr.,5 Richard C. Greenwood,6 Steven R. Chesley,7 Lukas Shrbeny,1,2 Jiri Borovicka,2 Zdenek Ceplecha,2 Terence P. McClafferty,8 David Vaughan,9 Gretchen K. Benedix,10 Geoff Deacon,3 Kieren T. Howard,10 Ian A. Franchi,6 Robert M. Hough11

Triangulated observations of fireballs allow us to determine orbits and fall positions for meteorites. The great majority of basaltic meteorites are derived from the asteroid 4 Vesta. We report on a recent fall that has orbital properties and an oxygen isotope composition that suggest a distinct parent body. Although its orbit was almost entirely contained within Earth’s orbit, modeling indicates that it originated from the innermost main belt. Because the meteorite parent body would likely be classified as a V-type asteroid, V-type precursors for basaltic meteorites unrelated to Vesta may reside in the inner main belt. This starting location is in agreement with predictions of a planetesimal evolution model that postulates the formation of differentiated asteroids in the terrestrial planet region, with surviving fragments concentrated in the innermost main belt.

1 IARC, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK.
2 Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Fricova 298, CZ-251 65 Ondrejov Observatory, Czech Republic.
3 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Western Australian Museum, Locked Bag 49 Welshpool DC, Western Australia 6986, Australia.
4 Space and Atmospheric Physics Group, Department of Physics, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK.
5 Southwest Research Institute, 1050 Walnut Street, Suite 426, Boulder, CO 80302, USA.
6 PSSRI, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK.
7 Solar System Dynamics Group, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, M/S 301-150, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA.
8 Office of Research and Development, Curtin University of Technology, GPO Box U1987, Perth, Western Australia 6845, Australia.
9 Post Office Box 187, Nedlands, Perth, Western Australia 6909, Australia.
10 IARC, Department of Mineralogy, Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, UK.
11 CSIRO Exploration and Mining, CRCLEME, ARRC, 26 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington, Perth, Western Australia 6151, Australia.

Gujarat India Meteor Fireball 16SEP09- report 18SEP09

Fireball sighted in northern Gujarat

Daily News & Analysis
It can either be a meteorite or a fireball. If the object has survived the fall from space to Earth then it could be a meteorite," said Dr Narottam Sahoo, ...

Meteor/Meteorite News- 18SEP09

Un meteorito basáltico replantea el origen de estas rocas

EL LIBREPENSADOR - Zaragoza,Aragón,Spain
Un equipo internacional de científicos ha confirmado que el meteorito basáltico Bunburra Rockhole, que cayó en Australia en 2007, presenta una trayectoria y ...

Nullarbor fireball cameras find rare meteorite

Insciences Organisation
Meteorites discovered with known orbits are incredibly rare, so the achievement is a remarkable breakthrough in planetary science. ...

Recovered meteorite points to an unusual origin

Scientific American
By John Matson in 60-Second Science Blog Meteorites can reveal a lot about the composition and formation of their parent bodies, but such postcards from ...

Researchers make rare meteorite find using new camera network in ...

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers have discovered an unusual kind of meteorite in the Western Australian desert and have uncovered where in the Solar System it ...

Pope holds meteorite during visit to Vatican astronomers' headquarters

Catholic News Service
In order to prevent contamination, the pope used a white handkerchief to hold the specimen, which, according to Father Coyne, was the Nakhla meteorite -- a ...

Meteorite hit
BBC News Thu, 17 Sep 2009 05:53 AM PDT
60th anniversary of striking of Beddgelert hotel

Rare meteorite find in Australian outback

ABC Science Online
Scientists have discovered a rare kind of meteorite in outback Western Australia, which could hold clues about the origin of our solar system. ...


六安新闻网 - Liu'an,Anhui,China
NASA火星勘测轨道飞行器拍摄到的照片显示,数百个陨石坑表面布满了巨大的多边形裂痕。多年前科学家们就曾注意过这个现象,但是当时推测,这些裂痕是由陨石坑表面的热胀 ...


