Showing posts with label Korean Polar Research Institute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Korean Polar Research Institute. Show all posts

10 December 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10DEC2014

IT'S HEADED OUR WAY! Mountain-sized asteroid to enter Earth's orbit
Catholic Online
The Chelyabinsk meteor came as a complete surprise to experts. Scientists since then have been warning about the danger and trying to pool their ...

NASA Says Mountain-Sized Asteroid 2014 UR116 No Threat to Earth, Will Not Wipe-out Humanity ...
International Business Times AU
That same meteor was described as bus-sized and it already caused considerable damages. With the 2014 UR116, the projected impact and ...

Korean Scientists Investigate Meteor In Antarctica -Korean Antarctica Meteor Expedition 2014
Christianity Daily
According to Chosunbiz, Korean scientists working at the Jang Boko Science (Korean Polar Research Institute) Base in Antarctica announced they ...

MBIQ Meteor Detections 08DEC2014
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Bellevue, Nebraska arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: June 2014" by searching for meteors over nebraska. ...

Geminids 2014: How to take photos of meteorshowers
International Business Times UK
Of course, capturing photographs of a meteor shower is not the easiest task, given that it's in a low-light situation. Also, unlike fireworks, you aren't ...

Photographers in wait for spectacular meteor shower
Western Morning News
The Gemenids are unusual compared to other meteor showers as they originate from an asteroid rather than a comet, making them easier to see. ...

Geminids 2014: How, when and what time to watchmeteor shower display across the world
International Business Times UK
The Geminid meteor shower 2014 will peak on 13 and 14 December, ... As the annual meteor shower takes place in December, those living in the ...

Look up! Geminid meteor shower has begun
TORONTO – Bundle up and head outside: one of the best meteorshowers of the year has begun. The Geminid meteor shower — which peaks on the ...

Life on Earth could have started with comet impact, scientists prove
Daily Telegraph - 3 hours
Scientists have shown that molecules found in comets can break down into the building blocks of our DNA when under great heat and pressure

Rover discovery bolsters case for life on ancient Mars (+video)
The Christian Science Monitor - 10 hours
Data from NASA’s Curiosity Rover suggests that, billions of years ago, Mars had long-lasting lakes that could have potentially sustained ...

Rover discovery bolsters case for life on ancient Mars
The Christian Science Monitor - 22 hours
Data from NASA’s Curiosity Rover suggests that, billions of years ago, Mars had long-lasting lakes that could have potentially sustained ...

What Is Life? It's a Tricky, Confusing via Yahoo! News - 7 hours
Scanning electron microscope image of a mysterious oval structure in the Nakhla Mars meteorite. Though the structure resembles a microbial ...

Geminids Meteor Shower to Have its Peak on Dec.13
The Official Government News Portal of Sri Lanka
This 'rock comet' meteor shower is known as the Geminids meteor shower, because the streaks of light appears to fly out of the constellation Gemini, ...

Geminids Meteor Shower: This Week is Best Time to photograph Shooting Stars
West Texas News
The Geminids meteor shower takes place every December as earth passes through a debris trail from an asteroid called 3200 Phaethon. The meteor ...

December 13, 14 - Geminids Meteor Shower
Salisbury News
The Geminids is the king of the meteor showers. It is considered by many to be the best shower in the heavens, producing up to 120 multicolored ...

Viewing the Geminid Meteor Shower in 2014
American Meteor Society
The Geminid meteor shower is now active and will reach maximum activity on Saturday evening/Sunday morning December 13/14. Activity is currently ...

Geminid meteor shower returns December 13-14
If you trace each meteor's direction of flight backward far enough across the sky, you'll find that this imaginary line crosses a spot in the constellation ...

2014 UR116: Mountain-sized asteroid 'heading towards Earth'
If it did hit, however, it could cause an explosion 1,000 times greater than the surprise 2013 impact of a bus-sized meteor in Russia. When that body ...

The Geminid Meteor Shower
Slooh Highlights. The Geminid Meteor Shower. Tracking Rosetta's 67p. Leonid MeteorShower Highlight. Rosetta Spacecraft Comet 67P Show Promo.

Meteor shower can be seen this weekend
Free Malaysia Today
peoplemeteorshower-NASA KUALA LUMPUR: The public can witness the Geminids meteor shower this Saturday and Sunday night here. ...

Asteroid Looming Close to Earth, Warns Russian Scientist; No Impact for 150 years, Says NASA
International Business Times, India Edition
The scare of an asteroid colliding with Earth has heightened after the undetected meteor entered the Earth's atmosphere and exploded above the ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!