01 August 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 1AUG2010

撒 哈拉沙漠发现数千年前陨石坑撞击痕迹仍清晰_网易新闻中心

核心提示:今年2月,一个由 埃及和意大利的专家组成的研究小组在使用谷歌地球时意外发现了位于撒哈拉沙漠偏远地区的巨大陨石坑。近日,研究小组抵达陨石坑 现场。...

ROM acquires world's largest piece of Springwater pallasite
Canoe Travel Fri, 30 Jul 2010 21:51 PM PDT
The Royal Ontario Museum has acquired the world's largest piece of Springwater pallasite, a rare and scientifically important meteorite that was first discovered in Springwater, Sask. in 1931....

Humboldt Amateur Radio Club meets Tuesday

Contra Costa Times
... Fire Department Training Center classroom and will feature a presentation on meteor scatter propagation -- the Perseid shower is coming up on Aug. ...

Perseid meteor showers will light up mid-August skies, weather permitting

Washington Post
The International Meteor Organization suggests observing these shooting stars after midnight, but any time after dark should suffice to catch a few. ...

Find out about endangered species at McHenry County program

Chicago Daily Herald
Have you ever seen a meteor shower? Would you like to learn more about what meteor showers are and when they occur? This is a good time of the year for ...

Meteorite Crater Found in Egypt

OverTheLimit.info (blog)
Vincenzo de Michele, a former curator for the Civico Museo di Storia Naturale, found a previously unknown meteorite crate in a remote part of the Saraha ...

How meteor showers emerge | INFOgraphics | RIA Novosti

How meteor showers emerge. 11:04 31/07/2010 Emergence of meteoroids is caused by destruction of cometary nucleus>> · Other news of the day ...

Meteor Crater Discovered With Google Earth - Physical Science

Meteor Crater Discovered With Google Earth - Researchers poring over Google Earth images have discovered one of Earth's freshest impact craters — a ...

Perseid meteor shower a summer pleasure for star gazers

Palm Beach Daily News
By MIKE LYNCH Depending who you talk to, there are six to eight decent meteor showers in any given year around Palm Beach. Without a doubt, the upcoming ...

Summer Scenes We Love: The War of the Worlds (1953)

Cinematical (blog)
A meteor falls from the sky. The local authorities turn to Dr. Clayton Forrester (Gene Barry), a celebrity astrophysics and nuclear science professor at the ...
Asteroid on Collision Course With Earth

OverTheLimit.info (blog)
The 560 meter in diameter meteor posed to make its threat 172 years from now was first detected in 1999 by Spanish scientists and was named 1999 RQ-36. ...

148 Foot Wide Meteorite Crater Found In Egypt

As per reports, the Google Earth images have helped researchers to discover a well preserved meteor crater in Egypt. The crater was noticed by Vincenzo de ...

Perseids meteor shower midnight to dawn Aug. 12-13 across sky

Enid News & Eagle
12 and 13 will be the peak of the Perseids meteor shower. These typically fast and bright meteors radiate from a point in the constellation Perseus the Hero ...

August brings annual celestial firework show

Submitted photo The month of August marks the arrival of the Perseid Meteor Shower, our best annual celestial fireworks show. The peak viewing night will be ...

Best places to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower

E very year in the month of August, nature puts on an amazing celestial firework show know as the Perseid Metor Shower. The annual show of “shooting-stars” ...

Train ride across Canada provides glimpse of glorious views

Gadsden Times
The nearby town of Capreol has a 12-ton meteor fragment displayed in the local park. We were in the middle of Ontario when we passed the area of the ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for July 31-August 6, 2010

Meteor Activity Outlook for July 31-August 6, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010 9:47 AM

by Robert Lunsford- International Meteor Organization
After several months of low activity the meteor rates for both hemispheres see a marked increase in July. In the northern hemisphere
the change is not noticeable until mid-month when several southern radiants, the Perseids, and sporadic rates all increase in
activity. Southern rates are good all month long.

During this period the moon reaches its last quarter phase on Tuesday August 3rd. At this time the moon will be located ninety
degrees west of the sun and will rise near 0100 local daylight time (LDT) for those located in the mid-northern latitudes. This
weekend the waning gibbous moon will be in the sky most of the night making it difficult to view any meteor activity. As the moon
passes its last quarter phase the situation improves as long as one observes with the the moon far from their field of view. The
estimated total hourly rates for evening observers this week is near four no matter your location. For morning observers the
estimated total hourly rates should be near seventeen from the northern hemisphere and twenty-one as seen from the southern
hemisphere. The actual rates will also depend on factors such as personal light and motion perception, local weather conditions,
alertness and experience in watching meteor activity. During this period, moonlight reduces activity seen during the morning hours.