网易 - Beijing,China
据国外媒体报道,NASA火星勘测轨道飞行器拍摄到的照片显示,陨石坑内的龟裂痕迹可能是干涸湖泊。本周二,在德国波茨坦举行的欧洲行星科学大会上,艾尔·玛丽公开发表了 ...

La procedencia de un meteorito, un misterio para los científicos

ABC.es - Madrid,Madrid,Spain
Un meteorito hallado en el desierto de Australia trae de cabeza a Watching the sky from a “fireball observatory” in the desert of Australia, researchers say ...

Soyuz rocket launches Russian weather satellite

Spaceflight Now
The mission's primary payload was the Meteor M1 weather satellite, a new Russian observatory designed to monitor the Earth's climate from its perch in polar ...

Russia launches Soyuz rocket with Meteor-M weather satellite

RIA Novosti
The launch of the Meteor-M satellite and five mini-satellites had been delayed twice for weather and technical reasons. Meteor-M weighs about 2700 kilograms ...

Space Hand-Me-Downs

Astrobiology Magazine
Molecules vital to life have been detected in outer space and isolated in meteorites and comets. Some of this material that rained down on Earth may have ...

Readers Write for Thursday, Sept. 17

Minneapolis Star Tribune
... improbabilities (extra-terrestrial aliens), and well-founded science (global climate change and the long-term risk of a catastrophic meteor impact). ...

Sumbandila rocket looking good to go

Creamer Media's Engineering News
The primary payload on the rocket is a Russian Meteor M weather satellite, the first of a new generation of Russian meteorological satellites, equipped with ...

Exotischer Meteorit in der Kamerafalle

scienceticker.info - Germany
Astronomen ist in der australischen Wüste ein außergewöhnlicher Meteorit in die Falle gegangen. Mit einer Reihe von Kameras während seines Falls beobachtet, ...

Más de 10.000 personas vieron los 'Meteoritos' del museo minero

La Crónica de León - León,León,Spain
El Museo de la Siderurgia y la Minería de Castilla y León, con sede en Sabero, finalizó el pasado domingo la exposición temporal 'Meteoritos', cuyo balance ...

Pope tours new Vatican Observatory headquarters

Catholic Culture
The offices of the Vatican Observatory at Castel Gandolfo house an important library and a collection of meteorite samples. The Observatory also operates a ...

New Reality Show Filming in Odessa

"Odessa is one of two meteorites in the Country. One is in Arizona. It seems like a logical place for 'Meteorite Men' to come," Meteor Expert, ...

17 September 2009

Worldwide Multilingual Meteor/Meteorite News- High Volume News 17SEP09

Crystal Skulls Key to Maya Predictions for 2012

Reuters - ‎4 時間前‎
65 million years ago a meteor crashed here and completely transformed every living thing on earth. Now as the planet faces a major transformation in ...

Милитаризация космоса неизбежна

Россия - ‎7 時間前‎
Из 2 млн изученных астероидов 84% имеют диаметр от 50 м до 100 м, к ним относится и Тунгусский метеорит. Тела размером 100-500 м встречаются в 15,5% случаев, к ним относится астероид Апофиз. Насколько часто падали астероиды и метеориты на Землю, подсчитать непросто. Считается, что при кратере ...

Ученые поняли, куда шли майя

Росбалт.RU - ‎5 時間前‎

Это означало, что он попал на нашу планету вместе с метеоритом. Действительно, исследователи выяснили, что 65 млн лет назад огромный метеорит... диаметром 95 кв. км ворвался в атмосферу Земли и упал на северо-западе полуострова Юкатан (Мексика). Так образовался ударный кратер, который ученые

Russia delays launch of weather satellite indefinitely - source
RIA Novosti - ‎12 分前‎
The Federal Space Agency Roscosmos earlier said the launch of the Meteor-M satellite and five mini-satellites has been postponed for another 24 hours after ...

Government 'Mind-Mapping' Scheme Inspired by Google Buddies

Gawker - ‎21 時間前‎
Kemp, in turn, has apparently used a Google jet for NASA "meteor hunting," and heralded the release of high-resolution NASA imagery for use on ...

Posponen por segunda vez el lanzamiento del Soyuz

La Vanguardia - ‎52 分前‎
La Soyuz debe poner en órbita el satélite sudafricano ZA-002 SumbandilaSat, un nuevo satélite meteorológico ruso Meteor-M y otros cuatro aparatos menores: ...

