27 February 2010

World Meteorit/Meteoriet News- February 2010 Non-English 27FEB2010

Meteoriet bevat organische moleculen
Scientias.nl - ‎2010年2月16日‎
Veertig jaar geleden landde de Murchison-meteoriet op aarde. Na jaren van onderzoek concluderen wetenschappers nu dat de steen – die ouder is dan de zon ...

67-jarige ontsnapt ternauwernood aan de dood
Omroep Brabant - ‎2010年2月3日‎
De Amerikaanse Ann Hodges lag in 1954 nietsvermoedend te slapen, toen een meteoriet ten grootte van een kokosnoot zowel letterlijk als figuurlijk rauw op ...

Meteorietsmokkelaars gearresteerd in Rusland
Het Laatste Nieuws - ‎2010年2月11日‎
Na drie maanden van onderzoek bleek dat de mysterieuze stenen brokken van een meteoriet waren en dat de twee smokkelaars leden van een georganiseerde ...

Verrät dieser Meteorit das Geheimnis des Lebens?
Bild.de - ‎2010年2月16日‎
Ein vor 40 Jahren in Australien auf die Erde gestürzter Meteorit enthält Millionen bisher unbekannter kohlenstoffhaltiger Verbindungen. ...

Meteorit über Irland gesichtet – ein leuchtender Feuerball
Bild.de - ‎2010年2月4日‎
Tausende Menschen wurden Zeuge, als am Mittwochabend über Irland ein riesiger Meteorit zu sehen war. Der leuchtende Feuerball war mit einer Geschwindigkeit ...

Meteorit, jenž viděl zrod Slunce, se konečně rozpovídal
Aktuálně.cz - ‎2010年2月16日‎
Když jsem tento meteorit začal studovat a viděl komplexnost vzorků, jež máme díky němu k dispozici, byl jsem v naprostém úžasu," cituje server BBC doktora ...

Meteorit starý 40 let obsahuje bohaté přísady života
Novinky - ‎2010年2月17日‎
Meteorit, který dopadl před čtyřiceti lety na Zemi, obsahuje podle vědců pestrou směs organických sloučenin, které patří k základním stavebním kamenům ...

Meteorit v Mexiku vyrazil okna a poškodil silnici i most

Novinky - ‎2010年2月11日‎
Meteorit dopadl ve středu večer v Mexiku. Po dopadu nechal v zemi kráter o průměru asi třicet metrů. Podle některých zpráv poškodil silnici a most. ...

Meteorit, ki je na Zemljo padel pred štiridesetimi leti, vsebuje organske spojine
Dnevnik/si - ‎2010年2月16日‎
Meteorit Murchison je padel v istoimensko avstralsko mestece leta 1969. V preteklosti so ga sicer že podrobneje preučevali različni znanstveniki, ...

Szerves molekulákat találtak a Murchison meteoriton
Index - ‎2010年2月16日‎
Negyven éve csapódott a földbe az a meteorit, amelyen a tudósok most milliónyi szerves molekulát találtak. A felfedezett molekulák nem feltétlenül utalnak ...

Obrovský meteorit uchvátil Irsko
Blesk.cz - ‎2010年2月5日‎
Včera 11:20VIDEO: Meteorit velký jako osobní auto prolétl ve středu večer nad Irskem. Podle odborníků spadl někde ve vnitrozemí. Místo dopadu se najít ale ...

Rebutan Harta Angkasa

Media Indonesia - ‎2010年2月4日‎
Meteorit berukuran bola tenis ini jatuh menimpa sebuah kantor medis di Lorton, Virginia, selepas senja pada 18 Januari. Batu itu mendarat di dekat tempat ...

Un meteorit a cazut in Mexic

Ziare.com - ‎2010年2月11日‎
Un meteorit a cazut, miercuri dupa-amiaza, in Mexic, distrugand un pod si creand un crater de 30 de metri in diametru. Impactul, insotit de un zgomot ...

Temanggung akan Terima Meteorid yang Jatuh 2001 Lalu

Media Indonesia - ‎2010年2月24日‎
Selama ini pihak Akprind Yogyakarta menguasai meteorit milik Temanggung tersebut. Meski beberapa kali LSM Lingkungan Hidup Peramyde dan Pemkab Temanggung ...

Batu Meteor Wonotirto Harus Dikembalikan

ANTARA - ‎2010年2月16日‎
Menurut Sumardi, sekarang memang sudah ada monumen meteorit di tempat jatuhnya benda langit tersebut, namun sebagai bukti sejarah, mestinya keberadaan batu ...

