Showing posts with label Mansfield. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mansfield. Show all posts

21 October 2011

Mansfield, MASS. Meteor 20OCT2011

Mansfield, MASS. Meteor 7:50 pm Eastern Time 20OCT2011
-Mark B. Thank you Mark. Any Details?

Medway, MASS. Meteor shortly before 8:00 pm Eastern Time 20OCT2011
I was in my hottub last night, looking to the South, shortly before 8pm. I saw what I thought was an airplane, but there was no sound associated with it, and the lights were not blinking, nor were they on 'wings' like the typical airplane lights (we frequently see planes from the hottub). It was traveling horizontally across the sky, I'd guess about 45-60 degrees above the horizon, going west to east (or slightly southwest to slightly northeast). Very bright (as bright as Venus), but there were 2 distinct lights, one directly behind the other, followed by a bright tail. It came into my line of sight from behind some trees, so I don't know where it started in the sky; it also disappeared into trees on the far end of the yard while still bright, and I couldn't spot it through the leaves. I had the feeling that the light was fading at that point, but I'm not sure. It probably took about 10 seconds to travel across my line of sight - I wanted to run inside to get my husband, but was worried it would be gone by the time I got back. The light was so bright, it didn't seem like a regular shooting star. And I was puzzled about the path it took - across the sky instead of merely falling. That's why I thought perhaps it was a plane - but it didn't look like a plane, with the lights in a horizontal line instead of across, and not blinking. I actually stood in the hottub watching where it had disappeared into the trees, thinking maybe there'd be an explosion or something.
I went online immediately to see if there was anything going on that would explain the light; but I don't really know where to look. I did get to a NASA site that mentioned satelites, but the only one listed for that night was an hour earlier. Googling again this afternoon got me to your website, and I noticed that someone from Mansfield, Mass. had noticed something about the same time last night. Mansfield is about 20 miles from Medway, and also a small town with little light pollution.
It was fascinating. I've seen plenty of shooting stars, but those have only been a fleeting 'shot' of thin light, and seem to travel a very short period at a faster speed(at least while able to see it with the naked eye). I've also seen Halley's comet, but that travelled very slowly. This was much faster, although not as fast as the shooting stars I've seen. And so bright! And 2 lights!
Very exciting. Was it a meteorite? Thanks.-Shirley  Thank you Shirley!

Blackstone, MA, on the RI border. Approximately 7:45PM. 10/20/11
Very long tail, traveled west to east and appeared to be closer than any other meteor I've ever seen. Additionally, I would say it lasted about 10 or so seconds. It was very bright and moved across what appeared to be slightly faster than jet speed. I wasn't exactly sure what I was seeing at first. It appeared to have a smaller meteor shoot out from the front of it and then died out. Similar to a firework.  We like to watch the meteor showers and they typically appear far away. This one was different in the respect that it didn't appear to be much higher than a jet would be. Obviously, that isn't the case but it was a beautiful display just the same. -Laurie  
Thank you Laurie!

Lynn, MASS Meteor 20OCT2011
almost 8pm, standing at beach railing above high tide waves on lynn shore drive, look up to see flaming yellow object streak across dark night sky about halfway up from horizon, fairly bright like moon would be, moving much faster than a plane much slower than the usual zip of a shooting star, saw it move horizontally and slightly downward southeast to east for considerable distance like 30-40 degrees of sky (basically length of nahant island from where I was standing) for 3-4 seconds before sputtering tail burning out, never seen anything like that, surprised it's not in the news since planes all around, i see one post at same time without details from mansfield mass
Carl S.  Thank you Carl!
Carl adds: Thanks Dirk, I'm grateful to see other people reporting what I saw, and I would like to add this: Later: I see more people saw it too, and it's interesting to note that I am 50 miles or more northeast of the other reported locations. I saw it distinctly burn out over the ocean to the east-southeast, although it appeared equally large and close and low to us all. There should be security camera views of it from Logan airport and other locations. So I wonder if it was the German ROSAT satellite starting to break up a little before the expected date of this weekend,
because it really looked like a fast flaming plane, and others reported pieces actually separating in flight. ~Carl

Bellingham, MASS.
I saw the same one that Mark B in Mansfield MA saw (from your blog). Thursday October 20. I live in Bellingham MA and Mansfield is apx. 20 miles south of Bellingham.
And the time is exact because I called my husband on my cell which registers the call at 7:51.
I was sitting on my deck enjoying the fall air and I heard a loud swoosh or like a building up of wind but the trees didn't move so I thought it was odd. I looked up and slightly above the treeline I saw what looked like a shooting star. But then it got closer and bigger and didn't go out. It was huge; a big ball of orange reddish fire trailing a tail of the same color and width. It almost seemed in slow motion as it plunged downward. I lost track of it behind the trees. I swear it landed somewhere - it did not fizzle out or lose brightness.
It started south east and streaked east. I would guess it lasted at least 8 - 10 seconds, maybe longer. It was brighter than a harvest moon! Bright as the moon but red and orange! As I said, I heard a loud swoosh like wind gathering and a low rumble right before I spotted it in the sky.
My birhtday is Oct. 22 and that was the best gift ever - I will always remember it. Amazing and beautiful -Elizabeth  Thank you Elizabeth and Happy Birthday!

Gloucester, MASS. Meteor 7:50pm 10/20/2011
Looking south I saw something burning up, west to east ,flat trajectory, hot white and yellow, visible break-up and burn-up yellow to orange.
Duration: at least 6 seconds, about 30 degrees above horizon It lasted long enough to make me fear I was watching a craft burn up. -Graham  Thank you Graham!

We need your sighting report; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!