14 May 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 14MAY2010

Space Weather News for May 14, 2010

Today's edition of spaceweather.com features a remarkable 3D movie of the International Space Station (ISS) recorded by French astrophotographer Thierry Legault. No special glasses are required to see the ISS pop out of your screen in amazing detail.
The movie will whet your appetite for a weekend of bright spaceships and planets. On Friday, May 14th at 2:20 pm EDT, space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to launch from Kennedy Space Center on its final voyage to the ISS. An on-time liftoff would set the stage for an incredible sky show. On Saturday and Sunday, May 15th and 16th, many observers will be able to see Atlantis and the ISS flying past Venus and the crescent Moon in the evening sky. Visit http://spaceweather.com
for sky maps and more information.
Seeing the ISS is easy if you know when to look. Sign up for Spaceweather PHONE (http://spaceweatherphone.com
) and we will call you when the space station is about to fly over your hometown.
New subscribers may sign up for free space weather alerts at http://spaceweather.com/services/

The truth is still out there for the alien adherents attending this weekend's ...

OregonLive.com - ‎18 時間前‎
About 20 years ago, Conroy was on US 26 near Sylvan when he spotted what he thought was a meteor. "This one came in just like a normal meteor. ...

Wind transportiert auf dem Mars Asche

Frankfurter Neue Presse - ‎3 時間前‎
Auf den Bildern seien Ascheflächen in mächtigen Einschlagkratern von Meteoriten oder Asteroiden und in deren Windschatten zu sehen, teilte die DLR in Köln ...

Take a Virtual Moonwalk for Science

Scientific American - ‎16 時間前‎
Newer craters could give them clues about recent meteor impacts—and hints about what might be in store for us on Earth. And remember the podcast from April ...

Метеоритные озера Московской области

Планета Дорог - ‎4 時間前‎
Проводились поиски осколков метеорита при помощи металлоискателя, но безрезультатные. Группой М.А.Назарова проводились исследования образца, найденного недалеко от озера. По его результатам, сделан вывод об импактном происхождении озера Смердячее. Большую работу провела группа из Агентства ...

Otherworldly? Resident suspects his rock find is from another planet

Shelby Township Source Newspapers - ‎16 時間前‎
Steven Werner and his son Devan hope to receive certification that their found rock is indeed a meteorite. By LANA MINI Devan Werner is a pretty productive ... (most likely not a meteorite)

Meteoriten aus dem Schnee

wetter.com - ‎19 時間前‎
Dazu gehören Meteoriten aus dem Asteroiden-Hauptgürtel zwischen den Umlaufbahnen von Mars und Jupiter, Eiskörper des äußeren Sonnensystems oder winzige ...

Eisbrocken aus Kondenswasser?

Main Post - ‎12 時間前‎
Wahrscheinlich handle es sich um Kondenswasservereisungen und nicht wie anfangs spekuliert, um Meteoriten oder Bordtoilettenabfälle. ...

Lectores escriben

ElHeraldo.com.co - ‎2 時間前‎
Existen tres elementos básicos de evidencia de vida marciana antigua en el ALH 84001 (Meteorito marciano coleccionado en la Antártida en 1984). ...

Метеорит все-таки был кометой

Эксперт Online - ‎18 時間前‎
Метеорит? Корабль пришельцев? Болотный метан? Комета? В новом исследовании геохимиков из МГУ приводятся аргументы в пользу «кометной версии». Ученые исследовали химический состав торфа, отложившегося в 1908 году вблизи эпицентра катастрофы. Обнаружились странные сдвиги в изотопном составе ...

Внесены уточнения в теорию образования Земли

Компьюлента - ‎6 時間前‎
«При этом «первобытные» метеориты содержат большие объёмы летучих веществ, что нехарактерно для Земли», — отмечает участник работ Ричард Карлсон (Richard Carlson). Данные по изотопам серебра также свидетельствовали о том, что ядро Земли сформировалось через 5–10 млн лет после зарождения ...


扬子晚报 - ‎6 時間前‎
目前关于太湖的成因,比较经典的一种是“陨石撞击成湖说”。这是根据太湖西南侧湖岸呈圆弧形 而提出的,认为太湖系远古时期陨石撞击形成,撞击年代大约在500万年以前。 ...

Full Text (HTML)

Heterogeneous Accretion and the Moderately Volatile Element Budget of Earth Science Magazine (subscription)
Iron meteorite studies indicate that planetesimals segregated into a silicate mantle and ..... Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 35, 1309 (2000). [Web of Science] 34. ...

