Showing posts with label Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research. Show all posts

24 June 2011

Breaking News Alert! O! NEOs to Rock, Rattle, and Roll; Asteroid 2011MD VERY Close Approach 27JUN2011

After reading below check out the update page for more:

Alert! NEOs (Near Earth Objects) Asteroids  to Rock, Rattle, and Roll! Green Meteors, Fireballs and Maybe a Bolide or More!
(Issued 24JUN2011 1:30 am Tokyo by LunarMeteorite*Hunter)
This is an alert issued by this site; we will have a very close visitor, Asteroid 2011 MD, an ~8-18m rock to pass within ~12,000 km (~7,500 miles), about the distance of a round-trip flight from Washington, D.C. to London, England (NOT far by space standards), on Monday, 27JUN2011 at 17:01 UTC.  2011 MD was discovered by the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) project located in Socorro, New Mexico on 23JUN2011, just four days before its close encounter with Earth. Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) is an MIT Lincoln Laboratory program funded by the United States Air Force and NASA.
(2011 MD) 2011-Jun-270.00010.05LD8.0 m - 18 m27.66.77
I expect we will see many large fireball events from accompanying astroidal debris, just prior to/just after, from today 23/24JUN2011 until 5JUL2011! Have your cameras pointed and ready to capture; and IF you have time get outside and observe and you might get lucky! Please help get the word out by posting a link on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, news outlets and forums, to my site; thank you: 
TokyoLunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, Japan
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Observable from (with telescope):
South Africa ~17:30 + UTC
Antarctica ~17:30 UTC / =9:30 a.m. EDT/ =8:30 a.m. CDT/=7:30 MDT/ =6:30 PDT
Approach will be visible across 
(with telescope):
Australia ~17:00 UTC (approximately 30 minutes prior to closest pass point)
New Zealand ~17:00 UTC (approximately 30 minutes prior to closest pass point)
southern and eastern Asia/ western Pacific.

* times are approximate and subject to variation; NASA site still shows closest approach time at 17:01 UTC
Best of luck in seeing it! -Tokyo

UPDATES Pending!; so check back. Be sure to bookmark this site or do an easy Google search for "Latest Worldwide" OR "Meteor News" OR "Meteorite News".
Thank you!  IF you do see a big meteor please email me at (see below in red print as to the information we need.   Thank you! O! NEO O!;
Asteroid 2011MD Orbit as Approach to Earth on 27JUN2011
Source:  NASA/JPL


AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

65909 (1998 FH12) 2011-Jun-230.137953.7400 m - 900 m19.120.98
(2007 CS5) 2011-Jun-230.116745.433 m - 75 m24.58.48
(2009 WW104) 2011-Jun-240.039915.580 m - 180 m22.612.14
(2011 KW15) 2011-Jun-260.107241.7310 m - 690 m19.721.67
(2008 WM64) 2011-Jun-260.101539.5200 m - 440 m20.617.30
3988 (1986 LA) 2011-Jun-270.185372.1700 m18.27.93
(2011 MD) 2011-Jun-270.00010.058.0 m - 18 m27.66.77
(2008 CY21) 2011-Jun-270.150558.631 m - 68 m24.79.53
(2008 YC3) 2011-Jun-290.172167.023 m - 51 m25.48.78
(2011 MC) 2011-Jun-290.073528.6130 m - 300 m21.517.19
(2010 NY65) 2011-Jun-300.144856.3120 m - 270 m21.716.27
(2002 EM7) 2011-Jul-010.028411.035 m - 79 m24.410.6

Table and Data Source:


Bend it Like Beckham! Small Asteroid to Whip Past Earth on June 27, 2011

Don Yeomans & Paul Chodas
NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office
June 23, 2011
Trajectory of 2011 MD projected onto the Earth's orbital plane. Note from this viewing angle, the asteroid passes underneath the Earth. 
Source: NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office

Trajectory of 2011 MD from the general direction of the Sun
NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office
Near-Earth asteroid 2011 MD will pass only 12,000 kilometers (7,500 miles) above the Earth's surface on Monday June 27 at about 9:30 EDT. The asteroid was discovered by the LINEAR near-Earth object discovery team observing from Socorro, New Mexico. The diagram on the left shows the trajectory of 2011 MD projected onto the Earth's orbital plane over a four-day interval. The diagram on the left gives another view from the general direction of the Sun that indicates that 2011 MD will reach its closest Earth approach point in extreme southern latitudes (in fact over the southern Atlantic Ocean). This small asteroid, only 5-20 meters in diameter, is in a very Earth-like orbit about the Sun, but an orbital analysis indicates there is no chance it will actually strike Earth on Monday. The incoming trajectory leg passes several thousand kilometers outside the geosynchronous ring of satellites and the outgoing leg passes well inside the ring. One would expect an object of this size to come this close to Earth about every 6 years on average. For a brief time, it will be bright enough to be seen even with a modest-sized telescope.

Date and Time of event?
Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? 
Start and Stop location in sky? 
Direction of movement? 
Duration of Event (seconds)? 
Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) 
color, sounds? 
Photos? Videos? please email 
Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 
2011 Year of Meteors!