Showing posts with label Tatui. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tatui. Show all posts

10 January 2015

Tatui, Sao Paulo, Brasil Daytime Meteor Detonation 09JAN2015

Tatui, Sao Paulo, Brasil Daytime Meteor Detonation 09.01.2015, 15: 35h Local 09JAN2015
Detonations heard! METEORATS begin Scramble!
UPDATE!  Meteorite/s found!
"click on image to enlarge"
Tatui, Sao Paulo, Brasil Daytime Meteor Detonation 09.01.2015, 15: 35h Local 09JAN2015
c 2015 
Ivan Fiuza / BRAMON
Tatui-SP, 09.01.2015, 15: 35h -The same was seen also in the west at Tatura, Sao Paulo, Brasilt, but in the vertical direction, the sound of small explosions came after a minute and then a stronger explosion in low volume but audible. I took photo has a stronger smoke point, this was the biggest explosion. I watched because I was looking at the sky looking for gliders, my home west is the direction of the flying club.

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!