Astrônomos: cometa foi lua temporária de Júpiter por 12 anos

Terra Brasil - ‎11 時間前‎
... segundo uma equipe internacional dirigida por Katsuhito Ohtsuka (Tokyo Meteor Network), que criou um modelo das trajetórias de 18 cometas suscetíveis de ...

Júpiter tuvo luna temporal durante 12 años

Diario La Página El Salvador - ‎22 時間前‎
... se mantuvo en órbita alrededor de Júpiter de 1949 a 1961, según un equipo internacional dirigido por Katsuhito Ohtsuka (Tokyo Meteor Network). ...

La comète qui resta prisonnière de Jupiter pendant 12 ans

Techno-science.net - ‎19 時間前‎
Une équipe internationale menée par le Dr. Katsuhito Ohtsuka (du Tokyo Meteor Network) a modélisé la trajectoire de 18 "comètes quasi-Hilda", ...

Heute in Russland und der GUS

Russland.RU - ‎10 時間前‎
Moskau – Am Mittwochabend soll ein zweiter Versuch unternommen werden, den Wetterbeobachtungssatelliten "Meteor-M-1" in eine Erdumlaufbahn zu bringen. ...

Rússia adia lançamento de primeiro satélite sul-africano

Estadão - ‎22 時間前‎
... além de um novo satélite meteorológico, o Meteor-M. Avaliado em US$ 3,5 milhões, o SumbandilaSat orbitará a cerca de 500 quilômetros acima da Linha do ...

Přesně před 40 lety jim spadl na střechu

Náchodský deník - ‎19 時間前‎
Věra Klimešová (83) ze Suchého Dolu ukazuje místo na střeše svého výměnku, kam dopadl přesně před 40 lety meteorit. „Vzpomínám si na to dobře, ...

Pope Visits with His Astronomers

Vatican Radio - ‎1 時間前‎
The new premises affords greater space for the Specola's extensive library and precious meteorite collection as well as accommodation to the increasing ...


中国吉林 - ‎16 時間前‎
陨石(meteorite)是落到地面的流星体,是太阳系内小天体的珍贵标本。因此,研究陨石对研究太阳系的起源和演化、生命起源提供了宝贵的线索。陨石分为两类:球粒陨石和 ...

Vor 40 Jahren kam der Mond nach Deutschland

scinexx | Das Wissensmagazin mit Science-News aus - ‎8 時間前‎
Die guten Ergebnisse, die das Institut mit Meteoriten erreichte, überzeugten die NASA, den Max-Planck-Forschern die größte Menge an Proben außerhalb der USA ...

Stammt dieser Stein aus dem All?

solinger-tageblatt.de - ‎11 時間前‎
Um zu klären, ob es sich um irdisches oder außerirdisches Gestein handle, müsse man jedoch einen Fachmann für Meteoriten heranziehen. ...

Astrônomos acham sinal de matéria orgânica em planeta-anão

Estadão - ‎16 時間前‎
A descoberta da mancha vermelha em Haumea se segue à dos aminoácidos em Wild 2 e à de componentes do DNA em um meteorito. Matéria orgânica já foi detectada ...

A&E estrena la miniserie: The Andromeda Strein

EntornoInteligente - ‎10 時間前‎
Todo comienza con la caída de un meteorito, que va dejando sin vida a cualquier ser vivo que tenga contacto directo con el, sin ninguna aparente explicación ...

Pułtusk - Wenecja Mazowsza

Interia - ‎4 時間前‎
Dziś wiemy, że przed 300 laty na Pułtusk i okolice spadł deszcz meteorytów z planetoidy Hebe. Było ich mnóstwo, ok. 70 tys. I to jest właśnie ten drugi ...

Зонд LRO перешел на рабочую орбиту и начал исследовательскую миссию

РИА Новости - ‎7 時間前‎
МОСКВА, 16 сен - РИА Новости. Зонд Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) успешно перешел на "рабочую" орбиту вокруг Луны, с которой он будет вести наблюдения, в частности, поиски водяного льда на естественном спутнике Земли, сообщил РИА Новости в среду заведующий лабораторией космической ...

