26 May 2015

NEO Asteroids MAY 2015 Close Approaches to Earth

NEO Asteroids MAY 2015 Close Approaches to Earth
Click Image to Enlarge
May 2015 Meteors
c2015 Dirk Ross...Tokyo
ALERT- Increased Meteor Activity!  Expect some large fireballs this month and especially large ones 3-5 days before and following there passing of the  FOUR small mountain-sized NEO asteroids that will safely pass this month.
285331 (1999 FN53), 2011 SM68 ,5381 Sekhmet,
1999 XM141 
There are currently 12 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 known NEO Asteroids discovered that will pass within approximately 10LD or less (LD stands for "Lunar Distance"), in the month of MAY 2015; expect that 10 or more 10LD NEOs will be discovered before month end. Be ready for some bolide, fireball, and meteor activity!
- LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo

2015 HS112015 HL1712015 HQ1712015 JD,
2015 JF2015 JR, 2015 JC1, 2006 HX30, 
2015 JF1,2015 JR1,2015 KA,2015 KY56 ,
2015 KP57,2015 KW120,2015 KQ120,
2015 KW121,2015 KO122

updated  26MAY2015  NASA Late Post
(2015 KO122) 2015-May-240.00752.910 m - 23 m27.014.73

updated  26MAY2015  NASA Late Post
(2015 KW121) 2015-May-230.00190.716 m - 35 m26.121.00

updated  26MAY2015 
(2015 KW120) 2015-May-290.00281.116 m - 36 m26.113.00
(2015 KQ120) 2015-May-310.02218.612 m - 26 m26.87.37

updated  25MAY2015 
(2015 KP57) 2015-May-280.027010.523 m - 51 m25.315.42

updated  23MAY2015 
(2015 KY56) 2015-May-250.01455.713 m - 28 m26.613.03

updated  18MAY2015 
(2015 KA) 2015-May-150.01606.216 m - 36 m26.15.68

updated  16JMAY2015 NASA posted today-late
(2015 JR1) 2015-May-07  7.0LD

updated  14MAY2015
(2015 JF1) 2015-May-150.00210.86.2 m - 14 m28.213.78
(2006 HX30) 2015-May-160.027910.916 m - 36 m26.14.55

updated  14MAY2015 NASA posted today-late
(2015 JC1) 2015-May-080.00913.510 m - 23 m27.115.14

