20 June 2009

Moon Rocks and how to spot them 20JUN09

  • To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first moon landing, we are giving readers the chance to win a piece of lunar meteorite. But how do we know it's genuine, asks Roger Highfield
    New Scientist - Jun 19

Italian Meteorite News-Pensa, scrivi e vinci la Luna 20JUN09

Pensa, scrivi e vinci la Luna

Focus.it -
Il frammento di autentico meteorite lunare in palio per il concorso della rivista New Scientist. Vi piacerebbe sfoggiare un frammento di Luna nel salotto di ...

French/Canadian Météorite News- Dr. Alain Carion (video) 20JUN09

Chute de la météorite au Canada en 2008
(Buzzard Coulee, Canada meteorite fall in 2008)

Avec les commentaires d'Alain Carion, Docteur es Sciences et chasseur de météorites
posted by
MrValaba on YouTube

19 June 2009

Australia Meteorite News- Flying object crashes into mountain 19JUN09

Latest Update:
No answer on mystery fire starter
Kallee Buchanan | 22nd June 2009

THE mystery fire on Hazle Marland's Gaeta property is still burning - just like
the questions about what started it. ...(more)

Mystery object falls to earth
AN air and ground search of the area where a bright flash and explosion was witnessed early this morning has failed to find an obvious cause. ... (more)
The Courier Mail - Jun 18 3:20 PM

Unidentified flying object crashes into mountain
by Robyn Ironside and Leanne Edmistone @ Courier Mail.Com

June 19, 2009 08:20am

AN object seen crashing into a mountain in central Queensland within the past hour is now believed to be a meteorite or space junk.

An Emergency Services spokeswoman said the Triple-O call was initially treated as a possible plane crash at Takilberan Creek near Gin Gin but the Australian Search and Rescue Authority has received “no mayday or distress calls”. ...


18 June 2009

India Meteorite News-Student Meteorite Hunt 18JUN09

Videos of the Student Meteorite Hunt at ACM Workshop
Organized by Vishnu Reddy and Bangalore Astronomical Society
posted 18JUN09

The National Level workshop on "Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites" sponsored by the Bangalore Astronomical Society was held on June 13 & 14, 2009 at the Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bangalore.

The following videos of the workshop involve the session where participants were divided into groups for the meteorite hunt. 4 pieces of meteorite were hidden on the planetarium campus and the participants had to find them. The winners took home the meteorite pieces.

About BAS
The Bangalore Astrological Society (BAS) is a registered, non-profit amateur astronomy organisation based in Bangalore, India. The group intends to create a base for all amateur-astronomy related activities and to popularise astronomy as a science.


About Vishnu Reddy
Vishnu Reddy is one of the most successful amateur astronomers from India. He has been credited with the discovery of 22 main belt asteroids, two binary near-Earth asteroids, six main-belt binary asteroids,and a supernova by the International Astronomical Union.
One of his asteroid discoveries has been named 78118 Bharat in honor of his motherland.

Video Links:
Meteorite Hunt @ ACM Workshop by Vishnu Reddy and Bangalore Astronomical Society - Part 1
07:11 - Today youtube.com

07:19 - Today youtube.com

02:59 - Today youtube.com

India Meteorite News- Magnetic bacteria found in Lonar lake 18JUN09

  • NEW DELHI: Microbiologists in Maharashtra have found 'magnetic bacteria' in the ancient Lonar lake formed due to meteorite impact, a finding that might open a vista for searching extra-terrestrial life. ... (more)
    The Times of India - Jun 17 11:45 PM

Reference Sources for Readers:




Greece Meteor News- Thessaloniki Fireball 12JUN09 Photo 18JUN09

Thessaloniki Fireball
(c) geobahalos 2009

Photos were taken on June 12, at 21:30, west of Thessaloniki, Greece. The phenomenon lasted about 30 seconds. I have ten pictures of this. It was absolutely spectacular and I am really happy to have been able to capture it with my camera.
Uploaded on June 13, 2009
by geobahalos

German Meteorite News- Steinheimer Impact Crater-Cosmic projectile meets earth 18JUN09

