17 August 2011

Meteor/Meteorite News 16AUG2011

Man swaps meteorite for a Harley
by Visordown News A MAN who found a meteorite in his back garden has swapped it for a Harley-Davidson. Jim Griffey, 63 from Cabot, Arkansas, was using a hole-boring tool in preparation to plant trees in his back garden when he hit a rock. ...

Perseid meteor shower as seen from space: Nasa astronaut shares photo on Twitter
Daily Mail
He took this stunning photograph of a Perseid meteor bursting into the earth's atmosphere through a window of the International Space Station on Sunday during the annual Perseid meteor shower. The astronaut posted his snap to Twitter with the message: ...
Astronaut catches a falling star
msnbc.com (blog)
It was harder than usual this weekend to take in the full effect of the annual Perseid meteor shower, due to the glare from a full moon, but NASA astronaut Ron Garan didn't have that problem when he went meteor-watching from the International Space ...

Perseid Pictures: Meteor Shower Seen From Space, Earth
National Geographic
In an unusual picture taken Saturday from aboard the International Space Station, ameteor streaks toward Earth below. Astronaut Ronald Garan, Jr., was among the sky-watchers who snapped a "shooting star" during the peak of this year's Perseid meteor...
elp allsky: Large Green Florida Meteor Fireball Reported To ...
As we picked it up, we saw a very large fireball looking like a large firework, aprox 1/3 the size of the (almost full-moon at that time). ...

Perseids: Looking Up, Looking Down
Sky & Telescope
A full Moon flooded the ground and sky with its light on August 13, 2011, wiping out the usually dependable Perseid meteor shower. A solitary streak appears over the observatory of S&T senior editor Dennis di Cicco. I stepped outside late on Friday ...

This Week in History
The New York Irish Emgirant
1783 A huge fireball meteor is seen across the United Kingdom as it passes over the east coast. 1909 Yukio Ozaki, mayor of Tokyo, presents Washington, DC with 2000 cherry trees. 1920 Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified, ...

Meteorite for a motorcycle
Today's THV
They'll need further tests to clarify for certain -- but they believe it could be a meteorite."I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that it's a real meteorite," Griffey says.In most cases that would be the end of the story -- a nice conversation piece ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor/Meteorite News ...
Kuwait News AgencyAl-Jamaan attributed these meteor showers to the presence of grains of dust and rocks and small ice in the form of belt left by comet in ...

Star gazers revel in rare meteor shower
Sky News Australia
Star gazers have been enjoying the end of the Perseids meteor shower. The shooting stars light up the skies in August every year. Some of the best images this time were captured in the northern hemisphere, including in California, across Europe, ...

What drives a meteorite hunter?
Witnesses are invaluable, especially if they are saying things like, 'Oh, I saw this massive fireballwhich went in such-and-such a place', and then someone else says the same thing. The chances are there will be more meteorites in the area. ...

やはり生命は宇宙から隕石からDNA成分発見 科学 YOMIURI ONLINE読売新聞
【ワシントン=山田哲朗】米航空宇宙局(NASA)などの研究チームが、生命の設計図であるDNA(デオキシリボ核酸)の成分のアデニンとグアニンを隕石(いんせき) ...

Meteor shower may have been 'caused by Earth-threatening comet'
RIA Novosti
meteor shower detected in February was likely caused by an undiscovered comet that could pose a threat to the Earth, a US astronomer said on Monday. The debris may have been shed by a long-period comet, said Peter Jenniskens, of the Search for ...

Astronaut Snaps Spectacular Meteor Photo From Space
by Denise Chow, SPACE.com Staff Writer The annual Perseid meteor shower peaked this weekend, and one astronaut living aboard the International Space Station captured a stunning view of the light show from space. NASA astronaut Ron Garan photographed a ...

15 August 2011

Meteor/Meteorite News 15AUG2011

Perseid meteor shower lights up the night sky around the world
Daily Mail
By Daily Mail Reporter Stargazers across the world watched a stunning light show with sightings of the annual Perseid meteor shower on Friday night. The Perseids, which come every August, are normally one of the highlights of the celestial year for ...
Spectacular Views of Perseid Meteor Shower 2011 (PHOTOS)
International Business Times
By IB Times Staff Reporter | Aug 15, 2011 01:46 AM EDT Sky-watchers around the world observed the Perseid meteor shower on Aug. 12 when it reached its peak despite a bright full moon. On Friday, the International Meteor Organization recorded an average ...