Meteorit pe cerul Irlandei

Antena 3 - ‎2010年2月4日‎
Potrivit cercetătorilor, se pare că a fost vorba despre un meteorit care a circulat prin atmosfera Pământului cu o viteză de peste 100.000 km/h. ...

Australischer Meteorit enthält unbekannte Kohlenstoffverbindungen

ShortNews.de - ‎2010年2月16日‎
Vielleicht war dieser Meteorit ja während des Entstehungsprozesses sogar ein Teil der Erde, reiste durchs Weltall und kam nun wieder zurück zu uns. ...

Suara Merdeka CyberNews - ‎21 時間前‎
Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Temanggung berencana memboyong batu meteor (meteorit) yang pernah jatuh di Desa Wonotirto Kecamatan Bulu pada tahun 2001 silam ...

Inilah.com - ‎2010年2月16日‎
COM, Jakarta - Ilmuwan mengkonfirmasi meteorit yang menabrak bumi 40 tahun lalu mengandung jutaan senyawa organik yang berbeda. Meteorit Murchison bahkan ...

HNonline.sk - ‎2010年2月12日‎
Nejde však o meteorit, ale o zvyšky satelitu ruského námorníctva," potvrdil Fernando de la Pena z Mexickej kozmickej agentúry. Úrady mexického štátu Hidalgo ...

Welt Online - ‎2010年2月12日‎
Das leuchtende Objekt, das vom Himmel gefallen sei, sei jedoch kein Meteorit, sondern ein Trümmerteil des russischen Aufklärungssatelliten Cosmos 2421 ...

hvg.hu - ‎2010年2月2日‎
"Ez egy kivételesen ép meteorit, pedig a Földön gyorsan rongálódnak" - mondta Brigitte Zanda, a múzeum ásványtani és kozmológiai laboratóriumának szakértője ...

Stop.hu - ‎2010年2月17日‎
A Murchison meteorit 1969-ben csapódott be Ausztráliában, ám csak nemrég vizsgálták meg tüzetesen német tudósok. A kutatók is meglepődtek azon, ...

euronews - ‎2010年2月17日‎
Er ist 1,3 Kilo schwer und über viereinhalb Milliarden Jahre alt – ein Meteorit gelangte nach einer langen Odyssee in das Nationalmuseum für Naturgeschichte ...

Inilah.com - ‎2010年2月5日‎
COM, Jakarta - Meteorit raksasa yang terbelah jadi dua di Australia disinyalir bertanggungjawab pada periode es singkat tahun 535 masehi. ...

BZ - ‎2010年2月3日‎
Ein Meteorit von der Größe eines Tennisballs schlug durch das Dach eines Hauses in Virginia. Niemand wurde verletzt. Das Himmelsgeschoss wurde in einem ...

Inilah.com - ‎2010年2月5日‎
“Tampaknya benda itu terbang melintasi sebagian besar wilayah Irlandia dari selatan ke utara dan ada peluang jatuh sebagai meteorit di suatu tempat di are ...

Inilah.com - ‎2010年1月31日‎
Gagasan awal pembentukan forum tersebut adalah ketika meteorit kecil menabrak kantor seorang dokter di kota kecil di Virgina dan laporan Akademi Nasional ...

Woher kommen wir? Stein gibt Antwort

oe24.at - ‎2010年2月17日‎
Der Murchison genannte Meteorit wird nun genauer analysiert. Millionen möglicher organischer Moleküle sind darin enthalten. Wissenschaftler gehen davon aus, ...

iDNES.cz - ‎2010年2月5日‎
Metat blesky, ovládat proudění tepla uvnitř Jupiteru, osahat si meteorit nebo zjistit svou váhu na Marsu. To všechno bude brzy možné v brněnském planetáriu ...

Agenda - ‎2010年2月19日‎
Cine doreste sa aiba acasa o bucatica de meteorit o poate procura, pentru o suta de lei, de la targul de pietre semipretioase Mineral Art, care are loc in ...

ORF.at - ‎2010年2月18日‎
Heute gilt als weitgehend gesichert, dass 1908 an der Tunguska ein Meteorit nieder ging: dass etwa der 50 Meter tiefe, 300 bis 600 Meter große, ...

Harian Global - ‎2010年2月4日‎
Peneliti yang menyelidiki potongan meteorit mendapat hasil mengagetkan. Batu kristal yang mengandung karbon itu ternyata lebih keras dari berlian yang ...

AFP - ‎2010年2月12日‎
Das leuchtende Objekt, das vom Himmel gefallen sei, sei jedoch kein Meteorit, sondern ein Trümmerteil des russischen Aufklärungssatelliten Cosmos 2421 ...