updated  11MAYN2015
(2015 JR) 2015-May-130.01034.016 m - 35 m26.110.18

updated  10MAY2015
(2015 JF) 2015-May-180.02329.016 m - 35 m26.17.81

updated  09MAY2015
(2015 JD) 2015-May-100.00913.623 m - 52 m25.38.75

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
(2015 FT33) 2015-May-010.084032.735 m - 78 m24.45.54
(2015 HS11) 2015-May-010.01837.19.4 m - 21 m27.33.90
(2010 GX62) 2015-May-010.159962.2270 m - 590 m20.021.85
(2015 HQ171) 2015-May-020.00301.211 m - 24 m26.99.24
(2015 HL171) 2015-May-020.02278.837 m - 84 m24.315.47
(2012 HO1) 2015-May-020.128650.156 m - 120 m23.45.88
(2012 KN11) 2015-May-020.154360.0110 m - 250 m21.921.07
(2015 FL290) 2015-May-040.054121.1100 m - 220 m22.110.03
(2015 FG37) 2015-May-050.151659.0120 m - 260 m21.87.40
(2015 HZ) 2015-May-060.084432.933 m - 75 m24.55.92
(2014 WT202) 2015-May-060.171366.7170 m - 380 m21.013.41
(2015 HQ43) 2015-May-070.161863.049 m - 110 m23.72.94
(2005 JR5) 2015-May-070.174267.8100 m - 230 m22.118.27
(2005 SB71) 2015-May-080.170166.2160 m - 360 m21.111.38
(2007 WJ3) 2015-May-110.182771.115 m - 34 m26.216.98
(2012 VU76) 2015-May-110.054721.319 m - 43 m25.73.94
(2015 DE176) 2015-May-110.132351.5300 m - 670 m19.712.05
(2011 AX22) 2015-May-120.051620.131 m - 68 m24.711.86
(2013 VO13) 2015-May-120.099738.877 m - 170 m22.714.14
(2015 HS1) 2015-May-130.069827.231 m - 69 m24.77.46
(2014 DJ80) 2015-May-140.122447.615 m - 33 m26.35.39
285331 (1999 FN53) 2015-May-140.067826.4580 m - 1.3 km18.313.73
(2003 FY6) 2015-May-140.180270.188 m - 200 m22.419.40
(2012 MU2) 2015-May-150.114944.7180 m - 410 m20.812.46
(2015 HU9) 2015-May-150.118846.255 m - 120 m23.412.40
(2011 SM68) 2015-May-150.194475.7320 m - 710 m19.622.36
(2015 HZ116) 2015-May-150.069527.132 m - 71 m24.610.38
(2015 HR1) 2015-May-150.075329.330 m - 68 m24.77.13
(2015 HV11) 2015-May-160.060423.543 m - 96 m24.06.47
(2015 GC14) 2015-May-160.076529.828 m - 63 m24.93.66
5381 Sekhmet 2015-May-170.161362.81.3 km - 3.0 km16.522.91
(2015 HL1) 2015-May-170.179669.9120 m - 270 m21.78.46
419624 (2010 SO16) 2015-May-170.186872.7210 m - 470 m20.510.39
(2002 JD9) 2015-May-180.127849.777 m - 170 m22.710.86
(2015 HB117) 2015-May-190.080331.247 m - 110 m23.74.13
(2015 HP43) 2015-May-200.133351.9180 m - 390 m20.910.85
(2006 KY67) 2015-May-200.198377.267 m - 150 m23.015.48
(2015 HA1) 2015-May-210.078430.5150 m - 330 m21.210.50
(2011 WV4) 2015-May-220.065825.677 m - 170 m22.711.05
(1997 XR2) 2015-May-220.193975.5180 m - 390 m20.912.41
(2013 YG) 2015-May-230.085033.122 m - 49 m25.44.79
152564 (1992 HF) 2015-May-240.120246.8230 m - 520 m20.318.02
(2015 HT9) 2015-May-250.031212.215 m - 33 m26.36.14
(2013 WR44) 2015-May-260.130650.8210 m - 470 m20.520.66
(2015 FY35) 2015-May-260.199077.467 m - 150 m23.07.29
(2001 EC16) 2015-May-260.172867.292 m - 210 m22.38.26
(1999 XM141) 2015-May-270.153959.9330 m - 750 m19.512.92
(2015 HP171) 2015-May-280.192174.7250 m - 570 m20.116.57
(2011 KE3) 2015-May-300.137153.344 m - 99 m23.95.63
Table and Data Source- NASA/JPL - http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

updated  25MAY2015 
updated  23MAY2015 
updated  18MAY2015 
updated  and re-posted 16MAY2015
updated and re-posted 14MAY2015
updated and re-posted 11MAY2015
updated and re-posted 09MAY2015
original post 01MAY2015

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

25 May 2015

Tokyo, Japan Strong Earthquake M5.6 0228 JST 25MAY2015

Tokyo, Japan Strong Earthquake M5.6 0228 JST 25MAY2015
Click Image
Tokyo, Japan Strong Earthquake M5.6 0228 JST 25MAY2015
Image / Map Credit- USGS
No tsunami warning issued.  The JMA is the only official group reporting. 
USGS has now reported. TEPCO electric reports no damage at reactors.
Certainly all transport stopped in Tokyo for the next 30 minutes to one hour. Air traffic likely delays of one hour or more.
-If indoors go to hallway or bathroom or under strong table.
-If outdoors move away from buildings and into open spaces.
-Do not use elevators.
Do you have bottled water and food for at least a week?

My apartment building is still shaking some 12 minutes after the event.


JMA official site-
14:33 JST 25 May 2015 report time
14:28 JST 25 May 2015 event
Saitama-ken Hokubu

5.32km NNW of Hasuda, Japan
05:28:07 UTC
35.0 km Depth


Japan - US Military Radio / TV

- Source Wikipedia
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

24 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24MAY2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23MAY2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
@capitalweather I believe this is the first-ever time "meteor" and "dunkin donuts" were ... Was that a meteor shower this morning in Northern Virginia. ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22MAY2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
I took this picture of my son standing on the view deck overlooking the Meteor Crater in Arizona which happened 50,000 years ago. This was quite an .

NewSpace Initiative connects ASU with space industry
SpaceDaily - 18 hours
Left to right: Scott Smas, Jim Bell and Craig Hardgrove lead ASU's NewSpace Initiative, a university-wide space technology and science ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

23 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23MAY2015

Not Meteorites- Sterling, VA Quarry Blast Throws Rock 600 Meters Through Roof
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
@capitalweather I believe this is the first-ever time "meteor" and "dunkin donuts" were ... Was that a meteor shower this morning in Northern Virginia...