The radiant (the area of the sky where meteors appear to shoot from) positions and rates listed below are exact for Saturday
night/Sunday morning July 31/ August 1. These positions do not change greatly day to day so the listed coordinates may be used
during this entire period. Most star atlases (available at science stores and planetariums) will provide maps with grid lines of the
celestial coordinates so that you may find out exactly where these positions are located in the sky. A planisphere or computer
planetarium program is also useful in showing the sky at any time of night on any date of the year. Activity from each radiant is
best seen when it is positioned highest in the sky, either due north or south along the meridian, depending on your latitude. It
must be remembered that meteor activity is rarely seen at the radiant position. Rather they shoot outwards from the radiant so it is
best to center your field of view so that the radiant lies at the edge and not the center. Viewing there will allow you to easily
trace the path of each meteor back to the radiant (if it is a shower member) or in another direction if it is a sporadic. Meteor
activity is not seen from radiants that are located below the horizon. The positions below are listed in a west to east manner in
order of right ascension (celestial longitude). The positions listed first are located further west therefore are accessible earlier
in the night while those listed further down the list rise later in the night.

The following showers are expected to be active this week:

The Alpha Capricornids (CAP) are active from a wide radiant located at 20:30 (307) -09. This position lies in northwestern
Capricornus, two degrees northeast of the third magnitude double star Alpha Capricornii. The radiant is best placed near 0100 local
daylight time (LDT), when it lies on the meridian and is highest in the sky. Current rates should be near two per hour as seen from
the northern hemisphere and three per hour from the southern. Don't confuse these meteors with the antihelion meteors, which have a
radiant just to the east. Both radiants need to be in your field of view to properly sort these meteors. With an entry velocity of
25 km/sec., most activity from this radiant would be slow, a bit slower than the antihelions. This radiant is well seen except for
far northern latitudes where it remains twilight all night long and the radiant does not rise as high into their sky.

The wide Antihelion (ANT) radiant is now centered at 21:24 (321) -13. This area of the sky lies in northern Capricornus. The nearest
bright star is fourth magnitude Iota Capricornii, which lies three degrees to the southwest. This radiant is best placed near 0200
local daylight time (LDT) when it lies on the meridian and is located highest in the sky. Due to the large size of this radiant, any
meteor radiating from northwestern Piscis Austrinus, Microscopium, Capricornus, western Aquarius, or southeastern Aquila could be a
candidate for this shower. Rates at this time should be near two per hour as seen from the northern hemisphere and three per hour as
seen from south of the equator. With an entry velocity of 30 km/sec., the average Antihelion meteor would be of medium-slow speed.

The Delta Aquariids (SDA) reach maximum activity on Friday July 30th. Unfortunately the bright moon will obscure most of the
activity from this shower. The radiant is located at 22:48 (342) -16. This position lies in southwestern Aquarius, just west of the
third magnitude star Delta Aquarii. The radiant is best placed near 0300 LDT, when it lies highest in the sky. The optimal latitudes
for viewing this shower lie in the southern tropics where the radiant passes overhead. With an entry velocity of 42 km/sec., most
activity from this radiant would be of average velocities.

A new shower discovered by Sirko Molau and Juergen Rendtel from the IMO's video database are the August Piscids (AUP). This shower
is only active on eight nights from August 2-9 with maximum activity occurring on the 4th. At maximum, the radiant is located at
00:30 (008) +18. This area of the sky is located in western Pisces, four degrees northwest of the third magnitude star Algenib
(Gamma Pegasi). This position is also suspiciously close (15 degrees east) to the radiant of the 1970's radiant known as the Upsilon
Pegasids. Little has been reported of this radiant recently. This radiant is best placed during the last hour before dawn when it
lies highest in a dark sky. Hourly rates are expected to be less than one. With an entry velocity of 66 km/sec., the average August
Piscid meteor would be swift.

The Perseids (PER) are active from a radiant located at 02:03 (031) +55. This position lies in western Perseus, twelve degrees north
of the famous second magnitude double star Almach (Gamma Andromedae). The radiant is best placed during the last hour before the
start of morning twilight when it lies highest in a dark sky. Current rates would be two to three per hour at best, as seen from the
northern hemisphere. Activity from this source is not visible south of 40 degrees south latitude. With an entry velocity of 61
km/sec., most activity from this radiant would be swift.

As seen from the mid-northern hemisphere (45N) one would expect to see approximately seven sporadic meteors per hour during the last
hour before dawn as seen from rural observing sites. Evening rates would be near three per hour. As seen from the mid-southern
hemisphere (45S), morning rates would be near eight per hour as seen from rural observing sites and three per hour during the
evening hours. Locations between these two extremes would see activity between the listed figures. Moonlight reduces sporadic rates
as seen during the morning hours this week.

The table below presents a condensed version of the expected activity this week. Rates and positions are exact for Saturday
night/Sunday morning.

Alpha Capricornids (CAP) - 20:30 (307) -09 Velocity - 25km/sec.
Northern Hemisphere - 2 per hr. Southern Hemisphere - 3 per hr.

Antihelion (ANT) - 21:00 (315) -15 Velocity - 30km/sec.
Northern Hemisphere - 2 per hr. Southern Hemisphere - 3 per hr.

Delta Aquariids (SDA) - 22:48 (342) -16 Velocity - 42km/sec.
Northern Hemisphere - 3 per hr. Southern Hemisphere - 5 per hr.