Kosmisches Geschoss trifft Erde

Main Post - ‎17JUN09
(lsw) Stuttgarter Forscher sind dem Steinheimer Meteoriten auf der Spur. Im Steinheimer Becken auf der Ostalb haben Geologen des Instituts für Planetologie ... (more)

German Meteorite News-US military closes satellite data 18JUN09

US-Militär sperrt Satellitendaten
(Danger by meteorites-US military closes satellite data)
- ‎17.06.09‎
Von Alexander Stirn Die Folgen eines Meteoriten-Einschlags können gravierend sein: Der Canon Diabolo im US-Bundesstaat Arizona ist mit einem Durchmesser von ... (more)

Greenland Meteorite News- Microbe Wakes Up After 120,000 Years 18JUN09

After more than 120,000 years trapped beneath a block of ice in Greenland, a tiny microbe has awoken. The long-lasting bacteria may hold clues to what life forms might exist on other planets.

The new bacteria species was found nearly 2 miles (3 km) beneath a Greenland glacier, where temperatures can dip well below freezing, pressure soars, and food and oxygen are scarce. ...(more) :


Mongolia Meteorite News- Hunter Returns from Mongolian Meteorite Hunting 18JUN09

Hunter Returns from Mongolian Meteorite Hunting
Pierre-Marie Pele has returned home from an expedition in Altai (Bayan-Olgii province), in western Mongolia.
While in Ulan-Bator, I visited the National History Museum with a room dedicated to meteorites. ... more text and photos at:

Story by Pierre-Marie Pele

17 June 2009

Holland Meteorite News- Kosmische kringloop verloopt sneller dan gedacht 18JUN09

Kosmische kringloop verloopt sneller dan gedacht-

Translated by Govert Schilling
Alles over sterrekunde - ‎16 Juni 2009
Ze bestudeerden tweeëntwintig korrels in de beroemde Murchison-meteoriet, waarvan eerder op basis van een afwijkende chemische samenstelling al was ... (more)

Original story in English- "Meteorite Grains Divulge Earth`s Cosmic Roots", University of Chicago

Greek Meteorite News- Italy/Greece Bolide/Meteor 12JUN09 Update 17JUN09

Πτώση μετεώρου προκάλεσε εντύπωση στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα


Μια πύρινη γραμμή στον ουρανό, πιθανότατα από πτώση μετεώρου, ανέφεραν ότι είδαν το βράδυ της Παρασκευής μάρτυρες στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα, την Αλβανία και την ΠΓΔΜ.

Το φαινόμενο καταγράφηκε και από τον πύργο ελέγχου του Αεροδρομίου Μακεδονίας, μετέδωσε η ΕΡΤ3.

Ο καθηγητής Αστρονομίας, Σταύρος Αυγολούπης απέδωσε τη λάμψη σε μικρό διαστημικό βράχο που εισήλθε στη γήινη ατμόσφαιρα ως βολίδα.

Αγνωστο παραμένει το εάν επρόκειτο για μετέωρο που διαλύθηκε στον αέρα, ή για μετεωρίτη που έφτασε μέχρι το έδαφος -το δεύτερο ενδεχόμενο είναι σημαντικά πιο απίθανο.

Το φαινόμενο, πάντως, δεν καταγράφηκε από το Αστεροσκοπείο Θεσσαλονίκης.

Newsroom ΔΟΛ, με πληροφορίες από ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ


Επεσε μετεωρίτης στη Μακεδονία;

Ενα μετέωρο έπεσε με τρόπο εντυπωσιακό στην περιοχή της Βόρειας Ελλάδας ή των όμορων χωρών, σύμφωνα με αυτόπτες μάρτυρες τόσο στη χώρα μας όσο και στις γειτονικές.

Το φαινόμενο ήταν τόσο έντονο και σαφές, ώστε έγινε αντιληπτό μέχρι και από τον πύργο ελέγχου του αεροδρομίου Μακεδονία στη Θεσσαλονίκη, αλλά και σε Αλβανία και ΠΓΔΜ, όπως ανέφερε το βορειοελλαδίτικο κανάλι της κρατικής τηλεόρασης.