Fireball captured on camera over Tenerife, Canary Islands
A spectacular image was captured on camera by the AMOS project near Los Cristianos in Tenerife at 23.17 on Tuesday when a meteor illuminated the sky as it hurtled towards Earth....

Electric-blue Clouds Spotted over the Arctic Circle
Space Weather News for May 22, 2015
NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS: NASA's AIM spacecraft has spotted a luminous patch of electric-blue drifting across the Arctic Circle. The sighting marks the beginning of the 2015 season for northern-hemisphere noctilucent clouds (NLCs)....

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

22 May 2015

Not Meteorites- Sterling, VA Quarry Blast Throws Rock 600 Meters Through Roof

Not Meteorites-
Sterling, VA Quarry Blast Throws Rock 600 Meters Through Roof  21MAY2015

Click Image
Not Meteorites
Sterling, VA Quarry Blast Throws Rock 600 Meters Through Roof
c2015 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth

Controlled blast sends rock flying in Sterling w/ video
W*USA 9-13 hours ago
STERLING, Va. (WUSA9) -- Homes and businesses got a shock when rocks started falling out of the sky in Virginia on Thursday. The Chantilly ...

Sterling Homes Hit By Rocks And Debris From Quarry Blast
Patch.com-19 hours ago
They discovered that falling debris had damaged several structures and ... In addition, the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy ...

NBC4 Washington-14 hours ago

Capital Weather Gang on Twitter: "Anyone see/hear possible (unconfirmed) small meteor strike ...
@capitalweather I believe this is the first-ever time "meteor" and "dunkin donuts" were used in the same sentence. ...

Was that a meteor shower this morning in Northern Virginia?
Washington Post
Bob Ryan was driving to get a cup of coffee in Sterling, Va., on Thursday morning when he saw rocks the size of baseballs shower out of the sky.

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22MAY2015

History from multiple angles: the Killer Whale Dagger
Capital City Weekly - 10 hours
More than a century ago, the eye of Vincent Soboleff's camera caught the Killer Whale Dagger's gleam. Held in Tlingit hands on a day when the ...

Mysterious bangs sonic booms
He wondered at the time if they were sonic booms from a meteor. ... Close enough to hear the bang, Terry's picture of Tuesday night'smeteor.

The Texas History List: Prisoners leave confederate camp and meteorite lands in East Texas
KLTV 7 Tyler - 2 hours
In this week in Texas history, Federal prisoners left an East Texas Confederate prison camp, a meteorite landed in an East Texas county, two ...

Meteorite journey subject of museum lecture Thursday
Columbia Basin Herald - 23 hours
Children cluster around the Willamette Meteorite for a 1902 photo. The meteorite is the subject of a lecture Thursday at the Moses Lake ...

Chinese Symbols for Meteorite
... for Meteorite. Part of the series: Chinese Radicals Fu 4: Part 2. Learn Chinese symbols for "meteorite" with tips on writing and pronouncing ...

Travel To The Meteor Crater in Arizona
CNN iReport
I took this picture of my son standing on the view deck overlooking the Meteor Crater in Arizona which happened 50,000 years ago. This was quite an ...

A 63000-ton iron ball really did vanish into thin air
I read in The Republic that Meteor Crater was created by a 63,000-ton iron ball. What happened to that ball? Even if this occurred 22,000 years ago, ...

Was that a meteor shower this morning in Northern Virginia?
Washington Post
Bob Ryan was driving to get a cup of coffee in Sterling, Va., on Thursday morning when he saw rocks the size of baseballs shower out of the sky.

Fire-Rescue Responds To Reports Of PossibleMeteor Strike
Leesburg Today
Loudoun County Fire-Rescue personnel are on the scene now investigating what appears to be a small meteor shower near Oakgrove Drive and Old ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

20 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 19-20MAY2015

Fossil Meteorites Video
... found (2006,Italy) in old sedimentary strate of Upper or Middle Pleistocene (12000 to 450000 years).Pallasite or mesosiderite(fossil/relict meteorite) . ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 15-18MAY2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
In History- Virginia Meteor Happened 11MAY1922 not 12MAY1922 The Great ... Campos dos Goytacazes, Brasil Daytime Bolide Meteor Events.

