Showing posts with label Saint George. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saint George. Show all posts

31 May 2012

MBIQ Detects Caribbean Meteor Fireball 30MAY2012

MBIQ Detects Caribbean Meteor Fireball 30MAY2012
  Bermuda, Grenada,Turks and Caicos, Saint Michael, and Saint George all report that a meteor/fireball occurred 30MAY2012.
If you witnessed this event please file a sighting report:


30MAY2012 jg barbados 2100 10 south right to left green no sound very bright well formed it was big, bright, green

30MAY2012 Phil Bermuda 21:40:00 10 secs E-W Fireball long trail Sun Yes Looked like it entered the atmosphere

30MAY2012 Amos R Luker Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands approx 20:30hr 4 sec N-S Bright orange, spit into two pieces, then turned Green Same as moon split into two pieces Sitting on restaurant deck on beach close to ocean

30MAY2012 Shane Francis St.Patrick, Grenada 19:30:00 7 Seconds E-W Blue Green and Yellowish red, No sound Very Bright. Brighter tha the moon Yes broke off into 4 parts The Largest and Brightest Meteor i have ever seen, It was amazing.

30MAY2012 cherrianne Derricks, St. James, Barbados 19:25:00 3 seconds then it disappeared behind a black cloud south to north bright light then a bright blue burst with a yellow tail .. no sound like a firework display !! did not see any fragmentation biggest, brightest thing i've ever seen moving in the night sky !!

30MAY2012 Angela Paul BARBADOS 19:30 AST 8 sec South West position   Blue, purple colour, with long orange -red tail, No sound As bright as a shooing star, but the brightness seemed greater because it was so big, alos the night was overcast no fragmentation noted none

30MAY2012 Dan Holetown, Barbados 19:30 Eastern Time 3 sec. E-W neon green yellowish and bright, no sound bright like fireworks only one unit, as seen the bigeest I ever seen

For all sighting reports see:

MBIQ Data:
Bridgetown, Saint Michael arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for today meteor fall may 30 2012.
10:27:32 -- 26 minutes ago

Bridgetown, Saint Michael arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green shooting star 2012.
10:33:39 -- 20 minutes ago

Roseau, Saint George arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for ball of fire falling from the sky.
10:43:29 -- 11 minutes ago

2012 THE Year of Meteors!