Σχολιάζοντας εκεί το γεγονός ο καθηγητής Αστρονομίας Σταύρος Αυγολούπης απέδωσε την εντυπωσιακή λάμψη στο διόλου σπάνιο «φαινόμενο της βολίδας».

Δεν έχει γίνει άμεσα γνωστό εάν έχουν ξεκινήσει έρευνες για τον εντοπισμό του μετεωρίτη, στην περίπτωση που έφτασε σε σημαντικό μέγεθος στο έδαφος, καθώς θα αποτελούσε προφανώς εξαιρετικό αντιμείμενο επιστημονικής μελέτης.


From Grigoris Maravelias in Greece (Meteorobs):
1. The bolide time was around 21:00 - 21:30 local time (18:00-18:30 UT)
2. duration (depending on witnesses) from 5-10 sec, one mentioning 15 sec
and another one 26 sec
3. green color
4. direction west to north west
5. position close to horizon (perhaps parallel)
6. around 40deg trace
7. fragmentation (3-4 pieces)
8. seen from western part of Greece mainly (Chania of Crete, Patra,
Corfu, Thessaloniki and Athens)

Russia Meteorite News- Boguslavka Meteorite Video 17JUN09

Pravda.Ru- text/ video by Life.Ru

The Boguslavka meteorite fell on October 18, 1916 in the Far East, 220 kilometers from Vladivostok. "All the people in the village were watching the meteorite falling. One of the villagers even made a drawing of the remarkable phenomenon with water colors,” says Michael Nazarov, the head of the museum.

For more photos and story from Life.Ru in Russian:


Meteorite Grains Divulge Earth's Cosmic Roots 17JUN09

Meteorite Grains Divulge Earth's Cosmic Roots
Science Daily Mon, 15 Jun 2009 19:26 PM PDT
The interstellar stuff that became incorporated into the planets and life on Earth has younger cosmic roots than theories predict, according to researchers.... (more)

16 June 2009

England Latest Meteor News-Meteors cause flare alert calls 16JUN09

Meteors cause flare alert calls


Calls were made to coastguards across England's south coast, including Cornwall, Devon and Hampshire, reporting white and green flares. Reports were also made to coastguards in Jersey and France for about 30 minutes from about 2130 BST on Monday. ... (more)


Malaysia Meteorite News- # 260kg Meteorite To Be Dislayed At USM Museum PENANG, June 15 (Bernama) -- 260kg Meteorite to be Displayed 15JUN09

PENANG, June 15 (Bernama) -- A meteorite weighing 260kg will be displayed at the Tuanku Fauziah Museum and Gallery of the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) at its four-day arts and science carnival starting Thursday. ... (more)
Bernama - 54 minutes ago

15 June 2009

Indiana Meteorite News- Kentland Impact Crater 15JUN09

Ever heard of the Kentland crater?
By Earl Conn
Sunday, 14 June 2009 00:00
KENTLAND — Several years ago-well, about 65 to 97 million years ago-a gigantic meteorite struck the earth just east of present-day Kentland in northwestern Indiana’s Benton County. ... (more)

Luminous Bolide over Italy, Greece, Albania and Montenegro 14JUN09

Luminous Bolide over Italy, Greece, Albania and Montenegro
Friday 12 June, around 18.25 U.T. occurred in Puglia, Southern Italy,
a very luminous bolide, perhaps observers from Greece, Albania, Montenegro
saw this bolide, or via radio in all Europe, if yes, please write all data to: meteore@uai.it

(Meteor section of UAI [Unione Astrofili Italiani])

Thank you very much.
Best greetings.
Roberto Gorelli

14 June 2009

West Virginia Meteorite News-Amateur meteorite collector presenting program 14JUN09

Amateur meteorite collector presenting program
Cumberland Times-News - Jun 13 8:59 PM
Cumberland, West Virginia
Just as you look up at the night sky and contemplate the meaning of the universe, your train of thought is interrupted by a streaking light blazing across the sky. What you just saw was a shooting star. ...