August Piscids (AUP) - 00:30 (008) +18 Velocity - 66km/sec.
Northern Hemisphere - <1 per hr. Southern Hemisphere - <1 per hr.

Perseids (PER) - 00:44 (011) +51 Velocity - 61km/sec.
Northern Hemisphere - 3 per hr. Southern Hemisphere - 2 per hr.

Clear Skies!
Robert Lunsford
International Meteor Organization

New Mexico Meteor Fireball 31JUL2010

Significant fireball over New Mexico July 31, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010 12:43 AM
July 31, 2010 4:54:46 am MDT ( 10:54:46 UTC )

There was a significant fireball over eastern New Mexico this morning
that "turned night into day" as the saying goes. I am still processing
the data but here is a preliminary movie with the audio of the radio
head echo. The full radio reflection was over three minutes duration. (
Of possible significance is the subtle "whizz" or whistle sound
initially which may be direct meteor emission rather than forward
scatter reflection.)

It is also possible this meteor was an SDA or alpha Cap or may trace
back generally to that radiant region. Not sure about that though due
to cloud.

I do not know what the magnitude of the meteor was but the Moon is fully
evident in the frame. If anyone has magnitude estimates I would
appreciate hearing from you. Thank you.

4 MB .mp4 movie

Thomas Ashcraft / New Mexico

31 July 2010

Italy Bolide Fireball 30JUL2010

Fireball 2010.07.30_20.07.48 ± 1 U.T. from Italy

Saturday, July 31, 2010 9:39 PM

Meteor/Meteorite News 31JUL10

Suspected meteorite was concrete lump that fell from passing plane
Daily Telegraph Fri, 30 Jul 2010 08:42 AM PDT
A suspected meteorite that landed on a cricket pitch was in fact a lump of concrete probably dislodged from the bottom of a passing aircraft, experts have concluded....

Fireball SE of Tulsa, Oklahoma
At 11:03 PM CST last night (30JUL2010), I was traveling N-S on Hwy 169 in Tulsa when I
caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a fragmenting fireball south and east of
Tulsa. It appeared to be heading in a S-SW direction. Estimated rough
magnitude of -8 or so.
I only caught a brief glimpse, maybe a little more than a second. I did not
notice a persistent train afterward, although it was a hazy, muggy night with
bright moon low in the east.
I was cursing Delta earlier in the evening for getting me home much later than
scheduled, but the delay paid off in the end.
Will post a fireball report at AMS.
Bill, Coweta, OK- posted on meteorobs

Tour August's Sky by Eye and Ear!

Sky & Telescope
Prospects are good for this month's Perseid meteor shower — there's no interference from Moonlight! The year's best-known display of "shooting stars" peaks ...

30 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 30JUL10

Meteor shower event set for Clayton park

Cherry Hill Courier Post
CLAYTON — A "Star Party" will be held here to view the Perseid meteor shower on the night of Aug. 12. The free event, to be held weather permitting, ...

August good for meteor watchingPagasa INQUIRERnet Philippine News ...

MANILA Philippines – August promises to be a good month for meteor watchers as the Perseids meteor shower one of the oldest and most active showers can be ...

Debate Heats Up Over Meteor's Role in Ice Age - Yahoo! News

Some scientists have thought that the Earth's Ice Age conditions 12900 years ago were triggered by a meteor or comet. But a recent study suggests that the ...

Possible UK Meteor Impact Startles Cricket Match

Earthweek - A Diary of the Planet
A possible 4.5 billion-year-old meteor hurtled down from the sky and landed near unsuspecting spectators. A British cricket match was disrupted by a ...

The Sky in June: Perseids should produce the best meteor display of 2010

On the other hand, Jupiter is climbing to prominence on the oppos ite side of the sky and the Perseids meteor shower is poised to provide what should be our ...
Book Review: The Fallen Sky by Christopher Cokinos

Tucson Citizen
Upon seeing the flash of a meteor in the sky, “You can tell what the meteor's made of by the color of its tail – red for silicon, yellow for iron, ...

Starry, starry nights at UWM planetarium

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
The Perseid meteor shower, an annual show in the summer skies, will peak this year Aug. 12 and 13. City stargazers never get to see the panorama of the ...

Tonight looking great for seeing Delta Aquarid, Capricornid meteor showers!

Last night, the peak of the Delta Aquarid meteor shower, was a cloud-out bust for people living in the Cleveland area. However, tonight is looking to be ...


Weekly World News (satire)
As soon as Lajic finishes his museum and garden, the aliens plan on hurling their biggest meteor at him yet. “I think this guy has rocks in his head,” said ...

29 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 29JUL10

Egyptian impact crater could mean we're at more risk
iTWire Tue, 27 Jul 2010 18:01 PM PDT
A newly discovered meteorite that impacted in southwestern Egypt a few thousand years ago, and produced what is being called the Kamil Crater, could mean that we are all at greater risk of getting hit by one.