Ziare.com (Comunicat de Presă) - ‎2010年2月16日‎
Moleculele organice pe baza de carbon, descoperite intr-un meteorit cazut pe Pamant, acum 40 de ani, sugereaza ca sistemul nostru solar era, la inceputurile ...

Bild.de - ‎2010年2月9日‎
Juni 1908 war dort in etwa 20 Kilometern Höhe ein Meteorit explodiert. Die so erzeugte Druckwelle, die 1000 Hiroshima-Bomben vergleichbar war, ...

Tempo Interaktif - ‎2010年2月15日‎
Stasiun ini memiliki enam jendela di sepanjang sisi-sisinya dan tempat lainnya di atas -yang semuanya dilindungi terhadap dampak meteorit kecil. ...

Frankfurter Rundschau - ‎2010年2月9日‎
Ein Stück wie ein Meteorit, der aus der Dunkelheit kommt. Für einen Moment erleuchtet er die Gesichter der Kreaturen am Einschlagsort. ...

derStandard.at - ‎2010年2月15日‎
Die Einzelteile von Murchison, wie der Meteorit genannt wird, gehören zu den best untersuchten Gesteinsbrocken des Planeten. Doch selbst 40 Jahre nach der ...

Leipziger Internet-Zeitung - ‎2010年2月21日‎
In der zweiten Etage, im Raum der Klasse von Professorin Astrid Klein, liegt ein Meteorit. Knallbunt stachelt er in die Luft. Gelbe, rote, grün besprenkelte ...

B92 - ‎2010年2月23日‎
Godine NASA objavila da je otkrila meteorit sa Marsa sa dokazima života unutar njega, predsednik Klinton održao je govor, radio stanice su dosta pažnje ...

tn.cz - ‎2010年2月10日‎
Velký meteorit nedávno zasáhl Irsko. Kámen ale zatím Irové nedokázali najít. Více TADY. Podívejte se na amatérské záběry padajícícho tělesa:

Novinky - ‎2010年2月5日‎
Podle astronoma Davida Moorea, jenž se opírá o svědectví lidí, kteří úkaz pozorovali, přistál meteorit někde ve vnitrozemí. „Existuje velká šance, že jej ...

Český rozhlas - ‎2010年2月10日‎
1971 dopadl blízko finské osady Haverö meteorit, bohatý na uhlík (šlo hlavně o grafit). Během prudkého brzdění v atmosféře a dopadu na zem se část grafitu ...

iDNES.cz - ‎2010年2月12日‎
Nejedná se však o meteorit, ale o zbytky satelitu ruského námořnictva," uvedl server Exoplanety.cz. Server ale píše, že údajně třicetimetrový kráter těžko ...

Frankfurter Rundschau - ‎2010年2月3日‎
Vor 65 Millionen Jahren schlug ein Meteorit im Einklang mit der Natur auf der Erde ein. Dummerweise genau zu dem Zeitpunkt, als alle Tiere ganz dicht ...

KNR - ‎18 時間前‎
Det eftertragtede jern stammede fra en meteorit. For 10.000 år siden bragede den ned igennem atmosfæren og landede i det område, som vi i dag kender som Kap ...

Evenimentul Zilei - ‎2010年2月6日‎
În primele ore ale dimineţii de 8 februarie 1969, un enorm meteorit din fier sa prăbuşit lângă localitatea Pueblito de Allende, producând o undă de şoc ...

Okezone - ‎2010年2月12日‎
Warga pantas panik karena saat meteorit tersebut jatuh ke bumi, terjadi getaran yang hebat dan membuat lubang yang besar. Namun saat pihak berwenang ...

Cinemagia - ‎2010年2月12日‎
Gene Barry (Bat Masterson) si Ann Robinson (Fury) sunt printre oamenii intrigati de prãbusirea pe Pãmânt a unui obiect asemãnãtor cu un meteorit. ...

AstroNews - ‎13 時間前‎
Der Meteorit, der hier vor einem Jahrtausend einschlug, dürfte einen Durchmesser von weniger als 30 Zentimetern gehabt haben. ...

freenet.de - ‎2010年2月16日‎
Juni 1908 schlug ein großer Meteorit -möglicherweise war es auch ein Komet- auf der Erde in der sibirischen Region Tunguska ein und verwüstete einen großen ...

Auf Spurensuche in die Arktis

Rheinischer Merkur - ‎2010年2月17日‎
Es scheint, als wäre ein Meteorit aus Styropor abgestürzt und in unzählige Teile zerborsten, die in einem See aus flüssigem Blei treiben. ...