13 May 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 13MAY2010

Got a meteor? Bring it to show and enjoy the rest

Wauwatosa Now
Paul Schmidt, show chairman, said he hopes the recent meteor showers will boost interest in the Wisconsin Geological Society and its show, which is one of ...
Were Those Meteor's Over Wisconsin/Illinois Last Night? 5/11/2010

Before It's News
MILWAUKEE - A number of people in Southeastern Wisconsin say they saw meteors in the early morning sky on Monday. "I look up and I see, and I know exactly ...
PSRD: Asteroid, Meteor, Meteorite

Detected in space less than a day before hitting Earth, the Almahata Sitta meteorite from asteroid 2008 TC3 gives clues to the complex evolution of small ...

Did you see a meteor Monday morning?

Duluth News Tribune
Quote – "Editor's Note: Postings on News Tribune Web pages are intended for healthy civic discussions only and incivility of any kind will not be tolerated. ...
Bright lights reported across Rock County sky

Janesville Gazette
Elland called the National Weather Service in Sullivan to see if any meteorologists there were aware of anything special going on, including a meteor shower ...

Look! Up in the sky…
River Falls Journal - ‎2 時間前‎
Could it be another meteorite? People called authorities just after 4 am May 10 to report bright-colored lights in the sky north of Janesville. Could it be ...

Astro Bob blog: Follow Carolyn to Saturn
Duluth News Tribune - ‎1 時間前‎
Those who saw the meteor all concurred it was at least as bright as the full moon and two even said it equaled the sun! A fellow meteorite hunter from ...

Fast moving bright blue light moves over California skies
The Canadian (blog) - ‎10 時間前‎

Český rozhlas - ‎8 時間前‎
Podrobnosti o soutěži najdete každou sobotu mezi 8.10 a 9.00 hodin v pořadu o přírodě a nových vědeckých objevech Meteor na Českém rozhlase 2 – Praha a na ...

Virtuális Hold-sétát nyújt egy új weboldal
Híradó - ‎6 時間前‎
Az új becsapódások hátrahagyta friss kráterek adatokat szolgáltatnak a Holdat és Földet érintő, potenciális meteor becsapódásokról. ...

Mysteriöser Eisklumpen war wohl gefrorenes Kondenswasser
BILD - ‎6 時間前‎
Ein Meteorit war es jedenfalls nicht und auch kein gefrorenes Wasser aus einer Flugzeugtoilette. Kondenswasservereisungen seien wahrscheinlich....

Meteorites burning up the market
Medill Reports: Chicago - ‎21 時間前‎
by Spencer Rinkus Adler Planetarium houses a piece of a meteorite that was found in a boy's bedroom in Olympia Fields, it's estimated to be worth nearly ...

ASU to celebrate International Museum Day
Arizona State University - ‎3 時間前‎
9 am – Center for Meteorite Studies, Bateman Physical Sciences Center, C Wing, Room 139. 10 am. – Lunar Recon Orbital Camera, Interdisciplinary A-Wing, Room ...

Vulkanasche auch auf Mars vom Wind verweht
WELT ONLINE - ‎5 時間前‎
Auf den Bildern seien Ascheflächen in mächtigen Einschlagkratern von Meteoriten oder Asteroiden zu sehen und in deren Windschatten, teilte die DLR am ...

Un impact déclenche une avalanche sur Mars
Ciel et Espace - ‎7 時間前‎
Celle-ci, en revanche, a été causée par l'impact d'une météorite de 50cm, qui s'est écrasée à près de 10 km/s sur le plus grand volcan du Système solaire. ...

太 空考古学诞生 致力于研究太空垃圾
挖 贝网 - ‎8 時間前‎
与埋葬在地球土壤、海洋中的遗迹不同,“太空文物”不会遭遇氧化、腐蚀、霉菌与人为所造成的破坏,但微型陨石、辐射、亚原子粒子束造成的损害则是另一回事。 ...

地球可能正經歷新一輪生物大滅絕 人類是肇因
新華網山東頻道 - ‎12 時間前‎
過去,由于隕石撞擊等自然原因,地球曾經歷5次大規模的 生物滅絕事件,例如約6500萬年前導致恐龍滅絕的事件。 布盧姆菲爾德說,正常自然演化中也有物種滅絕,但現在物種滅絕的速度太快了,“人類活動成為物種滅絕加速的重要原因”。

11 May 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 12MAY2010 early

More meteor sightings in southern Wisconsin

"This picture shows an extremely bright meteor or fireball that occured last december and it was captured from California," said Richard Talcott, ...

Meteor spotted in Gaithersburg

Washington Post (blog)
Dawn Teagle Dobbs spotted the fireball as she drove south on Interstate 270 near Gaithersburg at 4:47 am "At first I thought it was a shooting star, ...

New meteor reports near Janesville this morning
Posted: May 11, 2010 3:07 AM
SULLIVAN, WI (WREX/AP) - The National Weather Service says it received a number of reports of possible meteor sightings early Monday morning.

The American Meteor Society

Meteor observing is a simple and inexpensive way to gain knowledge of astronomy and to make scientifically useful observations. The AMS is a group of meteor ...
Godlike Productions - News: Meteor Shower Created by Halley's ...