OSIRIS discovers balancing rock on 67P
Max Planck Institute- May 18, 2015
Scientists from Rosetta's OSIRIS team have discovered an extraordinary
formation on the larger lobe of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in the
Aker region. ...
'Sword of Heaven' katana blade forged from meteorite
CNET UK - 7 hours
The "Sword of Heaven" is a blade fit for a space samurai. The elegant katana blade is made with metal from an ancient meteorite.

AU scientists study meteorite for signs of life
The Times of India - 15 hours
Is there life beyond the blue galaxy? Experts at Allahabad University are trying to answer this mystifying question by analyzing a specimen ...

Meteor Showers and their Parent Comets
Free Download Ebooks
Meteor Showers and their Parent Comets by Peter Jenniskens English | 2006 | ISBN: 0521853494, 0521076358 | 803 pages | scan PDF | 56 MB ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

18 May 2015

Two Japan Fireball Meteors 16MAY2015

Two Japan Fireball Meteors 16MAY2015

Two fireball meteors within 10 minutes seen in Japan on May 16, 2015.
2015/5/16 21h38m52s duration: 2.9 seconds -1.8mag,  Hiroshima sky
2015/5/16 21h48m53s duration: 1.4 seconds -2.2mag, near Hyogo Prefecture Sasayama
2015/5/16 21h38m52s 継続時間:2.9秒 -1.8等 広島市上空
2015/5/16 21h48m53s 継続時間:1.4秒 -2.2等 兵庫県篠山付近

Posted on Facebook by Junichi YokomichiThank you Junichi Yokomichi!

Click Image.
Hiroshima, Japan Fireball Meteor 2138 JST 16MAY2015
I just saw in the observatory  reddish in color; it burned to pieces.
2015/5/16 21h38m52s duration: 2.9 seconds -1.8mag,  Hiroshima sky

Click Image.
Sasayama, Hyogo, Japan Fireball Meteor 2148 JST 16MAY2015
2015/5/16 21h48m53s duration: 1.4 seconds -2.2mag, near Hyogo Prefecture Sasayama

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 15-18MAY2015

VRG-MG, Brazil Bolide 16MAY2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
In History- Virginia Meteor Happened 11MAY1922 not 12MAY1922 The Great ... Campos dos Goytacazes, Brasil Daytime Bolide Meteor Events...

Chile Bolide Meteor 11MAY2015 w/ video
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Chile Bolide Meteor 11MAY2015 w/ video. Osorno, Chile BolideMeteor Approx 2338 Local 11MAY2015 w/ video ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for May 16-22, 2015
American Meteor Society
The estimated total hourly meteor rates for evening observers this week is near 3 for observers situated at mid-northern latitudes and 4 for observers ...

Asteroid Distant 'Flyby' Thursday
Jet Propulsion Laboratory- May 13, 2015
...An asteroid, designated 1999 FN53, will safely pass more than 26 times the distance of Earth to the moon on May 14. To put it another way, at
its closest point, the asteroid will get no closer than 6.3 million miles away (10 million kilometers). It will not get closer than that for well over 100 years. ...

International Tour Takes Space Rock Man Geoff Notkin to Appearances in Toronto, Phoenix, Manchester Starting May 19PRWeb - 16 hours
World-renowned meteorite hunter will discuss his adventures in adventure television. (PRWeb May 15, 2015) Read the full story at ...

'Seveneves:' the end and beginning of life on Earth
The Seattle Times
A meteor bombardment lasting more than 5,000 years. Beginning in two. Though the idea of a suddenly uninhabitable Earth is horrible, it's also a ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

17 May 2015

VRG-MG, Brazil Bolide 16MAY2015

VRG-MG, Brazil Bolide 0659 UTC 16MAY2015
Click Image
VRG-MG, Brazil Bolide 0659 UTC 16MAY2015
Image Credit- Wellington Albertini / BRAMON

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Brazil Bolide Meteor 16MAY2015

WSR MARIA DA FÉ MG, Brazil Bolide Meteor 0230 UTC 16MAY2015
Click Image
WSR MARIA DA FÉ MG, Brazil Bolide Meteor 0230 UTC 16MAY2015

Image- William Siqueira BRAMON - Brazilian Meteor Observation Network

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Brazil Long Duration Fireball 14MAY2015 w/ video

LSI-MG. Brazil Long Duration Fireball 0551 UTC 14MAY2015 with Video
Click Image
LSI-MG. Brazil Long Duration Fireball 0551 UTC 14MAY2015
Image Credit- Joao Amancio‎ BRAMON - Brazilian Meteor Observation Network

Longo meteoro- LSI-MG. Brazil Long Duration Fireball 0551 UTC 14MAY2015
Posted to YouTube by Joao Amancio 5 views

