Showing posts with label Victoria Australia meteor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victoria Australia meteor. Show all posts

15 February 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 15FEB2021

Meteor flashes in the sky above Melbourne
"It was really bright," Mr Braga told 3AW's Neil Mitchell. RMIT physicist and senior lecturer Dr Gail Iles said the meteor would have been travelling at "a ...

Meteor in Melbourne: Marble-sized object lights up Victorian sky
Herald Sun
Meteor in Melbourne: Marble-sized object lights up Victorian sky. Incredible footage has captured the moment an impressive meteor lit up the skies ...

Spectacular bright green meteor fireball explodes over Melbourne, Australia on Valentine's Day in ...
Strange Sounds
Spectacular bright green meteor fireball disintegrates across southeast Australia from Tasmania to NSW and SA before exploding over Melbourne, ...

'Once in a lifetime': Exploding meteor lights up Melbourne sky
Yahoo News Australia
Meteors differ from meteorites as they burn completely due to friction with air before they reach Earth, Australian Museum explains. The Astronomical ...

Andrew B. Watkins on Twitter: "Lots of reports of a large meteor over Melbourne tonight around ...
Last night's meteor shower …

'Like fireworks': Meteor explodes over Victoria on Valentine's Day
The New Daily
Victorians have been treated to a celestial surprise as they celebrated Valentine's Day in lockdown on Sunday night, with a brilliant flash as a meteor ...

Meteor Explodes Over Melbourne's Sky - 14/02/2021
I recorded this meteor exploding over Melbourne's sky just an hour ago. It was pretty bright, I just wish I had a more decent camera hahah …

Une météorite dans le ciel de l'Yonne, ou quelque chose de bien plus banal ?
France 3 Régions
Une météorite, ou tout autre chose ? Un habitant de Saint-Julien-du Sault nous a fait parvenir une vidéo capturée ce dimanche matin vers 7h30 depuis ...

Meteorite attraversa i cieli della Spagna, tantissime le segnalazioni. Il video della palla di fuoco che ...
Centro Meteo Italiano
Riuscire ad osservare un meteorite non è semplice: queste vere e proprie palle di fuoco, infatti, spesso attraversano il cielo per poi sparire entro pochi ...

Meteor spotted over Belgium
RTL Today
For reference, such objects are called meteor if they completely vaporise upon entry in the atmosphere. If some residues make it to the ground, it is ...

Aujourd'hui RDL – Rare View: Meteorite found on Belgium
L'Institut royal de Belgique pour l'aéronautique spatiale a confirmé qu'il s'agissait d'une météorite qui s'était évaporée lors de son entrée dans ...

China Discovers “Unusual” Shard on Far Side Of The Moon
Rock On. A Chinese rover has discovered an unusually-shaped rock, suspected to be a piece of a meteor, wedged into the surface of the Moon.

Apophis' massive asteroid will fly over Earth next month
Scientists believe Apophis is about ten times the size of the meteor that exploded in the Russian atmosphere in 2013. This Russian meteorite ...

Asteroid Day Returns To Celebrate 25 Years Of Dedicated Asteroid Missions
The Chelyabinsk meteor, which shook the skies over Russia on 15 February 2013, was a startling wake up call that asteroids will occasionally hit ...

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!