The meteor shower is predicted to peak early on Thursday morning, May 6. Under ideal conditions (a dark, moonless sky) about 40 of these very swift meteors ...
Weather service gets reports of possible meteor sightings in ...

The National Weather Service says it received a number of reports of possible meteor sightings early today.
Fireball found Chunk of huge meteor that exploded over Wisconsin ...

The largest fragment yet from last month's Wisconsin meteor has been found. Other small pieces have been discovered in 'America's Dairyland.' ...

Rp 25 Million for Meteor Victims

East Jakarta Municipality through Islamic Charitable Donations Board (BAZIS) gave donation as many as Rp 25 million to the meteor victims on RT 01/5 ...

Another meteor sighting in southern Wisconsin?

FOX6Now.com Milwaukee
The National Weather Service says it received a number of reports of possible meteor sightings early Monday morning in southern Wisconsin. ...

Korban Meteor Jatuh Dapat Rp 5 Juta & Sembako

Detikcom - ‎4 時間前‎
Namun Lapan masih terus berupaya mencari tahu jenis meteorit tersebut. GRATIS kaos cantik dan voucher pulsa! ikuti sms berlangganannya, ktk REG DETIK kirim ...

Pisani svet kamnin in okamnin

SiOL.net - ‎2 時間前‎
Matija Križnar iz Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije je povedal, da je bilo največ zanimanja za meteorit Jesenice z Mežakle; prikazali so tudi prepariranje ...

Feuersturm aus dem All

Zürcher Unterländer - ‎14 時間前‎
Ein Meteorit hat Teile vom Mond abgesprengt und den Erdtrabanten dramatisch destabilisiert. Als erste Brocken auf der Erde einschlagen, ...

Volcanic ash and cotton candy share molecular characteristics with glass

Washington Post - ‎13 時間前‎
Meteorite impacts can produce tektites, glass pieces that form from earthly ingredients that melt from the energy of the impact and then resolidify quickly ...

Sie sind hier: Home > Pressemitteilung: Museum der Universität Tübingen am ...

Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (Pressemitteilung) - ‎1 時間前‎
Zu sehen sind an diesem Tag die wichtigsten Minerale, Gesteine, Erze, Edelsteine und Meteoriten, historische Blasinstrumente und Reste menschlicher Skelette ...

Марсиане о нас знают

Комсомольская правда - ‎1 時間前‎
Возможно, нам никогда не узнать, что это было - метеорит ли, впервые сфотографированный на Марсе, или космический корабль, прилетевший из иных миров. Но мы будем работать над разгадкой. …Прошло уже три года с момента снимка. А разгадки нет. Хотя вполне вероятно, что у "небесной аномалии", ...

Секреты рождения Солнечной системы скрываются в Антарктиде

ПарлКом - ‎7 時間前‎
Основу же метеоритов составили различные силикаты магния, а также сульфиды железа и никеля как в аморфной, так и в кристаллической форме. Изотопный анализ найденных частиц показал, что соотношение дейтерия к протию у них примерно совпадает с проанализированными образцами межпланетной космической ...


新华网 - ‎1 時間前‎
过去,由于陨石撞击等自然原因,地球曾经历5次大规模的生物灭绝事件。正常自然演化中也有物种灭绝,但现在“人类活 动成为物种灭绝加速的重要原因”。 ...


中新网 - ‎3 時間前‎
这一发现为证实陨石坠 入地球促使生命诞生这一观点提供了支持。 科学家发现并证实,位于火星与木星间数百岩石行星带中的西弥斯24号(24 Themis)是一颗被薄冰包裹着的行星 ...


中国教育和科研计算机网 - ‎11 時間前‎
地球上最初氨基酸的来源有多种主张,比如有的科学家认为,氨基酸是在发生雷电或陨石撞击地球瞬间,在地面生成的;也有科学家认为,氨基酸是随着陨石一起降落到地面上的 ...


中國評論 - ‎6 時間前‎
過去,由於隕石撞擊等自然原因,地球曾經歷5次大規模的生物滅絕事件,例如約6500萬年前導致恐龍滅絕的事件。 布盧姆菲爾德說,正常自然演化中也有物種滅絕,但現在物種滅絕的速度太快了,“人類活動成為物種滅絕加速的重要原因”。 他說,多樣的物種為人類提供了食物、藥材 ...

Illinois/Wisconsin Meteor 10MAY2010; MD/MA/PA Meteor 10MAY2010 11MAY2010

Possible Meteor Sightings Reported in Illinois, Wisconsin

MyFox Chicago
The Geological Society said even if there was a meteor, if it was too small to register on their measures, they wouldn't be able to confirm it. ...

NWS Receives Reports Of Another Possible Meteor Sighting In Wis.

WISN Milwaukee
MILWAUKEE -- The National Weather Service received reports of a possible meteor sighting over parts of southern Wisconsin early Monday morning. ...