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

15 May 2015

Chile Bolide Meteor 11MAY2015 w/ video

Osorno, Chile Bolide Meteor Approx 2338 Local 11MAY2015 w/ video

Image Credit- Chilevisión CHV

Caída de supuesto meteorito alertó a habitantes de Puerto Montt y Osorno
Posted on YouTube by  Chilevisión CHV 368 views
Published on May 12, 2015
  Commotion has caused the emergence of a video showing a strange light in the sky south. Apparently, it would be a meteorite but so far there is no confirmation.
  The fact occurred after 10 hours and saw, in the cities of Puerto Montt and Osorno. Other photos of this phenomenon appeared in social networks during this time.---

Meteor Sighting Report-
11MAY2015 agustin lopez osorno, chile 23:38 pm 3 sec E Right to Left blue moon yes, ocean pacific Thank you Agustin Lopez for your report and link!

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

14 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 14MAY2015

Near-Earth Object: Asteroid 1999 FN53 to Get Uncomfortably Close to Earth, Are We in Danger? - NO; not from this one...
Headlines & Global News
A near-Earth object will get really near Earth on Thursday. Are we safe from impact? "I don't want to miss a thing..." except being squashed by a ...

A fifth Jinju, Korea meteorite (12 kg) has apparently been found
ㅇ또 다시 부는 로또 운석 바람
[단독]진주에서 운석으로 보이는 물질 또 발견
미천면 초코배리 농장주인 인근 개울서 지름 20㎝ 무게 12kg 발견 ...
Related Stories-Korean

Japanese scientists abandon plan for asteroid flyby
By Stephen Clark - Space Flight Now
An experimental suitcase-sized space probe launched as a secondary payload with Japan's Hayabusa 2 mission in December will miss an encounter ...

New crowd funding campaign hopes to prevent asteroids from destroying Earth
SFGate (blog)
This is an artist's depiction of a huge meteorite striking Earth 65 million years ago, sending the dinosaurs and many other life forms into extinction.

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12/13MAY2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Introducing: “The Sword of Heaven,” a katana forged from a four-billion-year old meteor. (Of course, Sokka's sword was a Jian, a Chinese straight .

May issue of Meteorite Times

The trouble with space junk
ACCORDING to NASA, America’s space agency, the skies high above the Earth are cluttered up with around 23,000 pieces of man-made space junk ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

13 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12/13MAY2015

Sokka's Meteorite Sword is Real, and it's Hiding in Japan
Introducing: “The Sword of Heaven,” a katana forged from a four-billion-year old meteor. (Of course, Sokka's sword was a Jian, a Chinese straight ...

A passive FPAA based RF scatter meteor detector [IMA]
arXiver - WordPress.com
http://arxiv.org/abs/1505.02366 In the article we present a hardware meteor detector. The detection principle is based on the electromagnetic wave ..

Tokyo, Japan Fireball 10MAY2015 w/ videos
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Fireballs, Meteors, Bolides, Meteorites, Comets, Asteroid Impact,Meteorite Quest, Recent ..... Dernières Meteor dans le monde / Nouvelles Météorite™.

Japan Earthquake M6.6 0616 JST 13MAY1915
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Issued at, Occurred at, Region Name, Magnitude, Maximum seismic intensity (JMA Seismic Intensity). 06:19 JST 13 May 2015, 06:13 JST 13 May ...

Sensationalist Meteor Tripe Strikes Again.....
Cloudy Nights
Sensationalist Meteor Tripe Strikes Again..... - posted in General Observing and Astronomy: http://www.express.c...extinction-NASA Put up your ...

Today in History
ABC News
In 1922, a 20-ton meteor crashed near Blackstone, Virginia. In 1932, the body of Charles Lindbergh Jr., the kidnapped son of Charles and Anne ...

Today in history: 20-ton meteor crashes
Monterey County Herald
The White House announced the new Cambodian government had seized an American merchant ship, the Mayaguez, in international waters.

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11MAY2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Italian Meteor Forum- http://meteore.forumattivo.com/t4065-fireball-crepuscolare-20150510-025925-ut#13728 2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN .

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Japan Earthquake M6.8 0616 JST 13MAY1915

Japan Earthquake M6.8 0616 JST 13MAY1915

No damage  reported  at this time.