Bors - ‎2010年2月3日‎
Lassan ugyanis befejezik a Havanero meteorit vizsgálatát, amely 1971-ben zuhant le Finnországban, és amelyben kristályos szénatomok olyan formában vannak ...

Revista Magazin - ‎2010年2月10日‎
A renuntat la aceasta explicatie deoarece lumina a persistat prea mult pentru a fi un meteorit. El a subliniat ca fenomenul era de mare altitudine, ...

Suara Merdeka CyberNews - ‎2010年2月14日‎
Wilayah peralihan ini memiliki karakteristik membentang luas, berlembah-lembah yang diisi meteorit dan terkurung bukit-bukit kecil dalam berbagai ukuran dan ...

solinger-tageblatt.de - ‎2010年2月12日‎
... Mond und Erde aus einem einzigen Himmelskörper: Mit einer Vakuumkanone wurde ein Holzbolzen-Meteorit auf einen Styroporkugel-Himmelskörper abgeschossen. ...

Warten auf ET in Augsburg
Augsburger Allgemeine - ‎2010年2月11日‎
Dort soll ein Meteorit gesehen worden sein, berichtet Walter. Noch ist ihm darüber nichts Näheres bekannt. Er erhofft sich weitere Hinweise. ...

PORT.ro - ‎2010年2月2日‎
Ar putea Terra să supravieţuiască unei viitoare coliziuni cu un meteorit precum cel care a dus la dispariţia dinozaurilor? Documentarul în serial combină ...

Tages-Anzeiger Online - ‎2010年2月12日‎Ein ungeheurer Meteorit ging in der Mojave-Wüste vor 50'000 Jahren zu Boden – mit einer enormen Explosion, die vergleichbar ist mit der Kraft von 20 ...

Interview mit Professor Vladimir Kutcherov
Womblog (Blog) - ‎2010年2月1日‎
Dieser Meteorit verursacht tiefe Falten und Spalten durch die Explosion, die bis zu 40 oder 50 Kilometer in die Tiefe gehen. Und die Kohlenwasserstoffe ...

26 February 2010


Meteorite likely didn't survive, astronomer says

Winnipeg Free Press
He said because of the rough terrain in that area, there is little chance a meteorite survived the impact. "Odds of finding anything are almost zero," he ...

Device to Test if Life Arrived on Earth via Meteorites

A number of astrobiologists agree for example that the primordial building blocks of life may have hitched a ride on meteorites as amino-acids. ...

Winnipeg Canada Fireball 25FEB2010

Fireball lights up sky north of Winnipeg, Canada

Winnipeg Free Press
The fireball is known to astronomers as a bolide, a large meteor or shooting star. Young said this happens when a grain of space debris comes in contact ... "
ball of fire streak across the sky around 6:30 a.m. near the Birds Hill Park area, north of Winnipeg."...

25 February 2010


Shooting Meteorites in a Barrel

Astrobiology Magazine
Recreating how the seeds of life might have survived aboard an ancient meteorite that crashed to Earth is no small feat, but scientists have begun doing ...

Matilda and Karl Pfeiffer museum marks anniversary of Paragould Metorite

Piggott Times
The occasion was the 80th anniversary of the arrival of the Paragould Meteorite. Renshaw, a NASA Solar System Ambassador, gave a power point presentation on ...

- Carancas, Peru event- NOT NEW EVENT only a news post on YouTube.
01:17 - 5.0 stars (21 ratings)

24 February 2010


Shuttle Stirs Panic Over Central America

"People who were outside thought it was a meteorite," said Sol. Indeed, Endeavour's detour, and its auditory fallout, made front page headlines across the ...

A Stellar, Metal-Free Way to Make Carbon Nanotubes
Nanotechnology News (press release) - ‎13 hours ago‎
Fries and Andrew Steele at the Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, reported the meteorite findings. Now, the experiments by Nuth's team suggest a ...

23 February 2010


José Vicente Casado, el caza meteoritos posted on YouTube 22FEB2010

Caso Especial: Impacto Puebla- Hidalgo posted on YouTube 22FEB2010

Extranormal--Impacto Puebla-Hidalgo--1 de 2 posted on YouTube 22FEB2010

Extranormal--Impacto Puebla-Hidalgo--2 de 2 posted on YouTube 22FEB2010


Posted on Youtube by knightskross 22FEB2010
Hole-punch Cloud Over Mexico
Above Mexico on February 11, Not sure exact location.

Mystery 'Halo' cloud appears over Mexico

Some believe that the phenomenon in Mexico can be explained as a result of a meteorite punching through the cloud layer. UFO expert Nick Pope adds “The ...