Reports of Meteor Sightings in Wisconsin

Newsradio 620
By Jay Sorgi MILWAUKEE - A number of people in Southeastern Wisconsin say they saw meteors in the early morning sky on Monday. TODAY'S TMJ4 HD reporter ...

Baltimore Sun (blog)
Early risers spot green fireball over Central Md.

Baltimore Sun (blog)
Reports are beginning to arrive about what sounds like a rather spectacular fireball meteor over Central Maryland just before dawn Monday morning. ...

Pre-dawn meteor startles drivers

Baltimore Sun
On July 6, 2009, people in northern Baltimore County and nearby sections of Pennsylvania were rattled by the brilliant flash of a meteor and an accompanying ...

Another meteorite over Wisconsin?

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
There's a report of another meteorite flashing over Wisconsin overnight, this one showing itself at about 4 am, according to the National Weather Service. ...

NWS gets reports of possible meteor sightings
WEAU-TV 13 - ‎2 時間前‎
The comment sections of our web set are designed for thoughtful, intelligent conversation and debate. We want to hear from our viewers but we are not ...

Rock Co. Residents Report Bright Lights in Sky

WHBL Sheboygan (blog)
It turned out to be part of a meteor shower – and pieces of the meteorite were dug up in Iowa County in southwest Wisconsin. The Dane County caller said ...

Halley's Comet video - P1 11MAY2010

Halley's Comet - P1

posted on YouTube by KurdstanPlanetarium (6 views) 2010年05月10日
Halley's Comet or Comet Halley (officially designated 1P/Halley) is the most famous of the periodic comets, and is visible from Earth every 75 to 76 years. Many comets with long orbital periods may appear brighter and more spectacular, but Halley is the only short-period comet that is clearly visible to the naked eye, and thus, the only naked-eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. During its returns to the inner solar system, it has been observed by astronomers since at least 240 BC, but it was only recognized as a periodic comet in the 18th century when its orbit was computed by English astronomer Edmond Halley, after whom it is named. Halley's Comet last appeared in the inner Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.

During its 1986 apparition, Halley's Comet became the first to be observed in detail by spacecraft, providing the first observational data on the construction of the comet nucleus and the mechanism of tail formation. These observations supported a number of longstanding hypotheses about comet construction, particularly Fred Whipple's "dirty snowball" model, but also provided data which substantially reformed and reconfigured these ideas.

Discovered by prehistoric (observation);
Edmond Halley (recognition of periodicity)
Orbital characteristics (Epoch 2449400.5)
(February 17, 1994)
Aphelion 35.1 AU
(December 9, 2023)
Perihelion 0.586 AU
last perihelion: February 9, 1986
next perihelion: July 28, 2061
Semi-major axis 17.8 AU
Eccentricity 0.967
Orbital period 75.3 a
Inclination 162.3°
Physical characteristics
Dimensions 15×8 km[3], 11 km (mean)
Mass 2.2 × 1014 kg
Mean density 0.6 (estimates range from 0.2 to 1.5 g/cm³)
Sidereal rotation
period 2.2 d (52.8 h) (?)
Albedo 0.04
Apparent magnitude 28.6

Halley's Comet - P2

posted on YouTube by KurdstanPlanetarium (22 views) 2010年05月10日

Halley's Comet - P3

posted on YouTube by KurdstanPlanetarium (7 views) 2010年05月10日
Halley's Comet

Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11MAY2010

Halley's Comet Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight Space News
Halley's Comet - which was last seen from Earth on February 9 ,1986 - will bring a show to earth tonight yet again. ...

スポーツ報知 - ‎18 時間前‎
天文ファンでつくる「日本流星研究会」の上田昌良さん(58)(大阪府羽曳野市)ら2人の〈 隕石 ( いんせき ) ハンター〉が、宇宙航空研究開発機構の要請で、6月13日に小惑星探査機「はやぶさ」が豪州に投下するカプセルの捜索に参加する。 ...
Kansai meteorite hunters; "Sand Star" next month to search for Capsule ... "Hayabusa" dropped
Astronomy fans make "Meteor Japan Study Group," says Ueda Masayoshi (58) (Habikino Osaka) are two meteorite (Inseki) Hunters; but, at the request of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, June 13, asteroid probe "Hayabusa" to join the search for Australia to drop the capsule. ...

Life on Mars?
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Sat, 08 May 2010 21:39 PM PDT
NASA researchers reopen the debate over Antarctica meteorite.

'Meteorite' on Israeli Beach May Have Been Weapon

AOL News - ‎1 時間前‎
Initially it was identified as a meteorite, but after high amounts of phosphorous were detected, experts have concluded it was man-made. ...