Space rock lovers descend on New York for meteor gathering

Christian Science Monitor
The Meteoritical Society meets this week in New York to discuss all things space rock. Ruben Garcia holds a 21-gram meteorite found by a member of his group ...

ADOT Reopens Meteor Crater Rest Area Along I-40

KPHO Phoenix
PHOENIX -- Drivers across northern Arizona can drive with a greater sense of relief now that the Arizona Department of Transportation has reopened Meteor ...

Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks tonight!

Tonight will mark the peak of the first meteor shower of what astronomers, both professional and amateur, refer to as meteor season. ...

Meteor showers light up the sky

People often call it shooting stars but it's technically meteor showers. Reynolds encourages everyone to go outside and look up in the sky. ...

28 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 28JUL10

Earthsky Tonight-July 28, Moonlight wipes out Delta Aquarid meteor showerBerthoud RecorderThe annual Delta Aquarid meteor shower is expected to peak before dawn on Thursday, July 29. Not that it really matters in 2010. ...

Summer skies bring out best in starsMassLive.comAnd don't miss this year's Perseid meteor shower, a free show brought to you by nature, which peaks the night of Aug. 12 and early morning of Aug. 13. ...

Meteorite Attacks Cricket PitchRight PunditsBut Jan Marszal and Richard Haynes claim they were struck by a meteorite during a cricket pitch. That's cricket "match" to you Yanks! ...

KOLD News 13Meteor shower peaks Friday morningKOLD-TVThe meteors can peak up to 15 per hour, which is not as impressive as other meteor showers, but it's still a sight for which it is worth setting you alarm ...

27 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 27JUL10

Venus and the Delta Aquarid Meteor ShowerSan Diego Reader (blog)The Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower, typically one of the year's ten best showers, will be mostly spoiled this year by a coinciding full moon. ...

Research centre studies impact of meteor strikesRiverview ThisWeekJohn Spray says most people have no idea Fredericton is home to a world-class research centre that studies the impact of meteor strikes on Earth. ...

Untouched meteorite impact crater found via Google EarthPhysOrg Mon, 26 Jul 2010 04:11 AM PDT(PhysOrg.com) -- A pristine meteorite impact crater has been found in a remote area of the Sahara desert in southwest Egypt. The crater was originally noticed on Google Earth images, and is believed to be only a few thousand years old. ...

Egyptian impact crater could mean we're at more risk
iTWire Mon, 26 Jul 2010 07:43 AM PDTA newly discovered meteorite that impacted in southwestern Egypt a few thousand years ago, and produced what is being called the Kamil Crater, could mean that we are all at greater risk of getting hit by one. ...

Meteorite crater found in Egypt
OverTheLimit.info (blog)Discovered in 2008 on Google Earth, and located in 2009, the meteorite crater known as Kamil is one of the best preserved sites ever discovered. ...

Ice Age Not Caused by Meteor Impact
SoftpediaThis time frame has been dubbed the Ice Age, and experts have believed for a long time that it was caused by a meteorite, or other space rock, slamming into ...

Moon, Shooting Star & Mt. RainierKING5.com... Way taking pictures of the moon and Mt. Rainier when I happened to take a shot a meteor streaking across the sky between the moon and the mountian. ...

IT pro has close encounter with meteorite
Network World Mon, 26 Jul 2010 06:26 AM PDTIT consultant Jan Marszel was watching an English cricket match with a pal Richard Haynes when from out of nowhere came flying toward them a five-inch rock, which upon hitting the field directly in front of them broke in two. ...

'Meteorite' crashes to earth during county cricket match, hitting spectator in the chest
Daily Mail Mon, 26 Jul 2010 06:05 AM PDTJan Marszal, 51, and Richard Haynes, 52, were watching Middlesex play Sussex in a county championship match in Uxbridge when what's thought to be a meteorite hurtled towards them, hitting Mr Marszal. ...

Meteorite hits cricket pitch
Eurosport.co.uk via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Sport Mon, 26 Jul 2010 04:29 AM PDTTwo cricket fans' enjoyment of a cricket match was interrupted when a meteorite sailed towards the boundary ropes. ...

Cricket fan claims he was hit by piece of meteorite during matchMirror.co.ukA cricket fan claims he was hit by a piece of meteorite during a match. Jan Marszal, 51, and Richard Haynes, 52, were watching Middlesex play Sussex in ...

Weather Focus 3: Summer meteor shower season in full swing for northeast OhioWKYC-TVCLEVELAND -- Astronomers and those who love to star gaze find mid summer the perfect time to see meteor showers in full bloom across the northern hemisphere ...

26 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 26JUL10

Untouched meteorite impact crater found via Google Earth
PhysOrg.com(PhysOrg.com) -- A pristine meteorite impact crater has been found in a remote area of the Sahara desert in southwest Egypt. The crater was originally ...

Star gazers of Akashmitra unite at astronomy lecture series
Indian ExpressAt the age of 16, Rucha Deshpande has seen a Venus transit and several meteor showers, is the proud owner of two telescopes, and on Sunday, she delivered an ...

