Showing posts with label Meteoritical Bulletin Database. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meteoritical Bulletin Database. Show all posts

02 November 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 2NOV2010

 Comet Hartley 2 Could Deliver Bonus Meteor Shower Yahoo News
The icy Comet Hartley 2 put on an interesting show during an unusually close pass by Earth last month and is poised to be visited by a NASA space probe on ...

WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a series of media and educational events
about the EPOXI mission's close encounter with comet Hartley 2 at
approximately 7 a.m. PDT on Thursday, Nov. 4. The spacecraft will
provide the most extensive observations of a comet in history....

SPACEcom Comet Hartley 2 Could DeliverBonus Meteor Shower
The Comet Hartley 2 may give birth to a new meteor shower this week, but it may not. Any meteors from Comet Hartley 2 would likely be best seen from Nov. ...

New address for MetBull Database 
The Meteoritical Bulletin Database has moved to a permanent home at LPI.  For now, you will be redirected there from the old address.  The new address is:

Slice of Scifi Special: Geoff Notkin of Meteorite Men (video) 21 min
A special interview with Geoff Notkin of Meteorite Men

Silica on a Mars Volcano Tells of Wet and Cozy Past
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 31, 2010
PASADENA, Calif. -- Light-colored mounds of a mineral deposited on a
volcanic cone more than three billion years ago may preserve evidence of
one of the most recent habitable microenvironments on Mars. ...

06 October 2009

USGS Meteorite Classification Quiz- 6OCT09

Meteoritical Bulletin Database

Meteorite Classification Quiz

These photographs mostly come from the Encyclopedia of Meteorites (many of the images are copyrighted). Your challenge is to attempt to classify the meteorites visually, You will get full marks for a correct answer, partial credit for being close, 0 points for no answer, and you will lose points for an incorrect answer.

Select level: Easy Medium Hard
To access the quiz (link) :

Dr. Jeffrey N. Grossman
US Geological Survey
954 National Center
Reston, VA 20192, USA
Meteoritical Bulletin Database