Perseid meteor shower and International Space Station flyby late tonight ...
Washington Post (blog)
By Steve Tracton A bright Perseid Meteor cuts across Orion's Belt at five am Tuesday morning during the peak of the annual Perseid Meteor Shower Aug. 12, 1997. (WALLY PACHOLKA - ASSOCIATED PRESS) Whether you were able or not to view Perseid meteor ...

Full moon won't wash out meteor shower in Whatcom County
Bellingham Herald
The Perseid meteor shower - the sole annual celestial display that Northwesterners are almost guaranteed to see - will be a bit diminished this year because of a brilliant full moon. Other major meteor showers occur in fall and winter months, ...
Astronomer's Guide to Seeing (Or Not Seeing) the 2011 Perseid Meteor Shower
If you want to check out the 2011 Perseid meteor shower tonight, you're in for some bad news. Because of a full moon, even the best viewing spots in the country for Perseid will yield a pretty lamemeteor shower show, according to Monrovia astronomer ...

Astronaut Photographs Perseid Meteor... From Space
Discovery News
So, in a stunning photograph taken by NASA astronaut Ron Garan through a space station window, a single Perseid meteor was captured as the piece of comet dust slammed into the Earth's atmosphere. "What a 'Shooting Star' looks like #FromSpace Taken ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Holiday, Florida FIREBALL ...
Fireballs, Meteors, Bolides, Meteorites, Comets, Asteroid Impact,Meteorite Quest , .... Holiday, Florida FIREBALL REPORT 10:40 P.M. 08/11/2011 ...

沈阳古陨石/ShenYang paleometeorite - Google Books
沈阳古陨石/ShenYang paleometeorite. By 张海亭 ... Bibliographic information. QR code for 沈阳古陨石/ShenYang paleometeorite ...

Meteor Shower 2011: How to See the Perseids
ABC News
By NED POTTER (@NedPotterABC) The Perseid meteor shower of 2011 peaks in the early hours of Saturday morning, US time. It's not hard to watch, and it can be quiet fun, but you do have to give up some sleep, and patience helps. Where to look? ...

Full moon may outshine Perseid meteor show this year: CWB
Focus Taiwan News Channel
12 (CNA) Stargazers in Taiwan may be disappointed early Saturday morning when a full moon makes it harder to see the annual Perseid meteor shower, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) said Friday. One of the year's most fascinating sky events, ..

How to catch this week's Perseid meteor shower
Toronto Star
The Perseid meteor shower lights up the sky over El Torcal nature park reserve in the southern Spain last August. In the GTA, this year's celestial light show will peak on Friday and Saturday. If you can't get to an observatory, ...

Mike Alger: Meteor friction leads to bright shooting stars
Reno Gazette-Journal
During the past few days, we've been talking about all things "meteor" logical "» or meteor showers, in particular. When they see a shooting star, many think that it must be close by, especially when you consider most are smaller than a grain of sand. ...

Not too late for meteor viewing tonight
Abilene Reporter-News
By Jerry Daniel Reed A yearly meteor shower that must have inspired wonder and fear in ancient humans — and led some more modern people to suspect that ETs were in the sky — hit its expected peak before dawn this morning. The Perseid meteor shower, ...

Skygazers set for meteor shower
BBC News
The Perseid meteor shower, one of the highlights in the skygazers' calendar, is set to peak in the early hours of Saturday morning. The peak will see about one meteor per minute at 0600 GMT, although meteors will still be visible until 22 August. ...

Perseid meteors in Nevada in 2010. (Getty Images)
Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
The annual Perseid meteor shower reaches peak intensity Friday night and Saturday morning, meaning sky watchers could get an eyeful if they know when and where to look. Unfortunately for some, that eyeful will be of the bright full moon. ...

Caverns hosting meteor shower watch
Carlsbad Current Argus
By Stella Davis CARLSBAD — Sitting on a blanket or lawn chair under the stars on a warm, full-moon lit evening with the ones you love watching a meteor shower can be a memory-making moment this Saturday at Carlsbad Caverns National Park, and it's free ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Light Show Peaks Tonight - Technology ...
In a double weekend treat, one of the most well-known and reliable meteor showers — the Perseidmeteor shower — will reach its peak overnight Friday (Aug.

Perseid Meteor Shower Dazzles Skywatchers Despite Full Moon ...
NASA meteor scientist Bill Cooke posted this image of the International Space Station streaking above Huntsville, Ala., on Aug. 12, 2011 during the peak of ...

