Showing posts with label K-T / K-Pg Boundary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label K-T / K-Pg Boundary. Show all posts

09 November 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- More K-T / K-Pg Boundary Papers 9NOV09

More K-T / K-Pg Boundary Papers

Below is another PDF file containing information about the
K-T / K-Pg Boundary event.

1. Rapid Environmental/Climate Changes And Catastrophic
Events in Late Cretaceous and Early Paleocene: RECCCE
Workshop, IGCP 555 European Group Meeting Abstracts
and Excursion Guide April 25th – 28th, 2009 Gams, Austria

Workshop and Joint Seminar coorganized by Austrian
Science Fund FWF, Russian Foundation for Basic Research
RFBR, Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austrian Committee
for IGCP), University of Vienna (Center for Earth Sciences),
Geological Survey of Austria, Nature Park Eisenwurzen, and
Styrian Nature Park Academy

The link to this publication is found on the "Cretaceous"
publications at

Rapid Environental/Climate Changes and Catastrophic Events
in Late Cretaceous and Early Paleogene. RECCCE Workshop.
IGCP 555 European Group Meeting Abstracts and Excursion
Guide April 25th – 28th, 2009 Gams, Austria // Berichte
Geol. B.-A. 2009. Bd.78. 74 pp.

2. Another paper is:

Prauss, M. L., 2009, The K/Pg boundary at Brazos-River, Texas,
USA — An approach by marine palynology. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. vol. 238, no. 3-4, pp. 195-215.

3. Finally free PDF files of a number of more papers about the
K-T / K-Pg Boundary can be found in "Christian KOEBERL,
Univ. Professor Dr. List of Publications" at:

This web page has all many other PDF files of papers about
other impact craters, impactites, meteorites, and related topics.

Source: Paul H.