Space Daily
A Stellar, Metal-Free Way To Make Carbon Nanotubes

Space Daily
Fries and Andrew Steele at the Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, reported the meteorite findings. Now, the experiments by Nuth's team suggest a ...

Mason-Dixon, Lorton meteors in TV cameo Weds.

Baltimore Sun (blog)
Amateur astronomer and astrophotographer Mike Hankey, of Freeland, reminds the WeatherBlog that this week's edition of Meteorite Men will include a "short ...

Meteor lights up the sky south of London - Simcoe Reformer ...

For a few seconds Saturday night, the sky in south London lit up -- all from a peanut-sized object hitting the atmosphere It was a ...

22 February 2010

London Ont., Canada Meteor 20FEB2010

Peanut-sized meteor lights up London sky

London Free Press
“If you're out looking up the likelihood, you're going to see some of these nice meteors. McCarter said frequently they're seen early in the evening. ...

Ancient Meteorite

Digital Silence
Researchers say that the Murchison Meteorite is offering clues to the chemistry of the ancient Solar System. Four decades later, the Murchison meteorite is ...

20 February 2010


Six meteor showers expected in Year of the Tiger

People's Daily Online
According to Zijinshan Observatory, plenty of astronomical phenomena will be visible in the sky throughout the Year of the Tiger, including 6 meteor showers ...

Quiz of the week's news

BBC News
Scientists discovered a meteorite that crashed into Earth 40 years ago contains millions of different carbon-containing, or organic, molecules. ...

Bill Gordon, the engineer who conceived, built and managed the Arecibo
Observatory -- arguably the world's largest ear aimed toward the
universe -- located in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, died Feb. 16 in Ithaca,
N.Y. He was 92 and died of natural causes.
Gordon was serving on Cornell University's engineering faculty when,
in the late 1950s, he began designing a very large radar system
capable of studying the properties of the Earth's ionosphere out to
distances of several thousand miles, a region of the Earth's
atmosphere of great interest in the post-Sputnik era.
Gordon realized that such a telescope could also contribute
significantly to the study of the solar system and to the then
relatively new field of radio astronomy. Taking a technical gamble, he
and his Advanced Research Project Agency sponsors designed a telescope
with a 1,000-foot fixed spherical reflector and a movable focusing
system that is suspended above the reflector.
The resulting structure was a marvel of civil engineering. It was so
large that the Empire State Building could fit sideways and the
Washington Monument could easily fit standing from the dish bottom to
its focal point. The observatory was inaugurated in 1963 when the
first measurements of the properties of the ionosphere were made.
Within a year of opening, the telescope was used to determine the
planet Mercury's rotation period and, after radio pulsars -- rotating
neutron stars -- were discovered in 1967, played a prominent role in
studying the properties of these unique objects. The first binary
pulsar was discovered using Arecibo in 1974, leading to the
confirmation of the existence of gravitational radiation and the 1993
Nobel Prize for its discoverers.
The telescope itself held a prominent role in the film 'Contact'
(1997) and the title role in the James Bond film 'GoldenEye' (1995).
At Arecibo's 40th Anniversary in 2003, Gordon said: "When we were
talking about building [the telescope] back in the late '50s, we were
told by eminent authorities it couldn't be done. We were in the
position of trying to do something that was impossible, and it took a
lot of guts and we were young enough that we didn't know we couldn't
do it. It took five years from idea to dedication, and that is short.
But we were in the right place at the right time and had the right
idea and the right preparation. We had no rules or precedents."
The observatory, now operated by Cornell through the National
Astronomy and Ionosphere Center for the National Science Foundation,
has enjoyed two major equipment upgrades since opening, and it remains
a unique and vital scientific tool -- as today it searches for
asteroids and comets aimed at the Earth.
Gordon served as the observatory's director from 1960 to 1965. Using
the radar signals returned by charged particles, he studied the
temperature, density, chemical composition and other properties of the
ionosphere, which he called "both the gateway to space and our first
line of defense against the deadly radiation streaming toward us from
the Sun and other stars."
William E. Gordon was born Jan. 8, 1918, in Paterson, N.J. Gordon
earned a bachelor's degree from Montclair State Teacher's College, a
master's degree from New York University and his doctorate at Cornell.
During World War II, Gordon served in the Air Force as captain and
electronics engineer; and worked with the National Defense Research
Committee on the effects of weather on radar range. He came to Cornell
in 1948. In 1950, Gordon published (with Henry G. Booker) the theory
of radio wave scattering in the troposphere.
In 1966 Gordon moved to Rice University, where he served as a
professor, dean, provost and vice president, retiring in 1985. He is
one of only two Rice faculty to be honored with the title
Distinguished Emeritus Professor.
Gordon was a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the
National Academy of Engineering; a foreign associate of the
Engineering Academy of Japan; and a fellow of the American Academy of
Arts and Sciences, American Association for the Advancement of
Science, American Geophysical Union and Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers.
Among many international honors, Gordon received the 1966 Balth van
der Pol Gold Medal, the 1984 Arctowski Gold Medal, a 1985 USSR Academy
of Sciences Medal for distinguished contributions in international
geophysical programs and the Centennial Medal of the University of
Sofia in 1988.
In 1941, he married Elva Freile. She died in 2002. Their survivors
include their two children, Larry and Nancy; four grandchildren,
Matthew and Amanda Gordon, and George and Elizabeth Ward; and three
great-grandsons: Jacob, Kyle and Andrew Gordon. In 2003, after the
deaths of their respective spouses, he married Mary Elizabeth
Bolgiano, a friend of long standing.