How to Watch a Meteor Shower2 min
When a comet orbits the sun, it sheds a stream of debris. Meteor showers are caused when the Earth travels through the stream ...

14 August 2011

Russian Meteorite Rush: E.T. treasure hunters dig deep for 'alien gold'

Meteorite Rush: E.T. treasure hunters dig deep for 'alien gold'

Uploaded by  on 21 Jul 2011 10,225 views
Sometimes you have to dig deep to reach for the stars. That, at least, is the case in Central Russia's Ryazan region, where meteorite fever has spread in recent years. RT's Oksana Boyko jumped at the chance to catch a fallen star.

 2011 The Year of Meteors!

Quebec, Canada Meteor 13AUG2011

Quebec, Canada Meteor 13AUG2011
Beautiful meteorite passing over my house by the river in Laval des Rapides, around 2:20 am on the 13th of august 2011. The only one I saw, but an absolutely beautiful show of 2 seconds. NE to SW. :D
I wish to see it again on video, but the only camera I had were my eyes.
Thank you.
S. Perras
410' des Prairies, Laval des Rapides Quebec

Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 

2011 The Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worlwide Meteor/Meteorite News 14AUG2011

elp allsky: F-I-T-S- Inquiries Indicate Widely Seen Green Florida ...
Fireball Internet Traffic Sources Suggest Large FL Meteor Fireball Event 06AUG2011 ... ***If you are searching for information about this fireball and witnessed it, ...

Second chance for GTA stargazers
Toronto Star
Friday night marked one of the peak viewing nights for the Perseids meteor show. The annual event typically peaks Aug. 12 and 13. The David Dunlap Observatory in Richmond Hill was set to open its doors for a free public viewing Friday night. ...

Perseid meteor shower tonight: view of 2011 hampered by full moon night
Perseid meteor shower tonight were great. But view of 2011 meteors were hampered by full moon night For the last two days, people have struggled to watch the meteor showers. This is the time when stargazers hope to get the best sights of the meteors ...

Sky spy: Catch a peek of falling space debris
Arizona Daily Star
When a meteor passes through the Earth's atmosphere at high speeds, it heats up, glows brightly and finally vaporizes. If a meteor makes it all the way to the ground, it is called a meteorite. Thousands of tons of meteoritic particles fall on the Earth ...

Slideshow: Perseid Meteor Shower
The city lights may have muted the view of the meteor shower for many Angelenos Saturday morning, but folks around the world saw a spectacular sight. By Amanda Salem A Perseid meteorcaught by cameras at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope before dawn ...

asahicom朝日新聞社DNA宇宙に存在か 南極隕石にアデニンとグアニン ...
地球上の生物の設計図、DNAを構成する分子が、地球外にも存在することを示す初の証拠が見つかった。生命が地球外の物質に由来するとする説を支持する結果で、11 ...

Perseids from Colorado

This year's Perseids have been one of the strongest I've seen in a 
number of years. Despite the moonlight and not very transparent skies, I 
still imaged 105 Perseids last night (the peak), and 361 since August 4. 
I'd estimate the activity this year at the peak to be at least three 
times higher than last year.
Images, videos, and frequency data at 

Can't See the Perseid Meteor Shower? Then Listen and Stream
By Reza Gostar There's been a lot of discussion in the web-o-sphere regarding the Perseid meteorshower which is set to peak this weekend. For those who don't know yet, the Perseid MeteorShower is caused by debris from the tail of the comet Swift ...

Perseid Meteor Shower peaks tonight, 60 meteors per hour possible
After over a week-long lead-up, tonight, August 12/13, 2011 is finally the peak of the Perseid MeteorShower, which means that tonight, more so than any before or after, should offer the most meteors streaking through the sky. ...

Digital Photography 101: How to photograph meteor showers
Today, with the Perseid meteor shower gearing up for a lovely showing, we'll talk specifically about how to get great photos of the so-called shooting stars and other celestial events. Wondering what's up with shooting stars? Just in case you're not an...
Perseid meteor shower dazzles skywatchers
Skywatcher and photographer Nick Rose snapped this stunning view of a Perseidmeteor from Millbrae, Calif., on Aug. 10, 2011 as the annual Perseid meteor shower neared its peak. By Tariq Malik Skywatchers around the world caught stunning views of the ...
Perseid meteors put on a global show
CBS News
meteor shines while entering the earth's atmosphere, center top, during the Perseid MeteorShower observed early Saturday, Aug. 13, 2011, in this long exposure picture taken from Dojran Lake shore in southeastern Macedonia. ...