Трактор ни пази от астероиди

Стандарт - ‎20 時間前‎
Или Тунгуският метеорит, който преди 101 г. пада в Сибир и поваля дърветата на площ 2000 кв. м. Не може да не се спомене и за прочутия астероид Апофис 99942 ...

На дне марсианских кратеров увидели высохшие лужи

ГАЗЕТА.GZT.ru - ‎3 時間前‎
При падении метеоритов должно было выделяться достаточно тепла, чтобы растопить слой вечной мерзлоты под кратером, причем на достаточную глубину, чтобы сформировать настоящее озеро. Даже в современных условиях, когда в самые теплые дни температура на марсианском экваторе не превышает +17 ...

Фототрофы переживут и ядерную зиму, и падение метеорита

Energyland.info - ‎7 時間前‎
Группа британских биологов из университета Восточной Англии (University of East Anglia) провела исследование на предмет того, исчезнет ли жизнь, если Земля перестанет на время получать солнечную энергию, к примеру, после падения астероида или другой катастрофы. Широко распространено мнение ...

16 September 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- 16SEP09

Can Microbes Survive a Million-Year Space Journey? Experts Say “Yes”

Zikkir World
The researchers looked at previous studies of Martian meteorites that provided information about the kinds of forces needed to eject rocks from a large ...

EERC materials return from space

UND The Dakota Student
So we looked at it for use as a meteorite protection material for NASA." The ceramic material flew 18 months ago on the Space Shuttle Endeavour as a part of ...

Long-awaited launch of SA satellite delayed to Wednesday

Creamer Media's Engineering News
SumbandilaSat is one of six microsatellites that are to be launched on the Soyuz-2 rocket, along with the primary payload of a Russian Meteor M weather ...

Reality Show Being Filmed at Ector County Meteor Crater 9/15/09

Odessa, Texas - A production company has chosen the Ector County meteor crater as their site to film a segment for a new reality show to be aired on the ...

Zee News
Russia to launch weather satellite on Tuesday

Zee News
The Meteor-M unit will restore Russia's membership in the small club of countries with meteorological satellites of their own in orbit. "Besides Meteor-M ...

Meteor Crater takes center stage

Odessa American
BY GEOFF FOLSOM When “Meteorite Men,” a one-time special for Discovery's Science Channel, was green-lighted for a six-episode season, the hosts knew where ...

Moon rocks lost in space? No, lost on Earth


More than 130 countries received gifts of lunar rubble from Apollo missions ...


15 September 2009

Japan Meteor/Meteorite News- Selene Moon Impact Data 15SEP09

Japanese Lunar Mission Provides Data About Moon's Origin

Japanese Lunar Mission Provides a Glimpse at How the
Moon Took Shape
by Naiomi Solomom, September 11, 2009
Ethiopian Review


Japanese Lunar Mission Provides a Glimpse at How the
Moon Took Shape. Data from the recently retired Kaguya
spacecraft support the notion that the moon's crust
congealed from an ocean of magma by John Matson,
Scientific American,


The paper is:

Ohtake, M. T. Matsunaga, J. Haruyama, Y. Yokota, T.
Morota, C. Honda, Y. Ogawa, M. Torii, H. Miyamoto, T.
Arai, N. Hirata, A. Iwasaki, R. Nakamura, T. Hiroi,
T. Sugihara, H. Takeda1, H. Otake, C. M. Pieters, K.
Saiki, K. Kitazato, M. Abe, N. Asada, H. Demura, Y.
Yamaguchi, S. Sasaki1, S. Kodama, J. Terazono, M.
Shirao, A. Yamaji, S. Minami, H. Akiyama and J.-L.
Josset, 2009, The global distribution of pure
anorthosite on the Moon. Nature. vol. 461, no. 7261,
pp. 236-240 doi:10.1038/nature08317


Source, Paul H., USA

Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News- 15SEP09 16SEP09

НАСА будет взрывать Луну чтобы добыть лед

Комсомольская Правда в Украине - ‎20 時間前‎
Но в НАСА говорят, что оснований для тревоги нет: сила взрыва при падении LCROSS будет примерно такой же, как при ударе метеорита массой в 10 килограммов (скорость падения метеоритов в десятки раз больше), а таких метеоритов на Луну наверняка падает по несколько штук ежегодно. ...

