Showing posts with label Rhiannon Blaauw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rhiannon Blaauw. Show all posts

11 August 2012

NASA with Bill Cooke: NASA Chat- Stay Up All Night' to Watch the Perseids

NASA with Bill Cooke: NASA Chat- Stay 'Up All Night' to Watch the Perseids!  11/12AUG2012

Editor's note: The 2012 Perseids peak is underway tonight! Here are some viewing tips from NASA astronomer Bill Cooke:
"Regardless of your time zone, the Perseids should become visible about 10 p.m. local time, with rates increasing till dawn. Observers with clear dark skies can expect rates of one per minute or thereabouts. Standard meteor viewing applies. Lie on your back (blanket, sleeping bag, lawn chair) and look straight up. Don't use binoculars or telescopes -- they have too small a field of view -- and don't look towards the radiant in Perseus, as the meteors in the direction will have short trains and be less spectacular. Avoid looking at the waning crescent moon if possible.

Escape the heat of the waning days of summer for an evening of sky watching. The Perseid meteor shower peaks on the night of August 11 through the morning of August 12. Perseid rates can get as high as 100 per hour, with many fireballs visible in the night sky. A waning crescent moon will interfere slightly with this year's show, but viewing should definitely be worth a look!

On the night of Aug. 11-12, astronomer Bill Cooke and his team from the Meteoroid Environment Office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center will answer your questions about the 2012 Perseid meteor shower via an "Up All Night" live chat. To join the chat, simply return to this page and log in. CHAT IS NOW LIVE! The chat experts will be available to answer questions between the hours of 11 p.m. - 3 a.m. EDT, beginning the evening of Aug. 11 and continuing into the morning of Aug. 12.  ...(more)

Thank you NASA and Bill Cooke & Team at NASA for their continued three years of support for
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