Preliminary Earthquake Report
  • 12 May 2015 21:12:58 UTC
  • 13 May 2015 06:12:59 near epicenter
  • 13 May 2015 05:12:58 standard time in your timezone
Location38.902N 142.032E
Depth38 km
  • 33 km (20 mi) SE of Ofunato, Japan
  • 42 km (26 mi) SSE of Kamaishi, Japan
  • 52 km (32 mi) SSE of Otsuchi, Japan
  • 63 km (39 mi) SE of Tono, Japan
  • 412 km (255 mi) NNE of Tokyo, Japan
Location UncertaintyHorizontal: 6.1 km; Vertical 5.5 km
ParametersNph = 128; Dmin = 158.3 km; Rmss = 1.01 seconds; Gp = 38°
Version =
Event IDus 20002et4


JAPAN- JMA Official Report

Issued at- 06:19 JST 13 May 2015
Occurred at - 06:13 JST 13 May 2015
Region Name-  Miyagi-ken Oki
Magnitude- M6.6
Maximum seismic intensity- (JMA Seismic Intensity)  5+

JMA Official Website report-


2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

12 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11MAY2015

Strict vigil has curbed meteorite smuggling activity in Oman
Times of Oman
Muscat: Smuggling of priceless meteorites out of the country from the Omani deserts has witnessed a sharp decline as compared to previous ...

Italia Bolide Meteor 10MAY2015 w/ photos
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Italian Meteor Forum- http://meteore.forumattivo.com/t4065-fireball-crepuscolare-20150510-025925-ut#13728 2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN ...

Tokyo, Japan Fireball 10MAY2015 w/ videos
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
SonotaCo Meteor Forum for more photos, videos and trajectory

Asteroid a MILE Wide due to skim past Earth this WEEK-VIDEO
by nemesis maturity
5 hours ago
Asteroid 1999 FN53 is travelling faster than 30,000 mph and will brush terrifyingly close to Earth on Thursday, May 14, 2015....

Crowdfunded scientists return with meteorite haul
Northern Star - 22 hours
A meteorite in the Nullarbor, found by a group of crowd-funded researchers. Supplied: Alastair Tait

Interactive map reveals how THOUSANDS of asteroids will skim Earth
Daily Mail - 10 hours
A Google engineer in San Francisco has created an amazing interactive map of the solar system. It reveals hundreds of thousands of asteroids ...

ASU Fulbright winner Meenakshi Wadhwa to study Mars meteorite at premier India institute
SpaceRef - 15 hours
ASU Fulbright winner to study Mars meteorite at premier India institute

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

11 May 2015

Nhandeara, Nhandeara, Sao Paulo, Brazil Fireball Meteor 08MAY2015

Nhandeara, Sao Paulo, Brazil Fireball Meteor 0757 UTC 08MAY2015

Click Image
Nhandeara, Sao Paulo, Brazil Fireball Meteor 0757 UTC 08MAY2015c2015 Renato Cássio Poltronieri / Bramon

Posted at Bramon.org-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Italia Bolide Meteor 10MAY2015 w/ photos

Italia Bolide Meteor 0259 UT 10MAY2015 with photos

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Italia Bolide Meteor 0259 UT 10MAY2015
Bolide mattutino Ferrara NW
Ferruccio Zanotti

Italian Meteor Forum-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Tokyo, Japan Fireball 10MAY2015 w/ videos

Tokyo, Japan Fireball 0345 JST 10MAY2015 with videos
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Tokyo, Japan Fireball 0345 JST 10MAY2015
c2015 SonotaCo
SonotaCo Meteor Forum for more photos, videos and trajectory-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

08 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 08MAY2015

Unmanned supply ship burns up on re-entry: Russian space agency
An unmanned Russian supply ship disintegrated as it plummeted to Earth on Friday after suffering a communications failure on its way to the International Space Station, in a fiery end to a mission to deliver oxygen, water and supplies. Though the ISS crew of six international astronauts is not in…

Progress 59 spacecraft: what are your chances of being hit by falling debris?
The Guardian - 8 hours
The dead Russian supply ship Progress 59 is predicted to fall to Earth sometime in the next 24 hours. How much of a danger will it pose? The ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 07MAY2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
A disintegrating spacecraft will look like a spectacular meteor, or fiery streak, across Earth's sky. It may be visible in daytime. One way of identifying it ...

Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower From Chile
Spaceweather.com Realtime Image Gallery
Eta Aquarids meteor shower 2015 ! Two nights ago we managed to observe the maximum of Eta Aquarids meteor shower from Atacama desert in ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for May 9-15, 2015
American Meteor Society
The estimated total hourly meteor rates for evening observers this week is near 2 for observers situated at mid-northern latitudes and 3 for observers ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

07 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 07MAY2015

Doomed Russian spacecraft about to fall
A disintegrating spacecraft will look like a spectacular meteor, or fiery streak, across Earth's sky. It may be visible in daytime. One way of identifying it ... other estimates are that it will come down on 08MAY2015

Exploding satellite debris poses 'Gravity' style space threat
... Lacrosse/Onyx 5 USA; Persona-2 Russia; MetOp-A ESA; MetOp-B ESA; Radarsat-2 Canada; Spot 5 France/Belgium/Sweden; Meteor-M2 Russia ...

Complex 'X-Files' infrasound recorded from edge of space! Source unknown
Techie News
The meteor explosion generated ground motions and air pressure waves in the atmosphere. The permanent Global Seismographic Network (GSN) ...

Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower - Brazil Live Video Transmission
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The association of this meteor shower with Comet 1P / Halley was discovered in 1876 by astronomer Alexander Stewart Herschel and confirmed in ...

Lava From Volcanic Eruptions Triggered By An Asteroid Might Have Killed Dinosaurs, Suggest ...
International Business Times AU
The researchers argue that the Chicxulub meteor impact led to the massive eruption of lava in the Deccan Traps in India. The scientists say that the ...

UWA study ends Pilbara claim to first signs of lifeThe West Australian via Yahoo!7 News - 16 hours
Billion-year-old fossils found in the Pilbara are not fossils at all, new analysis from the University of WA has found. The supposed ...

ASU Fulbright winner to study Mars meteorite at premier India institute
...Digging deeper into the history of water on the Red Planet will be the focus of ASU cosmochemist Meenakshi Wadhwa’s research with India’s premier research institute for the space sciences, a collaboration made possible by her Fulbright Award. ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower - Brazil Live Video Transmission

Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower - Brazil Live Video Transmission w/ live chat / hangout on Google Plus from Sao Paulo, Brazil by BRAMON
Live Video Transmission of the Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower
LIVE- Transmissão ao vivo: Chuva de meteoros Eta Aquarídeas
Posted to YouTube by Ciência e Astronomia 3,298 views
  The Eta Aquarídeas phenomenon occurs in the first week of May and can provide a good amount of meteors per hour. Its radiant is in the constellation Aquarius.
  For 2015, the peak of this rain should occur between 5 and 6 May. But by the time the moon will be full, which should overshadow the spectacle of meteors.
  The association of this meteor shower with Comet 1P / Halley was discovered in 1876 by astronomer Alexander Stewart Herschel and confirmed in subsequent years. In early May 1947 the radio telescope in the observatory Jodrell Bank in the UK for the first time detected this event in the radio portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  The meteor showers do not pose risks to the Earth and occur in almost every month, some with more intensity and wide visibility.
  We'll be broadcasting live on 06MAY2015 from 03:00 (Brasília time) in partnership with the Astrocan - RCP1 Bramon station in giving the direct images of São Paulo.

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

06 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 06MAY2015

Meteor shower courtesy of Halley's comet peaks tonight: Watch it live here
Los Angeles Times
The Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks tonight, and you can watch it live right here. Beginning at 5 p.m. PDT, the astronomy website Slooh.com will live ...

Meteor Shower Created By Halley's Comet Visble Tuesday
If you're unable to get outside in the early morning hours to view the meteor shower, a community observatory Slooh will be broadcasting the shower ...

Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks Wednesday morning
Washington Post (blog)
If you rise before the sun comes up Wednesday morning and have clear skies above you, look up! The Eta Aquarid meteor shower will be spraying ...

How to Watch the Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower
Meteors will streak through the skies Tuesday night as part of the Eta Aquarids, a meteor shower made up of remnants from Halley's comet. Viewers in ...

Stunning overhead shots of Barringer Meteor Crater in Arizona
Daily Mail
Stunning overhead footage of the Barringer Meteor Crater in Arizona which was created 50000 years ago.

Meteor shower from remnants of Halley's comet peaks early Wednesday morning
Orlando Sentinel
The annual meteor shower runs from April 21-May 20, so if the skies clear in the days after its peak, there's still opportunity to catch some meteors.

Eyes to the Sky: Halley's Comet Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight
This event is officially known as the Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower, and it occurs annually between April 21 and May 20. Halley's Comet itself will not be ...

Halley's Comet Debris Will Fly Through Sky in Annual Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower
ABC News
Debris from Halley's Comet will streak across the sky overnight for the annual Eta Aquarid meteor shower. Pieces of the icy comet break off and burn ...