Для балашихинских детей организовали экскурсию в музей экологической сказки

Интернет-портал Правительства Московской области - ‎2 時間前‎
Большой интерес у присутствующих вызвали «ростовые куклы», подаренные музею писателем-сказочником Светланой Савицкой. Увидели посетители и уникальные вещи – метеорит - кусочек звезды, прилетевший на Землю из глубин космоса. Закончилось мероприятие дружеским чаепитием и чтением стихов о природе. ...

Межпланетный зонд подождет

Вокруг Света - ‎1 時間前‎
Такие протяженные трещины возникли, когда с Фобосом столкнулся огромный метеорит, при взрыве которого и образовался кратер Стикни диаметром 10 км. Диаметр самого Фобоса всего лишь 23 км, поэтому при столкновении произошло сильнейшее сотрясение всего Фобоса, от которого он едва не раскололся на ...

XII Манхэттенский фестиваль короткометражного кино 2009

Сибирское агентство новостей - ‎5 時間前‎
№4 РАСКОЛ / SKHIZEIN Жереми Клапен / Франция / 2008 / 14'00'' После столкновения со 150-тонным метеоритом, Анри приходится приспосабливаться к жизни на расстоянии 91 сантиметра от себя самого. №5 ПАРКОВКА / PARKING Хорхе Молина / Испания / 2008 / 11'00'' Менеджер направляется к своей машине… ...

Frank De Winne's contribution to Euro Space Week

Southgate Amateur Radio Club - ‎6 時間前‎
Avez-vous aperçu des traces de météorites du côté nocturne de la terre, pendant les pluies de météorites? While on the night side of the earth, ...

County approves tax rate

Odessa American - ‎18 時間前‎
An agreement with LMNO Productions to authorize filming for a show called “Meteorite Men” that will air on Discovery's Science Channel. ...

La amenaza del diablo

argenpress.info - ‎19 時間前‎
El tipo de catástrofes que presenta va desde un meteorito gigantesco que matará instantáneamente a la mitad de los seres vivientes y en un año a la otra ...

Noc vědců se v ČR uskuteční na 30 místech

České noviny - ‎47 分前‎
Například největší dalekohled v ČR o průměru dva metry uvidí zájemci v Ondřejově, hvězdárna Žebrák jim představí meteorit, který do oblasti spadl před 180 ...

Streak across Vancouver Island skyline might have been large ...

Times Colonist
Other astronomers think it was likely a meteor that might have crashed into the west coast of the Island or the ocean beyond. Dave Armitage was sitting on ...

Three years late, first SA satellite set for take off

Business Day
Russia's space agency Roskosmos eventually agreed to launch the satellite on a Soyuz rocket that was to launch a Russian weather satellite called Meteor ...

Look to the Stars

He also said there will be a meteor shower coming up in October. A person doesn't need much knowledge of astronomy to appreciate the beauty of either of ...

No es un meteorito, ¡es orina de astronauta!

NeoTeo - Málaga,Málaga,Spain
El miércoles pasado muchas personas fueron testigos de un verdadero espectáculo en el cielo. Nadie podía determinar qué era aquella luz blanca, ...

Earth Rocks In Space
SpaceDaily Sun, 13 Sep 2009 17:49 PM PDT
By Morris Jones Sydney, Australia (SPX) Sep 14, 2009 Rocks from space fall to Earth all the time. Meteorite fragments are so common that they turn up in jewelry. Some of these fragments have been found to come from the Moon and Mars, giving us a very cheap form of sample retrieval.


AFPBB News - ‎3 時間前‎
約6500万年前の恐竜の絶滅は、隕石か彗星の衝突が原因だったと考えられている。 木星は時に、地球に脅威となる彗星を捕らえてくれる「ゴールキーパー」ともみなされている。しかし、近づいた彗星に影響し、太陽を周回する彗星の軌道を変えてしまうこともある。 ...