19 February 2010


天文在线- 论坛- 天文时讯- 火星陨石坑中的地层积累记录了历史变迁

火星陨石坑中的地层积累记录了历史变迁. #1. 版主. 注册日期: 2003/6/7 19:24. 来自 北京丰台(39*51'06.79”N,116*16'20.00”E). 帖子: 15229. 等级: 74; EXP: 17 ...

Ancient Meteorite May Be Older than Sun
CBS News Thu, 18 Feb 2010 11:00 AM PST
Researchers say Murchison Meteorite Offering Chemistry of Ancient Solar System

Murchison Meteorite's Chemical Bonanza
Scientific American Wed, 17 Feb 2010 21:08 PM PST
The famous Murchison meteorite smashed into the Australian ground in 1969. Researchers then discovered that the space rock contained many organic chemicals, including amino acids--the building blocks of proteins. But a new study says that by focusing on the organic molecules by which life on earth might have been jumpstarted, those scientists missed possibly millions of other cosmic compounds ...

Aussie Meteorite May Hold Key To Life On Earth
SpaceDaily Wed, 17 Feb 2010 16:35 PM PST
by Dave Reneke Sydney, Australia (SPX) Feb 18, 2010 New analysis of the famous Murchison meteorite that crash-landed in Australia over 40 years ago has turned up a surprise for astronomers. The space rock, which is over 4.65 billion old, contains millions of previously unseen organic compounds.

Fort Worth Museum of Science & History Showcases New Planetarium

Contract Magazine
This part of the museum also has an official Sputnik satellite and a 400-pound pallasite meteorite from the Brenham meteorite field in Kansas. ...

Chemical snapshot: Murchison meteorite reveals diversity of early Solar System

(PhysOrg.com) -- New studies of a meteorite that crashed to Earth four decades ago have found it probably contains millions of organic compounds. ...

18 February 2010


陨石内的超硬钻石 video in English post on Youtube

Does this meteorite hold the secret to life?
During their evaluation of the Murchison meteorite, the scientists found a variety of organic substances – the diversity of which significantly exceeds that ...
Vallis Tammaro founders set up new group Undercurrent
Design Week
Since leaving Vallis Tammaro in 2007, Tammaro has worked at integrated marketing consultancy Meteorite, where he was head of brand identity and founded the ...

Is This The Genesis Rock?
The Westender
New analysis of the famous Murchison meteorite that crash-landed in Australia over 40 years ago has turned up a surprise for astronomers. ...
Murchison Meteorite's Chemical Bonanza
Scientific American
The 1969 Murchison meteorite was known to harbor complex organic compounds, but a new analysis in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences finds that ...

Chemical snapshot: Murchison meteorite reveals diversity of early Solar System
PhysOrg Wed, 17 Feb 2010 05:51 AM PST
(PhysOrg.com) -- New studies of a meteorite that crashed to Earth four decades ago have found it probably contains millions of organic compounds. The findings shed light on the molecular complexity that existed at or just after the birth of the Solar System.

Ancient meteorite packed with organic compounds
TG Daily Wed, 17 Feb 2010 01:36 AM PST
A new analysis of a meteorite that fell to Earth more than 40 years ago has revealed the presence of millions of organic compounds.

The Ethics of Planetary Exploration and Colonization
Discovery News
In addition to covering these topics, Brother Consolmango also touched base on the issues of light pollution, meteorite collecting and the coexistence of ...

, Maybe Older Than the Sun, Shows Chemistry of Ancient Solar System
Discover Magazine (blog)
Four decades later, the Murchison meteorite is still full of surprises. When this extraterrestrial hunk fell to Earth near its namesake town in Australia in ...