Research Yields Greater Precision In Determining Age of MeteoritesSpace Dailyby Staff Writers Researchers have aged dated a very important group of meteorites with far greater precision than previously possible by using a different ...

First Person: False Alarm Leads to Once-in-a-Lifetime Shooting StarSpace.comI enjoyed some doozies during the 2001 Leonid meteor shower. Some are created by bits of natural space debris no bigger than a pea, often chunks of ...

Meteorite' lands on cricket pitch during county matchTelegraph.co.ukUnless, that is, it turns out to be a meteorite. By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent Jan Marszel, 51, and Richard Haynes, 52, were on the boundary ...

'Meteorite' lands on cricket pitch during county matchTelegraph.co.ukUnless, that is, it turns out to be a meteorite. By Richard Alleyne, Science Correspondent Jan Marszel, 51, and Richard Haynes, 52, were on the boundary ...

25 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 25JUL10

Meteor shower could be the year's best
The Durango HeraldIt's the Perseid Meteor Shower, perhaps this year's best. Certainly, it'll be the most viewed, thanks to summer's warm nights. ...

Four planets come together in western sky
Akron Beacon JournalThe Perseid meteor shower may be exceptionally good this year. The shower is expected to peak on the mornings of Aug. 12 and 13, and the moon sets at dawn ...

What's Up in August Spectacular Perseids, tight planet trio to light up night sky
Press HeraldTwo meteor showers will grace our skies in August, including the famous Perseids. A short period comet should also get bright enough to be seen with a pair ...

24 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 24JUL10

Southern Cross Stargazer
Midnight through dawn, the South Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower will be most visible radiating from Aquarius in the south. The bright moon will reduce the ...

Will chip off an old rock yield secrets of the universe and our planet
Kitchener - Waterloo Record Fri, 23 Jul 2010 14:18 PM PDT
TORONTO - Researchers are hoping a fresh slice of a rare 4.5-billion-year-old meteorite will yield new information about our planet. ...

Meteor Crater Discovered With Google Earth
Wired News Fri, 23 Jul 2010 12:03 PM PDT
Researchers poring over Google Earth images discover one of Earthâs freshest impact craters -- a 45-meter-wide pock in southwestern Egypt that probably was excavated by a fast-moving iron meteorite no more than a few thousand years ago. ...

Meteorite Impact Crater Found with Google Earth
Discovery News Fri, 23 Jul 2010 10:56 AM PDT
The massive pock in southwestern Egypt was created no more than a few thousand years ago. ...

Impact Crater Found In The Sahara Desert
redOrbit Fri, 23 Jul 2010 05:11 AM PDT
Researchers sifting through Google Earth images have discovered what may be the worldâs best-preserved small impact crater in a remote area of the Sahara desert in southwestern Egypt. The immaculate, 148 ft. wide crater was likely excavated by a fast-moving iron meteorite, a few thousand years ago, scientists said Thursday.Dubbed Kamil, the crater is remarkably preserved when compared with most ...

Royal Ontario Museum Acquires World's Largest Mass of Rare Meteorite
Art Daily Thu, 22 Jul 2010 18:34 PM PDTIan Nicklin, Mineralogy Technician, holds the meteorite. © Royal Ontario Museum, 2010. TORONTO.- The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) has acquired the worldâs largest piece of the Springwater pallasite, a rare and scientifically important meteorite that was first discovered near Springwater, Saskatchewan in 1931. The new discovery of the almost 53 kilogram (117 pound), 4.5-billion-year-old specimen ...

Summer meteor shower season in full swing
This table shows a list of the minor summer meteor showers for 2010 and the best times to view them. by Joe Rao For skywatchers in the Northern Hemisphere, ...

Meteoritical Bulletin: Entry for Gebel Kamil
History: A total of about 1600 kg of iron meteorite shrapnel (thousands of pieces), ranging in mass from < 1 to 35000 g, plus a single 83 kg individual ...

Perseids 2010 International Meteor OrganizationThe Perseids are one of the most exciting and dynamic meteor showers; producing fast-moving shooting stars throughout July and August. ...

Meteor Crater Discovered With Google Earth Wired Science Wiredcom
Researchers poring over Google Earth images have discovered one of Earth's freshest impact craters — a 45-meter-wide pock in southwestern Egypt that. ...

Meteorite Impact Crater Found with Google Earth
Discovery News
During expeditions to the site early in 2009 and again this year, scientists found more than 5000 iron meteorites that together weigh more than 1.7 tons. ...

Scientists Use Google Earth to Spot a Meteor Crater in Egypt
Discover Magazine (blog)
Earth's weather quickly erodes a crater's structures, making it difficult to determine how exactly a meteorite struck. The Kamil crater, study leader Luigi ...

New Trove of Iron Meteorites
Sky & Telescope
The largest known piece from the Gebel Kamil meteorite field, found 750 feet north of the crater, weighs 183 pounds (83 kg). The characteristic dimples on ...

23 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 23JUL10

Summer Meteor Shower Season in Full Swing
Space.com By Joe Rao
For skywatchers in the Northern Hemisphere, late summer is usually regarded as the prime "meteor-viewing season," with one of the best displays ...

