Showing posts with label Ontario Canada Meteor 08NOV2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ontario Canada Meteor 08NOV2012. Show all posts

09 November 2012

Ontario Canada Meteor 08NOV2012

Ontario Canada Meteor 08NOV2012

If you saw this meteor please file a meteor sighting report; thank you!
Please help by getting the word out about this event and site on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and you favorite forums.  Check security cameras in your town if you saw this and alert the local media about this event and this website; thank you!

Initial Sighting Reports-
08NOV2012 Sarah Newmarket,Ontario,Canada 21:12:00 approx 4 west large white, bright ball falling and the faded out moon had what looked like a tail it faded out slowly and was very big

08NOV2012 Braeden Miller Tottenham, ON, Canada 21:07:00 3 Facing north went down to the left. Yellow sparks Brighter than the moon. Noticed it while inside watching t.v Yes. looked similar to a sparkler. Was the brightest asteroid i've ever seen. It surprised and startled me. Seemed to last a few seconds.

08NOV2012 Rick Lash Toronto, Ontario, Canada 21:05:00 5 seconds Facing north, traveling overhead down toward north horizon Green venus plus not obviously beariing straight downward

All sighting reports can be seen at-

2012 THE Year of Meteors!