陨石被埋在石墙下80多年 寻宝人用2万元买下

半岛网 - ‎21 時間前‎
半岛都市报5月9日讯(记者焦恭森)“即墨市鳌山卫镇星石庄村有人在墙下挖出一块大陨石!”5月9日下午,记者闻讯赶到星石庄村时,见到了这块陨 石的买主孟先生,据他介绍, ...


和讯网 - ‎6 時間前‎
据物理学家组织网报道,亚利桑那大学陨石管理员马尔文· 基尔戈尔发现了今年4月在威斯康星州上空爆炸的一个天体所产生的迄今为止最大的陨石。4月 14日,威斯康星州西南 ...


Kominfo Newsroom - ‎15 時間前‎
Kerusakan yang ditimbulkan akibat ledakan, dipastikan karena adanya tumbukan meteorit yang datang dengan kecepatan tinggi dan energi panas yang besar. ...

Vatikánský astronom se chce přiblížit Bohu

Lidovky.cz - ‎9 時間前‎
Otec Consolmagno studuje ve své laboratoři meteorit, v němž jsou obsaženy jak kovy, tak minerály, "jediný pozůstatek po hvězdě, jež zmizela před 4,5 ...

A “caçadora de meteoritos” portuguesa em entrevista à SIC Online

SIC Notícias - ‎7 時間前‎
Porque é que vão para a Antárctida à procura de meteoritos? Eles não caem em qualquer sítio na Terra? Sim, os meteoritos caem com a mesma frequência em todo ...

Robert Ferguson MP: newly-discovered correspondence

University of Bristol - ‎12 時間前‎
A meteorite shower of more than 3000 fragments fell on the town of L'Aigle in France in the early afternoon of 26 April 1803. It was this meteorite shower ...

Секреты рождения Солнечной системы скрываются в Антарктиде

Новостной проект INFOX.ru - ‎12 時間前‎
Основу же метеоритов составили различные силикаты магния, а также сульфиды железа и никеля как в аморфной, так и в кристаллической форме. Изотопный анализ найденных частиц показал, что соотношение дейтерия к протию у них примерно совпадает с проанализированными образцами межпланетной космической ...

09 May 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 10MAY2010

は やぶさ投下星の砂隕石ハンターが捜索 ニュース 宇宙 YOMIURI ONLINE ...

天文ファンでつくる日本流星研究会の上田昌良さん58大阪府羽曳野市ら2人の 隕石 いんせき ハンターが宇宙航空研究開発機構の要請で6月13日に小惑星探査機 ...

Mr. Astronomer

He was the only Filipino member of the International Meteor Organization and also became the coordinator of the Education and Research Cluster of the UP ...

Mesosiderite, Teil 1: NWA 2538
myheimat.de - ‎4 時間前‎
Meteorite aus diesem Material heißen Pallasite. Noch weiter außen nimmt der Metallanteil weiter ab, es bildet sich Material aus Silikaten, in die Nickel ...

IT168 - ‎6 時間前‎
新浪科技讯北京时间5月7日消息,据物理学家组织网报道,亚利桑那大学陨 石管理员马尔文·基尔戈尔发现了今年4月在威斯康星州上空爆炸的一个天体所产生的迄今为止最大的 ...

Christian Köberl: "Das Museum ist keine Grottenbahn"
DiePresse.com - ‎4 時間前‎
Als ich zu studieren begonnen habe, war noch keine Rede davon, dass das Aussterben der Dinosaurier mit einem Meteoriten zu tun haben könnte. ...

В Антарктике обнаружены уникальные метеориты
MIGnews.com - ‎16 時間前‎
Исследователи из Франции собрали в центральной части Антарктиды, неподалеку от станции Concordia, большую коллекцию микрометеоритов необычного состава. "Мы извлекли эти частицы из снега, который выпал около 50 лет назад, до того как сюда пришли люди", — рассказывает ведущий автор исследования ...

Водород попал на Землю из космоса

Агентство Популярной Информации - ‎3 時間前‎
До сего дня ученые получают преимущественно из исследований образцов метеоритов из пояса астероидов, поскольку они наиболее доступны. Однако точнее сохранить информацию об этих периодах могут ледяные космические тела с окраин Солнечной системы. Жан Дюпрэ (Jean Duprat) из университета Париж-Юг ...

Astro Bob blog: Sky cheese from Wisconsin
Duluth News Tribune - ‎6 時間前‎
My 2 gram part slice of the recent Wisconsin meteorite fall. It's composed of many small fragments and sports a bit of melted crust along the lower right ...

Ancient meteorites in Antarctica could reveal origins of Solar System

Christian Science Monitor
Uncovered in the central part of Antarctica, the two tiny meteorites appear to have come from ancient comets. Two tiny meteorites that fell to Antarctica ...

Not all rocks are created equal

Plainview Daily Herald
Norfleet told Nininger that it was from a meteor shower in about 1903. "I still run into people around Plainview who have fond memories of Dr. Nininger," ...

