Showing posts with label meteor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meteor. Show all posts

23 September 2012

Breaking News - Finland Bolide Fireball Meteor 21SEP2012

Finland Bolide Fireball Meteor ~ 00:34:41 UT 21SEP2012
(c) 2012 Mikkeli
by Aki Taavitsainen
and Jani Lauanne
Helsinki, Finland Bolide Capture
(c) 2012 Esko Lyytinen  
(c) 2012 Harri Frestadius in
Lappeenranta, Finland.
Finland Sky Cameras that Captured the 00:34:41UT 21SEP2012 Bolide Meteor
(c) 2012 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
We had here in Finland a very bright bolide in the Sept. night 20/21 at 00:34:41 UT ( at the side of the day 21.). I attach the FINE images from Mikkeli by Aki Taavitsainen and Jani Lauanne and the color image ( with web camera) by Harri Frestadius in Lappeenranta

This was not a meteorite dropper, but had the entry velocity of as big
as about 66 kilometers and exploded at the height of about 80 km.
I have been very busy with this the wole day of yesterday. I got mixed
in the count of, into how may cameras this was captured, but it is about
15 . I may later check this count. In any case this is our new recond in
this. In addition to this, a good number of visual sightings was
received, even tough at an unfavorable time of night.
Also this fireball was probably the brightest that we have ever captured
in our cameras directly visible.
And a link to my 2 minute "sum-image" from Helsinki, Pukinmäki is:

and a link to video from here ( with UFO Capture) is at:

Esko Lyytinen -Helsinki, Finland

Published on 24 Sep 2012 by moilanja 135 views
A bright bolide over Finland. 21 Sept 2012 00:34 UT. This exploded at very high altitude (about 80km). Did not drop any meteorites.
Kirkas bolidi Suomen yllä 21 syyskuuta 2012 kello 03:34 SKA. Tämä räjähti hyvin korkealla (80 km). Ei siksi pudottanut meteoriitteja alas.
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