"Fresh" Crater Found in Egypt; Changes Impact Risk?
National Geographic
on their calculations, the team thinks that a 4.2-foot-wide (1.3-meter-wide) solid iron meteor weighing 2267 to 4535 pounds (5000 to 10000 kilograms) ...

Royal Ontario Museum Acquires World's Largest Mass of Rare Meteorite
Art Daily
The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) has acquired the world's largest piece of the Springwater pallasite, a rare and scientifically important meteorite that was ...

Delta Aquarid meteor shower begins July 21, peaks July 30, 2010
Examiner.comThe 2010 Delta Aquarid meteor shower will last from July 21 to August 23. This year's Delta Aquarids will peak on July 30, 2010. The Delta Aquarid meteor ...

Chip Off An Old Rock - 4.5 Billion Years Old - Could Deliver A World Of Information
Free Internet Press Thu, 22 Jul 2010 12:46 PM PDT
Canadian r esearchers are hoping a fresh slice of a rare 4.5-billion-year-old meteorite will yield new information about our planet. ...

Rare meteorite lands at ROM
Dose Thu, 22 Jul 2010 10:51 AM PDT
The Royal Ontario Museum is the new home of the world's largest piece of the Springwater pallasite, a rare meteorite that was discovered in Saskatchewan in 1931. ...

4.5-billion-year-old meteorite sliced
CNews Thu, 22 Jul 2010 03:41 AM PDT
It came from out of this world to Toronto -- via Saskatchewan. ...

Trekkie inspired sculpture decoded
Borders Today Thu, 22 Jul 2010 01:08 AM PDT
THE world is to be taken over by a warrior race, if a mysterious inscription carved on a meteorite in the Glentress Forest is to be believed. (22/07/2010) ...

ScienceShot A WellPreserved Meteor Impact ScienceNOW
ScienceShot: A Well-Preserved Meteor Impact - ScienceNOW. ...

APOD 2010 July 22 The Meteor of 1860
A different astronomy and space science related image is featured each day, along with a brief explanation. ...

NASA Chat: Crumbling Comets Create Marvelous MeteorsRedOrbitFinally, sit back and enjoy the show as bits of leftover comet burn up in our atmosphere, creating the celestial displays that we call meteor showers. ...

22 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 22JUL10

Boffins achieve greater precision in determining meteorites' age
Scientists have aged dated a group of meteorites with far greater precision than previously possible - by using a different type of radioactive dating on a ...

52 Kg Springwater Meteorite on CBC News - Video
3 min Video on YouTube.com
52 Kg Springwater at Royal Ontario Museum. Discovered by Michael Farmer, Shauna Russell, Jim Strope, and Robert Ward Spring ...

Fox Park Observatory - Summer Viewing Schedule
August 11, 11:00PM, Persied Meteor Shower, Peak of the Persied Meteor Shower. Observatory will not be open but everyone is invited to bring a lawn chair and ...

Meteorites -Video
4 min Video on Youtube
What is a meteorite? Scientist from the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History explain. ...

CBC News - Technology & Science - Rare meteorite ... -Video
Mineralogists at Toronto's Royal Ontario Museum have taken their first look inside a rare chunk of meteorite found in ... cbc.ca

Meteorite offers clues about earth
Toronto Sun By IAN ROBERTSON, Toronto Sun
And at the Royal Ontario Museum, scientists are hoping close inspection of a rare 4.5-billion-year-old meteorite will yield ...

Slice of meteorite could hold Earth's secrets
Researchers are hoping a fresh slice of a rare 4.5-billion-year-old meteorite will yield new information about ...

Late summer viewing of the night sky
Topics to be covered are: observing the moon; the Perseids Meteor shower in August; and what planet to look for in the sky during July and August. ...

Rare meteorite sliced open
Mineralogists at the Royal Ontario Museum had their first look Wednesday inside a rare, 53-kilogram meteorite chunk found in Saskatchewan in 2009. ...

20 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 20JUL10

Man claims aliens targeted his home with meteorites
A man whose house has been hit by meteorites six times believes he is being targeted by aliens. Radivoke Lajic, 50, said that his house being hit by rocks ...

19 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 19JUL10

Astronomers discover 95 'near-Earth' asteroids
However, the threat of a destructive meteor bombardment is remote at present. WISE will continue to make such discoveries as it starts its survey mode once ...

16 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 16JUL2010

Meteorite master finds
19 La Crosse Fri, 16 Jul 2010 17:06 PM PDT
VIROQUA, Wisconsin (WXOW)- The meteorite which hit western Wisconsin last April captured some attention. In some cases, it also attracted meteorite hunters. When the meteorite appeared on scene, Bill ...

13 July 2010

France Daytime Fireball 12JUL2010 13JUL2010

France daytime fireball, July 12th, 06 h34 UT

A French amateur astronomer witnessed a bright daytime fireball on July
12th, 06 h34 UT, from his car, while he was driving close to
Aix-en-Provence (South-Eastern France, 43°30' N, 005°27' E) .
I didn't receive any other reports on it yet, and was wondering if anybody
had heard, seen, or recorded it from Italy or Switzerland. According to
the witness, it appeared N or NNE from his position (I'm waiting for
further information on the real trajectory). The fireball dazzled him, and
took a green, and then red color, followed by an orange train.