Fé e ciência juntas na educação
Bairros.com - ‎4 分前‎
Dentre os objetos da ciência, um dos mais raros é uma mostra do Meteorito de Bendegó, o maior já achado no país, no sertão da Bahia, em 1784. ...

Путешествия Синдбада Морехода. Намибия. В поисках людей химба
TUT.BY - ‎3 時間前‎
В этой африканской стране можно увидеть города-призраки, заброшенные алмазные прииски, наскальные рисунки древних бушменов, следы динозавров, осколки метеоритов и национальные парки с огромным количеством диких животных. Обо всем этом Синдбад обещал рассказать в скором времени, ...

08 May 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 9MAY2010

Latest Info. eta-Aquarids from JAPAN (Radio Obs)
Mr. Hirofumi SUGIMOTO who is radio meteor observer in Japan reported the unusal eta-Aqarid activity around 20:00-22:00 on 5th May (UT).
Houry results (solar longitude)

comparision 2004 - 2010 (Solar longitude)

Since this result is the latest information using a part of observed data and mainly Japanese observed data, it is possible to change this result.

meteor hole - Google Earth Community

The hole appeared in 1913 after a meteor had fallen on the so called land.It is the second deepest and largest Meteor hole in the world,after the one Alaska ...

New Evidence Presented For Ancient Fossils In Mars Rocks
Slashdot Fri, 07 May 2010 15:02 PM PDT
azoblue passes along a story in the Washington Post, which begins: "NASA's Mars Meteorite Research Team reopened a 14-year-old controversy on extraterrestrial life last week, reaffirming and offering support for its widely challenged assertion that a 4-billion-year-old meteorite that landed thousands of years ago on Antarctica shows evidence of microscopic life on Mars. In addition to presenting ...

Local meteorite hunter finds piece of Wisconsin fireball
KSDK St. Louis Thu, 06 May 2010 20:53 PM PDT
Local meteorite hunter finds piece of Wisconsin fireball

V Tržiču ta vikend 38. dnevi mineralov, fosilov in okolja

STA - ‎9 時間前‎
... bo na svojem razstavnem prostoru predstavil meteorit Jesenice, ki je 9. aprila 2009 padel na Mežaklo in je enajsti meteorit na svetu z znano orbito. ...

Hujan Meteor Lebih Sering Jatuh ke Bumi

Harian Analisa - ‎13 時間前‎
Untuk 2 Juni 1915: Meteorit seberat 24,75 kg ditemukan di Klender, Jakarta Timur. Batu ini kemudian dinamai Meester-Cornelis. Di 19 Desember 2004: Warga ...

Reise durch die Zeit

Augsburger Allgemeine - ‎21 時間前‎
Nach einem beschwingten „Sauriertanz“ schlug der Meteorit dann mitten im Chorraum der Kirche ein und schuf so das Ries. Danach hatten kleine Höhlenmenschen ...

Szellemi élmény, amit hall az ember

Napló - ‎22 時間前‎
Dr. Pósfai Mihály egyetemi tanár a mai napig két kitüntetett kutatási területtel foglalkozik (Fotó: Gáspár Gábor) A Mars-meteorit vizsgálata a veszprémi ...

Ancient meteorites in Antarctica could reveal origins of Solar System

Christian Science Monitor - ‎11 分前‎
Uncovered in the central part of Antarctica, the two tiny meteorites appear to have come from ancient comets. Two tiny meteorites that fell to Antarctica ...

News der EGU

Meteogroup Deutschland - ‎6 時間前‎
... dass das Artensterben sehr abrupt von statten ging, was weniger für die Theorie des Vulkanausbruches, als mehr für die des Meteoriten spricht (siehe ...

AbSciCon 2010 a Success

Space Ref (press release) - ‎10 時間前‎
... new insights into the infamous Mars meteorite, ALH84001 (presented by Kathie Thomas-Keprta), studies on the origin of life through systems biology and ...

Висконсин: охотники за метеоритами нашли самый большой осколок из существующих ныне

Новости Америки - ‎18 時間前‎
Представители НАСА говорят, что метеорит был в диаметре около метра и взорвался с силой, эквивалентной 20 тоннам тротила. Осколок метеорита нашел куратор Лаборатории луны и планет Университета Аризоны Марвин Киллгор (University of Arizona) и его жена..


新民网 - ‎11 時間前‎
地球上最初氨基酸的来源有多种主张,有科学家认为,氨基酸是随着陨石一起降落到地面上的。参 与研究的日本国立天文台夏威夷观测站的研究员福江翼说,出现这种情况很可能 ...

Meteor/Meteorite News 8MAY2010

Los meteoritos son algo común en Chaco
Los Andes (Argentina) - ‎1 時間前‎
Dice que cada año se celebra allí la "Fiesta nacional del meteorito". La foto que les mando es la de un meteorito que hay en el Chaco, en un pueblo llamado ...