Yucatán primed for meteor shower show
Yucatán Expat Life
Despite some clouds, favorable viewing conditions are in store for the Yucatán Peninsula in time for the peak of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower.

See bits of Halley's comet in Eta Aquarid meteorshower
CBS News
The last time Halley's comet streaked through our skies was 1986. But if you look up Tuesday night, you may be able to catch sight of pieces of the ...

Meteor shower to be visible locally Wednesday morning
NEW ORLEANS - Chief Meteorologist Carl Arredondo says there will be some prime viewing of a meteor shower available just before dawn ..

Massive Lava Flows Linked to Dinosaur-Killing Impact
Live Science
According to an international research team, the Chicxulub meteor impact 66 million years ago may have triggered a magnitude-11 earthquake that ...

An artist's reconstruction of the archaeornithura, the earliest known bird, which lived about 131 ...
The Australian (blog)
Birds were dinosaurs' direct descendants and the only lineage to survive the catastrophic meteor impact thought to have wiped out the dinosaurs 66 ...

Stars Above: Keep an eye open for meteor showers
Montreal Gazette
Late night on May 6 and continuing for the rest of the week, look for a flurry of shooting stars thanks to the peak of the annual Eta Aquarid meteor ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

05 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 05MAY2015

UKMON celebrates 50000 meteors
UK Meteor Observation Network
In just three years UKMON team has grown to 19 members and 24 cameras across United Kingdom. And it is still just a hobby, just something fun to do ...

How To Watch The 2015 Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower, Which Peaks On May 6
Huffington Post
They're one of two meteor showers that result as our planet passes through debris left behind by Halley's comet (the other being the Orionids, which ...

How to Spot Wednesday's Early Morning Eta AquaridsMeteor Shower
PC Magazine
Every 75 to 76 years, a big chunk of icy space gunk called "Halley's Comet" (maybe you've heard of it?) flies in from the outer reaches of the solar ...

Watch out for meteor showers today
MANILA, Philippines - Stargazers in the country can watch out for the Eta Aquarid meteor showers today and tomorrow, the Philippine Atmospheric, ...

Asteroid - lava combo may have killed the dinosaurs
CBS News - 7 hours
A new study suggests an asteroid triggered global volcanic eruptions that drove the dinosaurs to extinction...

Eta Aquarid meteor shower to be visible in Jordan on Wednesday
Jordan Times
AMMAN — Observers can watch the Eta Aquarid meteor shower during the pre-dawn hours on Wednesday, especially between 2:00 and 2:30am, ...

All eyes on the skies tomorrow night!
CTV News (blog)
A big, beautiful meteor! She posted this on my Facebook page: “I saw a meteor this morning in sydney mines, cape breton, over the ocean, it was as ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 04MAY2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The International Meteor Conference (IMC) 2015 takes place in Mistelbach, Austria, from August 27 till 30. ... http://www.imo.net/imc2015 · Event 1037- ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

04 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 04MAY2015

PAGASA: Aquarid meteor shower to peak May 5 or 6
"The radiant of the meteor shower will virtually lie on the celestial equator and is more favorable to southern hemisphere viewers. The bright Moon will ...

Researchers find levels of nitrogen in meteorites similar to levels in Earth's atmosphere
A trio of researchers in Germany has found levels of nitrogen in carlsbergite in two meteorite samples match levels found in the human body and the Earth's atmosphere. ...

Brand new International Meteor Conference (IMC) 2015 website!
The International Meteor Conference (IMC) 2015 takes place in Mistelbach, Austria, from August 27 till 30. ... http://www.imo.net/imc2015

manmade object inbound...
"Roscosmos estimates that the vessel will burn up in the atmosphere some time between May 5-7.”

Clear Skies in Southeastern US for Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower Peak
Astronomy fans who will encounter inclement weather or cloudy skies can view Slooh's live broadcast of the meteor shower on the night of May 5.

Harvard Scientists Say That There May Be An Ancient Earth Inside Earth
A team of Harvard scientists may have found an indication that a portion of an ancient Earth exists ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 02MAY2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Marcouiller's description appears to match that of a "fireball," an unusually large and brightmeteor. To be considered a fireball, a meteor must be at .

Event 1037-2015
Fireball event
Report a Fireball ... AMS received 259 reports about a fireball seen over Québec, VT, NJ, MA, ME, NY, Ontario, CT, Rhode Island, NH, New York, ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!