Thanks in advance for your help and answers!
Clear skies,
Karl Antier posted on www.Meteorobs.org

12 July 2010

N. California Fireball 11JUL2010

Three second Fireball triangulated N.Calif fireball illustrated.

photo by Yuba City Sentinel (c) 2010

A very nice 3 second fireball at 20100711_0105 PDT, (0805 UT) crossed Yuba
City sky nearly at zenith traveling 135 degrees of Azimuth at an apparent
Altitude of 55 degrees to 50 degrees East to West.

Big meteor over Sacramento area this morning.

In the early morning hours of July 11, 2010 at 0105:22 (1 hour past

Photo is a composite image of stacked frames in .jpg of this 3 second
meteoroid (Fireball).

Movies are Quick Time & MPEG-4 (unable to post) on two different meteor monitoring systems
located in Yuba City.

Date and Time on one is PDT. The other is Universal Time. (PDT + 7 hours).

The Carson City Sentinel tracking station did a very nice job on difficult
imaging from a distance of about 150 miles.

see at:



08 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 8JUL2010

New York goes extra-terrestrial as meteorite experts descend on the city in July
EurekAlert! Thu, 08 Jul 2010 07:27 AM PDT
( American Museum of Natural History ) Hear talks by experts in the extra-terrestial at the 73rd annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society this July 26-30. Symposium sessions will include discussions of the age of the solar system, the origin of organic material found in meteorites, and the rate of meteorite impacts on Earth and other planets. ...

Meteorite punches hole in driveway
Wise County Messenger Wed, 07 Jul 2010 09:30 AM PDT
A smoldering chunk of rock from outer space punctured the driveway of a home in Decatur (Texas) on Sunday....
[Hoax! and poor reporting]

07 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 7JUL2010

NASA releases videogame, Moonbase Alpha

"Returning from a research expedition, you witness a meteorite impact that cripples the life support capability of the settlement. ...

Zodiacal light: zombie comets to blame

New Scientist
In 2003 he was looking into the origin of meteor showers, which arise when Earth passes through streams of space junk, causing pieces of rocky detritus ...

Spend an evening with the stars

Western News
According to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the Delta Aquarids meteor shower will be active between July 14 and Aug. 18, and is best seen an hour or two ...

India seeks World Heritage status for Lonar Lake
Channel NewsAsia Mon, 05 Jul 2010 09:47 AM PDT
INDIA : India is trying to secure a world heritage status for its only lake formed by the impact of a meteorite. ...

Viewers report strange lights on the Fourth

No major meteor shower was occuring... and the Moon wasn't full. After conferring with others wise in the way of atmospherics, National Weather Service ...

03 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 3JUL2010

Meteors And A Trio Of Planets Highlight Night Sky

FLATOW: And those of us not lucky enough to do that, we'll also have -always have a good fallback and that's the Perseid meteor shower, right? ...

When worlds collide, you get a guided tour

Arizona Daily Star
Doug Kreutz/Arizona Daily Star People can get a closer look into the Meteor Crater near Winslow. METEOR CRATER - This would not have been a good place to be ...

Moon rocks reveal what hit the Earth 3.8 billion years ago

Analysis of old moon rocks has turned up a special type of carbon that could only come from a massive meteor impact 3.8 billion years ago. ...

Bats and meteors on menu

Swindon Advertiser
On August 12 there is a meteor shower night walk from 8.30pm to 10.30pm revealing Stonehenge at night, rich in archaeology, intriguing stories and a sky ...

How the moon got its whiskers

New Scientist
The best bet is that they arrived in a meteor shower that may also have dumped molecules essential for life. Graphite just one atom thick is better known as ...

02 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 2JUL2010

Stuff of Pencils Discovered on the Moon
By Charles Q. Choi - SPACE.com Contributor --posted: 01 July 2010 02:02 pm ET
Scientists have discovered the first evidence of graphite on the moon — the same carbon-rich stuff used in pencils today — after taking a new look at a lunar rock collected by astronauts nearly 40 years ago. ...

Cheap thrills

Charlotte Observer
July 28, 29 - Southern Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower. The Delta Aquarids can produce about 20 meteors per hour at their peak. The shower usually peaks on

01 July 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 1JUL2010

Meteor Meets End in Washington Skies

When meteroids hit the Earth's atmosphere and create a visible streak in the sky, they're "meteors" (also what some call "shooting stars," the, ahem, ...

06/22/2010 - Major meteor find - VIEW NEWS: A Neighborhood Newspaper

Jerry Henkel/ViewCount Guido Roberto Deiro recently discovered a 30-pound meteorite near Pahrump. The stone is said to be billions of years old and very ...

Earthsky Tonight—June 30:When is the next meteor shower?