Un meteorito cayó en San Juan y se pudo ver desde Mendoza
Los Andes (Argentina)
Así, el último meteorito que cayó en la zona denominada Sierra Pie de Palo, al este de San Juan fue visto también en otras seis provincias, incluida Mendoza ...

Vida cotidiana
La Nueva Provincia
Habitantes de por lo menos nueve provincias argentinas fueron sorprendidos esta madrugada por los destellos de un meteorito que surcó el cielo y pareció ...

Comet clues buried in Antarctic snow

USA Today
Meteorites — little bits of leftover planetary building material — reveal radioactive signs that show our sun is about 4.6 billion years old. ...

Largest chunk yet of Wisconsin meteor found

Marvin Killgore, the curator of meteorites for the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona, and his wife, Kitty, arrived in Mineral ...

Halley's Comet: Fast Meteor Shower this Week

Seven Sided Cube
NASA estimated that people may view meteors at a faster rate of travel, approximately 148000 mph which is going to be the second fastest meteor show in this ...

Arecibo Telescope Tracks 'Potentially Dangerous' Asteroid (2005 YU55)
A near-Earth asteroid named 2005 YU55 -- on the list of potentially
dangerous asteroids -- was observed by the Arecibo telescope April 19
as it passed about 1.5 million miles from the Earth (about six times
the distance to the moon). ...

Ancient Meteorites Found to Pack Secrets of the Solar System
By Clara MoskowitzSPACE.com Senior Writer
posted: 06 May 201002:07 pm ET
Two tiny meteorites discovered in a 55-year-old snowpack in Antarctica could reveal secrets about the formation of the solar system, scientists say...

Local meteorite hunter finds piece of Wisconsin fireball

Since then, meteorite hunters from across the country have been looking for what it left behind. One local meteorite hunter had great success and brought a ...

School Digest

Lake Forester
He and his family were among the first to recover pieces of the meteor that lit up the Midwestern skies recently. Evan shares his passion for meteorites ...

Meteorites suggest seeds of life within our solar system

Los Angeles Times
Tiny meteorites in Antarctica show evidence they did not come from the far reaches of space, researchers find. By Amina Khan, Los Angeles Times Tiny ...

Space Rock Hunters Find Largest Chunk Yet of Exploded Wisconsin Meteor
SPACE.com Thu, 06 May 2010 15:20 PM PDT
The largest chuck of a meteorite that exploded over Wisconsin has been recovered by intrepid space rock hunters.

07 May 2010

Argentina Large Fireball 6MAY2010- just breaking news!

Los tucumanos vieron y oyeron pasar un meteorito

La Gaceta Tucumán - ‎24 分前‎
Un meteorito iluminó el cielo tucumano durante la madrugada provocando sorpresa y asombro entre quienes pudieron observar el fenómeno. ...

No era un OVNI sobre San Juan

El Diario 24 - ‎3 時間前‎
Un meteorito atravesó el cielo de cuyo y una estela verde azulada se vio sobre la ciudad de Caucete. Video de un fenómeno similar. Un meteorito en Estados ...

Un meteorito fue visto en una amplia región del centro y norte del país

Comercio On Line - ‎47 分前‎
La caída de un meteorito fue vista hoy en una amplia región del país, especialmente del norte y centro, en forma de un gran destello en el cielo. ...

Un meteorito del tamaño de una papa atravesó Santa Fe y otras provincias ...

La Capital (Rosario) - ‎1 時間前‎
Un meteorito del tamaño de un puño atravesó esta mañana el cielo de varias provincias de Argentina. Según señalaron, “una bola de fuego que se disipaba ...

Cayó un meteorito en San Juan y se vio en Mendoza
Los Andes (Argentina) - ‎1 時間前‎
Un meteorito cayó en San Juan y la estela de la “bola de fuego” pudo observarse en Mendoza, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Salta, Santiago del Estero, Catamarca, ...

Spanish- English ImTranslator 3.3.3-P

It fell down a meteorite in Saint John and was seen in Mendoza - ‎

Los Andes (Argentina)
1 時間前‎ A meteorite fell down in Saint John and the stela of the "fire-ball" could be observed in Mendoza, Cordova, Santa Fe, Jumps, Santiago of the Estuary, Catamarca,...

En muchas otras provincias también vieron el fenómeno
contexto.com.ar - ‎52 分前‎
Decenas de personas de Córdoba y otras provincias afirmaron esta mañana haber observado la caída de un meteorito, fenómeno que habría ocurrido minutos ...

Google Translate almost anything: http://translate.google.com/#

Extraño fenomeno estelar en el cielo catamarqueña
Diario C - ‎3 時間前‎
(DIARIOC, 06/05/2010) Según los testimonios a los medios, duró cuatro o cinco segundos, mientras especulaban que podría ser un meteorito, sin embargo ...