17 February 2010

Asteroid Vesta Visible 17FEB2010

Get Set for a Possible Glimpse of an Asteroid (Vesta)


Get Set for a Possible Glimpse of an Asteroid
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
February 16, 2010

The most prominent asteroid in the sky is currently yours for the
perusing with binoculars -- and perhaps even the naked eye.

Tomorrow night, Wednesday, Feb. 17, Vesta, the second most massive
object in the asteroid belt, reaches what astronomers like to call
"opposition." An asteroid (or planet or comet) is said to be "in
opposition" when it is opposite to the sun as seen from Earth. In other
words, if you were to stand outside with the sun directly above you at
high noon, Vesta would be directly below your feet some 211,980,000
kilometers (131,700,000 miles) away. With Vesta at opposition, the
asteroid is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit.

Wednesday night, the asteroid is expected to shine at magnitude 6.1.
That brightness should make it visible to interested parties brandishing
telescopes or binoculars, and even those blessed with excellent vision
and little or no light pollution or clouds in their vicinity. Vesta will
be visible in the eastern sky in the constellation Leo.

What makes this space rock so prominent these days? Along with its
relative proximity at this point, a full half of the asteroid is being
bathed by sunlight when seen from Earth, making it appear brighter.
Another attribute working in the observer's favor is that Vesta has a
unique surface material that is not as dark as most main belt asteroids
- allowing more of the sun's rays to reflect off its surface.

If spotting Vesta in the night sky has whetted your appetite for
mega-rocks, all we can say is, stay tuned. NASA's Dawn spacecraft,
currently motoring its way through the asteroid belt, will begin its
exploration of Vesta in the summer of 2011.

For more information about Dawn, visit: http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/


Wired News
New Chemical Diversity Discovered in Old Meteorite

Wired News
By Brandon Keim A new analysis of an ancient meteorite that fell to Earth in 1969 reveals millions of complex compounds, underscoring the richness of our ...

Chemistry World
Decades-old meteorite gets holistic treatment

Chemistry World
A new technique used to analyse samples from a meteorite that hit Australia more than 40 years ago could help scientists understand more about the chemical ...

Nature.com (subscription) (blog)
The meteorite that keeps on giving

Nature.com (subscription) (blog)
Few meteorites have been scrutinized more thoroughly than the Murchison meteorite, named after the Australian town it fell near in 1969. ...

Ancient meteorite packed with organic compounds

TG Daily
A new analysis of a meteorite that fell to Earth more than 40 years ago has revealed the presence of millions of organic compounds. ...

Meteorite contains 'organic molecular feast', reveals analysis

London, Feb 16 (ANI): In a new research, scientists have confirmed that a meteorite that crashed into earth 40 years ago contains millions of different ...

Meteorite Crammed with 'Millions' of Organic Compounds

Discovery News
By Ian O'Neill | Mon Feb 15, 2010 04:52 PM ET A meteorite that hit the town of Murchison, Australia, hasn't quit giving up its secrets. ...

New Chemical Diversity Discovered in Old Meteorite
Wired News Tue, 16 Feb 2010 15:15 PM PST
A new analysis of the Murchison satellite â which fell to Earth in 1969, but hadn't yet been studied with modern tools finds several million different molecules, showing just how rich the early solar system's matter was.

Scientists Find Organic Molecules In Meteorite
redOrbit Tue, 16 Feb 2010 11:11 AM PST
Image Caption: Fragment of the Murchison meteorite (at right) and isolated individual particles (shown in the test tube). Courtesy United States Department of Energy

Meteorite Contains Complex Organic Molecules
Slashdot Tue, 16 Feb 2010 07:40 AM PST
An anonymous reader writes "Previously unknown organic molecules have been discovered in a 100 kg meteorite that hit Australia in 1969, suggesting that our early Solar System contained a soup of highly complex organic chemistry long before life appeared. Quoting: 'According to [the study's lead author], the newly discovered compounds in the Murchison meteorite "may have contributed to the ...

Meteorite contains 'organic molecular feast', reveals analysis
New Kerala Tue, 16 Feb 2010 00:44 AM PST
London, Feb 16 : In a new research, scientists have confirmed that a meteorite that crashed into earth 40 years ago contains millions of different organic compounds.

Day at the museums
The State Press Mon, 15 Feb 2010 19:27 PM PST
Katie Shoultz Tuesday, February 16, 2010 ASU is the only place to view the world`s largest meteorite collection, watch someone play a 148-bell symphonic carillon, learn about Arizona`s early history and discover one-of-a-kind early human ASU is the only place to view the world`s largest meteorite collection, watch someone play a 148-bell symphonic carillon, learn about Arizona`s early history ...