Berthoud Recorder
We get lots of questions about meteor showers. Kathlen in the Bronx wrote, “When is the next meteor shower going to happen? ...

June 30, 1908: A Very Close Encounter of the Second Kind

Wired News
Whatever it was — an exploding fragment from a disintegrating meteorite seems the likeliest explanation — scientists concluded there was no actual impact. ...

29 June 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 29JUN2010

NASA Needs You: 6 Ways to Help an Astronomer

Wired News
“We can learn a lot from someone taking a cellphone video of a meteor as it burns up in the atmosphere,” said Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment ...

Scientists peer inside Hayabusa asteroid capsule
Scientists inside a spotless clean room near Tokyo are carefully opening
the drum-shaped capsule from the Hayabusa mission, beginning months of
tedious evaluations to determine whether the $200 million mission
returned dust grains from an asteroid. ...

Largest Meteorite in Nevada Found
Las Vegas Review-Journal © Jun. 21 at 12:21 p.m.
Count Guido Deiro found the largest meteorite in Nevada this year. ... [video]

Major meteor find- Stone considered largest ever found in Silver State By MAGGIE LILLIS - VIEW STAFF WRITER
Count Guido Roberto Deiro figures he probably tripped over several meteorites in his day and never even knew it. But when the 72-year-old Las Vegan really started looking, he hit the ... [story]

Plenty of Planets to see in the sky

102 years ago today, over a remote region of Russia there was an air burst, caused by a meteor or a comet, just 3-5 miles above the earth. ...

It`s all in how you see things

Estes Park Trail-Gazette
His photographic enjoyment seeps over into landscapes, panoramas and astrophotography, especially meteor showers. He has a Flickr account, which is like ...

Swing by Asteroid Lutetia With JPL

Jet Propulsion Laboratory June 25, 2010
The Rosetta Orbiter, a European Space Agency spacecraft heading for a
2014 encounter with a comet, will be flying close to asteroid Lutetia on
Saturday, July 10. Classes and clubs are invited to NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory from 2 to 4 p.m. that day to see first-ever,
close-up images of Lutetia, talk to a NASA/JPL Rosetta project manager
and participate in educational activities. ...

27 June 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 27JUN2010

Meteor dazzles viewers across Washington region

Washington Post
The American Meteor Society logged more than 30 reports of the Thursday night event, from the Washington metropolitan area to Delaware, Pennsylvania, ...

Bootid meteor shower peaks tonight

Baltimore Sun (blog)
The annual Bootid meteor shower peaks tonight. It's not one of the better showers of the year, but it came to mind after Orioles fans reported a bright ...

Ancient Mars More Favorable to Life than First Thought

CBS News
The northern part of the planet has a lower elevation than the southern part and scientists believe that disparity was the result of a giant meteor impact. ...

26 June 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 26JUN2010

Two from Alma College work on meteorite project
The Morning Sun - ‎49 分前‎
They shot one meteorite last year and something happened that never occurred before. That is, nothing happened. The rock just sat there as it swallowed the ...

The last word: What are the odds?
The Week Magazine - ‎17 時間前‎
The famous Meteor Crater in Barringer, Ariz., resulted from a meteorite in this size category. The NRC report estimates that 25-meter airbursts occur every ...

July 2010 Geology and GSA Today highlights
EurekAlert (press release) - ‎18 時間前‎
Pseudotachylite bodies are found in large meteorite impact structures and form intricate networks below crater floors. The melt portions of pseudotachylyte ...

Another fireball caught on York Water Company video camera
York Daily Record - ‎8 時間前‎
Meteorite hunter Mike Antonelli of the Pittsburgh area said it's interesting the two sightings are about a year apart and might have followed a similar ... [be sure to see earlier posts on this Meteor/Meteorite News]

On the trail of the Willamette Meteorite
West Linn Tidings - ‎2010年6月 24日‎
By J. Brian Monihan Mark Buser from West Linn, in center, led a guided tour June 11 at Fields Bridge Park to discuss the Willamette Meteorite with visiting ...

Un trozo de meteorito cae en el jardín de una casa en Brasil

AFP - ‎2010 年6月24日‎
RÍO DE JANEIRO — Un pequeño trozo de meteorito cayó en el jardín de una casa de la ciudad brasileña de Varre-Sai, en el Estado de Río de Janeiro, ...

Americanos afirmam que pedra encontrada no Rio é meteorito

Terra Brasil - ‎2010年6月24日‎
A pedra encontrada no último sábado no município de Varre-Sai, no noroeste Fluminense, se trata de um meteorito, segundo pesquisadores americanos. ...

Brazil Meteor/ite of 19JUN2010 TV Broadcast update

Meteorito cai no Brasil após 19 anos 2010 06 24

posted on YouTube by UmPasseiopeloCeu | 2010年06月25日 | 2:33 [6 views]

TV News produced by Record with informations of a Meteorite fall in the city of Varre-Sai, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, on June 19th 2010.
Reportagem produzida pela TV Record sobre o Meteorito encontrado no município de Varre-Sai, região Noroeste do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, em 19 de junho de 2010.