Meteor/Meteorite News 7MAY2010 early

Cayó un meteorito en San Juan y se vio en Mendoza
Los Andes (Argentina) - ‎1 時間前‎
Un meteorito cayó en San Juan y la estela de la “bola de fuego” pudo observarse en Mendoza, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Salta, Santiago del Estero, Catamarca, ...

Spanish- English ImTranslator 3.3.3-P

It fell down a meteorite in Saint John and was seen in Mendoza - ‎

Los Andes (Argentina)
1 時間前‎ A meteorite fell down in Saint John and the stela of the "fire-ball" could be observed in Mendoza, Cordova, Santa Fe, Jumps, Santiago of the Estuary, Catamarca,...

Un meteorito iluminó la madrugada y asustó a los tucumanos
contexto.com.ar - ‎1 時間前‎
Explicó que “se trató que nosotros conozcamos como bólido, que es un pequeño meteorito, un fragmento muy pequeño que ha entrado a la atmósfera en la tierra ...

En muchas otras provincias también vieron el fenómeno
contexto.com.ar - ‎52 分前‎
Decenas de personas de Córdoba y otras provincias afirmaron esta mañana haber observado la caída de un meteorito, fenómeno que habría ocurrido minutos ...

Extraño fenomeno estelar en el cielo catamarqueña
Diario C - ‎3 時間前‎
(DIARIOC, 06/05/2010) Según los testimonios a los medios, duró cuatro o cinco segundos, mientras especulaban que podría ser un meteorito, sin embargo ...

Dos líneas del tiempo en el acantilado de Zumaia
El País.com (España) - ‎7 時間前‎
... en Zumaia, cuyos estratos inclinados representan 50 millones de años de historia de la Tierra, e incluyen la huella del meteorito que supuestamente hizo ...

Na noc múzeí a galérií sprístupnia aj časť Hradu
SME.sk - ‎3 時間前‎
K lákadlám tohto ročníka patrí Hrad či prvý slovenský meteorit s rodokmeňom. Na Bratislavskom hrade otvoria totiž prvú výstavu od začiatku jeho ...

Meteor Duren Sawit Bukan Hujan Meteor Lyrids
Berita8 - ‎4 時間前‎
Sedangkan meteorit yang jatuh di Duren Sawit, lanjut dia, merupakan meteor sporadis, yaitu meteor yang waktu dan arah jatuhnya tak tentu serta ukurannya ...

Rozhovor: Pavel Spurný - Ohlédnutí za australským bolidem
Pressweb (tisková zpráva) - ‎6 時間前‎
Meteorit se jmenuje Bunburra Rockhole, stal se prvním meteoritem s rodokmenem na jižní polokouli a získal ještě několik dalších prvenství. ...

Bosscha, LAPAN to build meteorite watchdog
Jakarta Post - ‎10 時間前‎
BANDUNG: Bosscha Observatory and National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) are mulling a plan to install an early warning station in Biak, West ...

Meteroites From Mars Contain Ancient Fossils - NASA Evidence
Before It's News - ‎1 時間前‎
NASA's Mars Meteorite Research Team reopened a 14-year-old controversy on extraterrestrial life last week, reaffirming and offering support for its widely ...

Meteor hit residence
Macau Daily Times - ‎6 時間前‎
The owner Soedarmojo and his wife were luckily away when the meteor's impact heavily damaged the house and two adjoining residences at 4.30 in the afternoon ...

Mars Institute team to complete Arctic sea-ice drive along fabled Northwest ...
Space Ref (press release) - ‎47 分前‎
The Haughton-Mars Project (HMP) is an international multidisciplinary field research project centered on the scientific study of the Haughton meteorite ...

Múzeá a galérie otvoria svoje brány až do polnoci 15. mája
Aktuality.sk - ‎5 時間前‎
Na 35 miestach Bratislavy sa pripravuje až 100 rôznych podujatí, od jazdy historickým vlakom z Hlavnej stanice, výstavy s výkladom o nedávno dopadnutom ...

Múzeá a galérie otvoria svoje brány až do polnoci 15. mája
Aktuality.sk - ‎5 時間前‎
Na 35 miestach Bratislavy sa pripravuje až 100 rôznych podujatí, od jazdy historickým vlakom z Hlavnej stanice, výstavy s výkladom o nedávno dopadnutom ...

Sulęczyno: Pomagamy wydobyć meteoryt
Super Express - ‎14 時間前‎
Są przekonani, że to meteoryt. Dlatego zakasali rękawy i przekopują ziemię z nadzieją na znalezienie bezcennej kosmicznej skały.


Наука в Сибири - ‎6 時間前‎
Обсерватория была известна, в частности, тем, что её приборы (и только они) зарегистрировали геомагнитный эффект Тунгусского метеорита. Когда команда поляковцев пришла в магнитную обсерваторию, здесь задул свежий ветер. В 1957 году в мире проводился Международный Геофизический Год. Советское ...