15 February 2010


Scientific American
Meteorite That Fell in 1969 Still Revealing Secrets of the Early Solar System

Scientific American
By John Matson SPACE ROCKS: A fragment of the Murchison meteorite, which boasts a diverse array of organic compounds. Fragments of a chemically primitive ...

Detecting Our Martian Cousins
Astrobiology Magazine - Michael Schirber
And we know that around 3.5 billion years ago, meteorite impacts often kicked up rocks from the Earth's surface and launched them into space. ...

Meteorite Holds Millions of Unidentified Organic Compounds

Universe Today
A new analysis of the famous Murchison meteorite that crash-landed in Australia over 40 years ago shows the space rock contains millions of previously ...

BBC News
Space rock contains organic molecular feast

BBC News
By Doreen Walton Scientists say they have confirmed that a meteorite that crashed into earth 40 years ago contains millions of different organic compounds. ...
Astro Bob blog: Venus and Jupiter get together over dinner

Duluth News Tribune (registration)
Scientists studying Vesta find the very same signatures in its light as they do in a group of igneous meteorites found here on Earth. ...
UCF Professor Working on One-of-a-kind Asteroid Space Mission

University of Central Florida (blog)
The mission is unique because it aims to bring back to Earth a sample of a primitive, organic-rich asteroid that is not found in any meteorite collection. ...

Detecting Our Martian Cousins

And we know that around 3.5 billion years ago, meteorite impacts often kicked up rocks from the Earth's surface and launched them into space. ...
Space for the Earthbound: Meteor Showers

By Starr Hendon
There are dozens of meteor showers each and every year. Listed here are several of the annual showers, including viewing dates, Peak dates and the Zenithal Hourly Rate (ZHR). In a nutshell, the ZHR is the number of meteors per hour you ...

Meteorite Crammed with 'Millions' of Organic Compounds
Discovery Channel Mon, 15 Feb 2010 15:01 PM PST
A sample of the Murchison meteorite, plus a test tube containing powdered meteorite material (DoE) A meteorite that hit the town of Murchison, Australia, hasn't quit giving up its secrets. The Murchison meteorite is one of the most studied space ...

Meteorite That Fell in 1969 Still Revealing Secrets of the Early Solar System
Scientific American Mon, 15 Feb 2010 13:48 PM PST
Fragments of a chemically primitive meteorite that landed near Murchison, Australia, in 1969 have long been known to harbor a variety of interesting compounds, including dozens of amino acids. But as analytic techniques become more sophisticated, the Murchison meteorite continues to reveal even more diversity and complexity in the early solar system, and new work by a team of European ...

Space rock contains organic feast
BBC News Mon, 15 Feb 2010 12:26 PM PST
Scientists confirm that a meteorite that crashed to Earth 40 years ago contains millions of different organic compounds....

Saving Earth One Asteroid At A Time
SpaceDaily Sun, 14 Feb 2010 17:40 PM PST
by Staff Writers Los Angeles CA (SPX) Feb 15, 2010 Last month, a baseball-sized meteorite punched through the roof of a doctor's office in Lorton, Virginia, scattering insulation and ripping a hole in the carpet....

Mexico Meteor 10FEB2010 TV News Report- (video)

Supuesto meteorito alerta a Puebla e Hidalgo (video) 11FEB2010

Meteor of 10 Feb 2010 reported in Puebla and Hidalgo Mexico


Meteorito Ahuazotepec Puebla 11FEB2010

Caída de objeto volador en México, posible meteorito 11FEB2010


Meteorito en busca de 12FEB2010

Chatarra espacial habría caído en México 12FEB2010

ÚLTIMA HORA - Objeto y explosión en Hidalgo 16FEB2010

14 February 2010

Ibaraki, Japan Meteor Fireball Bolide 14FEB2010 8:28pm

Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan Meteor Lights Sky!
I just received a report of a fireball sighting over Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan seen at approximately 8:28pm;
"... (we) were driving near our apartment, and
we saw a bright flash of light in the sky ahead of us. We are not sure
what was it, but it is possible that it was a bolide. It looked like a
very bright falling star.

Time: around 20:28 Japan local time
Place of observation: on Route 296, Shimotsuma City, Ibaraki Pref.
Latitude: ca. 36°10'30"N
Longitude: ca. 139°59'30"E

We were heading south-southeast on Route 296, and the light fell sightly eastwards,
low in the sky."

Thank you to the observers that saw this event and quickly contacted me.

If anyone in Japan has information about this event please kindly contact me.
Thank you. drtanuki@gmail.com

I will update this page if any news develops.